996 resultados para Product-harm Crisis
This study assesses the decline in second birth rates for men and women across different skill levels in transitional Russia. Changes within educational groups and occupational classes are observed over three distinct time periods: the Soviet era, economic crisis, and economic recovery. The most remarkable finding is the similarity in the extent second birth rates declined within educational groups and occupational classes during the economic crisis. Although further decline occurred in the recovery period, more variation emerged across groups.
Since the opening in 2003 of the Couple & Family Consultation Unit (UCCF) at Prangins Hospital, we have met urgent demands and observed that the suffering systems (i.e., couples and families) couldn't face any waiting period. So in 2007 an Emergency/Crisis Facility was created, based on the hypothesis that there is no contra-indication to systemic emergency care, if one understands and structures both crisis and treatment. We studied the suffering population in demand and the emergency/crisis issues and assessed therapy efficiency. Then we observed that treating suffering systems in emergency does produce therapeutic gain in terms of crisis resolution and patients' satisfaction. Those treatments refer to public health issues, as considered the human, social and financial cost of couples/families dysfunctions.
We show how to build full-diversity product codes under both iterative encoding and decoding over non-ergodic channels, in presence of block erasure and block fading. The concept of a rootcheck or a root subcode is introduced by generalizing the same principle recently invented for low-density parity-check codes. We also describe some channel related graphical properties of the new family of product codes, a familyreferred to as root product codes.
We analyze the entry of a new product into a vertically differentiated market in which an entrant and an incumbent compete in prices. Here the entry-deterrence strategies of the incumbent firm rely on “limit qualities.” With a sequential choice of quality, a quality-dependent marginal production cost, and a fixed entry cost, we relate the entry-quality decision and the entry-deterrence strategies to the level of entry cost and the degree of consumer heterogeneity. Quality-dependent marginal production costs in the model entail the possibility of inferior-quality entry as well as an incumbent’s aggressive entry-deterrence strategies of increasing its quality level toward potential entry. Welfare evaluation confirms that social welfare is not necessarily improved when entry is encouraged rather than deterred.
Based on accepted advances in the marketing, economics, consumer behavior, and satisfaction literatures, we develop a micro-foundations model of a firm that needs to manage the quality of a product that is inherently heterogeneous in the presence of varying customer tastes or expectations for quality. Our model blends elements of the returns to quality, customer lifetime value, and service profit chain approaches to marketing. The model is then used to explain several empirical results pertaining to the marketing literature by explicitly articulating the trade-offs between customer satisfaction and costs (including opportunity costs) of quality. In this environment firms will find it optimal to allow some customers to go unsatisfied. We show that the relationship between the expected number of repeated purchases by an individual customer is endogenous to the choice of quality by the firm, indicating that the number of purchases cannot be chosen freely to estimate a customer’s lifetime value.
En el contexto de la Sociedad red (Castells: 2007) los medios constituyen referentesfacultados para reproducir discursos socialmente legitimados. La inseguridad ciudadana y el temor hacia el otro son algunos de los tópicos recurrentes de estos discursos. Esto puede contribuir con laestigmatización de ciertos grupos y los barrios urbanos en los que habitan.Este trabajo analiza el discurso periodístico sobre el Raval de Barcelona con el fin de determinar cuáles son las estrategias que emplean los diarios de referencia para describir al barriodurante un periodo específico de crisis económica (2010).La investigación se fundamenta en la premisa teórica de que los discursos mediáticosinfluyen en las percepciones que tienen los receptores acerca de los otros y de su entorno. La investigación se articula a partir de tres ejes de análisis: el estudio de la relación entre el contexto yel medio de comunicación, el análisis crítico del discurso periodístico y la recepción de este discurso.
Product placement has become more and more common in Finnish television programmes lately. Product placement, as with the whole of the television industry, is strictly regulated and monitored by law. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, cooperative partnerships and product placement are often confused with each other. Partially these activities are interpenetrative. Present legislation doesn't recognise product placement, therefore it doesn't have any specific position in law, thus causing problems. Product placement in domestic tv-programmes is still relatively modest. More extensive activity is perceivable at the movies where the restrictions are considerably more liberal. In the United States, product placement is a part of a production's budget. Pressure to increase financing has grouwn in both Finland and Europe. There has been considerable preparation in advance of a new television directive in the European Union which would allow more liberal advertising and product placement as a part of financing tv-programmes. The proposal for a new directive is currently only on its first round so product placement probably won't become better defined in law in the near future. Finnish television producers were interviewed as part of the research for this thesis, in order to clarify product placement position and usage in domestic televion programmes. Surreptitious advertising, sponsorship, different kinds of cooperative partnerships and the need for guidance were also discussed in the course of the themed interviews. Even though product placement does not currently play a significant part in the financing of a production, there are certainly pressures in that direktion. In the field of television, the legal boundaries of product placement are presently being explored in order to assess its position as a part of budgeting and covering expenses.
La industria del automóvil es un sector vital para la economía mundial y dentro de la actividad industrial en general, ya que, a su vez, influye en otros sectores industriales: sectores de bienes de equipo, tecnologías de la información, plásticos, caucho, entre muchos otros. Por este y otros motivos que expondremos más adelante hemos decidido encaminar este trabajo hacia un análisis exhaustivo de ese sector, a partir de su evolución histórica y su situación actual. Cabe decir que nuestro trabajo se centra exclusivamente en el ámbito español ya que, en otro caso, nuestro análisis hubiese sido muy generalizado y no hubiésemos podido profundizar más en el tema estudiado
El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es ver como la situación económica actual ha afectado al sector textil, cuáles han sido las consecuencias que ha sufrido y como los consumidores se han adaptado. Para introducirnos en el tema hemos investigado cuáles han sido las consecuencias de este sector. Todo nuestro trabajo se va a basar en el estudio diferenciado en lastiendas convencionales y las empresas low cost, ya que nuestra hipótesis principal es cómo las empresas outlet han ganado terreno a las tiendas convencionales. Nos centraremos en el centro comercial outlet ‘La Roca Village’. Para poder hacerlo nos desplazaremos hasta allí para conocer su historia y su funcionamiento. Se trata de un estudio pedagógico que realizaremos mediante una pequeña muestra y noticias recopiladas de diferentes periódicos económicos.En primer lugar, con un cuestionario podremos comprobar si los consumidores tienen conocimiento de la existencia de outlets y si a partir de la crisis acuden a ellos, haciendo distinción en un ranking de cinco tipos de tienda para conocer el perfil del consumidor.A continuación, a través de un cuestionario y una serie de experimentos vamos a analizar nuestras hipótesis.Por otro lado, realizaremos tres tipos de experimentos para confirmar o refutar nuestras hipótesis principales:El primero consiste en comparar la afluencia de gente entre tienda outlet y tienda convencional en veinte minutos, distinguiendo también un día entre semana y fin de semana.El segundo experimento se trata de comparar el número de compras realizadas entre semana y en fin de semana para tienda outlet y para tienda convencional.El tercer experimento se trata de escoger seis conjuntos de ropa aleatoriamente de la misma marca en tienda outlet, realizar lo mismo en la tienda convencional, calcular su precio medio y plantear la hipótesis de que resulta más costoso vestirse en la tienda convencional que en la tienda outlet. La marca escogida es ZARA y Lefties, ambas pertenecientes a la misma cadena, Inditex.En segundo lugar realizaremos distintas entrevistas a los responsables de tiendas convencionales y tiendas outlet de distintas marcas, de las cuáles realizaremos un resumen sintetizado.Una vez realizado esto, vamos a poder afirmar o refutar las hipótesis y proceder a nuestras conclusiones.
Corea del Sud ha vist en els últims 50 anys com la seva economia creixia a unsritmes espectaculars fins arribar a situar-se entre les primeres del món. El seu ascenssemblava imparable fins que l’any 1997, de forma inesperada per la majoria, esclatà lacrisis. En aquells moments, Corea del Sud s’havia convertit en la undècima economiadel planeta i la sisena potència comercial, sent el primer productor de vaixells imemòries DRAM, el quart de béns electrònics de consum, el cinquè d’automòbils i deproductes petroquímics, els sisè d’acer i el setè de productes tèxtils,A mitjans dels anys 50 el país tenia una economia agrària afectada per unapobresa massiva, la seva renta per càpita era inferior a les d’Angola o Moçambic, peròentre 1962 i 1996 el seu PNB per càpita passà de 87 dòlars a més de 12.000 i el seuPIB es multiplicà per 12, amb una taxa anual mitja de creixement del 8%, convertint-seen un país industrial avançat. A més, durant els anys 70 i 80 havia resistitsorprenentment bé les perturbacions (energètiques, monetàries i comercials) externes,malgrat el seu model de creixement depenia molt de les importacions de petroli, deldeute extern (fins mitjans dels 80) i de les exportacions de manufactures als mercatsoccidentals, i havia superat bé els problemes de deute extern que afectaren a altrespaïsos en vies de desenvolupament.Durant els anys 90 el procés de globalització financera contribuí, aparentment,a sostenir aquest creixement, amb l’entrada d’una quantitat ingent de fluxos de capitalestranger i la integració cada cop més plena dins dels mercats mundials de la mà d’unprocés de liberalització financera i comercial, arribant a aconseguir a finals de 1996 laseva admissió a la Organització de Cooperació i Desenvolupament Econòmic (OCDE).Però aquests factors que contribuïren al creixement li passarien factura, al propiciaruna sèrie de vulnerabilitats macroeconòmiques que acabarien sortint a la llum en elcontext de la crisis asiàtica del 97 i mostrarien la necessitat d’un canvi en el model dedesenvolupament, tan exitós durant anys, però incapaç d’adaptar-se per si sol alsnous paràmetres de l’economia globalitzada.2Com a continuació es veurà, la crisis coreana té unes característiques concretes,que la diferencien de la patida per la resta de països afectats per la crisis asiàtica del97, però comparteix també elements en comú. La crisis coreana s’entén millor dins elmarc en què es produí, el de les crisis asiàtiques. Però encara podem anar més lluny, jaque per molts experts les crisis del 97 han estat les primeres grans crisis de laglobalització i per tant és des d’aquí que s’ha d’analitzar, fins arribar al cas concret deCorea del Sud, incomprensible sense tot el context general.Les debilitats estructurals de les diferents economies asiàtiques afectadespoden explicar parcialment la gènesis de la crisis, però es tracta per molts d’una crisissistèmica global, que s’insereix en un context molt més ampli. Per això s’ha dividit elsegüent anàlisi en tres parts: els efectes de la globalització en general, les crisisasiàtiques i finalment el cas concret de Corea del Sud.
This paper studies oligopolistic competition in off-patent pharmaceutical markets using a vertical product differentiation model. This model can explain the observation that countries with stronger regulations have smaller generic market shares. It can also explain the differences in observed regulatory regimes. Stronger regulation may be due to a higher proportion of production that is done by foreign firms. Finally, a closely related model can account for the observed increase in prices by patent owners after entry of generic producers.
This paper introduces the approach of using TURF analysis to design a product line through a binary linear programming model. This improves the efficiency of the search for the solution to the problem compared to the algorithms that have been used to date. Furthermore, the proposed technique enables the model to be improved in order to overcome the main drawbacks presented by TURF analysis in practice.
Organic producers have limited methods of avoiding plant diseases that result in cosmetic damage to produce. Therefore, the appearance of organic produce is often less than perfect. We use an experimental auction to investigate how cosmetic damage affects consumers’ willingness to pay for organic apples. We find that 75% of the participants are willing to pay more for organic than for conventional apples given identical appearance. However, at the first sight of any imperfection in the appearance of the organic apples, this segment is significantly reduced. Furthermore, we find that there is a significant effect of interaction between cosmetic damage and product methods. Even though most consumers say they buy organic products to avoid pesticides, we find that cosmetic damage has a larger impact on the willingness to pay for organic apples than for conventional apples.