930 resultados para Social workers--Vocational guidance.
Aquest treball de fi de grau constitueix una proposta d’investigació sobre el fenomen del burnout o síndrome d’esgotament professional que pateixen molts treballadors socials. Concretament, es pretenen analitzar els factors causants d’aquesta síndrome així com les seves conseqüències en termes estructurals i organitzatius, de qualitat en l’atenció a les persones i personals per part dels professionals del treball social. La necessitat i interès d'abordar el tema es deu a les evidències científiques, realitzades en d’altres països, que confirmen que l'exposició als factors de risc psicosocials afecten la salut del professional i a tota l'organització. Més encara en un moment de crisi econòmica en la qual els treballadors socials han d’atendre a una major quantitat d’usuaris amb diversitat de dificultats i en situacions més complexes. En el nostre país, la investigació sobre la síndrome del burnout en l’àmbit dels treballadors socials és pràcticament inexistent, raó per la qual es fa més necessari potenciar recerques que es focalitzin en aquesta realitat.Aquest document és el resultat d’un treball continuat que comprèn tant la cerca i lectura de la bibliografia existent i rellevant sobre el fenomen del esgotament professional, com una primera fase exploratòria per contrastar el marc teòric amb la realitat catalana, concretament la de la comarca del Gironès. Posteriorment, i a partir dels resultats obtinguts, es presenta el disseny d’una investigació que ha de cobrir tot l’àmbit català. En aquest cas, s’ha optat per fer una recerca amb una metodologia qualitativa (entrevistes i grups de discussió), ja que l’objectiu és copsar les vivències, percepcions i opinions dels treballadors socials sobre les causes del burnout i les seves conseqüències. Els resultats d'aquesta investigació són considerats una oportunitat per identificar àrees de millora en l'organització de la feina i altres aspectes rellevants com el disseny del lloc de treball, les relacions interpersonals i a nivell personal
L’atenció a l’etapa final de la vida de les persones és un dels pilars fonamentals de les cures pal·liatives i és des de la professió del treball social que es pot promoure aquesta atenció en concepte de qualitat, tranquil·litat i preservació dels valors de les persones en situació terminal. És per aquesta raó que s’ha elaborat el present document d’investigació, el qual compta inicialment amb un recull bibliogràfic que abraçarà la metodologia d’intervenció dels treballadors socials en el sistema de les cures pal·liatives de l’Estat espanyol i del Regne Unit, país pioner en la creació de les unitats de cures pal·liatives. En aquest recull s’emmarcaran detalladament les diferències existents en termes d’intervenció i de desenvolupament d’aquest àmbit en els dos territoris. La descripció detallada dels dos models d’intervenció pretén donar la resposta a l’interrogant sobre quina és la metodologia d’intervenció que realitzen els treballadors socials en el sistema de cures pal·liatives. Per assolir aquesta resposta, s’adrecen qüestions com els objectius que lideren el treball d’aquests professionals, les funcions que realitzen en la seva pràctica professional diària i les habilitats de les que han de disposar per tal d’aconseguir que la seva intervenció sigui òptima, tant per als mateixos professionals com per a les persones amb les quals intervenen. Posteriorment a la revisió bibliogràfica, es realitzaran tres entrevistes exploratòries a tres treballadors socials de diferents nivells sanitaris que promoguin les cures pal·liatives a Catalunya. S’analitzaran les qüestions treballades en el recull bibliogràfic (objectius, funcions i habilitats dels treballadors socials), les quals permetran comparar la perspectiva teòrica cercada amb la informació primària obtinguda. Finalment, es planteja una proposta de projecte que permetrà aprofundir en la intervenció dels treballadors socials de Catalunya i del Regne Unit, realitzant una comparació entre els dos models a través de la realització de quaranta-vuit entrevistes repartides homogèniament per els dos territoris. D’aquesta manera, s’especificaran totes aquelles accions que es puguin millorar i les intervencions que siguin més òptimes per la tipologia d’atenció que es requereix en els sistemes de les cures pal·liatives d’avui en dia.
Introduction. If we are to promote more patient-centred approaches in care delivery, we have to better characterize the situations in which being patient-centred is difficult to achieve. Data from professionals in health and social care are important because they are the people charged with operationalizing patient-centred care (PCC) in their daily practice. However, empirical accounts from frontline care providers are still lacking, and it is important to gather experiences not only from doctors but also from the other care providers. Indeed, experiences from different professions can help inform our understanding of patient care, which is expected to be both patient-centred and collaborative. Methods. This study was based on the following research question: What factors make the provision of PCC difficult to achieve? Sample and setting. A purposeful sampling technique was used, allowing for a series of choices about the participants and their professional affiliation. Because patient-centredness is the focus, 3 professions appeared to be of special interest: general internists, nurses and social workers. The study was undertaken in the General Internal Medicine Division of a teaching hospital located in a North American context. Data Collection. To answer the research question, a methodological approach based on a theory called phenomenology was chosen. Accordingly, semi-structured interviews were used since they generate understanding of the meanings different individuals have of their lived world. Interviews with 8 physicians, 10 nurses and 10 social workers were eventually conducted. Data analysis. An inductive thematic analysis was employed to make sense of the interview data. Results. The thematic analysis allowed identifying various types of challenges to PCC. Although most of the challenges were perceived by all three groups of professionals, they were perceived to a different degree across the professions, which likely reflected the scope of practice of each profession. The challenges and their distribution across the professions are illustrated in Table 1. Examples of challenges are provided in Table 2. Discussion. There is a tension between what is supposed to be done - what stands in the philosophy of patient -centredness - and what is currently done - the real life with all the challenges to PCC. According to some participants' accounts, PCC clearly risks becoming a mere illusion for health care professionals on which too great pressures are imposed.
El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la efectividad de las políticas activas llevadas a cabo por el Servicio de Ocupación de Cataluña (SOC) durante el año 2005. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la aplicación de técnicas de matching muestran que la probabilidad de encontrar trabajo para un individuo que participó en alguna de las acciones del SOC analizadas es 5 puntos porcentuales superior en relación a los que no participaron. El análisis individualizado de los diferentes programas ha mostrado la eficacia de la mayor parte de las acciones realizadas. Por último, los resultados obtenidos también han puesto de manifiesto la mejora adicional que supone la combinación de algunas de las acciones.
In this paper a brief outline of the origin and development of vocational guidance and career development during the 20thcentury is presented We elaborate a summary of the changes society has suffered during the last decades, and which affect career counselling either directly or indirectly, and which imply a need for modifications in the current approach to career counselling. Subsequently, we propose new perspectives that will be needed to face these changes, and which have been suggested by different authors. Also some competencies needed by career counselors while acting at different levels of intervention are suggested
The purpose of the present thesis was to explore different aspects of decision making and expertise in investigations of child sexual abuse (CSA) and subsequently shed some light on the reasons for shortcomings in the investigation processes. Clinicians’ subjective attitudes as well as scientifically based knowledge concerning CSA, CSA investigation and interviewing were explored. Furthermore the clinicians’ own view on their expertise and what enhances this expertise was investigated. Also, the effects of scientific knowledge, experience and attitudes on the decision making in a case of CSA were explored. Finally, the effects of different kinds of feedback as well as experience on the ability to evaluate CSA in the light of children’s behavior and base rates were investigated. Both explorative and experimental methods were used. The purpose of Study I was to investigate whether clinicians investigating child sexual abuse (CSA) rely more on scientific knowledge or on clinical experience when evaluating their own expertise. Another goal was to check what kind of beliefs the clinicians held. The connections between these different factors were investigated. A questionnaire covering items concerning demographic data, experience, knowledge about CSA, selfevaluated expertise and beliefs about CSA was given to social workers, child psychiatrists and psychologists working with children. The results showed that the clinicians relied more on their clinical experience than on scientific knowledge when evaluating their expertise as investigators of CSA. Furthermore, social workers possessed stronger attitudes in favor of children than the other groups, while child psychiatrists had more negative attitudes towards the criminal justice system. Male participants held less strong beliefs than female participants. The findings indicate that the education of CSA investigators should focus more on theoretical knowledge and decision making processes as well as the role of beliefs In Study II school and family counseling psychologists completed a Child Sexual Abuse Attitude and Belief Scale. Four CSA related attitude and belief subscales were identified: 1. The Disclosure subscale reflecting favoring a disclosure at any cost, 2. The Pro-Child subscale reflecting unconditional belief in children's reports, 3. The Intuition subscale reflecting favoring an intuitive approach to CSA investigations, and 4. The Anti Criminal Justice System subscale reflecting negative attitudes towards the legal system. Beliefs that were erroneous according to empirical research were analyzed separately. The results suggest that some psychologists hold extreme attitudes and many erroneous beliefs related to CSA. Some misconceptions are common. Female participants tended to hold stronger attitudes than male participants. The more training in interviewing children the participants have, the more erroneous beliefs and stronger attitudes they hold. Experience did not affect attitudes and beliefs. In Study III mental health professionals’ sensitivity to suggestive interviewing in CSA cases was explored. Furthermore, the effects of attitudes and beliefs related to CSA and experience with CSA investigations on the sensitivity to suggestive influences in the interview were investigated. Also, the effect of base rate estimates of CSA on decisions was examined. A questionnaire covering items concerning demographic data, different aspects of clinical experience, self-evaluated expertise, beliefs and knowledge about CSA and a set of ambiguous material based on real trial documents concerning an alleged CSA case was given to child mental health professionals. The experiment was based on a 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 (leading questions: yes vs no) x (stereotype induction: yes vs no) x (emotional tone: pressure to respond vs no pressure to respond) x (threats and rewards: yes vs no) between-subjects factorial design, in which the suggestiveness of the methods with which the responses of the child were obtained were varied. There was an additional condition in which the material did not contain any interview transcripts. The results showed that clinicians are sensitive only to the presence of leading questions but not to the presence of other suggestive techniques. Furthermore, the clinicians were not sensitive to the possibility that suggestive techniques could have been used when no interview transcripts had been included in the trial material. Experience had an effect on the sensitivity of the clinicians only regarding leading questions. Strong beliefs related to CSA lessened the sensitivity to leading questions. Those showing strong beliefs on the belief scales used in this study were even more prone to prosecute than other participants when other suggestive influences than leading questions were present. Controversy exists regarding effects of experience and feedback on clinical decision making. In Study IV the impact of the number of handled cases and of feedback on the decisions in cases of alleged CSA was investigated. One-hundred vignettes describing cases of suspected CSA were given to students with no experience with investigating CSA. The vignettes were based on statistical data about symptoms and prevalence of CSA. According to the theoretical likelihood of CSA the children described were categorized as abused or not abused. The participants were asked to decide whether abuse had occurred. They were divided into 4 groups: one received feedback on whether their decision was right or wrong, one received information about cognitive processes involved in decision making, one received both, and one did not receive feedback at all. The results showed that participants who received feedback on their performance made more correct positive decisions and participants who got information about decision making processes made more correct negative decisions. Feedback and information combined decreased the number of correct positive decisions but increased the number of correct negative decisions. The number of read cases had in itself a positive effect on correct positive decision.
The aim of this study is to determine the profile of dependent elderly people users of the home care services (SAD) of the regional council in Osona (Consell Comarcal d´Osona) , and the characteristics of formal and informal types of support they use. Methodology. An observational study of a transversal format has been carried out, with retrospective and descriptive purposes. The target population is 63 people (26 men and 37 women) included in the program of the regional SAD They have a recognized dependence grade approved by the law 39 /2006, December 14th , promoting the individual autonomy and care of elderly people in a dependent situation. The data were collected by social workers of basic social services, first with a home visit and followed by handed out questionnaires, specifically designed for this study, in order to obtain information on socio-demographic characteristics, and the type of support formal and informal. The obtained results on the SAD users are women in a 58.7% and a 41.3 % are men. The 84% of the total sampling are 80 years old and more, being the average age of 85.2 years old. 45% of them are married, 41% are widows and widowers and 14% are single. 54% are rated with severe dependence (grade II), 42.8% with high dependence (grade III). 86% live accompanied. 100% have an informal caregiver and a 95% of the times, the caregiver is a relative who in 73% of the cases the dedication time is permanent. The coverage of the SAD has an average of 4.27 hours per week and per user. The formal services most used are the technical (62%), also the assessment of an occupational therapist at home (57%) and the telecare service in a (56%). Conclusions. The SAD is used primarily for women in an advanced age and severe dependence. The informal assistance structures have an informal caregiver, being a member of the family mostly, living with the dependent, and mainly in a permanent dedication basis. The SAD has a varied intensity in each case. The formal support services complementary to the SAD, are largely used in all cases.
Els riscos ètics als serveis socials en temps de crisi es multipliquen i s’intensifiquen, però en essència no es tracta de riscos nous ni diferents dels que es podien produir en temps de bonança econòmica i social. No obstant, la cruesa del context dels serveis socials bàsics (freqüència de les situacions límit que s'han d'atendre, les qüestions internes i externes de la pràctica professional, el malestar i desencant dels professionals) pot suposar una oportunitat de visibilitat i prendre consciència d'aquests riscos ètics. A la vegada, l'anàlisi i l'abordatge d'aquest nou context des d'una perspectiva ètica pot suposar un antídot que permeti ressituar la pràctica professional (amb els seus límits, però també amb les seves possibilitats), millorar-ne la qualitat i la transparència, i, de retruc, trencar amb la dinàmica de cronificació de la insatisfacció i queixa professional. És a dir, la perspectiva ètica pot ajudar a aixecar la moral dels professionals. Així doncs, amb aquesta recerca pretenem assolir els següents objectius: Identificar els riscos ètics de la intervenció als serveis socials bàsics en relació als efectes i l'impacte de la crisi econòmica; analitzar els diferents riscos ètics identificats i efectuar propostes d'abordatge i minimització d'aquests riscos ètics
The value of career education is measured by the extent to which it enhances students' decision making skills regarding career planning. This is referred to as "career maturity". The purpose of this study was to examine what connections could be found between career education and career maturity within one career planning course. A senior level career planning class was studied in depth for one semester and five senior students participated in the study. The five students were interviewed three times during the semester to determine whether, and to what extent, students feel more prepared personally to make decisions as a result of a guided course of instruction. The current trend in education shows an increased emphasis on career education. The government mandates career education, students are in need of career planning courses, and parents want students to learn how to effectively make decisions concerning their future. With this increased emphasis comes the need to evaluate current career education programs which is why this study is significant and useful. The central findings were as follows: first, as a result of taking a career planning course students did increase their career maturity. Second, current career education planning curriculum was similar to the proposed course of study for career planning which comes into effect in September 1999. Current curriculum does help to prepare students to make informed educational and career decisions, a chief aim of the proposed curriculum. Knowing that this outcome is currently achieved will help when the course is being organized to fit the new curriculum.
This study examined the interrelationships among life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and happiness and the selected demographic variables of income, age, marital status, education, sex, job tenure, job title, type of school, and location of employment. Survey data were collected from 1,993 elementary, high school, and community college teachers in the southern Ontario area, representing ten public school boards, three Roman Catholic school boards and three community colleges. Several theories were utilized in developing thirteen hypotheses and eleven experimental hypotheses. A thorough review of the literature (to January, 1980) was undertaken and major conclusions noted. Hoppock's (1935) Job Satisfaction Measure, Gurin, Veroff, and Feld's (1960) Happiness Scale, and Converse and Robinson's (1965) Life Satisfaction Scale were used as the instrument. Chi-square analysis was employed as the statistical method. Indicative of the findings: the level of education taught was significantly related to all three organizational variables, sex was unrelated to life satisfaction though positively related to job satisfaction, and income was found not to be related to either happiness or life satisfaction. A minority of findings were contrary to hypothesized relationships. Specifically, age was found to be unrelated to any of the three organizational variables, and educational achievement was not significantly related to happiness. A model was developed to illustrate the interrelationships of the organizational and demographic variables. This model was designed specifically to reflect teacher attitudes, though it may have reasonable application for other relatively homogeneous groups of employees such as nurses, engineers, or social workers.
Forty-five 12- and 13-year-old females attending Grade 7 in North York, Ontario were randomly selected from a group of 100 females who had volunteered to participate in a oneday hands-on workshop called It's Your Choice at Seneca College. The goals of this intervention were to broaden the career horizons of these students and to help them realize the need to continue mathematics and science through high school in order to keep occupational options unlimited. The young women were given a pre- and post-attitude survey to provide background information. In the month following participation in the workshop the students were interviewed in small groups (S students per group) to discover their perceptions of the impact of the workshop. The interviews revealed that participants felt that after the workshop their feelings of self-confidence increased, specifically with respect to working with their hands. Participants felt more aware of the usefulness and importance of the study of mathematics, science and technology, They also felt that It's Your Choice increased their interest in careers in these domains and helped them to see that these careers are viable choices for females. The interviews also revealed that many of the participants felt that in this society their roles and their choices were influenced and probably limited by the fact that they are female.
This thesis takes some steps in examining the child protection system from a position that is rarely discussed. Specifically, I explore how Foucault's concept of disciplinary power can be used to demonstrate how power operates within the client/worker relationship. This relationship is shown to be quite complex with power flowing bidirectionally, rather than hierarchically. Instead of viewing power imbalances as a function of state control, I show how the client/worker relationship is constituted by the worker, the client, the organization and the social body. A postmodern auto ethnography is used to document my journey as I expose the disciplinary practices and instruments that I was subject to and used with my clients. 2 Given that the child protection system is constantly shifting and changing in order to improve its ability to safeguard children a greater emphasis is required to examine how workers operate within this complex, overwhelming and multi-dimensional world. This thesis has shown that by engaging in a reflexive examination of my position of power different approaches to making intervention beneficial to all involved become available. This is important if child protection work aims to work with clients rather than on clients.
La schizophrénie découle d’une modification du fonctionnement du cerveau et entraîne divers symptômes qui ont pour conséquence une altération de la perception de la réalité, des troubles cognitifs, et des dysfonctionnements sociaux et comportementaux. En plus des observations cliniques de jour, la schizophrénie montre également des signes nocturnes qui peuvent se manifester durant le rêve. Cette thèse vise à caractériser les rêves dans la schizophrénie et cherche à explorer les relations qui existent entre les caractéristiques du contenu onirique des personnes atteintes de schizophrénie et les symptômes de cette maladie. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparé diverses mesures de l’activité onirique recueillies auprès de 14 participants atteints de schizophrénie traités sous antipsychotiques atypiques et 15 participants témoins par le biais de questionnaires et de collectes de rêves en laboratoire à la suite d’éveils provoqués en sommeil paradoxal (SP) et en sommeil lent (SL). Les résultats obtenus au questionnaire révèlent que les participants atteints de schizophrénie rapportent un nombre de cauchemars plus élevé comparativement aux participants témoins. Les collectes en laboratoire démontrent une fréquence de rappel de rêves équivalente au sein des deux groupes de participants, indépendamment du stade de sommeil durant lequel elles sont effectuées. Les récits de rêves du SL des deux groupes de participants sont généralement plus courts et comprennent un nombre moins élevé d’items quantifiables comparativement à ceux du SP. Les récits de rêves recueillis en SP et en SL chez les participants atteints de schizophrénie s’avèrent plus courts que ceux des participants témoins et, lorsque le nombre de mots est pondéré, la plupart des différences observées dans le contenu de rêve entre les deux groupes tendent à disparaître. En comparaison aux participants témoins, ceux atteints de schizophrénie évaluent leurs rêves comme étant moins bizarres, en dépit d’un nombre équivalent d’éléments bizarres dans leurs récits. Finalement, bien qu’il n’y ait pas de différence dans la densité des mouvements oculaires rapides (MORs) entre les deux groupes de participants, seuls les participants témoins montrent une corrélation positive entre les MORs et certaines variables du contenu onirique. Les résultats de la présente thèse suggèrent que les caractéristiques du contenu onirique des personnes atteintes de schizophrénie peuvent refléter certaines des manifestations psychopathologiques de cette maladie.
En réadaptation en déficience physique, les intervenantes psychosociales utilisent plusieurs types de savoirs, mais la relation entre ceux-ci est peu étudiée. Ce projet regarde quelle place ces intervenantes accordent à différents types de savoirs dans leurs pratiques. Nous distinguons savoirs théoriques, produits scientifiquement, savoirs pratiques, produits par l’action et l’expérience, et savoirs existentiels, englobant croyances et valeurs. Les données recueillies qualitativement par huit entrevues semi-dirigées auprès d’intervenantes psychosociales en réadaptation ont été codifiées et analysées horizontalement et verticalement. Ceci démontre que tous les savoirs ont une place dans l’intervention et qu’ils devraient être égaux et complémentaires. Ils remplissent des fonctions influençant divers aspects de l’intervention ou s’adressant à différents acteurs, à différents moments de l’intervention. Ce projet a permis de construire des savoirs pratiques et des savoirs théoriques qui ont des retombées sur la pratique et la recherche, mais laissent plusieurs points en suspens à reprendre ultérieurement.
L’exploitation sexuelle à des fins commerciales fait de plus en plus de victimes en Inde. Compte tenu de l’ampleur constatée du phénomène et de la gravité de ses multiples conséquences, notre recherche vise à mieux connaître et comprendre l’expérience vécue par les femmes se livrant à des activités sexuelles contre rémunération. Plus précisément, elle a comme objectifs de décrire le cheminement ayant conduit ces femmes à se livrer à de telles pratiques ainsi que leur réalité quotidienne et comment elles perçoivent leur situation pour ensuite être en mesure de formuler des propositions d’interventions préventives ou s’adressant aux femmes se livrant déjà à des activités sexuelles à des fins commerciales. Nous avons choisi de nous intéresser aux femmes vivant et se prostituant à la gare de Varanasi. Une approche qualitative a été privilégiée dans la réalisation de la recherche. Huit entrevues ont été réalisées avec des femmes et fillettes qui se prostituent à la gare, trois avec des intervenants sociaux y travaillant et l’observation in situ a permis d’enrichir le matériel recueilli. Ces prostituées sont souvent issues d’un milieu familial dysfonctionnel. C’est en situation de fuite ou d’abandon familial qu’elles s’installent à la gare. Il s’agit d’un endroit où les femmes sont en situation d’extrême vulnérabilité et où les conditions de vie sont misérables. Exposées aux dangers de la vie à la gare et accessibles aux proxénètes, la prostitution devient une option pour y survivre. Les besoins d’intervention auprès de ces femmes sont multiples et y répondre est complexe. Une approche favorisant la réduction des méfaits et la prévention paraît être les avenues à privilégier.