485 resultados para SYMMETRICAL BIARYLS


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Analysis of the peak-to-peak output current ripple amplitude for multiphase and multilevel inverters is presented in this PhD thesis. The current ripple is calculated on the basis of the alternating voltage component, and peak-to-peak value is defined by the current slopes and application times of the voltage levels in a switching period. Detailed analytical expressions of peak-to-peak current ripple distribution over a fundamental period are given as function of the modulation index. For all the cases, reference is made to centered and symmetrical switching patterns, generated either by carrier-based or space vector PWM. Starting from the definition and the analysis of the output current ripple in three-phase two-level inverters, the theoretical developments have been extended to the case of multiphase inverters, with emphasis on the five- and seven-phase inverters. The instantaneous current ripple is introduced for a generic balanced multiphase loads consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE). Simplified and effective expressions to account for the maximum of the output current ripple have been defined. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. The analysis of the output current ripple has been extended also to multilevel inverters, specifically three-phase three-level inverters. Also in this case, the current ripple analysis is carried out for a balanced three-phase system consisting of series RL impedance and ac back emf (RLE), representing both motor loads and grid-connected applications. The peak-to-peak current ripple diagrams are presented and discussed. In addition, simulation and experimental results are carried out to prove the validity of the analytical developments in all the cases. The cases with different phase numbers and with different number of levels are compared among them, and some useful conclusions have been pointed out. Furthermore, some application examples are given.


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This work focused mainly on two aspects of kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures. In the first part, we studied the interplay of hydrodynamics and the phase separation of binary mixtures. A considerably flat container (a laterally extended geometry), at an aspect ratio of 14:1 (diameter: height) was chosen, so that any hydrodynamic instabilities, if they arise, could be tracked. Two binary mixtures were studied. One was a mixture of methanol and hexane, doped with 5% ethanol, which phase separated under cooling. The second was a mixture of butoxyethanol and water, doped with 2% decane, which phase separated under heating. The dopants were added to bring down the phase transition temperature around room temperature.rnrnAlthough much work has been done already on classical hydrodynamic instabilities, not much has been done in the understanding of the coupling between phase separation and hydrodynamic instabilities. This work aimed at understanding the influence of phase separation in initiating any hydrodynamic instability, and also vice versa. Another aim was to understand the influence of the applied temperature protocol on the emergence of patterns characteristic to hydrodynamic instabilities. rnrnOn slowly cooling the system continuously, at specific cooling rates, patterns were observed in the first mixture, at the start of phase separation. They resembled the patterns observed in classical Rayleigh-Bénard instability, which arises when a liquid continuously is heated from below. To suppress this classical convection, the cooling setup was tuned such that the lower side of the sample always remained cooler by a few millikelvins, relative to the top. We found that the nature of patterns changed with different cooling rates, with stable patterns appearing for a specific cooling rate (1K/h). On the basis of the cooling protocol, we estimated a modified Rayleigh number for our system. We found that the estimated modified Rayleigh number is near the critical value for instability, for cooling rates between 0.5K/h and 1K/h. This is consistent with our experimental findings. rnrnThe origin of the patterns, in spite of the lower side being relatively colder with respect to the top, points to two possible reasons. 1) During phase separation droplets of either phases are formed, which releases a latent heat. Our microcalorimetry measurements show that the rise in temperature during the first phase separation is in the order of 10-20millikelvins, which in some cases is enough to reverse the applied temperature bias. Thus phase separation in itself initiates a hydrodynamic instability. 2) The second reason comes from the cooling protocol itself. The sample was cooled from above and below. At sufficiently high cooling rates, there are situations where the interior of the sample is relatively hotter than both top and bottom of the sample. This is sufficient to create an instability within the cell. Our experiments at higher cooling rates (5K/h and above) show complex patterns, which hints that there is enough convection even before phase separation occurs. Infact, theoretical work done by Dr.Hayase show that patterns could arise in a system without latent heat, with symmetrical cooling from top and bottom. The simulations also show that the patterns do not span the entire height of the sample cell. This is again consistent with the cell sizes measured in our experiment.rnrnThe second mixture also showed patterns at specific heating rates, when it was continuously heated inducing phase separation. In this case though, the sample was turbid for a long time until patterns appeared. A meniscus was most probably formed before the patterns emerged. We attribute the reason of patterns in this case to Marangoni convection, which is present in systems with an interface, where local differences in surface tension give rise to an instability. Our estimates for the Rayleigh number also show a significantly lower number than that's required for RB-type instability.rnrnIn the first part of the work, therefore, we identify two different kinds of hydrodynamic instabilities in two different mixtures. Both are observed during, or after the first phase separation. Our patterns compare with the classical convection patterns, but here the origins are from phase separation and the cooling protocol.rnrnIn the second part of the work, we focused on the kinetics of phase separation in a polymer solution (polystyrene and methylcyclohexane), which is cooled continuously far down into the two phase region. Oscillations in turbidity, denoting material exchange between the phases are seen. Three processes contribute to the phase separation: Nucleation of droplets, their growth and coalescence, and their subsequent sedimentation. Experiments in low molecular binary mixtures had led to models of oscillation [43] which considered sedimentation time scales much faster than the time scales of nucleation and growth. The size and shape of the sample therefore did not matter in such situations. The oscillations in turbidity were volume-dominated. The present work aimed at understanding the influence of sedimentation time scales for polymer mixtures. Three heights of the sample with same composition were studied side by side. We found that periods increased with the sample height, thus showing that sedimentation time determines the period of oscillations in the polymer solutions. We experimented with different cooling rates and different compositions of the mixture, and we found that periods are still determined by the sample height, and therefore by sedimentation time. rnrnWe also see that turbidity emerges in two ways; either from the interface, or throughout the sample. We suggest that oscillations starting from the interface are due to satellite droplets that are formed on droplet coalescence at the interface. These satellite droplets are then advected to the top of the sample, and they grow, coalesce and sediment. This type of an oscillation wouldn't require the system to pass the energy barrier required for homogenous nucleation throughout the sample. This mechanism would work best in sample where the droplets could be effectively advected throughout the sample. In our experiments, we see more interface dominated oscillations in the smaller cells and lower cooling rates, where droplet advection is favourable. In larger samples and higher cooling rates, we mostly see that the whole sample becomes turbid homogenously, which requires the system to pass the energy barrier for homogenous nucleation.rnrnOscillations, in principle, occur since the system needs to pass an energy barrier for nucleation. The height of the barrier decreases with increasing supersaturation, which in turn is from the temperature ramp applied. This gives rise to a period where the system is clear, in between the turbid periods. At certain specific cooling rates, the system can follow a path such that the start of a turbid period coincides with the vanishing of the last turbid period, thus eliminating the clear periods. This means suppressions of oscillations altogether. In fact we experimentally present a case where, at a certain cooling rate, oscillations indeed vanish. rnrnThus we find through this work that the kinetics of phase separation in polymer solution is different from that of a low molecular system; sedimentation time scales become relevant, and therefore so does the shape and size of the sample. The role of interface in initiating turbid periods also become much more prominent in this system compared to that in low molecular mixtures.rnrnIn summary, some fundamental properties in the kinetics of phase separation in binary mixtures were studied. While the first part of the work described the close interplay of the first phase separation with hydrodynamic instabilities, the second part investigated the nature and determining factors of oscillations, when the system was cooled deep into the two phase region. Both cases show how the geometry of the cell can affect the kinetics of phase separation. This study leads to further fundamental understandings of the factors contributing to the kinetics of phase separation, and to the understandings of what can be controlled and tuned in practical cases. rn


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Die Untersuchung von dissipativen Quantensystemen erm¨oglicht es, Quantenph¨anomene auch auf makroskopischen L¨angenskalen zu beobachten. Das in dieser Dissertation gew¨ahlte mikroskopische Modell erlaubt es, den bisher nur ph¨anomenologisch zug¨anglichen Effekt der Quantendissipation mathematisch und physikalisch herzuleiten und zu untersuchen. Bei dem betrachteten mikroskopischen Modell handelt es sich um eine 1-dimensionale Kette von harmonischen Freiheitsgraden, die sowohl untereinander als auch an r anharmonische Freiheitsgrade gekoppelt sind. Die F¨alle einer, respektive zwei anharmonischer Bindungen werden in dieser Arbeit explizit betrachtet. Hierf¨ur wird eine analytische Trennung der harmonischen von den anharmonischen Freiheitsgraden auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen durchgef¨uhrt. Das anharmonische Potential wird als symmetrisches Doppelmuldenpotential gew¨ahlt, welches mit Hilfe der Wick Rotation die Berechnung der ¨Uberg¨ange zwischen beiden Minima erlaubt. Das Eliminieren der harmonischen Freiheitsgrade erfolgt mit Hilfe des wohlbekannten Feynman-Vernon Pfadintegral-Formalismus [21]. In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst die Positionsabh¨angigkeit einer anharmonischen Bindung im Tunnelverhalten untersucht. F¨ur den Fall einer fernab von den R¨andern lokalisierten anharmonischen Bindung wird ein Ohmsches dissipatives Tunneln gefunden, was bei der Temperatur T = 0 zu einem Phasen¨ubergang in Abh¨angigkeit einer kritischen Kopplungskonstanten Ccrit f¨uhrt. Dieser Phasen¨ubergang wurde bereits in rein ph¨anomenologisches Modellen mit Ohmscher Dissipation durch das Abbilden des Systems auf das Ising-Modell [26] erkl¨art. Wenn die anharmonische Bindung jedoch an einem der R¨ander der makroskopisch grossen Kette liegt, tritt nach einer vom Abstand der beiden anharmonischen Bindungen abh¨angigen Zeit tD ein ¨Ubergang von Ohmscher zu super- Ohmscher Dissipation auf, welche im Kern KM(τ ) klar sichtbar ist. F¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen spielt deren indirekteWechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Abstand D beider Bindungen und die Wahl des Anfangs- und Endzustandes die Dissipation bestimmt. Unter der Annahme, dass beide anharmonischen Bindung gleichzeitig tunneln, wird eine Tunnelwahrscheinlichkeit p(t) analog zu [14], jedoch f¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen, berechnet. Als Resultat erhalten wir entweder Ohmsche Dissipation f¨ur den Fall, dass beide anharmonischen Bindungen ihre Gesamtl¨ange ¨andern, oder super-Ohmsche Dissipation, wenn beide anharmonischen Bindungen durch das Tunneln ihre Gesamtl¨ange nicht ¨andern.


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The article explores the developments in German-language anthropology in the past decades, focussing on the period after the 1970s. It argues that the recent history of German-language Ethnologie (social and cultural anthropology) is one of catching-up modernization. German-speaking anthropologists are increasingly involved in, and contribute to, broader theoretical debates, publish in English and in international journals, and are actively engaged in international academic networks. The paper discusses how and under what conditions of knowledge production these transformations have taken place. It analyses the changing institutional environment in which German anthropologists have worked and work today, as well as the theoretical impulses from within and outside the discipline that have given rise to the contemporary orientation of German-language anthropology as an anthropology of the 'present'. Finally, and beyond the focus on Germany, the article offers some ideas on the future of anthropology as a symmetrical social science, characterized by a continued strong reliance on field work and a high level of 'worldliness', a basic attitude of systematically shifting perspectives, the critical reflection of the social and political embeddedness of knowledge production, and an engagement with social theory across disciplinary boundaries.


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A growing interest towards new sources of energy has led in recent years to the development of a new generation of catalysts for alcohol dehydrogenative coupling (ADC). This green, atom-efficient reaction is capable of turning alcohol derivatives into higher value and chemically more attractive ester molecules, and it finds interesting applications in the transformation of the large variety of products deriving from biomass. In the present work, a new series of ruthenium-PNP pincer complexes are investigated for the transformation of 1-butanol, one of the most challenging substrates for this type of reactions, into butyl butyrate, a short-chain symmetrical ester widely used in flavor industries. Since the reaction kinetics depends on hydrogen diffusion, the study aimed at identifying proper reactor type and right catalyst concentration to avoid mass transfer interferences and to get dependable data. A comparison between catalytic activities and productivities has been made to establish the role of the different ligands bonded both to the PNP binder and to the ruthenium metal center, and hence to find the best catalyst for this type of reaction.


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In Airbus GmbH (Hamburg) has been developed a new design of Rear Pressure Bulkhead (RPB) for the A320-family. The new model has been formed with vacuum forming technology. During this process the wrinkling phenomenon occurs. In this thesis is described an analytical model for prediction of wrinkling based on the energetic method of Timoshenko. Large deflection theory has been used for analyze two cases of study: a simply supported circular thin plate stamped by a spherical punch and a simply supported circular thin plate formed with vacuum forming technique. If the edges are free to displace radially, thin plates will develop radial wrinkles near the edge at a central deflection approximately equal to four plate thicknesses w0/ℎ≈4 if they’re stamped by a spherical punch and w0/ℎ≈3 if they’re formed with vacuum forming technique. Initially, there are four symmetrical wrinkles, but the number increases if the central deflection is increased. By using experimental results, the “Snaptrhough” phenomenon is described.


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This study is based on a former student’s work, aimed at examining the influence of handedness on conference interpreting. In simultaneous interpreting (IS) both cerebral hemispheres participate in the decoding of the incoming message and in the activation of the motor functions for the production of the output signal. In right-handers language functions are mainly located in the left hemisphere, while left-handers have a more symmetrical representation of language functions. Given that with the development of interpreting skills and a long work experience the interpreters’ brain becomes less lateralized for language functions, in an initial phase left-handers may be «neurobiologically better suited for interpreting tasks» (Gran and Fabbro 1988: 37). To test this hypothesis, 9 students (5 right-handers and 4 left-handers) participated in a dual test of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation (CI) from English into Italian. The subjects were asked to interpret one text with their preferred ear and the other with the non-preferred one, since according neuropsychology aural symmetry reflects cerebral symmetry. The aim of this study was to analyze:1) the differences between the number of errors in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 2) the differences in performance (in terms of number of errors) between right-handed and left-handed, both with the preferred and non-preferred ear; 3) the most frequent types of errors in right and left-handers; 4) the influence of the degree of handedness on interpreting quality. The students’ performances were analyzed in terms of errors of meaning, errors of numbers, omissions of text, omissions of numbers, inaccuracies, errors of nexus, and unfinished sentences. The results showed that: 1) in SI subjects committed fewer errors interpreting with the preferred ear, whereas in CI a slight advantage of the non-preferred ear was observed. Moreover, in CI, right-handers committed fewer mistakes with the non-preferred ear than with the preferred one. 2) The total performance of left-handers proved to be better than that of right-handers. 3) In SI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and fewer errors of number than right-handers, whereas in CI left-handers committed fewer errors of meaning and more errors of number than right-handers 4) As the degree of left-handedness increases, the number of errors committed also increases. Moreover, there is a statistically significant left-ear advantage for right-handers and a right-ear one for left-handers. Finally, those who interpreted with their right ear committed fewer errors of number than those who have used their left ear or both ears.


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Centrioles are cylindrical, ninefold symmetrical structures with peripheral triplet microtubules strictly required to template cilia and flagella. The highly conserved protein SAS-6 constitutes the center of the cartwheel assembly that scaffolds centrioles early in their biogenesis. We determined the x-ray structure of the amino-terminal domain of SAS-6 from zebrafish, and we show that recombinant SAS-6 self-associates in vitro into assemblies that resemble cartwheel centers. Point mutations are consistent with the notion that centriole formation in vivo depends on the interactions that define the self-assemblies observed here. Thus, these interactions are probably essential to the structural organization of cartwheel centers.


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This study examines the links between human perceptions, cognitive biases and neural processing of symmetrical stimuli. While preferences for symmetry have largely been examined in the context of disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and autism spectrum disorders, we examine various these phenomena in non-clinical subjects and suggest that such preferences are distributed throughout the typical population as part of our cognitive and neural architecture. In Experiment 1, 82 young adults reported on the frequency of their obsessive-compulsive spectrum behaviors. Subjects also performed an emotional Stroop or variant of an Implicit Association Task (the OC-CIT) developed to assess cognitive biases for symmetry. Data not only reveal that subjects evidence a cognitive conflict when asked to match images of positive affect with asymmetrical stimuli, and disgust with symmetry, but also that their slowed reaction times when asked to do so were predicted by reports of OC behavior, particularly checking behavior. In Experiment 2, 26 participants were administered an oddball Event-Related Potential task specifically designed to assess sensitivity to symmetry as well as the OC-CIT. These data revealed that reaction times on the OC-CIT were strongly predicted by frontal electrode sites indicating faster processing of an asymmetrical stimulus (unparallel lines) relative to a symmetrical stimulus (parallel lines). The results point to an overall cognitive bias linking disgust with asymmetry and suggest that such cognitive biases are reflected in neural responses to symmetrical/asymmetrical stimuli.


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Hypersensitivity dermatitides (HD) are commonly seen in cats, and they are usually caused by environmental, food and/or flea allergens. Affected cats normally present with one of the following clinical reaction patterns: head and neck excoriations, usually symmetrical self-induced alopecia, eosinophilic skin lesions or miliary dermatitis. Importantly, none of these clinical presentations is considered to be pathognomonic for HD skin diseases, and the diagnosis of HD is usually based on the exclusion of other pruritic diseases and on a positive response to therapy. The objectives of this study were to propose sets of criteria for the diagnosis of nonflea-induced HD (NFHD). We recruited 501 cats with pruritus and skin lesions and compared clinical parameters between cats with NFHD (encompassing those with nonflea, nonfood HD and those with food HD), flea HD and other pruritic conditions. Using simulated annealing techniques, we established two sets of proposed criteria for the following two different clinical situations: (i) the diagnosis of NFHD in a population of pruritic cats; and (ii) the diagnosis of NFHD after exclusion of cats with flea HD. These criteria sets were associated with good sensitivity and specificity and may be useful for homogeneity of enrolment in clinical trials and to evaluate the probability of diagnosis of NFHD in clinical practice. Finally, these criteria were not useful to differentiate cats with NFHD from those with food HD.


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Hypersensitivity dermatitides (HD) are often suspected in cats. Cats with HD are reported to present with one or more of the following patterns: miliary dermatitis, eosinophilic dermatitis, self-induced symmetrical alopecia or head and/or neck excoriations. Previous reports on feline HD included small numbers of animals, took place in geographically restricted areas or did not compare these conditions with other causes of pruritus. The goal of the present study was to analyse 72 parameters covering signalment, clinical, laboratory and treatment characteristics from a large group of pruritic cats from different geographical areas. Of the 502 cats, the following diagnoses were made: flea HD (29% of cases), food HD (12%) nonflea/nonfood HD (20%) and other diseases in which pruritus was a feature (24%). Cats with signs consistent with a HD but which did not complete a food trial were not analysed further (15% of cases). Most cats with nonflea HD exhibited signs compatible with one or more of the four typical lesional patterns, but none of these patterns was found to be pathognomonic for any specific diagnosis. Food HD and nonflea/nonfood HD were found to be clinically undistinguishable. Young adult, purebred and female cats appeared predisposed to nonflea/nonfood HD. As many diagnoses presented with similar lesional patterns, a thorough clinical work-up is required for establishment of a specific diagnosis.


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The aim of this study is to develop a new simple method for analyzing one-dimensional transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) mapping studies in humans. Motor evoked potentials (MEP) were recorded from the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle during stimulation at nine different positions on the scalp along a line passing through the APB hot spot and the vertex. Non-linear curve fitting according to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was performed on the averaged amplitude values obtained at all points to find the best-fitting symmetrical and asymmetrical peak functions. Several peak functions could be fitted to the experimental data. Across all subjects, a symmetric, bell-shaped curve, the complementary error function (erfc) gave the best results. This function is characterized by three parameters giving its amplitude, position, and width. None of the mathematical functions tested with less or more than three parameters fitted better. The amplitude and position parameters of the erfc were highly correlated with the amplitude at the hot spot and with the location of the center of gravity of the TMS curve. In conclusion, non-linear curve fitting is an accurate method for the mathematical characterization of one-dimensional TMS curves. This is the first method that provides information on amplitude, position and width simultaneously.


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P300 is an event-related potential that is elicited by an oddball paradigm. In several neuropsychiatric diseases, differences in latencies and amplitude compared to healthy subjects have been reported. Because of its clinical significance, several investigations have tried to elucidate the intracranial origins of the P300 component. In the present study we could demonstrate a network of P300 generators. Investigated were 15 healthy subjects with an acoustical oddball paradigm within a fMRI block design, which enabled us to exclude attention or acoustical processing effects. The inferior and middle frontal, superior temporal, lower parietal cortex, the insula and the anterior cingulum were significantly activated symmetrical in both hemispheres.


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Maculopapular (exanthematous) reactions are the most common adverse drug eruptions affecting the skin. Several studies indicate that immunological mechanisms including cytotoxic T cells (CD4+ > CD8+), both type 1 (e.g. IFN- γ ) and type 2 (e.g. IL-5) cytokines and various chemokines are critically involved in the pathogenesis of these eruptions. While maculopapular exanthems can virtually be elicited by any drug, antimicrobials (e.g. Β -lactam antibiotic, sulfonamides), anticonvulsants, allopurinol, and NSAIDs are most frequently involved. Clinical manifestations are variable and range from faint macules to widespread erythematous and maculopapular lesions, which usually begin on the trunk, neck and upper extremities and subsequently spread downwards in a symmetrical fashion. Although the clinical course is often relatively mild, these exanthems may sometimes progress to erythroderma or represent the beginning of even more severe drug reactions like Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis or a drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms. In most cases, management includes early withdrawal of the offending drug and usually supportive treatment with emollients, topical corticosteroids and systemic antihistamines depending on the severity of the eruption. Allergological work-up is recommended to provide the patient with appropriate information about the causative drug and possible alternatives for future use.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze prosthetic maintenance in partially edentulous patients with removable prostheses supported by teeth and strategic implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty patients with removable partial prostheses and combined tooth-implant support were identified within the time period from 1998 to 2006. One group consisted of 42 patients (planned group) with a reduced residual dentition and in need of removable partial dentures (RPDs) or overdentures in the maxilla and/or mandible. They were admitted consecutively for treatment. Due to missing teeth in strategic important positions, one or two implants were placed to improve symmetrical denture support and retention. The majority of residual teeth exhibited an impaired structural integrity and therefore were provided with root copings for denture retention. A few vital teeth were used for telescopic crowns. The anchorage system for the strategic implants was selected accordingly. A second group of 18 patients (repair group) wearing RPDs with the loss of one abutment tooth due to biologic or mechanical failure was identified. These abutment teeth were replaced by 21 implants, and patients continued to wear their original prostheses. The observation time for planned and repair groups was 12 months to 8 years. All patients followed a regular maintenance schedule. Technical or biologic complications with supporting teeth or implants and prosthetic service were registered regularly. RESULTS: Three maxillary implants were lost after loading and three roots with copings had to be removed. Biologic problems included caries and periodontal/peri-implant infection with a significantly higher incidence in the repair group (P < .05). Technical complications with the dentures were rather frequent in both groups, mostly related to the anchorage system (matrices) of root copings and implants. Maintenance and complications were observed more frequently in the first year after delivery of the denture than in the following 3 years (P < .05). No denture had to be remade. CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a few implants allows for maintaining a compromised residual dentition for support of RPDs. The combination of root and implant support facilitates treatment planning and enhances designing the removable denture. It also proves to be a practical rescue method. Technical problems with the anchorage system were frequent, particularly in the first year after delivery of the dentures.