865 resultados para Private Label
The bill is a proposal by the government to purchase Welland Canal stock held in private hands. The bill was read for the first time on Wednesday 4 August, 1841, and received second reading on 10th August, 1841. One hundred and fifty copies were printed of the bill. This example was addressed to Samuel Street at the Falls of Niagara, by William Hamilton Merritt, September 1841.
This study explored children's bullying experiences (as bully, victim, and bystander) and their self-worth perceptions in a private school in Ontario, Canada. Forty students from 12 different countries participated in a mixed methodology (both quantitative and qualitative) research design using a self-report questionnaire. Students reported involvement in bullying as a bully, victim, and bystander. The overall results reveal a pattern across the three roles where the degree of bullying observed as a bystander is the highest (57%) followed by the experiences as a victim (29%) and that performed as bully (21%). The bystanders reported direct bullying being witnessed, bullies reported indirect bullying interventions as being used, and victims of bullying reported indirect bullying being the most common type of bullying they experienced. Decreased feeling of self-worth is reported in the qualitative research data in regards to bullying. Boarding students reported issues regarding personal safety, need for social relationships, self-worth, and unacceptability of bullying. Implications for practice for the private school are discussed, focusing on the outcome of this study.
A release from the office of Peter Partington, QC, MPP Brock, stating his support for the Wine Council of Ontario. The resolution is quoted and and there are handwritten notes making slight changes. The document is dated October 25, 1985.
The King’s Royal Regiment of New York was a Loyalist regiment that served on the Canadian frontier during the American Revolutionary War. The regiment was commanded by Sir John Johnson, who recruited members from the settlers on his estates in the Mohawk Valley. After the War, the two battalions of the regiment were disbanded. The First Battalion settled on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, while the Second Battalion settled by the Bay of Quinte.
The Act begins: "An Act to continue, until the Tenth Day of November One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six, certain Parts of an Act of the Third Year of His present Majesty, among other Things for the preventing private Distillation in Scotland"
A label from a bottle of Apricot-Liqueur by Berry Bros. & Rudd Ltd., 3 James's Street, London, S.W. The label also states "by appointment" and "wine merchants to H.M. the Queen".
Letter (printed) from the private secretary of the Government House at York to William Woodruff, inviting him to attend a private meeting of the provincial legislature to dispatch public business, Dec. 10, 1828.
Mailing label to Mrs. P.C. Band of Toronto, Ont. from Rogers’ Chocolates of Victoria, British Columbia, n.d.
Letter and envelope marked “private” addressed to S.D. Woodruff from William Turner of Port Maitland
Letter and envelope marked “private” addressed to S.D. Woodruff from William Turner of Port Maitland. He says that he has enclosed a bill for all the trouble and fatigue that he has had since he saw Mr. Woodruff. He states that it has been a tiresome job wading through the books for 1857 and 1858, Feb. 5, 1862.
This paper examines a characteristic of common property problems unmodeled in the published literature: Extracted common reserves are aften stored privately rather than immediately. We examine the positive and normative effects of such storage.
Genetic testing technologies are rapidly moving from the research laboratory to the market place. Very little scholarship considers the implications of private genetic testing for a public health care system such as Canada’s. It is critical to consider how and if these tests should be marketed to, and purchased by, the public. It is also imperative to evaluate the extent to which genetic tests are or should be included in Canada’s public health care system, and the impact of allowing a two-tiered system for genetic testing. A series of threshold tests are presented as ways of clarifying whether a genetic test is morally appropriate, effective and safe, efficient and appropriate for public funding and whether private purchase poses special problems and requires further regulation. These thresholds also identify the research questions around which professional, public and policy debate must be sustained: What is a morally acceptable goal for genetic services? What are the appropriate benefits? What are the risks? When is it acceptable that services are not funded under health care? And how can the harms of private access be managed?
Plusieurs logiciels utilisés dans la réalisation des pièces graphiques incluses dans ce mémoire : ArcGIS 10; Autocad 2012; GIS Consortium de la Ville de Chicago; PowerPoint 2010, Photoshop... etc. Notre recherche est la première et la seule qui aborde le phénomène de l'introversion résidentielle au Québec. Elle se focalise sur le postulat de la représentation du phénomène de l’introversion résidentielle autant qu’une forme urbaine fermée ou semi-fermée d’une descendance accouplée aux GCs étatsuniennes. De la gated community américaine vers l’enclave francilienne, à l’introversion résidentielle montréalaise. À l'aide de notre analyse typo-morphologique, basée principalement sur la théorie de Rossi (1966), nous avons dévoilé sur un nouveau fait urbain qui existe dans la communauté métropolitaine de Montréal. Nous l'avions désigné par : enclaves résidentielles introverties (ERI).
L'agriculture biologique est issue d'une longue lutte du consommateur et du citoyen pour connaître et contrôler la qualité de son alimentation. Sa popularité montante confirme que la disponibilité de l'information sur l'offre joue un rôle économique et social central auprès de la demande. Cette tendance appuie l'émergence d'un nouvel élément au sein du corpus des droits de la personne : le droit à l'information. Cette étude aborde les étapes de sa formation et prend pour exemple la filière agroalimentaire biologique. Elle représente un modèle avant-gardiste de l'hybridation entre le droit privé et le droit public. Nous examinons en premier lieu comment l'activité des secteurs agroalimentaires civils et privés a contribué à fomenter le désir d'information du consommateur, pour ensuite le mettre en péril. Parallèlement à cela, nous proposons d'analyser les effets et l'influence du corpus de droits et de principes du développement durable sur la filière biologique, mais surtout sur la reconnaissance du besoin d'information pour le consommateur. Enfin, nous faisons un tour d'horizon de la réglementation publique de l'appellation biologique, de son label et de son étiquette. Pour cela, nous évaluons les mesures en place selon les critères de la véracité, de l'accessibilité et de l'exhaustivité de l'information divulguée au consommateur. À la lumière de notre analyse, le consommateur peut tirer ses propres conclusions sur les meilleures réponses normatives à ses besoins. Quelles mesures entre le droit transnational, le droit international et le droit national offrent le meilleur résultat? Laquelle de ces formes juridiques s'avère en mesure de promouvoir une consommation responsable où le consommateur ne fait plus face aux obstacles à son choix éclairé?