483 resultados para Solidariedade
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Children learn very early which groups are stigmatized and how they should be treated. They learn formally and informally, by listening and watching people and the world around them. The construction of children's representations about disabilities starts with access to information on the subject, which may come from their caregivers, media, school etc. This work is part of a monograph that examined the effects of an educational program involving strategies for non-disabled children on conceptions and attitudes concerning mental disability. This paper refers to the initial characterization of these children and their access to information on disability, and to identifying previous access, source and memory of such information. The study included 40 children from two classrooms of the first grade of a public school in Marília, SP. The children were interviewed using an individual semi structured questionnaire. Many children said they did not have access to information on the subject. Among those who had previous access to the information, the television was the most frequent source of information, and characteristics of the deficiencies, relations with diseases and encouragement of solidarity were among the contents reminded by them. The data emphasize the need for the media to expand concerns with the content presented to the public, for parents and teachers to become more involved with the issue, seeking to be informed and revise their own conceptions, in order to transform the subject into something that is part of daily school and family environment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A violência, fenômeno multifacetado e socialmente recorrente, há muito invadiu os muros das escolas. Diversos são os relatos sobre manifestações de violência na escola que vão desde a violência simbólica, verbal até a física. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as atuais concepções sobre a violência e articular estas com as teorias do desenvolvimento da moralidade humana, com o intuito de estudar as formas de como essa violência, segundo a teoria do desenvolvimento moral, aparece nas escolas na contemporaneidade. Concluímos que as teorias do desenvolvimento moral, tanto na sua parte teórica quanto metodológica, andam se tornando fundamentais na busca de diálogos que promovam mais amadurecimento de conceitos como: a dignidade, a justiça, a bondade, a solidariedade e ao respeito a outros seres humanos, com o intuito de promover uma educação pacificadora e, desta forma, anular significativamente a violência e a sua banalização, principalmente nas escolas.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Physical education in their school environment can contribute positively in the training of students as it is in this discipline that many students feel more motivated to discuss and reflect on conflicts related to school life or in society. In this study we treat the rugby exploring attitudes and values that are present in this sport, considered important for the development of the student, with the methodological approach the dimensions of the contents developed by Coll et al. (2000) and Zabala (1998). Thus, the aim of this study was to develop rugby content emphasizing the values linked to it with students of the 5th year of primary education in a public school in the city of Rio Claro / SP. Among the values are integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect that will be developed through conceptual and procedural lessons about rugby and its educational values, also taking advantage of situations up to during classes for discussions. The survey was conducted for 3 months. The evaluation was by holding a tournament organized by the students and by the researcher to observe what they learned regarding the dimensions of rugby contents (conceptual, Procedural and Attitudinal) and an essay where students expressed the experiences. As a result we see the importance of working educational values in society and the implementation of educational sports at school as a motivational tool. With the contribution of this research, it is expected that rugby can be worked in schools as an educational sport for the training of the individual and the development of physical culture of the students
Adolescents with a course of life based on the lack of ethical and moral values are more vulnerable to the practice of infractions, and in this case the statute of the child and adolescent assumes their insertion on socio educative measures. The objective of this research is to identify the moral development phase in adolescents who are in confl ict with the law. Thirty male adolescents between fi fteen and eighteen years old, who are inserted on the socio educative care Center, were studied. Data were collected through futsal game observation, without the presence of a referee and structured interview, according to the general lines of the Clinical Method of PIAGET (1994). The arrangement of the collected data confi rmed our hypothesis – these adolescents are still with the characteristics of a heteronomical moral, confi rmed by the differences between conscience and the practice of rules in a game situation. Although they know the rules, these are only respected in order to get some benefi ts, like not charging foul, deceive the opponent or simply win the match. It is presumed that the rules would only be respected in the presence of an authority (referee), because he would impose punishments and privations. However, it is believed that the results of this study may become a parameter to educators in order to create favorable situations which can be preventive and interventive to the socio moral development, minimizing suffering and seizing opportunities to the formation of citizens with higher ethical and moral standards, who are able to choose the way to the solidarity, cooperation and justice.
This article evaluates the influence of culture and elements from organizational bonds in the perception of communicative process between a public teaching hospital and its users, and the strategies used to overcome difficulties in this dialogue. It was possible to evaluate how the dialogue is perceived in a scenario marked by organizational bonds such as identification, belonging feeling, idealization of the organization and solidarity.
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho visou a avaliar a concepção de responsabilidade social de gestores e empregados de algumas empresas que participam da Política Nacional de Integração da Pessoa com Deficiência. A amostra foi constituída por 57 sujeitos, divididos em dois grupos: gestores e empregados. O grupo de gestores foi formado por 19 profissionais de recursos humanos, e o grupo de empregados, por 38 profissionais com deficiência. Os sujeitos foram solicitados a escrever as associações evocadas pelas palavras responsabilidade social em um período de 90 segundos. A partir dos dados coletados, as respostas dos sujeitos foram agrupadas em oito categorias: preocupação com o ambiente, inclusão social, solidariedade, respeito, compromisso social, sentimentos e atitudes positivos, coletividade e outras respostas. A análise estatística do Qui-quadrado permitiu rejeitar a hipótese nula com um alto grau de probabilidade. Verificou-se que o maior número de respostas associadas ao conceito de responsabilidade social concentrou-se nas categorias inclusão social, sentimentos/atitudes positivos e preocupação com o meio ambiente que, em conjunto, englobaram pouco mais da metade (52%) do total das respostas. A fim de avaliar o grau de associação entre as respostas dos gestores e dos empregados, foi calculado o coeficiente de correlação posto-ordem de Spearman. Os resultados permitiram identificar uma rede de conceitos associados ao conceito de responsabilidade social, tal como previsto por uma das teorias sobre formação de conceitos: a visão teórica.
A educação ao ar livre, por meio de cursos no formato expedição, ainda acontece de forma tímida no Brasil. Entende-se por expedição uma experiência educacional contínua, de múltiplos dias, em que alunos e instrutores aventuram-se em um trajeto em área remota da natureza de forma autossuficiente. O presente estudo analisa os cursos desse tipo. Por meio de entrevistas e questionários semiestruturados, investigou-se a aprendizagem dos alunos segundo suas próprias percepções e as dos educadores da instituição, com ênfase no desenvolvimento moral do indivíduo. Como parte do estudo de caso sobre um aluno adolescente participante de um dos cursos, entrevistou-se também uma psicóloga que coordena um abrigo para menores. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os cursos de educação ao ar livre caracterizam-se por experiências que estimulam trabalhos em grupo, debates sobre justiça e solidariedade, e reflexões sobre valores e princípios como coragem, esforço pessoal, disciplina, respeito e superação de limites. Os resultados também indicam que tal proposta educacional aufere experiências sensíveis e de conexão do ser humano com a natureza. Muito embora haja potencial educacional para a educação ao ar livre, a atuação do educador perante seus alunos é fundamental para que as experiências sejam física e psicologicamente seguras, alcancem seus potenciais pedagógicos de desenvolvimento da moralidade e ajudem as pessoas a desenvolverem uma consciência ambiental, manifestada por meio de ações concretas ao retornarem dos cursos para suas comunidades.
It is intended to discuss the prospect of collective work in solidarity economy, from experiences with those of the Cooperative Riachao workers, located in a rural community in the municipality of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais / Brazil, this approximately 240 farming families extractive are benefited with the generation of jobs and income through initiatives grounded in associations, cooperatives and collectives. Among the 80 to 90 years, appeared inBrazil experiences of solidarity, resulting economy of the labor market crisis and rising unemployment, and an important response to the workers in relation to changes in the world of work. It is grounded in the organization of groups of workers, by way of solidarity, community, cooperation, and self-management reactions. In this sense, we intend to present the achievements, challenges and dilemmas of workers COOPERIACHAO, around a project that aims at empowerment of social actors and social transformation of the subject
This article aims to analyze the movement of weavers' strike (according to an specific context), its origins, actions and consequences, prompting the internal system of factories (their regulations), the hierarchical relationships of power, and struggles to guarantee the right of association, which resulted in the stoppage of all activities of the textile sector. The attitude to go on a strike, mobilizations and the stroll show that the direction of the movement and the working class were aware of their actions and those likely consequences, what signalize, beforehand, the ideological, classist and political character of women´s actions: radicalized by the practices of confronting the authoritarianism employers and threats (police repression, harassment of the press). They endured through the collective support and a network of solidarity
The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba