489 resultados para Skyrmion textures


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El manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales relacionados con proyectos de utilización de los recursos hídricos (entre otros), requiere en muchos casos de la modificación del relieve existente. Esto conlleva la necesidad de adecuación de la capa homogénea superior del suelo, operación que suele denominarse "sistematización", la cual facilita una distribución más uniforme de las lluvias y del agua de riego. Esta modificación de la capa superior del suelo es realizada en base a un proyecto, cuya inclinación responda a las pendientes naturales o a las establecidas por el diseñador. En la ejecución del diseño proyectado, en superficies superiores a una hectárea, el movimiento de tierra se realiza con equipos pesados, que no aseguran un alto porcentaje de eficiencia en lo que al movimiento de tierra se refiere, ya que parte del material se pierde en el acarreo, pero muy especialmente, por la compactación desuniforme del mismo, asociada con las texturas complejas del suelo a trabajar. El presente trabajo determinó el índice de precisión en la ejecución del proyecto de sistematización a partir de un índice estadístico internacionalmente aceptado, el "Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)", comparando los valores altimétricos proyectados y los realmente obtenidos luego de la ejecución del proyecto, en tres parcelas con distinta secuencia de labores y maquinaria utilizadas, pero con el mismo tipo de suelo en el área del eje Pilar - La Plata (Argentina). Los resultados obtenidos, que varían de un RMSE de 4 a 6 cm, permiten concluir, para los sitios y las condiciones estudiadas, que no pueden asegurarse en la sistematización índices de precisión en la ejecución de la obra, inferiores a los 4 cm.


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La presencia de arsénico (As) en suelos permite su migración hacia cultivos como el garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.). En este trabajo se comparan contenidos de As en tres suelos de dos estados de la República Mexicana, y su acumulación en C. arietinum L. Los suelos resultaron moderadamente alcalinos, no salinos, reductores intermedios y con potenciales zeta (pZ) que indican suspensiones coloidales moderadamente estables. Con moderados contenidos de humedad y texturas franco- arcillosas, densidad aparente, capacidad de campo, agregados estables y capacidad de intercambio catiónico, significativamente diferentes y semejantes en velocidad de infiltración y espesor del horizonte A. En materia orgánica, carbono y nitrógeno son significativamente diferentes y con bajos contenidos. Existen diferencias importantes entre semillas de C. arietinum L. certificadas o no en su capacidad de germinación y desarrollo de raíces. El efecto genotóxico del As en raíces de C. arietinum L. se apreció por inducción de micronúcleos, reducción de 2,8 veces la división celular de muestras tratadas con agua con As, respecto de muestras control. Se apreció incremento de As de 9,5 veces en plántulas germinadas en suelo de El Salitre, que en suelo de Bella Vista, indicativo de migración del As. La suma de efectos de concentración de As en suelos y agua se incrementa 15,3 veces. Entre suelos de Bella Vista y Querétaro la correlación fue 2,9 veces mayor. En controles positivos los IBAs resultan 3 veces mayores que en las pruebas experimentales.


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The transition from magmatic crystallization to high-temperature metamorphism in deep magma chambers (or lenses) beneath spreading ridges has not been fully described. High-temperature microscopic veins found in olivine gabbros, recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B on the Southwest Indian Ridge during Leg 176, yield information on the magmatic-hydrothermal transition beneath spreading ridges. The microscopic veins are composed of high-temperature minerals, (i.e., clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, brown amphibole, and plagioclase). An important feature of these veins is the 'along-vein variation' in mineralogy, which is correlated with the magmatic minerals that they penetrate. Within grains of magmatic plagioclase, the veins are composed of less calcic plagioclase. In grains of olivine, the veins are composed of orthopyroxene + brown amphibole + plagioclase. In clinopyroxene grains, the veins consist of plagioclase + brown amphibole and are accompanied by an intergrowth of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene. The mode of occurrence of the veins cannot be explained if these veins were crystallized from silicate melts. Consequently, these veins and nearby intergrowths were most likely formed by the reaction of magmatic minerals with fluid phases under the conditions of low fluid/rock ratios. Very similar intergrowths of brown amphibole + orthopyroxene are observed in clinopyroxene grains with 'interfingering' textures. It is believed, in general, that the penetration of seawater does not predate the ductile deformation within Layer 3 gabbros of the slow-spreading ridges. If this is the case, the fluid responsible for the veins did not originate from seawater because the formation of the veins and the interfingering textures preceded ductile deformation and, perhaps, complete solidification of the gabbroic crystal mush. It has been proposed, based on fluid inclusion data, that the exsolution of fluid from the latest-stage magma took place at temperatures >700°C in the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at the Kane Fracture Zone (MARK) area. No obvious mineralogical evidence, however, has been found for these magmatic fluids. The calculated temperatures for the veins and nearby intergrowths found in Hole 735B gabbros are up to 1000°C, and these veins are the most plausible candidate for the mineralogical expression of the migrating magmatic fluids.


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Es licenciado en Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza- Argentina Ha recibido 24 premios en su actividad como grabador, dibujante y pintor La pintura de Thormann puede enrolarse dentro de la corriente surrealista con un marcado expresionismo dado por líneas, texturas y colores que le otorgan fuertes y personales caracteristicas Es miembro de jurados de salones provinciales y nacionales Es profesor titular de la cátedra de dibujo en la carrera de diseño de la Universidad Champagnat y docente del colegio San Jorge, Mendoza Argentina Diseñó y realizó las cajas lumínicas de la fiesta nacional de la vendimia 2004 Su actividad incluye exposiciones, cursos y trabajos docentes en distintas ciudades de Latinoamérica. Sus obras se exponen y forman parte de colecciones privadas y públicas en Chile, Canada, Taiwán, Mexico, España, Inglaterra y USA Actualmente reside en Mendoza, Argentina


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The paper presents materials on composition and texture of weakly serpentinized ultrabasic rocks from the western and eastern walls of the Markov Deep (5°30.6'-5°32.4'N) in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Predominant harzburgites with protogranular and porphyroclastic textures contain two major generations of minerals: the first generation composes the bulk of rocks and consists of Ol_89.8-90.4 + En_90.2-90.8 + Di_91.8 + Chr (Cr#32.3-36.6, Mg#67.2-70.0), while the second generation composes very thin branching veinlets and consists of PlAn_32-47 + Ol_74.3-77.1 + Opx_55.7-71.9 + Cpx_67.5 + Amph_53.7-74.2 + Ilm. Syndeformational olivine neoblasts in recrystallization zones are highly magnesian. Concentrations and covariations of major elements in harzburgites indicate that these rocks are depleted in mantle residues (high Mg# of minerals and whole-rock samples and low in CaO, Al2O3, and TiO2) that are significantly enriched in trace HFSE and REE (Zr, Hf, Y, LREE, and all REE). Mineralogy and geochemistry of harzburgites were formed by interaction of mantle residues with hydrous, strongly fractionated melts that impregnated them. Mineral composition of veinlets in harzburgites and mineralogical-geochemical characteristics of related plagiogranites and gabbronorites suggest that these plagiogranites were produced by melt residuals after crystallization of gabbronorites. Modern characteristics of harzburgites were shaped by the following processes: (i) partial melting of mantle material simultaneously with its subsolidus deformations, (ii) brittle-plastic deformations associated with cataclastic flow and recrystallization, and (iii) melt percolation along zones of maximal stress relief and interaction of this melt with magnesian mantle residue.


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Fifty m of basement rocks underlying 185 m of Neogene and Mesozoic sediments were drilled seaward of the Mazagan Slope about 100 km west of Casablanca during Leg 79. These rocks are metagranites with mylonitic textures consisting dominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar. Chemically, they are strongly peraluminous. This along with the absence of hornblende suggest that these rocks are similar to the S-type granites. Petrographic and chemical data suggest the possible existence of a former weathering surface on top of the Mazagan metagranite.


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A comprehensive hydroclimatic data set is presented for the 2011 water year to improve understanding of hydrologic processes in the rain-snow transition zone. This type of dataset is extremely rare in scientific literature because of the quality and quantity of soil depth, soil texture, soil moisture, and soil temperature data. Standard meteorological and snow cover data for the entire 2011 water year are included, which include several rain-on-snow events. Surface soil textures and soil depths from 57 points are presented as well as soil texture profiles from 14 points. Meteorological data include continuous hourly shielded, unshielded, and wind corrected precipitation, wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature, and incoming solar and thermal radiation data. Sub-surface data included are hourly soil moisture data from multiple depths from 7 soil profiles within the catchment, and soil temperatures from multiple depths from 2 soil profiles. Hydrologic response data include hourly stream discharge from the catchment outlet weir, continuous snow depths from one location, intermittent snow depths from 5 locations, and snow depth and density data from ten weekly snow surveys. Though it represents only a single water year, the presentation of both above and below ground hydrologic condition makes it one of the most detailed and complete hydro-climatic datasets from the climatically sensitive rain-snow transition zone for a wide range of modeling and descriptive studies.


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The geotechnical characteristics of 22 sediment samples from Leg 84 sites were studied in an effort to associate these with processes active along the Middle America slope and with sedimentation mechanisms. Geotechnical properties measured include water content, porosity, bulk density, Atterberg limits, consolidation characteristics, permeability, and vane shear strength. A majority of samples obtained from Sites 565, 568, and 570 show significant disturbance resulting from degassing. This disturbance apparently results in underconsolidation, although other mechanisms such as excess pore pressures generated from the subduction process can also contribute to this state. Overconsolidated sediments were found at Sites 565, 566, and 569. The overconsolidated sediments at Sites 565 and 569 may result from downslope transport mechanisms rearranging and stressing the sediment mass under consideration. The sediment condition at Site 566 is probably a result of eroded overburden: an estimated 87 m of overlying sediments may have been removed. Geotechnical and permeability relationships with depth are consistent with those found for other hemipelagic sediments of silty clay to clayey silt textures.


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Authigenic carbonate mineral distributions are compared to pore-water geochemical profiles and used to evaluate diagenesis within sedimentary sections containing gas hydrates on the Blake Ridge (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 994, 995, and 997). Carbonate mineral distributions reveal three distinct diagenetic zones. (1) Carbonate minerals in the upper 20 m are primarily biogenic and show no evidence of diagenesis. The d13C and d18O values of calcite within this zone reflects marine carbonate (~0 per mil Peedee belemnite [PDB]) formed in equilibrium with seawater. (2) Between 20 and 100 mbsf, calcite d13C values are distinctly negative (as low as -7.0 per mil), and authigenic dolomite is common (~2-40 wt%) with d13C values between -3.6 per mil and 13.7 per mil. (3) Below 100 mbsf, dolomite abundance decreases to trace amounts, and disseminated siderite becomes the pervasive (~2-30 wt%) authigenic carbonate. Both siderite textures and stable isotope values indicate direct precipitation from pore fluids rather than dolomite replacement. The d13C and d18O values of siderite vary from 5.0 per mil to 10.9 per mil and 2.9 per mil to 7.6 per mil, respectively. Comparisons between the d13C profiles of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and pore-water concentration gradients, with the d13C and d18O values of authigenic carbonates, delineate a distinct depth zonation for authigenic carbonate mineral formation. Coincidence of the most negative d13CDIC values (<=-38 per mil) and negative d13C values of both calcite and dolomite, with pore-water alkalinity increases, sulfate depletion, and decreases in interstitial Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations at and below 20 mbsf, suggests that authigenic calcite and dolomite formation is initiated at the base of the sulfate reduction zone (~21 mbsf) and occurs down to ~100 mbsf. Siderite formation apparently occurs between 120 and 450 mbsf; within, and above, the gas hydrate-bearing section of the sediment column (~200-450 mbsf). Siderite d13C and d18O values are nearly uniform from their shallowest occurrence to the bottom of the sedimentary section. However, present-day pore-water d13CDIC values are only similar to siderite d13C values between ~100 and 450 mbsf. Furthermore, calculated equilibrium d18O values of siderite match the measured 18O values of siderite between 120 and 450 mbsf. This interval is characterized by high alkalinity (40-120 mM) and low Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations, conditions that are consistent with siderite formation.


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Mineralogic, petrographic, and geochemical analyses of sediments recovered from two Leg 166 Ocean Drilling Program cores on the western slope of Great Bahama Bank (308 m and 437 m water depth) are used to characterize early marine diagenesis of these shallow-water, periplatform carbonates. The most pronounced diagenetic products are well-lithified intervals found almost exclusively in glacial lowstand deposits and interpreted to have formed at or near the seafloor (i.e., hardgrounds). Hardground cements are composed of high-Mg calcite (~14 mol% MgCO3), and exhibit textures typically associated with seafloor cementation. Geochemically, hardgrounds are characterized by increased d18O and Mg contents and decreased d13C, Sr, and Na contents relative to their less lithified counterparts. Despite being deposited in shallow waters that are supersaturated with the common carbonate minerals, it is clear that these sediments are also undergoing shallow subsurface diagenesis. Calculation of saturation states shows that pore waters become undersaturated with aragonite within the upper 10 m at both sites. Dissolution, and likely recrystallization, of metastable carbonates is manifested by increases in interstitial water Sr and Sr/Ca profiles with depth. We infer that the reduction in mineral saturation states and subsequent dissolution are being driven by the oxidation of organic matter in this Fe-poor carbonate system. Precipitation of burial diagenetic phases is indicated by the down-core appearance of dolomite and corresponding decrease in interstitial water Mg, and the presence of low-Mg calcite cements observed in scanning electron microscope photomicrographs.


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Petrography, major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are reported for igneous rocks drilled on the northern flank of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Site 828. These rocks comprise a breccia unit beneath a middle Eocene foraminiferal ooze. Both geophysical characteristics and the variety of volcanic rocks found at the bottom of Holes 828A and 828B indicate that a very immature breccia or scree deposit was sampled. Basalts are moderately to highly altered, but primary textures are well preserved. Two groups with different magmatic affinities, unrelated to the stratigraphic height, have been distinguished. One group consists of aphyric to sparsely plagioclase + clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, characterized by high TiO2 (~2 wt%) and low Al2O3 (less than 15 wt%) contents, with flat MORB-normalized incompatible element patterns and LREE-depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns. This group resembles N-MORB. The other group comprises moderately to highly olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalts with low TiO2 (<1 wt%) and high Al2O3 (usually >15 wt%) contents, and marked HFSE depletion and LFSE enrichment. Some lavas in this group are picritic, with relatively high modal olivine abundances, and MgO contents up to 15 wt%. Both the basalts and picritic basalts of this group reflect an influence by subduction-related processes, and have compositions transitional between MORB and IAT. Lavas with similar geochemical features have been reported from small back-arc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Lau Basin, Sulu Sea, and the North Fiji Basin and are referred to as back-arc basin basalts. However, regional tectonic considerations suggest that the spreading that produced these backarc basin basalts may have occurred in the forearc region of the southwest-facing island arc that existed in this region in the Eocene.


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Oxide-free olivine gabbro and gabbro, and oxide olivine gabbro and gabbro make up the bulk of the gabbroic suite recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 179 Hole 1105A, which lies 1.2 km away from Hole 735B on the eastern transverse ridge of the Atlantis II Fracture Zone, Southwest Indian Ridge. The rocks recovered during Leg 179 show striking similarities to rocks recovered from the uppermost 500 m of Hole 735B during ODP Leg 118. The rocks of the Atlantis platform were likely unroofed as part of the footwall block of a large detachment fault on the inside corner of the intersection of the Southwest Indian Ridge and the Atlantis II Transform at ~11.5 Ma. We analyzed the lithologic, geochemical, and structural stratigraphy of the section. Downhole lithologic variation allowed division of the core into 141 lithologic intervals and 4 main units subdivided on the basis of predominance of oxide gabbroic vs. oxide-free gabbroic rocks. Detailed analyses of whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, microstructure, and modes of 147 samples are presented and clearly show that the gabbroic rocks are of cumulate origin. These studies also indicate that geochemistry results correlate well with downhole magnetic susceptibility and Formation MicroScanner (FMS) resistivity measurements and images. FMS images show rocks with a well-layered structure and significant numbers of mappable layer contacts or compositional contrasts. Downhole cryptic mineral and whole-rock chemical variations depict both "normal" and inverse fine-scale variations on a scale of 10 m to <2 m with significant compositional variation over a short distance within the 143-m section sampled. A Mg# shift in whole-rock or Fo contents of olivine of as much as 20-30 units over a few meters of section is not atypical of the extreme variation in downhole plots. The products of the earliest stages of basaltic differentiation are not represented by any cumulates, as the maximum Fo content was Fo78. Similarly, the extent of fractionation represented by the gabbroic rocks and scarce granophyres in the section is much greater than that represented in the Atlantis II basalts. The abundance of oxide gabbros is similar to that in Hole 735B, Unit IV, which is tentatively correlated as a similar unit or facies with the oxide gabbroic units of Hole 1105A. Oxide phases are generally present in the most fractionated gabbroic rocks and lacking in more primitive gabbroic rocks, and there is a definite progression of oxide abundance as, for example, the Mg# of clinopyroxene falls below 73-75. Coprecipitation of oxide at such early Mg#s cannot be modeled by perfect fractional crystallization. In situ boundary layer fractionation may offer a more plausible explanation for the complex juxtaposition of oxide- and nonoxide-bearing more primitive gabbroic rocks. The geochemical signal may, in part, be disrupted by the presence of mylonitic shear zones, which strike east-west and dip both to the south and north, but predominantly to the south away from the northern rift valley where they formed. Downhole deformation textures indicate increasing average strain and crystal-plastic deformation in units that contain oxides. Oxide-rich zones may represent zones of rheologic weakness in the cumulate section along which mylonitic and foliated gabbroic shear zones nucleate in the solid state at high temperature, or the oxide may be a symptom of former melt-rich zones and hypersolidus flow, as predicted during study of Hole 735B.


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The AND-1B drill core recovered a 13.57 million year Miocene through Pleistocene record from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf in Antarctica (77.9°S, 167.1°E). Varying sedimentary facies in the 1285 m core indicate glacial-interglacial cyclicity with the proximity of ice at the site ranging from grounding of ice in 917 m of water to ice free marine conditions. Broader interpretation of climatic conditions of the wider Ross Sea Embayment is deduced from provenance studies. Here we present an analysis of the iron oxide assemblages in the AND-1B core and interpret their variability with respect to wider paleoclimatic conditions. The core is naturally divided into an upper and lower succession by an expanded 170 m thick volcanic interval between 590 and 760 m. Above 590 m the Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles are diatom rich and below 760 m late Miocene glacial cycles are terrigenous. Electron microscopy and rock magnetic parameters confirm the subdivision with biogenic silica diluting the terrigenous input (fine pseudo-single domain and stable single domain titanomagnetite from the McMurdo Volcanic Group with a variety of textures and compositions) above 590 m. Below 760 m, the Miocene section consists of coarse-grained ilmenite and multidomain magnetite derived from Transantarctic Mountain lithologies. This may reflect ice flow patterns and the absence of McMurdo Volcanic Group volcanic centers or indicate that volcanic centers had not yet grown to a significant size. The combined rock magnetic and electron microscopy signatures of magnetic minerals serve as provenance tracers in both ice proximal and distal sedimentary units, aiding in the study of ice sheet extent and dynamics, and the identification of ice rafted debris sources and dispersal patterns in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica.