1000 resultados para Power, Sadie


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This paper presents a critical and quantitative analysis of the influence of the Power Quality in grid connected solar photovoltaic microgeneration installations. First are introduced the main regulations and legislation related with the solar photovoltaic microgeneration, in Portugal and Europe. Next are presented Power Quality monitoring results obtained from two residential solar photovoltaic installations located in the north of Portugal, and is explained how the Power Quality events affect the operation of these installations. Afterwards, it is described a methodology to estimate the energy production losses and the impact in the revenue caused by the abnormal operation of the electrical installation. This is done by comparing the amount of energy that was injected into the power grid with the theoretical value of energy that could be injected in normal conditions. The performed analysis shows that Power Quality severally affects the solar photovoltaic installations operation. The losses of revenue in the two monitored installations M1 and M2 are estimated in about 27% and 22%, respectively.


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This paper presents the proposal of a three phase current source shunt active power filter (CS-SAPF) with photovoltaic grid interface. The proposed system combines the compensation of reactive power and harmonics with the injection of energy from a solar photovoltaic array into the electrical power grid. The proposed equipment presents the advantage of giving good use to the current source inverter, even when the solar photovoltaic array is not producing energy. The paper describes the control system of the CS SAPF, the energy injection control strategy, and the current harmonics and power factor compensation strategy. Simulation results to assess the performance of the proposed system are also presented.


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As a renewable energy source, the use of forest biomass for electricity generation is advantageous in comparison with fossil fuels, however the activity of forest biomass power plants causes adverse impacts, affecting particularly neighbouring communities. The main objective of this study is to estimate the effects of the activity of forest biomass power plants on the welfare of two groups of stakeholders, namely local residents and the general population and we apply two stated preference methods: contingent valuation and discrete choice experiments, respectively. The former method was applied to estimate the minimum compensation residents of neighbouring communities of two forest biomass power plants in Portugal would be willing to accept. The latter method was applied among the general population to estimate their willingness to pay to avoid specific environmental impacts. The results show that the presence of the selected facilities affects individuals’ well-being. On the other hand, in the discrete choice experiments conducted among the general population all impacts considered were significant determinants of respondents’ welfare levels. The results of this study stress the importance of performing an equity analysis of the welfare effects on different groups of stakeholders from the installation of forest biomass power plants, as their effects on welfare are location and impact specific. Policy makers should take into account the views of all stakeholders either directly or indirectly involved when deciding crucial issues regarding the sitting of new forest biomass power plants, in order to achieve an efficient and equitable outcome.


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Sustainability is frequently defined by its three pillars: economically viable, socially equitable, and environmentally bearable. Consequently the evaluation of the sustainability of any decision, public or private, requires information on these three dimensions. This paper focuses on social sustainability. In the context of renewable energy sources, the examination of social sustainability requires the analysis of not only the efficiency but also the equity of its welfare impacts. The present paper proposes and applies a methodology to generate the information necessary to do a proper welfare analysis of the social sustainability of renewable energy production facilities. This information is key both for an equity and an efficiency analysis. The analysis focuses on the case of investments in renewable energy electricity production facilities, where the impacts on local residents’ welfare are often significantly different than the welfare effects on the general population. We apply the contingent valuation method to selected facilities across the different renewable energy power plants located in Portugal and conclude that local residents acknowledge differently the damage sustained by the type, location and operation of the plants. The results from these case studies attest to the need of acknowledging and quantifying the negative impacts on local communities when assessing the economic viability, social equity and environmental impact of renewable energy projects.


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This paper presents a comparison between three switching techniques that can be used in three-phase four-wire Shunt Active Power Filters (SAPFs). The implemented switching techniques are: Periodic-Sampling (PS), Triangular Carrier Pulse-Width Modulation (TC-PWM) and Space Vector PWM (SVPWM). The comparison between them is made in terms of the compensated currents THD%, implementation complexity, necessary CPU time and SAPF efficiency. To perform this comparison are presented and analyzed several experimental results, obtained with a 20 kVA Shunt Active Power Filter prototype, specially developed for this purpose. The control system of the developed SAPF is based in the p-q Theory with a grid synchronization algorithm p-PLL.


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This paper presents a single-phase Series Active Power Filter (Series APF) for mitigation of the load voltage harmonic content, while maintaining the voltage on the DC side regulated without the support of a voltage source. The proposed series active power filter control algorithm eliminates the additional voltage source to regulate the DC voltage, and with the adopted topology it is not used a coupling transformer to interface the series active power filter with the electrical power grid. The paper describes the control strategy which encapsulates the grid synchronization scheme, the compensation voltage calculation, the damping algorithm and the dead-time compensation. The topology and control strategy of the series active power filter have been evaluated in simulation software and simulations results are presented. Experimental results, obtained with a developed laboratorial prototype, validate the theoretical assumptions, and are within the harmonic spectrum limits imposed by the international recommendations of the IEEE-519 Standard.


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Purpose: To evaluate how soft lens power affects rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lens power and visual acuity (VA) in piggyback fittings for keratoconus. Methods: Sixteen keratoconus subjects (30 eyes) were included in the study. Piggyback contact lens fittings combining Senofilcon-A soft lenses of −6.00, −3.00, +3.00 and +6.00 D with Rose K2 RGP contact lenses were performed. Corneal topography was taken on the naked eye and over each soft contact lens before fitting RGP lenses. Mean central keratometry, over-refraction, RGP back optic zone radius (BOZR) and estimated final power as well as VA were recorded and analyzed. Results: In comparison to the naked eye, the mean central keratometry flattened with both negative lens powers (p < 0.05 in all cases), did not change with the +3.00 soft lens power (p = 1.0); and steepened with the +6.00 soft lens power (p = 0.02). Rigid gas-permeable over-refraction did not change significantly between different soft lens powers (all p > 0.05). RGP’s BOZR decreased significantly with both positive in comparison with both negative soft lens powers (all p < 0.001), but no significant differences were found among negative- or positive-powers separately (both p > 0.05). Estimated RGP’s final power increased significantly with positive in comparison with negative lens powers (all p < 0.001), but no significant differences were found among negative or positive lens powers separately (both p > 0.05). Visual acuity did not change significantly between the different soft lens powers assessed (all p > 0.05). Conclusion: The use of negative-powered soft lenses in piggyback fitting reduces RGP lens power without impacting VA in keratoconus subjects.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)


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Many funding agencies have Open Access mandates in place, but how often are scientific publications as outputs linked to funding details? The benefits of linking funding information to publications as part of the deposit workflow can assist in adhering to Open Access mandates. This paper examines how OpenAIRE – Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe – can ease monitoring Open Access and reporting processes for funders, and presents some results and opportunities. It also outlines how it relies on cleaned and curated repository content, a vital cog in the ever turning wheel of the global scholarly landscape, and the benefits it brings.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to study the central and peripheral thickness of several contact lenses (CL) with different powers and analyze how thickness variation affects CL oxygen transmissibility. METHODS: Four daily disposable and five monthly or biweekly CL were studied. The powers of each CL were: the maximum negative power of each brand; -6.00 D; -3.00 D; zero power (-0.25 D or -0.50 D), +3.00 D and +6.00 D. Central and peripheral thicknesses were measured with an electronic thickness gauge. Each lens was measured five times (central and 3mm paracentral) and the mean value was considered. Using the values of oxygen permeability given by the manufacturers and the measured thicknesses, the variation of oxygen transmissibility with lens power was determined. RESULTS: For monthly or biweekly lenses, central thickness changed between 0.061 ± 0.002 mm and 0.243 ± 0.002 mm, and peripheral thickness varied between 0.084 ± 0.002 mm and 0.231 ± 0.015 mm. Daily disposable lenses showed central values ranging between 0.056 ± 0.0016 mm and 0.205 ± 0.002 mm and peripheral values between 0.108 ± 0.05 and 0.232 ± 0.011 mm. Oxygen transmissibility (in units) of monthly or biweekly CL ranged between 39.4 ± 0.3 and 246.0 ± 14.4 and for daily disposable lenses the values range between 9.5 ± 0.5 and 178.1 ± 5.1. CONCLUSIONS: The central and peripheral thicknesses change significantly when considering the CL power and this has a significant impact on the oxygen transmissibility. Eyecare practitioners must have this fact in account when high power plus or minus lenses are fitted or when continuous wear is considered.


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Doctoral Programme in Telecommunication - MAP-tele


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Public participation in environmental governance is typically associated with citizen access to power despite many closures and limitations having been identified in participatory processes. This article proposes an analytical framework to analyse discursive practices involved in public consultation processes. Critical Discourse Analysis is used to examine and appraise citizens’ access, standing and influence. We apply that framework to a ‘notice and comment’ process on a hydroelectric power plan in Portugal and show that it was discursively managed to justify the decision of constructing 10 large dams and to reject critical or alternative views. Citizens’ access, standing and influence were constrained through diverse discursive practices which (re)produced very unequal power relationsbetween policy proponents and participating individuals. More generally, the article illustrates the potential of Critical Discourse Analysis to assess voice(s) in policy processes. Focusing on argumentative, interactional and rhetorical levels, and how they are interwoven in public consultation discourses, the proposed framework is conceivably applicable in other studies.


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El presente estudio pretende arribar a la construcción de un modelo explicativo del comportamiento político a partir de la contribución que los marcos sociales (norma sociales, normas de ciudadanía, ideología, confianza política) y sociocognitivos (inteligencia afectiva, interés político, eficacia política, conocimiento político, sentimiento de comunidad) mostraron, en términos de relaciones entre las variables, sobre el mismo. Nuestra atención se centra no sólo al comportamiento político de la ciudadanía -que es donde se desarrollaron la mayor parte de los estudios-, sino a las elites de poder constitutivas del sistema político (jueces, legisladores provinciales y representantes de instituciones del gobierno y de organismos no gubernamentales). Asimismo, pretende establecer las diferencias que puedan evidenciarse en torno a la relación de estas variables con el comportamiento político entre los distintos colectivos estudiados en el ámbito de la ciudad de Córdoba. Para ello se realizara una primera etapa de estudio instrumental, con el objeto de analizar las propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos a utilizar en la operacionalización de las variables. Para ello se tomara una muestra accidental de 250 personas entre 18 y 65 años de edad. Posteriormente, se realizarán dos etapas de estudio ex post facto, con la finalidad de construir los modelos planteados. En la primera de ellas, se trabajará con una muestra accidental de 100 representantes de los grupos de poder estudiados y en la segunda con una muestra probabilística de 500 ciudadanos cordobeses entre 18 y 65 años de edad.


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La utilización de energía eólica es un hecho cada vez más común en nuestro mundo como respuesta a mitigar el creciente aumento de demanda de energía, los aumentos constantes de precio, la escasez de combustibles fósiles y los impactos del cambio climático, los que son cada día más evidentes.Consecuentemente, el interés por la participación de esta nueva forma de generación de energía en sistema eléctrico de potencia ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años. La incorporación de generación de origen eólico en el sistema eléctrico de potencia requiere de un análisis detallado del sistema eléctrico en su conjunto, considerando la interacción entre parques y unidades de generación eólica, plantas de generación convencional y el sistema eléctrico de potencia. La integración de generación de origen renovable en el sistema eléctrico de potencia convencional presenta nuevos desafíos los que pueden ser atribuidos a características propias de este tipo de generación, por ejemplo la fluctuación de energía debido a la naturaleza variable del viento, la naturaleza distribuida de la generación eólica y las características constructivas y método de conexión de los distintos modelos de turbinas eólicas al sistema.La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación consiste en investigar el impacto sobre un mercado de sistema eléctrico competitivo causado por el agregado de generación de origen eolico. Como punto de partida se pretende realizar modelos de plantas de generacion eolica para luego incorporarlos a los modelos de sistemas eléctricos y realizar estudios de de despacho económico, flujo de cargas, análisis transitorio y estudios dinámicos del sistema.