809 resultados para Professional master’s degree


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A Matemática e as Ciências Farmacêuticas encontram-se relacionadas desde há muito, no entanto, foi a partir do séc. XVII, período de notável agitação cultural e científico que os métodos experimentais foram sustentados com cálculos matemáticos. Esta ciência e as técnicas de modelagem matemática tornaram-se numa ferramenta amplamente utilizada, de tal modo, que nos dias de hoje são consideradas como fundamentais na generalidade das profissões e em especial nas Ciências Farmacêuticas. Contudo, para muitos ainda não é vista como fundamental e essencial para a formação de futuros farmacêuticos. Deste modo, pretende-se demonstrar como a Matemática e as técnicas de modelagem se tornaram ao longo dos anos nesta poderosa ferramenta. Quer pelos instrumentos, quer pelas competências que nos proporcionam. Pretende-se também, com recurso aos conteúdos programáticos desta unidade curricular, avaliar se os conhecimentos, sistemas de avaliação e distribuição da carga horária são efetuados de forma homogénea pelas diferentes instituições portuguesas, públicas ou privadas que lecionam o Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas. Verificou-se que a Matemática é uma ciência plena de capacidades e recursos e que estabelece uma relação interdisciplinar com as Ciências Farmacêuticas. Quer pela componente utilitária, quer pela componente formativa que proporciona. A análise dos conteúdos programáticos demonstra que apesar de serem transversais, as Universidades que não lecionam Sistemas de Equações Lineares e Equações diferenciais deveriam faze-lo e também realizarem um melhor controlo da carga horária por temática.


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No âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão da Prevenção de Riscos Laborais, procede-se a uma investigação com vista à identificação dos Fatores de Riscos Psicossociais nos trabalhadores dos Serviços Administrativos e de Emergência das Delegações Centro e Sul do Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica - INEM. Pretende-se colmatar essa lacuna visto que o INEM, até então, nunca efetuou nenhuma avaliação dos Fatores de Riscos Psicossociais, sendo que as investigações realizadas no instituto são relativas ao stresse ocupacional. A pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, com enfoque simultaneamente quantitativo e qualitativo, concretiza-se mediante a realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas às chefias de cada delegação e aplicação do questionário F-Psico versão 3.0 (Escala de Valoración de los riesgos psicosociales do Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo – INSHT) aos trabalhadores dos serviços do Centro e do Sul do INEM. Participaram do estudo 185 trabalhadores, sendo 10% pertencentes à Delegação Centro e 14% pertencentes à Delegação Sul. Com os resultados obtidos pretende-se propor medidas preventivas, com vista a contribuir para a eliminação ou redução dos Riscos Psicossociais identificados. / Regarding the Masters Degree in Prevention of Labor Risk Management, an investigation aimed to identify the Psychosocial Risk Factors in the emergency and administrative workers in the Central and Southern Delegations of the National Institute of Medical Emergency. Aimed fill the gap because the National Institute of Medical Emergency, till then, never made any assessment of Psychosocial Risk Factors, and the investigations performed in the institute are related to occupational stress. The research which is simultaneously quantitative and qualitative, descriptive and exploratory will be will held bearing in mind the semi-structured interviews to the employers of each delegation and application of the Psychosocial Risk Factors identification questionnaire F-Psico 3.0 to the services workers of the central and southern delegations of de National Institute of Medical Emergency. The study included 185 workers, with 10% belonging to the Central Delegation and 14% belonging to the Southern Delegation. With the results we will propose preventive or corrective measures to eliminate or reduce the Psychosocial Risks identified.


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This special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies is devoted to the research in Irish Studies being carried out in Scandinavia by a group of scholars based in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as scholars associated—in one way or another—with Scandinavia. Denmark is represented by the University of Aalborg; Norway, by scholars affiliated to the Universities of Agder, the Artic University of Norway, Bergen, and Stavanger; and Sweden is represented by scholars from the universities of Dalarna, Göteborg, Stockholm, Södertörn and Umeå. Included also in this special issue is the work of two former students, who completed their Masters’ degree in Irish literature at DUCIS (Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies), Sweden—from Norway and China respectively. The collection also contains an article by Dara Waldron, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, whof recently presented his research at the Higher Seminar in Dalarna. Contributions by the Irish poet, Mary O’Donnell, who participated in the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) conference, hosted by DUCIS in December 2012, are also included.


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This special issue of Nordic Journal of English Studies is devoted to the research in Irish Studies being carried out in Scandinavia by a group of scholars based in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as scholars associated—in one way or another—with Scandinavia. Denmark is represented by the University of Aalborg; Norway, by scholars affiliated to the Universities of Agder, the Artic University of Norway, Bergen, and Stavanger; and Sweden is represented by scholars from the universities of Dalarna, Göteborg, Stockholm, Södertörn and Umeå. Included also in this special issue is the work of two former students, who completed their Masters’ degree in Irish literature at DUCIS (Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies), Sweden—from Norway and China respectively. The collection also contains an article by Dara Waldron, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, whof recently presented his research at the Higher Seminar in Dalarna. Contributions by the Irish poet, Mary O’Donnell, who participated in the Nordic Irish Studies Network (NISN) conference, hosted by DUCIS in December 2012, are also included.


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In her June 26, 2013 interview with Martha Manning, Regina Varnadore details her time at Winthrop from 1986-1989 as an Elementary Education major. In particular, Varnadore describes the process of earning a degree in Elementary Education. Varnadore discusses her experience student teaching and her career as a teacher. Varnadore mentions her opinions on education in Rock Hill and employees in the school district. Provided is information on Varandore’s family, the story of Varnadore earning her Master’s degree, and her future in the teaching profession. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.


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Este trabalho investiga e analisa o fenômeno dos MBAs no Brasil e seu papel na disseminação e legitimação de novas práticas gerenciais. Os MBAs, assim como as escolas de administração, fazem parte do campo do management, junto com a mídia de negócios, os gurus empresariais e as empresas de consultoria. O objeto de estudo é constituído pelos programas de Mestrado Profissional em Administração, que são informalmente denominados de MBAs. A pesquisa compreendeu quatro etapas: (1) investigação sobre o tema junto à publicações acadêmicas e à mídia de negócios, (2) entrevistas com coordenadores e pessoas-chave dos cursos, (3) análise dos dados obtidos e dos depoimentos dos entrevistados, e (4) preparação do relatório final. O estudo fornece um quadro amplo do fenômeno no Brasil, apontando algumas questões-chave.


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This document constitutes itself a thesis for a master¿s, partial fulfillment for getting a master¿s degree in Public and Business Management. The subject is a research on the influence of the attribute of safety in the segmentation of pork in the northwest border of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, involving a bibliographic review related to the theme, and also an explorative research in order to identify the characteristics of the sector. From this information, a descriptive research is carried out from data collected in stores wich commercialize pork products in Santa Rosa, reaching a comprehensive undestanding on the subject. The main results of the research are the theoretical building of the thematic support concerning the safety of the food; the use of interviews aiming at verifying the importance of different attributes of pork which the consumer consider important and also the identification of segments based on these assessments. The conclusions from the research show that the consumers in general consider of high importance the safety of the food, and it is due to the fact that pork is still considered a product which offers a high risk at consumption. Consumers still have a preconceived idea about pork, because years ago, hog breeding was conducted with precarious standards of hygiene. It is imperative that the related business and producers divulge the advances of the sector in order to destroy this negative concept. The study identified three segments of market to the consumer of in natura pork: the first emphasized attributes are the inspection and the presentation of the product (cluster 1), flavour and softness stand out as the second ones. Finally, the third most important attributes that consumers consider when picking a pork product are its price and its aspect. It also favours further studies wich can provide the formulation of new marketing strategies to order products that form part of this agrolimentary system, giving this segment opportunity to boost its business and improve its approach to its consumer.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado teve como objetivo analisar a produtividade do trabalho dos Magistrados do Poder Judiciário Brasileiro. O objetivo específico foi tentar compreender as contribuições da Tecnologia da Informação e da Inovação para a produtividade do trabalho dos Magistrados. A tecnologia da informação e a inovação têm sido responsáveis pela otimização de tarefas nas mais diversas áreas, proporcionando muitos benefícios, que vão desde a economia de tempo na realização das atividades até a redução de custos. Para verificar as contribuições da tecnologia da informação e da inovação na produtividade do trabalho dos magistrados foi adotado a estudo de caso, o qual teve como foco o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ). Nesse sentido, a pesquisa foi conduzida por meio de levantamento e análise de dados provenientes de documentos, da Internet e de entrevistas. Justamente, procurando reconhecer quais são as ferramentas de TI e quais são as inovações colocadas à disposição dos magistrados do STJ para o desempenho de sua função, como se dá o alinhamento com o planejamento estratégico e em que medida a TI e a inovação tem possibilitado o aumento da produtividade do trabalho dos magistrados do STJ. As conclusões depreendidas deste estudo revelam que de fato há um aumento da produtividade do trabalho dos magistrados do STJ com o uso da TI e da Inovação.


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A formação dos docentes para o magistério superior é uma das funções dos Cursos de Mestrado. Na pesquisa das condições em que se desenvolve a formação do professor de Ensino Superior nos Cursos de Mestrado em Educação, identificam-se. entre outras disciplinas básicas, algumas especificamente didáticas: a Metodologia do Ensino Superior no IESAE/cMEd, a Didática do Ensino Superior na UFRJ/CMEd e a Metodologia Didática na PUC/CMEd. Verifica-se não serem obrigatórias essas disciplinas para todos os mestrandos, fato que leva a supor serem suas funções insuficientemente definidas na estrutura curricular desses Cursos, no tocante ã formação do docente. Julgando-se desempenharem essas disciplinas uma mesma função na formação do professor, precisamente daquele que se destina ao magistério superior, supõe-se que a falta de definição do papel por ela desempenhado no currículo dos mestrandos em Educação resulta da imprecisão dos termos Metodologia do Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática. Esta imprecisão é constatada ao examinar-se a literatura especializada e ao analisar-se as respostas dos mestrandos que cursaram estas disciplinas e que as lecionaram. Os resultados das reflexões dos professores feitas conduziram a opção da Metodologia do Ensino Superior como disciplina eminentemente formativa do docente para este nível de ensino, por considerá-la mais abrangente do que as demais. Pelo mesmo motivo, defende-se sua obrigatoriedade de no currículo de todos os mestrandos em Educação. Caracteriza-se a MES pela interdisciplinar idade, definindo-a como método de trabalho reflexivo, tico e elaborativo que possibilita ao professor de Ensino Superior conduzir adequadamente o processo ensino-aprendizagem. o trabalho consta de duas etapas: a fundamentação teórica e a pesquisa de campo. Na primeira foram feitas: a revisão da literatura, a definição da função da Metodologia do Ensino Superior na formação dos professores e o estudo analítico dos programas das disciplinas Metodologia do Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática. A pesquisa de campo consiste em aplicação de questionários e entrevistas. o universo da pesquisa compõe-se de todos os mestrandos que cursaram as disciplinas Metodologia de Ensino Superior, Didática do Ensino Superior e Metodologia Didática, dos professores destas disciplinas e dos Coordenadores dos Cursos de Mestrado em Educação do IESAE, da UFRJ e da PUC, respectivamente(1976). Os pressupostos e questionamentos que orientam a pesquisa referem-se à imprecisão conceitual da Metodologia do Ensino Superior e a seu papel indefinido na formação do professor de Ensino Superior.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a apuração de haveres nas sociedades limitadas a partir da análise da jurisprudência, notadamente para compreender o alcance da liberdade de contratar das partes, estabelecido, entre outras normas, no artigo 1.031 do Código Civil. Para tanto, analisaram-se os julgados do STJ, disponíveis no sítio eletrônico da corte e, da mesma forma, os do TJSP, dada a relevância econômica do estado e a existência de câmaras especializadas em direito empresarial, entre o período de 2010 a 2014. Tentou-se construir uma tipologia das questões que compõem o julgamento das cláusulas de apuração de haveres, como, por exemplo, distinção entre forma de apuração e forma de pagamento; e, igualmente, dos fundamentos usados pelos tribunais para afastar ou aplicar as cláusulas. Na segunda seção, fez-se uma análise crítica dos argumentos jurisprudenciais, sob a forma de defesa daqueles que, a nosso sentir, devem validar as cláusulas de apuração de haveres, quais sejam: boa-fé objetiva, função social e os constantes na literatura americana do capital lock in. Além disso, pontua-se sobre o emprego, a nosso sentir, inadequado do “enriquecimento sem causa”, como também da conveniência de se fazer uma aplicação ponderada dos princípios, especialmente quando contrariam uma regra jurídica positivada. Por fim, antes de concluir, comentou-se sobre a forma de apuração de haveres construída pela jurisprudência, a qual denomina-se, neste trabalho, dissolução total simulada.


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“A Narratological Analysis of D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel (1981)” originated within a seminar on British Postmodernist Literature during the first Master’s Degree in “British and North-American Culture and Literature” (2001-04) at the Universidade da Madeira set up by the Department of English and German Studies. This dissertation seeks to present a narratological analysis of Thomas’s novel. The White Hotel stands as a paradigmatic example of the kind of literature that has dominated the British literary scene in the past three decades, commonly referred to as postmodernist fiction, owing to its formal craftsmanship (multiplicity of narrative voices and perspectives, mixing of differing genres and text types, inclusion of embedded narratives) alongside the handling of what are deemed as postmodernist topoi (the distinction between truth and lies, history and fantasy, fact and fiction, the questioning of the nature of aesthetic representation, the role the author and the reader hold in the narrative process, the instability of the linguistic sign, the notion of originality and the moral responsibility the author has towards his/her work), The narratological approach carried out in this research reveals that Thomas’s text constitutes an aesthetic endeavour to challenge the teleological drive that is inherent in any narrative, i. e., the inevitable progression towards a reassuring end. Hence, the subversion of narrative telling, which is a recurrent feature in Thomas’s remaining literary output, mirrors the contemporary distrust in totalising, hierarchised and allencompassing narratives. In its handling of historical events, namely of the Holocaust, The White Hotel invites us to reassess the most profound beliefs we were taught to take for granted: progress, reality and truth. In their place the novel proposes a more flexible conception of both the world and art, especially of literary fiction. In other terms, the world appears as a brutal chaotic place the subject is forced to adjust to. Accordingly, the literary work is deemed hybrid, fragmented and open. So as to put forth the above-mentioned issues, this research work is structured in three main chapters. The initial chapter – “What is Postmodernism?” – advances a scrutiny not only of the seminal but also of more recent studies on postmodernist literary criticism. Following this, in Chapter II – “Postmodernist British Fiction” – a brief overview of postmodernist British fiction is carried out, focusing on the fictional works that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the periodising of British postmodernism. In addition, I felt the need to include a section – “D. M. Thomas as a Postmodernist Novelist” – in which the author’s remaining literary output is briefly examined. Finally, Chapter III – “A Narratological Analysis of The White Hotel” – proposes a narratological analysis of the novel according to the particular Genettian analytical model. To conclude, my dissertation constitutes an approach to D. M. Thomas’s The White Hotel as a text whose very existence is substantiated in the foregrounding of the contingency of all discourses, meeting the postmodernist precepts of openness and subversion of any narrative that claims to be true, globalising and all-inclusive.


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O presente relatório de estágio foi realizado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este tem como objetivo descrever todo o trabalho realizado no estágio do 2º ano do Mestrado. Aqui, serão descritas as práticas realizadas em contexto do Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Educação Pré-Escolar. De forma a complementar todo o trabalho desenvolvido, fazem parte as reflexões e as estratégias adotadas. Ambos os estágios foram realizados na escola EB1/PE da Ajuda. Não obstante, são peças integrantes deste relatório, o contexto educativo e as características das crianças com que tive o prazer de trabalhar. No trabalho realizado foram utilizados diferentes instrumentos, nomeadamente a observação participante, a recolha documental, as conversas informais e ainda o diário de campo. São ainda descritas as intervenções educativas realizadas com a comunidade educativa. Para finalizar, são apresentadas as reflexões finais de toda a intervenção educativa realizada em ambas as valências.


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CARVALHO, Andréa Vasconcelos ; DINIZ, I. C. S. ; MEDEIROS, J. B. . Estudo de usuários em bibliotecas públicas e universitárias: em foco as dissertações defendidas no CMCI/UFPB. Informação & Sociedade. Estudos, João Pessoa, v. 12, n. 2, 2002


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This Masters Degree dissertation seeks to make a comparative study of internal air temperature data, simulated through the thermal computer application DesignBuilder 1.2, and data registered in loco through HOBO® Temp Data Logger, in a Social Housing Prototype (HIS), located at the Central Campus of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN. The prototype was designed and built seeking strategies of thermal comfort recommended for the local climate where the study was carried out, and built with panels of cellular concrete by Construtora DoisA, a collaborator of research project REPESC Rede de Pesquisa em Eficiência Energética de Sistemas Construtivos (Research Network on Energy Efficiency of Construction Systems), an integral part of Habitare program. The methodology employed carefully examined the problem, reviewed the bibliography, analyzing the major aspects related to computer simulations for thermal performance of buildings, such as climate characterization of the region under study and users thermal comfort demands. The DesignBuilder 1.2 computer application was used as a simulation tool, and theoretical alterations were carried out in the prototype, then they were compared with the parameters of thermal comfort adopted, based on the area s current technical literature. Analyses of the comparative studies were performed through graphical outputs for a better understanding of air temperature amplitudes and thermal comfort conditions. The data used for the characterization of external air temperature were obtained from the Test Reference Year (TRY), defined for the study area (Natal-RN). Thus the author also performed comparative studies for TRY data registered in the years 2006, 2007 and 2008, at weather station Davis Precision Station, located at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INPE-CRN (National Institute of Space Research), in a neighboring area of UFRN s Central Campus. The conclusions observed from the comparative studies performed among computer simulations, and the local records obtained from the studied prototype, point out that the simulations performed in naturally ventilated buildings is quite a complex task, due to the applications limitations, mainly owed to the complexity of air flow phenomena, the influence of comfort conditions in the surrounding areas and climate records. Lastly, regarding the use of the application DesignBuilder 1.2 in the present study, one may conclude that it is a good tool for computer simulations. However, it needs some adjustments to improve reliability in its use. There is a need for continued research, considering the dedication of users to the prototype, as well as the thermal charges of the equipment, in order to check sensitivity


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Descriptive study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of patients with venous ulcers (UV) outpatient clinic of a university hospital in Natal / RN. The aim of the study population was composed of 50 patients with UV treated at the cardiology clinic of a university teaching hospital at the tertiary level. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Protocol 279/09). Data collection was performed over a period of two months by the very a masters degree and an academic nursing through the application of a form concerning the socio-demographic, clinical, and health care, and the instruments WHOQOL and WHOQOL - old. The data were analyzed with SPSS 15.0, using descriptive and inferential statistics presented in the form of tables, charts and graphs. Of the surveyed, female predominance, age range 59 years, Catholic, low education, married, with up to 03 children, not working, retired, or with occupations requiring long periods in one position, wage income of up to 02 minimum wages, inadequate sleep, patients with chronic venous insufficiency and other chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, were taking medications for treatment, being a minority to IVC. In patients with predominant only one injury, time of injury up to five years, inadequate rest, pain, edema and lesions colonized. The assistance the UV patients began treatment of the injury until four months after the onset of the ulcer, and services primary health care most wanted, access to angiologist by reference form, commuted by public transportation, received support regarding the treatment of injuries. The topical product most used in the lesion was healing, and few were using compression therapy. respondents suffer discrimination in society, showed changes in quality of life after the occurrence of ulcer in relation to leisure, pain, restriction of social / school / transportation; barring employment / financial / social ladder; Physical appearance / discrimination and restriction of domestic activity. These changes were related to the time of injury and found that the more chronic injury is the most negative changes occur in their QV (ρ = 0.000). Analyzing the characteristics of QV measured by the WHOQOL-bref, we found for the two general questions they are dissatisfied with their health (ρ = 0.023) and all areas have significant difference compared with the worst QV have the injury of more than 5 years (ρ = 0.000). The QV measured by the WHOQOL-old, we found that these patients had no changes from the time of injury. We conclude that the QV of patients with UV was considered unsatisfactory when compared to the time of injury on more than 5 years which shows that the quality of life worsens with time the chronic UV.