373 resultados para SmartPhones
Many cloud-based applications employ a data centre as a central server to process data that is generated by edge devices, such as smartphones, tablets and wearables. This model places ever increasing demands on communication and computational infrastructure with inevitable adverse effect on Quality-of-Service and Experience. The concept of Edge Computing is predicated on moving some of this computational load towards the edge of the network to harness computational capabilities that are currently untapped in edge nodes, such as base stations, routers and switches. This position paper considers the challenges and opportunities that arise out of this new direction in the computing landscape.
A popularidade dos dispositivos móveis tem vindo a aumentar significativamente nos últimos anos e, com isso, surge a necessidade de aceder à Internet nos smartphones e tablets, quer para fins laborais quer para lazer. Devido às limitações de tráfego nas redes móveis, como 3G ou 4G, as pessoas procuram conectar-se aos pontos de acesso nas suas proximidades para poupar tráfego móvel. Os pontos de acesso também são uma outra forma de se conseguir conectar à Internet no estrangeiro, mesmo quando não se tem disponível um plano de dados móveis. As soluções existentes, que visam conectar os seus utilizadores à Internet através de pontos de acesso, requerem o pagamento de uma taxa elevada ou violam a privacidade das redes Wi-Fi ao permitir que todos os utilizadores se consigam conectar sem a devida autorização dos proprietários e que consumam tráfego e largura de banda sem quaisquer restrições. Com este trabalho pretende-se permitir que os proprietários das redes possam limitar os recursos de quem acede às suas redes (tráfego, largura de banda e/ou número de utilizadores conectados) usando apenas uma aplicação Android para fazer todo o controlo de acesso e limitação de recursos. Além de limitar os recursos pretende-se possibilitar a interoperabilidade entre pontos de acesso de diferentes plataformas para permitir que utilizadores de diferentes operadores de telecomunicações possam partilhar as suas redes mutuamente. Para se atingir estes objetivos foi desenvolvido um sistema composto por uma aplicação Android e um servidor web. O teste da solução foi feito através de testes com utilizadores, identificando-se que os participantes partilharam maioritariamente as suas próprias redes. A maioria dos utilizadores optou por partilhar as suas redes de forma pública (com todos os utilizadores) e limitar o número de utilizadores conectados para salvaguardar o desempenho da sua ligação. Com este trabalho, consegue-se concluir que é possível incentivar os utilizadores a partilhar as suas redes caso estejam presentes mecanismos que consigam manter a privacidade da rede e que lhes consigam dar controlo sobre a partilha.
Sedan smartphones uppkomst har valfriheten att välja olika sorters ljudsignal till väckarklockan höjts till ny nivå för användarens vardag. Med mp3 har signalvalet växt fram med musikens bredd för många och i det här fallet går det att välja om man exempelvis vill vakna långsamt med en lugn, harmonisk melodi eller ge sig en morgonkick med intensiv rockslinga. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad som motiverar användarna att välja en viss typ av signal och även varför de andra alternativen inte funkar lika bra samt hur stor andel ligger mellan dem. Undersökningen genomfördes med två olika metoder; en där musikintresserade fick svara på en enkät med frågor rörande deras val av väckningssignal; och en där försökspersoner under några dagar fick pröva att vakna till olika typer av musik och sedan beskriva hur musikstyckena påverkade upplevelsen av uppvaknandet och resten av morgonen. Resultatet visar att vi främst ställer in signalen på vår väckarklocka efter våra önskemål på stämning och att tempo är den viktigaste faktorn i ljudets/musikens uttryck.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
BACKGROUND: Despite their increasing popularity, little is known about how users perceive mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet PCs in medical contexts. Available studies are often restricted to evaluating the success of specific interventions and do not adequately cover the users' basic attitudes, for example, their expectations or concerns toward using mobile devices in medical settings. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to obtain a comprehensive picture, both from the perspective of the patients, as well as the doctors, regarding the use and acceptance of mobile devices within medical contexts in general well as the perceived challenges when introducing the technology. METHODS: Doctors working at Hannover Medical School (206/1151, response 17.90%), as well as patients being admitted to this facility (213/279, utilization 76.3%) were surveyed about their acceptance and use of mobile devices in medical settings. Regarding demographics, both samples were representative of the respective study population. GNU R (version 3.1.1) was used for statistical testing. Fisher's exact test, two-sided, alpha=.05 with Monte Carlo approximation, 2000 replicates, was applied to determine dependencies between two variables. RESULTS: The majority of participants already own mobile devices (doctors, 168/206, 81.6%; patients, 110/213, 51.6%). For doctors, use in a professional context does not depend on age (P=.66), professional experience (P=.80), or function (P=.34); gender was a factor (P=.009), and use was more common among male (61/135, 45.2%) than female doctors (17/67, 25%). A correlation between use of mobile devices and age (P=.001) as well as education (P=.002) was seen for patients. Minor differences regarding how mobile devices are perceived in sensitive medical contexts mostly relate to data security, patients are more critical of the devices being used for storing and processing patient data; every fifth patient opposed this, but nevertheless, 4.8% of doctors (10/206) use their devices for this purpose. Both groups voiced only minor concerns about the credibility of the provided content or the technical reliability of the devices. While 8.3% of the doctors (17/206) avoided use during patient contact because they thought patients might be unfamiliar with the devices, (25/213) 11.7% of patients expressed concerns about the technology being too complicated to be used in a health context. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in how patients and doctors perceive the use of mobile devices can be attributed to age and level of education; these factors are often mentioned as contributors of the problems with (mobile) technologies. To fully realize the potential of mobile technologies in a health care context, the needs of both the elderly as well as those who are educationally disadvantaged need to be carefully addressed in all strategies relating to mobile technology in a health context.
Using modern devices like smartphones and tablets offers a wide variety of advantages; this has made them very popular as consumer devices in private life. Using them in the workplace is also popular. However, who wants to carry around and handle two devices; one for personal use, and one for work-related tasks? That is why “dual use”, using one single device for private and business applications, may represent a proper solution. The result is “Bring Your Own Device,” or BYOD, which describes the circumstance in which users make their own personal devices available for company use. For companies, this brings some opportunities and risks. We describe and discuss organizational issues, technical approaches, and solutions.
Introdução – Os serviços de comunicação móvel para tablets, smartphones, e-book readers desenvolveram-se de forma extremamente rápida nos últimos anos assumindo-se como uma rede de aprendizagem privilegiada para os estudantes. Em 2012, 55% dos estudantes do ensino superior possuíam um smarthphone, 62% dispunham de um ipod e 21% tinham de um tablet. 67% usavam-nos em contexto académico. Objetivo – Apresentar de forma sucinta a resposta das bibliotecas de ensino superior ao crescimento da utilização dos dispositivos móveis e como é que os parceiros das bibliotecas, em especial os editores, estão a potenciar essa utilização. Métodos – A partir de uma seleção e análise de bibliografia sobre a temática realizou-se uma pesquisa na internet, nos sites de bibliotecas de ensino superior e nas páginas dos editores que permitisse aferir evidências. Resultados – Identificaram-se cinco serviços e 23 recursos. Discussão – Um primeiro serviço prende-se com a adaptação dos conteúdos dos websites das bibliotecas de forma a serem lidos por qualquer tipo de dispositivos. Outro serviço identificado foi a disponibilização do catálogo da biblioteca online tornando-o acessível aos dispositivos móveis, permitindo a pesquisa e a localização de informação, a reserva ou a renovação de documentos. Identificou-se o desenvolvimento de algumas coleções especificamente para os dispositivos móveis. Constatou-se a utilização de códigos QR para divulgar normas de funcionamento da biblioteca, recursos, o mapa, o contacto do serviço de referência e para geolocalização. Por fim verificou-se a utilização de SMS para informar os utilizadores sobre reservas, prazos de empréstimo, entre outras informações. O recurso mais comum na maioria dos sites analisados foi a disponibilização de uma versão do website para dispositivos móveis de que são exemplos a Cambridge Journals Online mobile, o EBSCOhost mobile, o SpringerLink, a OVIDToday, o UpToDate, a PubChase e a BrowZine. Com o objetivo de tornar os seus produtos acessíveis on-the go, oferecem inúmeras possibilidades, nomeadamente de pesquisa, de acesso a textos integrais, de elaboração de listas de interesse personalizadas, de leitura offline, entre outras que podemos encontrar na aplicação da EBSCOhost mobile, na JAMA Network, na OVIDToday, no portal de Periódicos CAPES ou na plataforma Ebrary da ProQuest. Em ferramentas como a UpToDate ou os aplicativos da Elsevier e da Micromedex é disponibilizada informação baseada na evidência e recomendações que podem ser aplicadas em consulta. Os gestores de referências bibliográficas como o Mendeley e o Zotero também acompanharam esta tendência e desenvolveram aplicações para dispositivos móveis. Para além disso funcionam de forma integrada com outras aplicações como a Browzine e a Pubchase. Conclusão – O recurso às tecnologias móveis é uma forma das bibliotecas manterem canais de comunicação com os utilizadores, mas embora existam muitas vantagens no uso das tecnologias móveis a implementação destes serviços implica um esforço financeiro e humano que nem todas as bibliotecas serão capazes de cumprir. Encontrar a forma de gerir este processo é o desafio que se impõe no futuro.
Internet users consume online targeted advertising based on information collected about them and voluntarily share personal information in social networks. Sensor information and data from smart-phones is collected and used by applications, sometimes in unclear ways. As it happens today with smartphones, in the near future sensors will be shipped in all types of connected devices, enabling ubiquitous information gathering from the physical environment, enabling the vision of Ambient Intelligence. The value of gathered data, if not obvious, can be harnessed through data mining techniques and put to use by enabling personalized and tailored services as well as business intelligence practices, fueling the digital economy. However, the ever-expanding information gathering and use undermines the privacy conceptions of the past. Natural social practices of managing privacy in daily relations are overridden by socially-awkward communication tools, service providers struggle with security issues resulting in harmful data leaks, governments use mass surveillance techniques, the incentives of the digital economy threaten consumer privacy, and the advancement of consumergrade data-gathering technology enables new inter-personal abuses. A wide range of fields attempts to address technology-related privacy problems, however they vary immensely in terms of assumptions, scope and approach. Privacy of future use cases is typically handled vertically, instead of building upon previous work that can be re-contextualized, while current privacy problems are typically addressed per type in a more focused way. Because significant effort was required to make sense of the relations and structure of privacy-related work, this thesis attempts to transmit a structured view of it. It is multi-disciplinary - from cryptography to economics, including distributed systems and information theory - and addresses privacy issues of different natures. As existing work is framed and discussed, the contributions to the state-of-theart done in the scope of this thesis are presented. The contributions add to five distinct areas: 1) identity in distributed systems; 2) future context-aware services; 3) event-based context management; 4) low-latency information flow control; 5) high-dimensional dataset anonymity. Finally, having laid out such landscape of the privacy-preserving work, the current and future privacy challenges are discussed, considering not only technical but also socio-economic perspectives.
A primary goal of context-aware systems is delivering the right information at the right place and right time to users in order to enable them to make effective decisions and improve their quality of life. There are three key requirements for achieving this goal: determining what information is relevant, personalizing it based on the users’ context (location, preferences, behavioral history etc.), and delivering it to them in a timely manner without an explicit request from them. These requirements create a paradigm that we term as “Proactive Context-aware Computing”. Most of the existing context-aware systems fulfill only a subset of these requirements. Many of these systems focus only on personalization of the requested information based on users’ current context. Moreover, they are often designed for specific domains. In addition, most of the existing systems are reactive - the users request for some information and the system delivers it to them. These systems are not proactive i.e. they cannot anticipate users’ intent and behavior and act proactively without an explicit request from them. In order to overcome these limitations, we need to conduct a deeper analysis and enhance our understanding of context-aware systems that are generic, universal, proactive and applicable to a wide variety of domains. To support this dissertation, we explore several directions. Clearly the most significant sources of information about users today are smartphones. A large amount of users’ context can be acquired through them and they can be used as an effective means to deliver information to users. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Flickr and Foursquare provide a rich and powerful platform to mine users’ interests, preferences and behavioral history. We employ the ubiquity of smartphones and the wealth of information available from social media to address the challenge of building proactive context-aware systems. We have implemented and evaluated a few approaches, including some as part of the Rover framework, to achieve the paradigm of Proactive Context-aware Computing. Rover is a context-aware research platform which has been evolving for the last 6 years. Since location is one of the most important context for users, we have developed ‘Locus’, an indoor localization, tracking and navigation system for multi-story buildings. Other important dimensions of users’ context include the activities that they are engaged in. To this end, we have developed ‘SenseMe’, a system that leverages the smartphone and its multiple sensors in order to perform multidimensional context and activity recognition for users. As part of the ‘SenseMe’ project, we also conducted an exploratory study of privacy, trust, risks and other concerns of users with smart phone based personal sensing systems and applications. To determine what information would be relevant to users’ situations, we have developed ‘TellMe’ - a system that employs a new, flexible and scalable approach based on Natural Language Processing techniques to perform bootstrapped discovery and ranking of relevant information in context-aware systems. In order to personalize the relevant information, we have also developed an algorithm and system for mining a broad range of users’ preferences from their social network profiles and activities. For recommending new information to the users based on their past behavior and context history (such as visited locations, activities and time), we have developed a recommender system and approach for performing multi-dimensional collaborative recommendations using tensor factorization. For timely delivery of personalized and relevant information, it is essential to anticipate and predict users’ behavior. To this end, we have developed a unified infrastructure, within the Rover framework, and implemented several novel approaches and algorithms that employ various contextual features and state of the art machine learning techniques for building diverse behavioral models of users. Examples of generated models include classifying users’ semantic places and mobility states, predicting their availability for accepting calls on smartphones and inferring their device charging behavior. Finally, to enable proactivity in context-aware systems, we have also developed a planning framework based on HTN planning. Together, these works provide a major push in the direction of proactive context-aware computing.
Within the business context, communication and interaction tends to be considerably rooted in the use of English (as lingua franca), as well as in ICT use. Thus, professionals have to be able to speak the English language, resorting to specific, internationally recognised terminology and be proficient in the use of manifold ICT tools. In fact, the tendency is for the great majority of higher education (HE) students to own mobile devices (laptops, smartphones and/or tablets) and use them to access information and communicate/interact with content and other people. Bearing this in mind, a teaching and learning strategy was designed, in which m-learning (i.e. learning in which the delivery platform is a mobile device) was used to approach Business English Terminology (BET). The strategy was labelled as ‘BET on Top Hat’, once the selected application was Top Hat (https://tophat.com/) and the idea was for students to face it as if it were a game/challenge. In this scenario, the main goals of this exploratory study were to find evidence as to: i) the utility of m-learning activities for learning BET and ii) if and how m-learning activities can generate intrinsic motivation in students to learn BET. Participants (n=23) were enrolled in English II, a curricular unit of the 1st cycle degree in Retail Management offered at Águeda School of Technology and Management – University of Aveiro (2014/15 edition). The data gathered included the students’ results in quizzes and their answers to a short final evaluation questionnaire regarding their experience with BET on Top Hat. Consequently, data were treated and analysed resorting to descriptive statistical analysis, and, when considered pertinent, the teacher’s observation notes were also considered. The results unveil that, on the one hand, the strategy had a clear positive impact on the students’ intrinsic motivation and, on the other hand, the students’ performance as to BET use tended to improve over time.
With the prevalence of smartphones, new ways of engaging citizens and stakeholders in urban planning and govern-ance are emerging. The technologies in smartphones allow citizens to act as sensors of their environment, producing and sharing rich spatial data useful for new types of collaborative governance set-ups. Data derived from Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) can support accessible, transparent, democratic, inclusive, and locally-based governance situations of interest to planners, citizens, politicians, and scientists. However, there are still uncertainties about how to actually conduct this in practice. This study explores how social media VGI can be used to document spatial tendencies regarding citizens’ uses and perceptions of urban nature with relevance for urban green space governance. Via the hashtag #sharingcph, created by the City of Copenhagen in 2014, VGI data consisting of geo-referenced images were collected from Instagram, categorised according to their content and analysed according to their spatial distribution patterns. The results show specific spatial distributions of the images and main hotspots. Many possibilities and much potential of using VGI for generating, sharing, visualising and communicating knowledge about citizens’ spatial uses and preferences exist, but as a tool to support scientific and democratic interaction, VGI data is challenged by practical, technical and ethical concerns. More research is needed in order to better understand the usefulness and application of this rich data source to governance.
Acompanha: Sequência didática: trabalhando o conceito e as características dos fungos: pesquisa de campo para identificação dos fungos
Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
Os Dispositivos Móveis envolvem uma série de aparelhos tecnológicos cujos protagonistas são os smartphones e os tablets que na atualidade superam os tradicionais desktops para acesso à rede. Com o objetivo de conceituar Dispositivos Móveis e apontar as características da recuperação da informação móvel, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica realizada na Scopus, Brapci (Base de dados referencial de artigos de periódicos em Ciência da Informação) e Google Acadêmico. Os resultados mostram o que é a recuperação da informação móvel, técnicas e áreas de pesquisa relacionadas. Conclui que existe pouca literatura científica sobre a temática e que são necessários mais estudos sobre a recuperação da informação móvel.