340 resultados para Rhodnius milesi


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Esta es una continuación del Programa ECIS (Estudio Comparativo de los Impactos Sociales de los Grandes Proyectos de Desarrollo), constituído a partir del 2005 en el Programa de Ecología Humana (PEH). Los ejes convocantes para esta nueva etapa, son, en primer lugar, la compleción del análisis del Proyecto Yacyretá, que en el período anterior concretó la publicación de un volumen. Una segunda vertiente remite a la ideología de los movimientos sociales opuestos a la construcción de represas y a la concepción de desarrollo explícitas o implícitas en sus propuestos y su comparación con otros movimientos ecologistas (Córdoba). Asimismo, nos proponemos realizar estudios de campo de las prácticas agrícolas de los colonos asentados en áreas de la provincia incluidas en el proyecto de "corredor verde", con el objeto de analizar su compatibilidad o no con los modelos de "explotación sustentable" que se vienen manejando, así como analizar otros desarrollos recientes en el agro misionero. Finalmente, se contemplan estudios comparativos sobre desarrollo socioeconómico de minorías en la Patagonia argentina.


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Actividades desarrolladas durante el período: se continuó con la sistematización y clasificación de los datos sobre la represa de Yacyreta. y con la preparación del libro, para lo cual se cuenta con la colaboracón de la Lic. María del Rosario Millán. Se sistematizaron los datos recopilados hasta este momento; Durante el año 2009 nos ocupamos específicamente del análisis de distintas asambleas ambientales que desarrollan sus actividades en la provincia de Córdoba. Entre otras reivindicaciones, cabe destacar la relevancia de las luchas llevadas a cabo por asambleas movilizadas para lograr la prohibición de la explotación minera a cielo abierto en todo el territorio provincial. Se realizaron registros bibliográficos, se recogió y analizó diversas folletería, observaciones, se participó de diversos eventos (reuniones, marchas, congreso, etc,) y se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad; análisis las prácticas y representaciones de los productores rurales sobre el ambiente. Se estudiaron los proyectos, discursos y actores ambientalistas que circulan en la región y que, de manera creciente, están influyendo sobre la manera en que los productores rurales se relacionan con el ambiente. De manera que en segundo lugar se estudió la expansión de discursos, actores y prácticas ambientalistas en la provincia de Misiones.


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Prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) is the central cerebral neurohormone in insect development. Its release has been believed for decades to be confined to one (or two) critical moments early in each developmental stage at which time it triggers prolonged activation of the prothoracic glands to synthesize and release the steroid molting hormones (ecdysteroids), which elicit developmental responses in target tissues. We used an in vitro assay for PTTH released from excised brains of the bug Rhodnius prolixus and report that release of PTTH does occur at the expected time on day 6, but that this release is merely the first in a daily rhythm of release that continues throughout most of the 21 days of larval-adult development. This finding, together with reports of circadian control of ecdysteroid synthesis and titer throughout this time, raises significant challenges to several features of the current understanding of the hormonal control of insect development. New questions are raised concerning the function(s) of PTTH, its relationship with the prothoracic glands, and the significance of circadian rhythmicity throughout this endocrine axis. The significance of the reported observations derives from the set of entirely new questions they raise concerning the regulation of insect development.


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To obtain a better understanding of the associations among Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), adult attachment patterns, impulsivity, and aggressiveness, we tested four competing models of these relationships: a) BPD is associated with the personality traits of impulsivity and aggressiveness, but adult attachment patterns predict neither BPD nor impulsive/aggressive features; b) adult attachment patterns are significant predictors of BPD but not of impulsive/aggressive traits, although these traits correlate with BPD; c) adult attachment patterns are significant predictors of impulsive and aggressive traits, which in turn predict BPD; and d) adult attachment patterns significantly predict both BPD and impulsive/aggressive traits. We assessed 466 consecutively admitted outpatients using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (V. 2.0), the Attachment Style Questionnaire, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11, and the Aggression Questionnaire. Maximum likelihood structural equation modeling of the covariance matrix showed that model (c) was the best fitting model (chi(2) (21) = 31.67, p >.05, RMSEA = .023, test of close fit p >.85). This result indicates that adult attachment patterns act indirectly as risk factors for BPD because of their relationships with aggressive/impulsive personality traits.


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The triatomine fauna distribution and the natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated aiming the comprehension of the transmission dynamics of this parasite in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the research for Trypanosoma rangeli was also investigated. The captures of triatomines were performed at sylvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments at different municipalities of the central and western mesoregions of this state. The insects were identified and examined by direct method, xenoculture and PCR to detect T. cruzi. The detection of T. rangeli was performed by direct examination of the hemolymph and multiplex PCR of 151 positive specimens for T. cruzi. Of 824 captured insects, the species were distributed in Triatoma brasiliensis (66.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (18.2%), Panstrongylus lutzi (12.7%) and Rhodnius nasutus (2.7%), and T. brasiliensis was found in most of the evaluated municipalities. The species were captured at nymph and adult stages, except P. lutzi, exclusively in adult stage. In the sylvatic environment were captured T. brasiliensis (57%), P. lutzi (28%) and T. pseudomaculata (15%) species. At the peridomicile environment were identified T. brasiliensis (74%), T. pseudomaculata (21%) and R. nasutus (5.0%), while in the intradomicile was found only T. brasiliensis. The infection rate of triatomines by T. cruzi was 30.4%, P. lutzi showed highest rate (78%), followed by T. brasiliensis (24.4%), T. pseudomaculata (22.6%) and R. nasutus (4.5%). Infected triatomines indexes at silvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments were of 41.8%, 20.1% and 50.0%, respectively. T. rangeli was only detected by multiplex PCR in 2.6% (4/151) of examined insects, of these 4.4% (3/67) were T. brasiliensis and 1.5% (1/63) P. lutzi species. The data showed that the positivity of P. lutzi allied to its ability to invade domicile attracted by light, suggests a likely participation of this insect between epidemiological transmission cycles of T. cruzi. T. brasiliensis was the only specie present in all environments, what reinforces its importance related to the capacity for adapting to the domestic environment, potential as a vector, and maintenance of sylvatic and domestic transmissions cycles in the semiarid, indicating the necessity of continuous epidemiological surveillance. The presence of T. rangeli in T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi was first recorded in rural zone of this State, broadening the area of occurrence of this protozoan in northeastern Brazil.


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The triatomine fauna distribution and the natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was evaluated aiming the comprehension of the transmission dynamics of this parasite in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Additionally, the research for Trypanosoma rangeli was also investigated. The captures of triatomines were performed at sylvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments at different municipalities of the central and western mesoregions of this state. The insects were identified and examined by direct method, xenoculture and PCR to detect T. cruzi. The detection of T. rangeli was performed by direct examination of the hemolymph and multiplex PCR of 151 positive specimens for T. cruzi. Of 824 captured insects, the species were distributed in Triatoma brasiliensis (66.4%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (18.2%), Panstrongylus lutzi (12.7%) and Rhodnius nasutus (2.7%), and T. brasiliensis was found in most of the evaluated municipalities. The species were captured at nymph and adult stages, except P. lutzi, exclusively in adult stage. In the sylvatic environment were captured T. brasiliensis (57%), P. lutzi (28%) and T. pseudomaculata (15%) species. At the peridomicile environment were identified T. brasiliensis (74%), T. pseudomaculata (21%) and R. nasutus (5.0%), while in the intradomicile was found only T. brasiliensis. The infection rate of triatomines by T. cruzi was 30.4%, P. lutzi showed highest rate (78%), followed by T. brasiliensis (24.4%), T. pseudomaculata (22.6%) and R. nasutus (4.5%). Infected triatomines indexes at silvatic, peridomicile and domicile environments were of 41.8%, 20.1% and 50.0%, respectively. T. rangeli was only detected by multiplex PCR in 2.6% (4/151) of examined insects, of these 4.4% (3/67) were T. brasiliensis and 1.5% (1/63) P. lutzi species. The data showed that the positivity of P. lutzi allied to its ability to invade domicile attracted by light, suggests a likely participation of this insect between epidemiological transmission cycles of T. cruzi. T. brasiliensis was the only specie present in all environments, what reinforces its importance related to the capacity for adapting to the domestic environment, potential as a vector, and maintenance of sylvatic and domestic transmissions cycles in the semiarid, indicating the necessity of continuous epidemiological surveillance. The presence of T. rangeli in T. brasiliensis and P. lutzi was first recorded in rural zone of this State, broadening the area of occurrence of this protozoan in northeastern Brazil.


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La crisis política e institucional ocurrida en Argentina en 2001 muestra un escenario donde se instaura con fuerza la protesta “desde abajo” corporizada en diversas asambleas populares. En este caso, específicamente, el interés recae sobre los colectivos sociales que resisten las explotaciones mineras a cielo abierto. Las negociaciones, las luchas, los intereses en juego, las actividades de promoción y los procesos de resistencia, conforman un escenario particular donde los actores sociales y su capacidad de acción dan cuenta de modalidades renovadas de apropiación cultural del ambiente. La recategorización del medio, por parte de las asambleas ambientales, rechazando la designación de recurso natural y sustituyéndola por bien común, permite a estos actores sociales establecer un nuevo anclaje para llevar adelante la lucha.


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Actualmente, las barreras comerciales a nivel internacional resultan cada vez menos tangibles entre los diferentes mercados, haciendo que las oportunidades de comercialización de bienes y servicios entre países sea cada vez mayor. Sin embargo, es muy común todavía encontrarse con historias de fracaso en los esfuerzos de diferentes empresarios medianos y pequeños que en su momento decidieron emprender el camino de la internacionalización de sus compañías y que por diferentes factores, bien sea desconocimiento de leyes comerciales internacionales, desinformación primordial del mercado objetivo o simplemente por situaciones ajenas a ellos sufrieron esta adversidad y dejaron de lado su impulso e interés por internacionalizarse. Por tal razón, hemos enfocado nuestros esfuerzos en tratar de identificar las diferentes potencialidades y oportunidades que el empresario colombiano puede llegar a tener en cuatro estados de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Nueva York, Nueva Jersey, Nuevo Hampshire y Nebraska específicamente. La metodología a desarrollar a lo largo de esta investigación principalmente recoge información cualitativa y cuantitativa que nos permitirá desglosar diversos aspectos con mayor profundidad, para que el empresario interesado tenga un panorama más claro de lo que puede llegar a encontrarse en los estados mencionados anteriormente.