1000 resultados para Soja - Plantio
Soybean cross-seeding tillage came from better spatial arrangement of plants per area, so some producers have opted for this tillage system, which consists in seeding the area in two steps, forming a chessboard with perpendicular lines of tillage. This study aims to analyse the soybean productivity and production costs when it planted in different dispositions of crossed tillage. The experiment was conducted during the harvests 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at Lageado Farm of the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in an area cultivated under no-tillage. The experimental design was in randomized block with five treatments and eight replications. The treatments were: seeding in parallel rows with recommended fertilization and recommended plant population (conventional); cross-seeding with doubled fertilization and doubled plant population; cross-seeding with recommended plant population and doubled fertilization; cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization; cross-seeding with fertilization and recommended plant population. The results showed statistical difference among the treatments, with increased productivity for the cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization. However the conventional tillage with parallel lines shows higher net earnings than soybean cross-seeding, being more profitable for producer.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Relação entre macrofauna, agregação e atributos edáficos em sequência de culturas sob plantio direto
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Biodiesel is a reality in Brazil, due to the National Program of Biodiesel Production and Use (PNPB), which became mandatory in 2008 in adding 2% biodiesel in all diesel sold in a blend known as B2. The agribusiness sector responded to the federal program, facing many difficulties in biodiesel production, which highlights the supply of raw material. Problems related to biodiesel production were mainly the shortage of vegetable oil, because of demand from domestic and foreign markets, and rising prices of raw materials available for production, making this biofuel production economically feasible, even in Brazil, where agricultural production costs are among the most competitive in the world. The crambe is a specie that has aroused the interest of Brazilian producers due to oil content, hardiness, and mechanized cultivation, mainly for being a winter crop, it becomes one more option for farmers in this period. In addition, you can compose systems of crop rotation as well as being used as ground cover in winter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential for productive and cost of production of crambe, conducted in no-tillage system, to compare these parameters with other oil crops such as sunflower, canola and soybean. The trial was conducted in the agricultural year 2008 at the Experimental Farm Lageado belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences - UNESP, located in Botucatu - SP. The estimated yield was 1.507,05 kg ha-1, resulting in a production of 561,94 liters of oil per hectare. The cost of installation and conduct of crambe per hectare was R$ 875,87, resulting in a cost of R$ 1,56 per liter of oil, the lowest cost among the oilseed crops analyzed.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of preparation: intermediate grade, minimum tillage and no-till on the agronomic characteristics and energy demand of transgenic soybean cultivars and non-GMO soybeans. Soil preparation aims at improving physical, chemical and biological conditions, aiming at good emergence and plant development. The different types of tillage may interfere with the agronomic characteristics and productivity of plants, and in energy use which can cause variation in production costs. Genetically modified plants can be one of the alternatives for reduction of production costs in crops by reducing pesticide applications, enabling higher productivity with less environmental impact. The test was conducted in 2010/2011 at the agricultural Experimental Farm Lageado, belonging to the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences – UNESP, located in the city of Botucatu, SP in an area using no-till systems for the past 12 years. The experiment was carried out in a 3 x 2 factorial, randomized treatments were comprised of three soil preparation systems, minimum cultivation, intermediate grade preparation and no-till, with two cultivars of soybeans: MGBR-46 Conquest (conventional), Valuable RR (Transgenic). The data obtained was submitted to variance analysis using Tukey test at a 5% probability. With the results analyzed it might be observed that there was no significant difference between treatments, in the variables, the percentage of soil cover, final soybean plant population, grain yield and plant height. The results obtained show that the no-till system resulted in higher productivity than conventional tillage and minimum cultivation. The higher specific energy use per area was observed in minimum cultivation with a chisel plough, when compared to the preparation across the grid. The greatest fuel consumption was to treat minimum cultivation with chisel plough. The highest values were found in the skating system of minimum cultivation, being greater in conventional tillage system. It is more satisfactory for the producer to sow transgenic soy using a no-till system, because productivity retrieved from that system compensates for fuel expenditure.
Increasing out-of-season corn productivity is possible by the application of nitrogen fertilizers even when in succession to soybean. On the other hand, information concerning the best sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting the doses to be applied is still scarce. Having that in mind, an experiment was carried out viewing to evaluate the effects of sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting doses of those N fertilizers on out-of-season corn sown in succession to soybean cultivated in a no-tillage system. The experiment took place in Chapadão do Céu, state of Goiás, Brasil (latitude of 18°35’42’’ South, longitude of 52°47’59’’ West and mean altitude above sea level of 802 m) in an Acrutox. The experimental units were distributed in the field in accordance with a randomized complete block design, in a factorial scheme 3 X 5 + 1, with four replications. Three were the sources of N: urea, urea extruded with starch (Amireia®) and ammonium sulfonitrate with a nitrification inhibitor (Entec®) and five the ways of splitting the nitrogen dose : 90-0, 60-30, 45-45, 30-60, and 0-90 in which the first fraction was applied at sowing and the second in side dressing. In addition to those, there was a check treatment, without N. All plots received, at sowing, 12 kg ha-1 of N by the mixture NPK. The ways of splitting the N dose and the sources of N had no significant effect on the levels of N and S in the leaves, first ear height, the final plant population, the number of ears per plant, and the number of grains per ear. N in the Entec® form at the highest doses applied in side dressing resulted in the highest grain yield, independently of the way the N dose was split. Only in the form Entec® the dose of 90 kg ha-1 of N increased grain productivity by 9.6% in comparison with the check treatment.
Several factors induce soybean growers to seek new alternatives to increase productivity, in order to always surpass the previous harvest. In an attempt to meet this need in order to become more competitive, new technologies emerge. Currently, for example, the plantation system crossover, double row and dense, gaining media coverage and among researchers, aroused interest in research institutions. To date, there are still few studies with a scientific concrete, quantifies the real benefit of these cropping systems. The technique consists of sowing planting crossed the same area twice at right angles, forming checkerboard. In the planting row and the denser planting increases the number of plants per hectare, but the way they are arranged is what differentiates. Apparently these systems imply some issues, such as the use of inputs that the principle would double, as the plant population in the area will be changed, so possibly the incidence of insect pests and pathogens increase in these cropping systems. The purpose of this literature review is to provide updated information on technology, benefit from it, as it is being used and the research being conducted to provide scientific basis for soybean producer.
As culturas do milho e da soja respondem pela maior parte da produção nacional de grãos, predominando o sistema de plantio direto. Para uma semeadura direta de qualidade, o bom aterramento do sulco é indispensável, pois garante um ambiente adequado às sementes. Neste sentido, é importante estimar a mobilização de solo promovida por uma haste sulcadora estreita durante esta operação. O modelo analítico existente visa representar a mobilização do solo no sistema de plantio convencional. Como consequência, há situações em que este não pode se aplicado, como no caso de hastes sulcadoras estreitas utilizadas em semeadoras de plantio direto. Nestas situações, o mecanismo de falha do solo pode se alterar, assumindo um comportamento não modelado na literatura. Essa pesquisa propõe um modelo fuzzy capaz de representar estas situações, aproveitando conhecimento da teoria de mecânica dos solos e da análise de resultados experimentais. No modelo proposto, parte das regras descrevem situações não abrangidas pelo modelo analítico, as quais foram formuladas a partir da estimativa das prováveis áreas de solo mobilizado. O modelo fuzzy foi testado com dados de experimentos conduzidos durante a pesquisa, em duas condições de granulometria de solo (arenoso e argiloso). O modelo proposto reproduziu as tendências observadas nos dados experimentais, mas superestimou os valores de área observados, sendo esse efeito bem mais intenso para os dados do experimento em solo arenoso. A superestimativa ocorreu devido à soma de diversos fatores. Um deles é a diferença entre as leituras experimentais, as quais consideram apenas o solo realmente movimentado, e a premissa do modelo analítico, que considera toda a área de solo incluindo aquela cisalhada, porém não mobilizada. Outro fator foi devido ao efeito do disco de corte da palha, que pré-cisalha o solo à frente da ferramenta. No ensaio em solo arenoso os valores observados de área de solo mobilizado foram menores que os esperados, intensificando o efeito de superestimativa do modelo fuzzy, sendo que este efeito não representa uma deficiência deste modelo.
On the national scene, soybean crop occupies a prominent position in cultivated area and volume production, being cultivated largely in the no tillage system. This system, due to the intense traffic of machines and implements on its surface has caused soil compaction problems, which has caused the yield loss of crops. In order to minimize this effect the seeder-drill uses the systems to opening the furrow by shank or the double disc type. The use of the shank has become commonplace for allowing the disruption of the compacted surface layer, however requires greater energy demand and may cause excessive tillage in areas where there is not observed high levels of compaction. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of furrowers mechanisms and levels of soil compacting on traction requirement by a seeder-drill and on the growing and productivity of soybean in an Oxisol texture clay, in a two growing seasons. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks with split plots with the main plots composed of four levels of soil compaction (N0 – no tillage without additional compaction, N1, N2 and N3 – no tillage subjected to compaction through two, four and six passes with tractor, respectively) corresponding to densities of soil 1.16, 1.20, 1.22 and 1.26 g cm-3, and subplots by two furrowers mechanisms (shank and double disc) with four replicates. To evaluate the average, maximum and specific traction force requested by the seeder-drill, was used a load cell, with capacity of 50 kN and sensitivity of 2 mV V-1, coupled between the tractor and seeder-drill, whose data are stored in a datalogger system model CR800 of Campbell Scientific. In addition, were evaluated the bulk density, soil mechanical resistance to penetration, sowing depth, depth and groove width, soil area mobilized, emergence speed index, emergence operation, final plant stand, stem diameter, plant height, average number of seeds per pod, weight of 1,000 seeds, number of pods per plant and crop productivity. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, the mean of furrowers were compared by Tukey test (p≤0.05), while for the factor soil compaction, polynomial regression analysis was adopted, selected models by the criterion of greater R2 and significance (p≤0.05) of equation parameters. Regardless of the crop season, penetration resistance increase as soil compaction levels up to around 0.20 m deep, and bulk density influenced the sowing quality parameters, however, did not affect the crop yield. In the first season, there was a higher productivity with the use of the shank type. In the second crop season, the shank demanded greater energetic requirement with the increase of bulk density and opposite situation with the double disc. The locking of sowing lines allow better performance of the shank to break the compacted layer.
The seed size used for seeding has caused doubts among soybean producers. The study aimed to determine whether there may be differences between seed size with respect to depth of fertilizer deposition. The field experiment was conducted at the Experimental Area UTFPR Campus Pato Branco, using a precision seeder for direct seeding. The design was a randomized blocks, with five repetitions. The treatments were composed by the combination of two seed sizes (large seed with 6,5 mm and 5,5 mm with small seed) and two fertilizer deposition depths in relation to the seed (fertilizer near the seed with about 3 cm away and fertilizer distant from the seeds with about 10 cm). Data were subjected to analysis of variance. When the test value F was significant at 5% probability was applied to the Duncan test for comparison of means. The shallower depth of fertilizer deposition provided larger number of pods per plant and increased number of grains per plant. Already the largest depth of fertilizer deposition provided greater plant height at 30 days after sowing and R2 stage, greater ground area mobilized, higher plant population in all periods, greater depth of deposition of seeds and a higher rate of emergency speed.
O trabalho relata a avaliação socioambiental na cadeia produtiva da soja para geração de biodiesel, na região de Londrina/PR. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico uma oficina de trabalho com a aplicação de uma ferramenta de avaliação de impacto socioambiental, o Eco-cert.Rural (Sistema Base de Eco-certificação de Atividades Rurais). A oficina ocorreu em 17 de abril de 2008, na Embrapa Soja, reunindo 17 atores sociais envolvidos com a cadeia produtiva da soja, na região de Londrina/PR. A avaliação explicitou as principais tendências de desempenho dos indicadores de impacto socioambiental, segundo o conhecimento e experiência dos atores sociais envolvidos na época da avaliação. Houve alteração no objeto de avaliação do trabalho de cadeia produtiva da soja para geração de biodiesel para cadeia de produção da soja com práticas intensivas de plantio direto. Isto porque, os especialistas foram unânimes em afirmar que o processo produtivo agrícola de soja, na região de Londrina/PR, não se alterou em função do uso desta matéria-prima na produção de biodiesel. Constatou-se inicialmente que na região de Londrina/PR a produção de soja em sistema de plantio direto intensivo traz efeitos negativos sobre o Desempenho Ecológico, que são comuns em atividades agrícolas devido à dependência da agricultura de fontes e meios de produção externos. Ainda assim, há efeito positivo para o critério Recuperação Ambiental, dentro desta dimensão. O Desempenho Socioambiental beneficiado por essa cadeia produtiva com impactos positivos para a maioria dos critérios indicadores, destacando-se a capacitação dos produtores, a geração e diversidade de fontes de renda e o valor das propriedades.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de forrageiras tropicais em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária sobre a qualidade física do solo, na região nordeste do Estado do Mato Grosso.
A avaliação da segurança é essencial para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento das plantas geneticamente modificadas (PGMs), incluindo a análise dos riscos potenciais do plantio ou das práticas relacionadas ao seu cultivo para o meio ambiente e seus efeitos para a saúde humana e animal de maneira comparativa com a variedade convencional. O emprego do método GMP ? RAM (Risk Assessment Method for Genetically Modified Plants), a primeira metodologia para avaliação caso a caso dos riscos de PGMs, possibilita a adoção de medidas para evitar ou controlar tal risco. A possibilidade de inserir indicadores específicos para a avaliação da PGM em questão e a necessidade de elaborar a lista de recomendações a partir dos resultados levantados permite uma análise caso a caso do evento. Neste trabalho, foi realizado o estudo de caso da segurança alimentar e ambiental da Soja Roundup Read, que evidenciou a inexistência de risco potencial desde que medidas de manejo e monitoramento sejam seguidas.
A aplicação de dejetos de suínos em solos cultivados pode alterar suas características químicas, físicas e biológicas. Estes estudos são importantes para compreensão e recomendação de práticas conservacionistas de uso do solo, que visam minimizar os efeitos da produção agrícola nos recursos naturais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM) do solo, em três profundidades, após a aplicação de cinco doses de dejetos líquidos de suínos (DLS) em sistema de plantio direto (SPD) e convencional (SPC). O experimento foi instalado em 1997, na Estação Experimental do Instituto Agronômico do Paraná, em Palotina, Paraná, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de textura argilosa. Os tratamentos foram a aplicação de 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 m3 ha-1 ano-1 de dejetos de suínos no solo cultivado em SPD ou SPC, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Em outubro de 2015, após o cultivo de aveia (Avena strigosa), foram coletadas amostras de solo, nas profundidades de 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm e 20-40 cm, para determinação dos atributos químicos e do CBM. O DLS apresentou em g L-1 58,20 de massa seca; 5,52 N; 3,97 P; 1,4 K; 3,32 Ca; 2,16 Mg; 0,01 Cu; 0,23 Zn; 0,06 Mn; densidade de 1,01 g cm-3 e condutividade de 10,72 mS cm-1. O CBM foi avaliado pelo método de fumigação-extração. O teor de carbono nos extratos foi quantificado por titulação com sulfato ferroso amoniacal, após a oxidação do dicromato de potássio por digestão sulfúrica. O CBM foi calculado utilizando um fator de correção Kc de 0,33. A análise de variância foi realizada a 5% de probabilidade e, quando significativo pelo teste F, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. O CBM, com a aplicação de DLS no SPD, apresentou valores médios de 457, 355 e 284 micrograma C-CBM g solo nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm, respectivamente. No SPC, o CBM, com a aplicação de DLS, apresentou valores médios de 400, 284 e 253 micrograma C-CBM g solo, respectivamente, nas mesmas profundidades. Não houve efeito significativo das doses de DLS sobre o CBM nas profundidades 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm, tanto sob SPD quanto SPC. Os valores de CBM foram maiores no SPD quando comparados com SPC na profundidade de 0-10 cm e 10-20 cm, não diferindo entre si na profundidade de 20-40 cm. Houve interação significativa entre as doses de DLS e SPD sobre o CBM, somente na adição das doses de 0 e 120 m3 ha-1 ano-1 DLS na profundidade de 10-20 cm.