341 resultados para SEDATION
SCHEFFZUK, C. , KUKUSHKA, V. , VYSSOTSKI, A. L. , DRAGUHN, A. , TORT, A. B. L. , BRANKACK, J. . Global slowing of network oscillations in mouse neocortex by diazepam. Neuropharmacology , v. 65, p. 123-133, 2013.
Voluntary methadone administration for the purpose of sedation eventually resulting in the infant's death is extremely infrequent, though it has been observed. In this report, we describe an autopsy case pertaining to a 32-month-old infant who was repeatedly exposed to methadone by his parents. Autopsy revealed a coarctation of the aorta with a focal stenosis located at the junction of the distal aortic arch and the descending aorta. Left ventricular hypertrophy was also observed. Both these findings were considered to not have played a role in the child's death. Methadone was detected in the femoral blood (0.633 mg/l), urine (5.25 mg/l), bile (2.64 mg/l), and gastric contents (1.08 mg). A segmental hair analysis showed the presence of methadone and morphine in both the proximal and distal portion of the lock. Methadone was also detected in nail samples. A segmental hair analysis performed on the younger brother of the deceased revealed the presence of methadone and morphine in both the proximal and distal segments, as well as the presence of 6-monoacetylmorphine exclusively in the distal portion. Though the parents denied any involvement in methadone administration or exposure for the purpose of sedation, the manner of death was listed as homicide. The case emphasizes the usefulness of hair analysis to identify threatening situations for the children of drug-dependent parents and possibly support measures by the authorities to recognize and intervene in these potentially fatal situations.
Au cours du siècle dernier, des améliorations au niveau des conditions de vie ainsi que des avancées importantes dans les sciences biomédicales ont permis de repousser les frontières de la vie. Jusqu’au début du XXe Siècle, la mort était un processus relativement bref, survenant à la suite de maladies infectieuses et avait lieu à la maison. À présent, elle survient plutôt après une longue bataille contre des maladies incurables et des afflictions diverses liées à la vieillesse et a le plus souvent lieu à l’hôpital. Pour comprendre la souffrance du malade d’aujourd’hui et l’aborder, il faut comprendre ce qu’engendre comme ressenti ce nouveau contexte de fin de vie autant pour le patient que pour le clinicien qui en prend soin. Cette thèse se veut ainsi une étude exploratoire et critique des enjeux psychologiques relatifs à cette mort contemporaine avec un intérêt premier pour l’optimisation du soulagement de la souffrance existentielle du patient dans ce contexte. D’abord, je m’intéresserai à la souffrance du patient. À travers un examen critique des écrits, une définition précise et opérationnelle, comportant des critères distinctifs, de ce qu’est la souffrance existentielle en fin de vie sera proposée. Je poserai ainsi l’hypothèse que la souffrance peut être définie comme une forme de construction de l’esprit s’articulant autour de trois concepts : intégrité, altérité et temporalité. D’abord, intégrité au sens où initialement l’individu malade se sent menacé dans sa personne (relation à soi). Ensuite, altérité au sens où la perception de ses conditions extérieures a un impact sur la détresse ressentie (relation à l’Autre). Et finalement, temporalité au sens où l’individu souffrant de façon existentielle semble bien souvent piégé dans un espace-temps particulier (relation au temps). Ensuite, je m’intéresserai à la souffrance du soignant. Dans le contexte d’une condition terminale, il arrive que des interventions lourdes (p. ex. : sédation palliative profonde, interventions invasives) soient discutées et même proposées par un soignant. Je ferai ressortir diverses sources de souffrance propres au soignant et générées par son contact avec le patient (exemples de sources de souffrance : idéal malmené, valeurs personnelles, sentiment d’impuissance, réactions de transfert et de contre-transfert, identification au patient, angoisse de mort). Ensuite, je mettrai en lumière comment ces dites sources de souffrance peuvent constituer des barrières à l’approche de la souffrance du patient, notamment par l’influence possible sur l’approche thérapeutique choisie. On constatera ainsi que la souffrance d’un soignant contribue par moment à mettre en place des mesures visant davantage à l’apaiser lui-même au détriment de son patient. En dernier lieu, j'élaborerai sur la façon dont la rencontre entre un soignant et un patient peut devenir un espace privilégié afin d'aborder la souffrance. J'émettrai certaines suggestions afin d'améliorer les soins de fin de vie par un accompagnement parvenant à mettre la technologie médicale au service de la compassion tout en maintenant la singularité de l'expérience du patient. Pour le soignant, ceci nécessitera une amélioration de sa formation, une prise de conscience de ses propres souffrances et une compréhension de ses limites à soulager l'Autre.
Introduction: Flexible endoscopic treatment is one of the alternative approaches for the management of Zenker's diverticum. The present paper shows our short-term and long-term results with flexible endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy/septotomy. Patients and methods: A retrospective analysis of our experience in patients with Zenker's diverticulum treated using a flexible endoscope, assisted by a flexible diverticuloscope, between 2002 and 2015. Myotomy/septotomy was performed with a needle-knife papillotome under deep sedation or general anesthesia. Results: Among the 64 patients treated, two died within 10 days of surgery from causes not directly related to the procedure, and one presented with pharyngo-esophageal perforation, which recovered with conservative management at 47 days after admission. Four additional patients were lost to short-term follow-up. Among the 57 remaining patients, 52 had complete relief of dysphagia after 6 weeks. Eleven of these had recurrent symptoms on the mid and the long term. Eight were retreated with the same flexible endoscopic technique, one with a hybrid endoscopic approach, one with classical open surgery and one refused retreatment. After a mean follow-up of 2 years and a half, 33 of 37 patients reported absent or minimal dysphagia, controllable with punctual dietary restrictions. Conclusions: Flexible endoscopic treatment for Zenker's diverticulum is effective and safe. It represents an option on an equal footing to rigid endoscopy and classical open surgery and may also be used when the latter two are technically impracticable or contraindicated.
Background: Among different categories of sedative agents, benzodiazepines have been prescribed for more than three decades to patients of all ages. The effective and predictable sedative and amnestic effects of benzodiazepines support their use in pediatric patients. Midazolam is one of the most extensively used benzodiazepines in this age group. Oral form of drug is the best accepted route of administration in children. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of a commercially midazolam syrup versus orally administered IV midazolam in uncooperative dental patients. Second objective was to determine whether differences concerning sedation success can be explained by child‘s behavioral problems and dental fear. Patients and Methods: Eighty eight uncooperative dental patients (Frankl Scales 1,2) aged 3 to 6 years, and ASA I participated in this double blind, parallel randomized, controlled clinical trial. Midazolam was administered in a dose of 0.5 mg/kg for children under the age 5 and 0.2 mg/kg in patients over 5 years of age. Physiologic parameters including heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure were recorded. Behavior assessment was conducted throughout the course of treatment using Houpt Sedation Rating Scale and at critical moments of treatment (injection and cavity preparation) by North Carolina Scale. Dental fear and behavioral problems were evaluated using Child Fear Schedule Survey-Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS), and Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Independent t-test, Chi-Square, and Pearson correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results: Acceptable overall sedation ratings were observed in 90% and 86% of syrup and IV/Oral group respectively; Chi-Square P = 0.5. Other domains of Houpt Scale including: sleep, crying and movement were also not significantly different between groups. Physiological parameters remained in normal limits during study without significant difference between groups. Conclusions: “Orally administered IV midazolam” preparation can be used as an alternative for commercially midazolam syrup.
A utilização de produtos anestésicos durante práticas de manejo é frequentemente empregada, porém doses corretas de diferentes fármacos e para espécies distintas ainda estão em fases de pesquisa. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar a melhor concentração de benzocaína e eugenol para juvenis de piraputanga (B. hilarii). Foram utilizados 104 juvenis de piraputanga com peso médio de 50,04 ± 20,80 g e comprimento total médio de 16,30 ± 12,32 cm adquiridos em uma piscicultura comercial localizada na região Oeste do Estado do Paraná. O trabalho foi conduzido no Laboratório de Aquicultura do Grupo de Estudos de Manejo na Aquicultura - GEMAq da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE). Os animais foram submetidos a cinco concentrações de benzocaína (50,0; 100,0; 150,0; 200,0 e 250,0 mg L-1) e sete concentrações de eugenol (50,0; 100,0; 150,0; 200,0; 250,0; 300,0 e 350 mg L-1), para a aferição dos tempos referentes à letargia. Para a recuperação, os animais foram mantidos em aquários livre do anestésico e observado o tempo em que retornaram às atividades normais. A melhor dose de benzocaína verificada foi de 100 mg L-1, enquanto a melhor dose de eugenol foi entre 100 e 150 mg L-1.
Pain is defined since 1979 by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as "unpleasant subjective, sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage of tissue", with the concept more acceptable in our days. The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a complex environment to assess pain, where the difficulty in communication with the patient is the biggest barrier to getting your "selfreport", which is considered the gold standard in pain assessment. Many factors alter communication with critically ill patients, as the low level of consciousness, mechanical ventilation, sedation, and the patient's own pathology, besides, there are other limitations such as excessive technology or devices that can divert professional attention to the patient's pain behavior, and lack of training and guidance for management. The multicenter study SUPPORT, it showed that 50-65% of critical patients included suffered pain, and 15% of them reported moderate to severe intensity for more than half the period of hospitalization. Critically ill patients experience pain due to high volume of potentially painful techniques applied to them during their ICU admission, emphasizing nursing care and tracheal suctioning, mobilization, wound healing and channeling of catheters and others. The underestimation of pain involves physiological and hemodynamic effects such as increased blood pressure and/or heart rate, altered breathing pattern, and psychological and anxiety. Also an increase of sedation and mechanical ventilation time and ICU stay of increasing the morbidity and mortality of critically ill patients...
The management of critically ill burn patients is challenging. These patients have to be managed in specialized centers, where the expertise of physicians and nursing personnel guarantees the best treatment. Mortality of burn patients has improved over the past decades due to a better understanding of burn shock pathophysiology, optimal surgical management, infection control and nutritional support. Indeed, a more aggressive resuscitation, early excision and grafting, the judicious use of topical antibiotics, and the provision of an adequate calorie and protein intake are key to attain best survival results. General advances in critical care have also to be implemented, including protective ventilation, glycemic control, selective decontamination of the digestive tract, and implementation of sedation protocols.
El objetivo de este estudio es establecer si la dexmedetomidina (DEX) es segura y efectiva para el manejo coadyuvante de síndrome de abstinencia a alcohol (SAA) a través de la búsqueda de evidencia científica. Metodología: se realiza una revisión sistemática de literatura publicada y no publicada desde enero de 1989 hasta febrero 2016 en PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Bireme, Cochrane library y en otras bases de datos y portales. Los criterios de inclusión fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y no aleatorizados, estudios cuasi-experimentales, estudios de cohorte, y estudios de casos y controles; que incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años hospitalizados con diagnóstico de SAA y donde se usó DEX como terapia coadyuvante. Resultados: 7 estudios, 477 pacientes, se incluyeron en el análisis final. Se encontraron dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, tres estudios de casos y controles y dos estudios de cohorte retrospectivo. Solo uno de los estudios fue doble ciego y utilizó placebo como comparador. Análisis y conclusiones: en los estudios experimentales se determinan que el uso de DEX como terapia coadyuvante en el manejo de SAA tiene significancia clínica y estadística para disminuir dosis de BZD en las primeras 24 horas de tratamiento; pero no demostraron tener otros beneficios clínicos. En los estudios no aleatorizados existe consenso que relaciona el uso de DEX con menores dosis de BZD de forma temprana. Recomendaciones: no se recomienda el uso de DEX en SAA de forma rutinaria. Se recomienda usar DEX solo en casos en el que exista evidencia fallo terapéutico a BZD.
La hiperalgesia secundaria a la administración de remifentanil se ha documentado tanto en estudios animales como en estudios experimentales en humanos y ha aumentado su incidencia dado su uso cada vez más frecuente para el mantenimiento durante diferentes procedimientos anestésicos, anestesia general balanceada, anestesia total intravenosa y sedaciones. La hiperalgesia secundaria al uso de remifentanil es un proceso pro-nociceptivo relacionado pero que difiere de la tolerancia aguda, en el que los neurotransmisores excitatorios de N- metil D aspartato (NMDA) juegan un rol central. Por tanto la ketamina se ha utilizado en diferentes dosis para la prevención de dicha hiperalgesia sin que se haya establecido su efectividad para la prevención y tratamiento de esta condición. Se encontraron 8 estudios publicados en los últimos 10 años que proponen a la ketamina como una estrategia útil y efectiva el tratamiento de la hiperalgesia inducida por el uso de remifentanil. Los resultados demuestran que la ketamina es un tratamiento costo efectivo para el tratamiento de la hiperalgesia en diferentes poblaciones sometidas a diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos y anestésicos que incluyan la administración de remifentanil tanto en la inducción como en el mantenimiento anestésico sin generar efectos secundarios adicionales, así como que logra disminuir el consumo de opioides y la EVA en el posoperatorio.
• Introducción: El síndrome de abstinencia (SA) es el conjunto de síntomas y signos que se producen al suspender bruscamente la administración de un fármaco una vez se haya establecido dependencia física. • Objetivos: Caracterizar los pacientes que presentan SA secundario a opiodes (OP) y/o benzodiacepinas(BZ) durante la hospitalización en las unidades de cuidados intensivos pediátricos de la Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio (CIC) y Hospital del Niño de Panamá (HDN) del 1 de abril al 30 de septiembre del 2016. • Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo. Incluimos 189 pacientes en la CIC y 144 pacientes en el HDN. Se utilizó la escala SOPHIA para el diagnóstico de SA, las escalas COMFORT para evaluar la sedación en pacientes ventilados no relajados y la escala FLACC para evaluar la analgesia. Se utilizó software StataV12® para el análisis estadístico. • Resultados: se reportó una incidencia global de SA de 6.1/100 días personas. La incidencia acumulada de SA fue de 56.08% y 29.86% para la CIC y el HDN respectivamente. En la CIC el 69.81% de los pacientes que requirieron infusión de OP y BZ desarrollaron SA. Se reportó una dosis acumulada de fentanyl de 530.34 ± 276.49 mcg/kg. Con respecto al HDN, de los pacientes que recibieron opioides y benzodiacepinas el 53.49 % desarrollaron SA. • Conclusión: El SA secundario a opioides y/o benzodiacepinas es frecuente en nuestras unidades con una incidencia variable, es mayor la presentación del SA al usar ambos fármacos, mayores dosis acumuladas y más días de infusión continua.