851 resultados para Self-other Discrimination
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the human pulp response following direct pulp capping with a current self-etching bonding agent and calcium hydroxide (CH). Methods: Thirty-three sound human premolars had their pulp tissue mechanically exposed. Sterile distilled water was used to control the hemorrhage and exudation from the pulp exposure site. The pulps were capped with Clearfil Liner Bond 2 (CLB-2) or CH and the cavities were filled with a resin composite (Z-100) according to the manufacturer's instructions. After 5, 30 and 120-300 days, the teeth were extracted and processed for microscopic examination. Results: At short-term, CLB-2 elicited a mild to moderate inflammatory pulp response with dilated and congested blood vessels adjacent to pulp exposure site. With time, macrophages and giant cells engulfing globules and particulates of resinous material displaced into the pulp space were observed. This chronic inflammatory pulp response triggered by fragments of bonding agent displaced into the pulp space did not allow pulp repair interfering with the dentin bridging. On the other hand, pulps capped with CH exhibited an initial organization of elongated pulp cells underneath the coagulation necrosis. Pulp repair and complete dentin bridge formation was observed at long-term evaluation. Significance: The present study demonstrated that CH remains the pulp capping agent of choice for mechanically exposed human pulps. CLB-2 did not allow complete connective tissue repair adjacent to the pulp exposure site. Consequently, this bonding agent cannot be recommended for pulp therapy of sound human teeth. © 2001 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to quantify the proportion of 13C from energy and protein feed ingredients that follow the metabolic routing of the liver and muscle in broiler chickens. A stable isotope of carbon technique was used that is based on the isotopic discrimination that occurs in the plants during the photosynthesis process. One-day-old male chicks were subjected to treatments based on free choice of energy and protein sources. Rice bran (R) and soybean meal (S), C3 plants, have higher isotopic ratios than corn (C), a C4 plant, and corn gluten meal (G). Choices were R+S, C+G, R+G, C+S, or R+C+G+S. A complete feed (CF) was a sixth treatment. Feed intake and BW were measured at 30 d of age, when liver and breast muscle were collected for isotopic analysis. Treatments affected the amount of feed intake and the choices of energy or protein sources. Complete feed had the largest intake, differing from the other treatments that had free-choice feeding. Final BW was a direct reflection of consumption by these birds in all treatments. The isotopic results indicated that the 13C/12C ratio was generally higher in breast muscle than in liver, probably because of higher protein content. Moreover, in the liver, the proportion of 13C retained from the energy ingredient was greater than the proportion from the protein ingredient. That is in contrast to muscle, where the proportion of 13C retained from the protein ingredient was greater than from the energy ingredient that was self-selected.
Web service-based application is an architectural style, where a collection of Web services communicates to each other to execute processes. With the popularity increase of developing Web service-based application and once Web services may change, in terms of functional and non-functional Quality of Service (QoS), we need mechanisms to monitor, diagnose, and repair Web services into a Web Application. This work presents a description of self-healing architecture that deals with these mechanisms. Other contributions of this paper are using the proxy server to measure Web service QoS values and to employ some strategies to recovery the effects from misbehaved Web services. © 2008 IEEE.
This study subjected two self-adhesive resin cements and two conventional resin cements to dry and aging conditions, to compare their microtensile bond strengths (MTBS) to dentin. Using four different luting systems (n = 10), 40 composite resin blocks (each 5x5x4 mm) were cemented to flat human crown dentin surfaces. The specimens were stored in water for 24 hours (37°C), at which point each specimen was sectioned along two axes to obtain beams that were divided randomly into two groups: dry samples, which were tested immediately, and samples that were subjected to accelerated aging conditions (12, 000 thermocycles followed by storage for 150 days). The μTBS results were affected significantly by the luting system used (P < 40001). Only the μTBS of Rely-X Unicem was reduced significantly after aging; the μTBS remained stable or increased for the other self-adhesive resin cement and the two conventional cements.
The presence of porosities at the dentin/adhesive interface has been observed with the use of new generation dentin bonding systems. These porosities tend to contradict the concept that etching and hybridization processes occur equally and simultaneously. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the micromechanical behavior of the hybrid layer (HL) with voids based on a self-etching adhesive system using 3-D finite element (FE) analysis. Three FE models (Mr) were built: Mr, dentin specimen (41x41x82 μm) with a regular and perfect (i.e. pore-free) HL based on a self-etching adhesive system, restored with composite resin; Mp, similar to M, but containing 25% (v/v) voids in the HL; Mpp, similar to Mr, but containing 50% (v/v) voids in the HL. A tensile load (0.03N) was applied on top of the composite resin. The stress field was obtained by using Ansys Workbench 10.0. The nodes of the base of the specimen were constrained in the x, y and z axes. The maximum principal stress (σmax) was obtained for all structures at the dentin/adhesive interface. The Mpp showed the highest peak of σmax in the HL (32.2 MPa), followed by Mp (30 MPa) and Mr (28.4 MPa). The stress concentration in the peritubular dentin was high in all models (120 MPa). All other structures positioned far from voids showed similar increase of stress. Voids incorporated into the HL raised the σmax in this region by 13.5%. This behavior might be responsible for lower bond strengths of self-etching and single-bottle adhesives, as reported in the literature.
Includes bibliography
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system to sound dentin tissue in vivo. After performing restorative procedures and tooth extractions, ten specimens were sectioned in a mesiodistal direction. One dental section was used for light microscope analysis, in which both the resin tag length and hybrid layer thickness were measured, while the other section was analyzed using a microtensile test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surface of the latter section was characterized using a stereoscopic magnifying glass (40x magnifcation). The results were subject to statistical analysis using the Pearson Correlation Test (a = 0.05). The hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength mean values were 2.19 microm (0.34), 4.34 microm (0.28) and 9.73 MPa (5,55), respectively. In addition, correlation tests between the resin tag length and the resin bond strength (r=0.014) and also between the hybrid layer thickness and bond strength (r=0.43), showed no statistically significant correlation. The microtensile bond strength of Adper Prompt L Pop self-etching adhesive system does not depend on hybrid layer thickness or resin tag length.
This research aims at performing a comparative study between the Brazilian scientific production in Dentistry, from 2000 to 2009 and countries that contribute with at least 2 % of the world's scientific production indexed in the Scopus database. More specifically, we intend to assess the annual Brazilian scientific production by comparing it to the other countries', analyze the Brazilian and other countries' publications in journals with higher impact factors, as well as to highlight the scientific production from these countries and its international visibility, measured by its total and by its average of citations and normalized citation index per year, by comparing the countries, and to compare the index h of such countries. As work procedure, the SCImago Journal and Country Rank was used as source, identifying the group of producing countries in the Dentistry area from 1996 to 2009. From a total of 136 countries, 13 were highlighted as the most productive, each one of them accounting for at least 2 % the worldwide scientific production in the area. The following indicators were raised for each country: number of produced documents, total of citations, self-citations, average of citations per document and index h. We verified that Brazil is the only country in Latin America that is pictured among the most productive ones in the Dentistry area. We observed that Brazil presents a growing visibility and impact in the international scenery, what suggests that its production is constantly consolidating, with Brazilian scientific recognition in the main vehicles of dissemination in the area. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.
Self-compatibility in apomictic pseudogamic species is considered fundamental to assure reproduction by seeds in extreme situations, making apomictic species more advantageous than sexual ones in these scenarios. Anemopaegma acutifolium is a polyploidy, apomictic sporophytic species with no endosperm development in ovules of unpollinated pistils, which indicates obligate pseudogamy. Thus, the aim of the present work is to study the breeding system and post-pollination events to test if there is similar pseudogamous development irrespective of pollination treatment. We analysed fruit and seed set obtained in controlled experimental pollinations, as well as embryo number per seed, and the progress of ovule penetration, fertilisation and early endosperm development between self- and cross-pollinated pistils. We found that the species is self-fertile and that spontaneous selfing fruit set is also possible, although emasculated flowers never form fruits. Selfed pistils were as efficient as crossed ones for all parameters analysed, except for a delay in endosperm development observed in the former that may be an effect of the late-acting self-incompatibility. Therefore, the avoidance of selfed pistil abortion seems to be promoted by the presence of adventitious embryos and a normal endosperm. We conclude that A. acutifolium shows apomixis-related pseudo-self-compatibility, as in other self-fertile apomictic species of Bignoniaceae, which confer reproductive assurance and increases fruit-set and persistence ability in fast-changing tropical habitats. © 2012 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
It has been established for a long time that there is significant dispersion in prices charged for seemingly homogeneous goods. This may happen in competitive markets because the world is not frictionless, and certainly in other markets where price discrimination is carried out by firms with oligopolistic power. This paper is the first survey of the economic literature on price dispersion that addresses the following three key issues: i) its characteristics as a result of optimizing search behavior; ii) its relevance as a reflection of price discrimination and its consequences for social welfare and policy intervention; and iii) the empirical evidence of price dispersion. By contributing to a better understanding of price dispersion, this survey may help in the design and implementation of competition and anti-trust policies
Do capuchin monkeys respond to photos as icons? Do they discriminate photos of capuchin monkeys' faces? Looking for answers to these questions we trained three capuchin monkeys in simple and conditional discrimination tasks and tested the discriminations when comparison stimuli were partially covered. Three capuchin monkeys experienced in simultaneous simple discrimination and IDMTS were trained with repeated shifts of simple discriminations (RSSD), with four simultaneous choices, and IDMTS (1 s delay, 4 choices) with pictures of known capuchins monkeys' faces. All monkeys did discriminate the pictures in both procedures. Performances in probes with partial masks with one fourth of the stimulus hidden were consistent with baseline level. Errors occurred when a picture similar to the correct one was available among the comparison stimuli, when the covered part was the most distinct, or when pictures displayed the same monkey. Capuchin monkeys do match pictures of capuchin monkeys' faces to the sample. The monkeys treated different pictures of the same monkey as equivalent, suggesting that they respond to the pictures as icons, although this was not true to pictures of other monkeys. Subsequent studies may bring more evidence that capuchin monkeys treat pictures as depictions of real scenes.
Previous cytochrome B (CytB) mtDNA studies have suggested four species for the opossum genus Philander (four-eyed opossums), three (P. mcilhennyi, P. andersoni and P. opossum) from the Amazon and one (P. frenata) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. During a faunal survey nine specimens of Philander sp. and four of Didelphis marsupialis were collected in the Mamirauá Sustainable Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil. Preliminary analyses based on morphology and geographical distributions were not conclusive, suggesting that Philander specimens could belong to either P. andersoni or P. opossum. In order to elucidate the relationship of this taxon to the remaining Amazonian taxa, seven Philander and two Didelphis specimens animals were sequenced for the cytB mtDNA gene and compared to other previously studied taxa. The maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-Joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) consensus bootstrap trees depicted six groups: Didelphis., P. frenata, P andersoni, P. mcilhennyi, P.o. opossum and Philander sp. and Philander canus in a common assemblage supported by significant bootstrap values, suggesting that the Philander sp. from Mamiraua in fact belongs to the species Philander canus.
Objetivo: analisar os conceitos e percepções que adolescentes e seus cuidadores possuem sobre saúde mental e serviços de saúde em seu contexto ecológico e investigar as barreiras de acesso à assistência à saúde mental vivenciadas. Método: trata-se de estudo exploratório e analítico em amostra de conveniência obtida no período de outubro de 2009 a junho de 2010, com 100 adolescentes e 100 cuidadores, no município de Belém-PA, em dois contextos clínicos públicos, sendo um ambulatório especializado em saúde mental e um geral e dois contextos escolares, sendo um público e um privado. Utilizou-se questionários estruturados, para investigar diferentes dimensões envolvidas nas temáticas saúde, família, bem-estar e condições de vida, seguidos de análise estatística, com técnicas de análise da variância e correlacional. Resultados: a média das idades dos adolescentes foi de 14,47 (DP 1,90) anos, sendo 58% feminino; o tipo de problema de saúde mental relatado pela maioria foram problemas na escola (21,9%); o profissional mais frequentemente procurado foi o psicólogo (59,4%). No que tange as concepções de saúde mental, adolescentes e cuidadores deram importância ao comportamento de abster-se de drogas; quanto às concepções de doença mental, ambos, conceberam como algo a ser considerado com seriedade; ambos concordaram que a religião contribui para a saúde/doença mental e revelaram a primazia da mãe na busca de ajuda; no que tange as estratégias de coping os adolescentes lidavam de forma semelhante com os problemas de saúde mental em suas vidas; adolescentes e cuidadores possuíam uma visão estigmatizada do profissional de saúde e temores de discriminação principalmente pelos pares; quanto ao tratamento real ou imaginado ambos revelaram concepções favoráveis das terapias como fonte de ajuda e espaço privilegiado para expressar a própria opinião e em qualquer dos casos, a mãe revelou-se como a principal pessoa a contribuir na busca de ajuda especializada. As variáveis que revelaram a procedência das concepções sobre saúde/doença mental e as estratégias empregadas na manutenção da saúde mental da família mostraram diferenças entre os contextos investigados; no que tange ao auto conceito, os adolescentes da escola privada mostraram maior auto-congruência entre o self real e o ideal comparativamente os demais contextos; os cuidadores revelaram auto-congruência maior na escola pública. Quanto às perspectivas que o adolescente tem sobre a família revelaram identificações reais mais frequentes nos quatro contextos com a mãe, seguidas da avó/avô; quanto aos modelos de identificação familiar nos contextos clínicos e escola privada é maior com a mãe; na escola pública é maior com o pai; foi observado discrepância da perspectiva do cuidador acerca do conceito sobre o adolescente. Para a maioria dos adolescentes e cuidadores as condições de saúde foram classificadas de "boas" a "excelentes". A auto-avaliação do bem-estar dos adolescentes na amostra geral mostrou que, em sua maioria, sentiam-se muito satisfeitos, totalmente cheios de energia, divertiam-se e tiveram boa relação com os professores; na visão dos cuidadores, a maioria de seus adolescentes sentiam-se muito satisfeitos com a vida, utilizavam seu tempo livre divertindo-se com amigos e deram maior importância aos sentimentos de bem-estar com relação ao desempenho físico. Conclusões: são evidenciadas as semelhanças e diferenças entre adolescentes e cuidadores nas amostras clínicos e escolares que podem subsidiar ações preventivas de saúde contextualizadas para a cidade de Belém.
Comparison of two computerized procedures for the assessment of color discrimination in Cebus apella
Color vision consists of the discrimination of objects based on their spectral composition. Among primates, the majority of Platyrrhini monkeys are estimated to have polymorphic and sex-linked dichromacy. The objective of this study was to compare the results produced by different equipment and software for the assessment of tri- and dichromatic conditions in one male and two female Cebus apella. Three experiments were programmed. In Experiment 1, verifying the trichromatic condition of one female subject and dichromatic condition of the remainder of the subjects was possible using an adapted version of the Cambridge Colour Test. Experiment 2 confirmed the results of Experiment 1 using a different array of stimuli of the same test. Experiment 3, which produced results similar to Experiment 2, consisted of a test developed for a standard computer system using stimuli with color properties similar to the ones used in the previous experiment. Favorable conditions for the assessment of color vision in Platyrrhini can be built with low-cost equipment and software. Once data have been gathered with additional subjects and new stimulus arrangements have been tested and confirmed, the procedure can be used for the evaluation of other Platyrrhini species for which behavioral color discrimination data are currently lacking.