350 resultados para Portals temàtics
Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que objetivou relacionar as medidas educativas para a promoção da integridade da pele em idosos com as Cartas de Promoção da Saúde. Realizou-se a busca nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, LILACS e COCHRANE, nos portais CAPES e BVS e na biblioteca PUBMED, mediante a aplicação dos descritores Health Education; Skin e Aged. Os resultados dos 7 artigos analisados apontaram como principais medidas educativas: inspeção diária da pele, cuidados com calçados e com os pés, uso regular de protetor solar e mudanças de decúbito. Essas medidas estavam relacionadas com as seguintes Cartas de Promoção da Saúde: Ottawa, Declaração de Santafé de Bogotá e Declaração de Jacarta. Conclui-se que as medidas educativas, baseadas nas Cartas, são de grande relevância para a criação de uma cultura de saúde, com enfoque na população e no indivíduo como agentes executores imprescindíveis para o alcance da promoção da saúde
Multimedia objects, especially images and figures, are essential for the visualization and interpretation of research findings. The distribution and reuse of these scientific objects is significantly improved under open access conditions, for instance in Wikipedia articles, in research literature, as well as in education and knowledge dissemination, where licensing of images often represents a serious barrier. Whereas scientific publications are retrievable through library portals or other online search services due to standardized indices there is no targeted retrieval and access to the accompanying images and figures yet. Consequently there is a great demand to develop standardized indexing methods for these multimedia open access objects in order to improve the accessibility to this material. With our proposal, we hope to serve a broad audience which looks up a scientific or technical term in a web search portal first. Until now, this audience has little chance to find an openly accessible and reusable image narrowly matching their search term on first try - frustratingly so, even if there is in fact such an image included in some open access article.
Background: Physician-rating websites are currently gaining in popularity because they increase transparency in the health care system. However, research on the characteristics and content of these portals remains limited. Objective: To identify and synthesize published evidence in peer-reviewed journals regarding frequently discussed issues about physician-rating websites. Methods: Peer-reviewed English and German language literature was searched in seven databases (Medline (via PubMed), the Cochrane Library, Business Source Complete, ABI/Inform Complete, PsycInfo, Scopus, and ISI web of knowledge) without any time constraints. Additionally, reference lists of included studies were screened to assure completeness. The following eight previously defined questions were addressed: 1) What percentage of physicians has been rated? 2) What is the average number of ratings on physician-rating websites? 3) Are there any differences among rated physicians related to socioeconomic status? 4) Are ratings more likely to be positive or negative? 5) What significance do patient narratives have? 6) How should physicians deal with physician-rating websites? 7) What major shortcomings do physician-rating websites have? 8) What recommendations can be made for further improvement of physician-rating websites? Results: Twenty-four articles published in peer-reviewed journals met our inclusion criteria. Most studies were published by US (n=13) and German (n=8) researchers; however, the focus differed considerably. The current usage of physician-rating websites is still low but is increasing. International data show that 1 out of 6 physicians has been rated, and approximately 90% of all ratings on physician-rating websites were positive. Although often a concern, we could not find any evidence of "doctor-bashing". Physicians should not ignore these websites, but rather, monitor the information available and use it for internal and ex-ternal purpose. Several shortcomings limit the significance of the results published on physician-rating websites; some recommendations to address these limitations are presented. Conclusions: Although the number of publications is still low, physician-rating websites are gaining more attention in research. But the current condition of physician-rating websites is lacking. This is the case both in the United States and in Germany. Further research is necessary to increase the quality of the websites, especially from the patients’ perspective.
ABSTRACT Title of Document: AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION AND PERCEIVED EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SCHOOLMAX FAMILY PORTAL Warren Wesley Watts, Doctor of Education, 2015 Directed By: Margaret J. McLaughlin, Ph.D. Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education School districts have spent millions of dollars implementing student information systems that offer family portals with web-based access to parents and students. One of the main purposes of these systems is to improve school-to-home communication. Research has shown that when school-to-home communication is implemented effectively, parent involvement improves and student achievement increases (Epstein, 2001). The purpose of the study was to (a) understand why parents used or refrained from using the family portal and (b) determine what barriers to use might exist. To this end, this descriptive study identified the information parent users accessed in the SchoolMAX family portal, determined how frequently parents accessed the portal, and ascertained whether parents perceived an increase in communication with their children about academic matters after they began accessing the portal. Finally, the study sought to identify whether barriers existed that prevented parents from using the family portal. The inquiry employed three data sources to answer the aforementioned queries. These sources included (a) a survey sent electronically to 19,108 parents who registered online for the SchoolMAX family portal; (b) SchoolMAX portal usage data from the student information system for system usage between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015; and (c) a paper survey sent to 691 parents of students that had never used the SchoolMAX family portal in one elementary school, one middle school and one high school that were representative of other schools in the district. Survey results indicated that parents at all grade levels used the family portal. Usage data also confirmed that approximately 19% of the students had parents who monitored their progress through the family portal. Usage data also showed that parents were monitoring approximately 25% of students in secondary schools (6th – 12th grade) and 16% of students in elementary schools. Of the wide menu of resources available through the SchoolMAX family portal, parents used three areas most frequently: attendance, daily grades, and report cards. Approximately 70% of parents responded that their communication had improved with their children about academic matters since they started using the SchoolMAX family portal, and 90% of parents responded that the SchoolMAX family portal was an effective or somewhat effective tool. Parents also expressed interest in the addition of additional information to the SchoolMAX family portal. Specifically, the top three additions parents wanted to see included homework assignments, high stakes test scores, and graduation requirements. Parents also reported that 92% of them spoke to their children at least 2 to 3 times per week about academics. Due to the low response rate of the parent non-user survey, potential barriers to using the SchoolMAX family portal could not be addressed in this study. However, this issue may be a useful research topic in a future study. Keywords: school to home communication, student information systems, family portal, parent portal
On 24 September 2010 Knowledge Exchange organised a workshop in Glasgow focusing on how usage statistics can or cannot be used as a basis for managerial decisions on licences. Examples of projects were presented on how usage statistics are used for defining strategies. Usage portals developed in the UK and Germany were demonstrated. During the afternoon a session took place on the sharing of statistical information regarding e-journals. Questions regarding the relevance of international comparisons, privacy and non-disclosure were discussed. This workshop follows on earlier Knowledge Exchange workshops on Usage Statistics and their outcomes, including a briefing paper Combined Usage Statistics as the basis for Research Intelligence.
Considering the need of communication between public management and society and its citizens, in a way which is more effective and transparent, the aim of this research was to analyze the transparency of public information presented by the managers of the portals of southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, applied as its purpose, and exploratory as its aim. In order to explain the issue from the theoretical frameworks published, it will be used as a procedure the bibliographic research and the further study field research in the six southern Brazil’s Federal Institutes. Therefore, the theoretical framework approaches aspects about public transparency, concepts of information and communication in the public sector, and it presents measurement indexes of public transparency. The data collection with the Institutes sought to measure – in the portals – the level of transparency of the information presented by the managers, applying a search tool which provided the transparency index of eleven categories of the researched items, besides verifying the presence of the required items by Access to Information Law. In the sequence, it sought to verify the Institutes managers’ perception of the aspects which composes the proposed theme, for the purpose of observing how the process of communication between public agencies and the citizen is happening. The main results obtained emphasize, in a general way, a low level of public information propagation, with a lower average of propagation to the information about social, environmental and economic responsibility, and a greater average to the information related to the institution’s general data – from its management structure to its ordinance. It was also observed that no institution which was researched fully comply with the demands of the Access of Information Law. The results about the manager perceptio demonstrate a tendency in publishing the produced information, however, elements such disorganization of information in the portals, lack of standardization of the virtual structure and type of language to use, and lack of procedures of popular participation and interaction in the portals are determiners to bring problems in the access and in the communication with the public. Besides, the short time of institutions’ creation and the short time of the managers assuming their functions must be considered as a reflex of the found results. Therewith, the present study highlighted the importance of Public Transparency theme and it reached a positive result to a scientific and social contribution.
Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que objetivou relacionar as medidas educativas para a promoção da integridade da pele em idosos com as Cartas de Promoção da Saúde. Realizou-se a busca nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, LILACS e COCHRANE, nos portais CAPES e BVS e na biblioteca PUBMED, mediante a aplicação dos descritores Health Education; Skin e Aged. Os resultados dos 7 artigos analisados apontaram como principais medidas educativas: inspeção diária da pele, cuidados com calçados e com os pés, uso regular de protetor solar e mudanças de decúbito. Essas medidas estavam relacionadas com as seguintes Cartas de Promoção da Saúde: Ottawa, Declaração de Santafé de Bogotá e Declaração de Jacarta. Conclui-se que as medidas educativas, baseadas nas Cartas, são de grande relevância para a criação de uma cultura de saúde, com enfoque na população e no indivíduo como agentes executores imprescindíveis para o alcance da promoção da saúde
El proceso de toma de decisiones en las bibliotecas universitarias es de suma importancia, sin embargo, se encuentra complicaciones como la gran cantidad de fuentes de datos y los grandes volúmenes de datos a analizar. Las bibliotecas universitarias están acostumbradas a producir y recopilar una gran cantidad de información sobre sus datos y servicios. Las fuentes de datos comunes son el resultado de sistemas internos, portales y catálogos en línea, evaluaciones de calidad y encuestas. Desafortunadamente estas fuentes de datos sólo se utilizan parcialmente para la toma de decisiones debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y estándares, así como la falta de métodos eficientes y herramientas de integración. Este proyecto de tesis presenta el análisis, diseño e implementación del Data Warehouse, que es un sistema integrado de toma de decisiones para el Centro de Documentación Juan Bautista Vázquez. En primer lugar se presenta los requerimientos y el análisis de los datos en base a una metodología, esta metodología incorpora elementos claves incluyendo el análisis de procesos, la calidad estimada, la información relevante y la interacción con el usuario que influyen en una decisión bibliotecaria. A continuación, se propone la arquitectura y el diseño del Data Warehouse y su respectiva implementación la misma que soporta la integración, procesamiento y el almacenamiento de datos. Finalmente los datos almacenados se analizan a través de herramientas de procesamiento analítico y la aplicación de técnicas de Bibliomining ayudando a los administradores del centro de documentación a tomar decisiones óptimas sobre sus recursos y servicios.
O objetivo principal deste estudo é avaliar se as medidas e ações implementadas pelos governantes para aperfeiçoar o modelo de governança pública brasileiro estão contribuindo para elevar o nível de controle social e de transparência na administração pública. Pressupomos que a promoção da transparência e do acesso à informação é uma medida essencial para o fortalecimento do controle social e da democracia, e por decorrência, para a melhoria da qualidade da gestão pública. Trata-se de um artigo teóricoempírico e bibliográfico, apoiado nas abordagens das teorias da governança, neoinstitucional e da agência. A partir da literatura, relatórios e das normas legais, buscamos identificar inicialmente as motivações que levaram à adaptação e transferência das experiências da governança corporativa para o setor público. Realizou-se, ainda, uma pesquisa de campo para avaliar a qualidades das informações das despesas públicas disponibilizadas pelos portais de transparência dos 200 municípios mais populosos do país. Conclui-se, por fim, que ainda existem inúmeros desafios e obstáculos a serem superados nos âmbitos sociocultural e institucional. Essas dificuldades são agravadas por deficiências de competência e de valores éticos e morais dos governantes e políticos, essenciais para viabilizar uma boa governança pública, elevar a transparência e aumentar o controle social no Brasil. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
Benefitting from Web 2.0 features, Social Media allows organisations to be where the users are, creating proximity, talking to them, and knowing what they want. Going viral and word-of-mouth become easier, as these platforms allow us to share, to like, and to use multimedia and convergence – as they can interact with each other, communicating on a large scale. Given that online portals provide for a highly competitive environment, players strive to get more visits, better search rankings, and even aspire to be the homepage for the Web universe. We discuss the integration of Social Media tools in a Web Portal, and explore how using these together may improve the competitiveness of a Web Portal. A large Web Portal was selected to develop this case study. We found that, although for this particular Web Portal conditions were created to accommodate and integrate the chosen Social Media platforms, this was done in an organic and fluid way, with great focus on community construction and less focus on absorptive capacity. Based on the findings of this case study, we propose a dynamic cycle of benefits for integrating Social Media tools in a Web Portal.
Cette recherche explore comment l’infrastructure et les utilisations d’eBird, l’un des plus grands projets de science citoyenne dans le monde, se développent et évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Nous nous concentrerons sur le travail d’eBird avec deux de ses partenaires latino-américains, le Mexique et le Pérou, chacun avec un portail Web géré par des organisations locales. eBird, qui est maintenant un grand réseau mondial de partenariats, donne occasion aux citoyens du monde entier la possibilité de contribuer à la science et à la conservation d’oiseaux à partir de ses observations téléchargées en ligne. Ces observations sont gérées et gardées dans une base de données qui est unifiée, globale et accessible pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent au sujet des oiseaux et sa conservation. De même, les utilisateurs profitent des fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour organiser et visualiser leurs données et celles d’autres. L’étude est basée sur une méthodologie qualitative à partir de l’observation des plateformes Web et des entrevues semi-structurées avec les membres du Laboratoire d’ornithologie de Cornell, l’équipe eBird et les membres des organisations partenaires locales responsables d’eBird Pérou et eBird Mexique. Nous analysons eBird comme une infrastructure qui prend en considération les aspects sociaux et techniques dans son ensemble, comme un tout. Nous explorons aussi à la variété de différents types d’utilisation de la plateforme et de ses données par ses divers utilisateurs. Trois grandes thématiques ressortent : l’importance de la collaboration comme une philosophie qui sous-tend le développement d’eBird, l’élargissement des relations et connexions d’eBird à travers ses partenariats, ainsi que l’augmentation de la participation et le volume des données. Finalement, au fil du temps on a vu une évolution des données et de ses différentes utilisations, et ce qu’eBird représente comme infrastructure.
Cette recherche explore comment l’infrastructure et les utilisations d’eBird, l’un des plus grands projets de science citoyenne dans le monde, se développent et évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Nous nous concentrerons sur le travail d’eBird avec deux de ses partenaires latino-américains, le Mexique et le Pérou, chacun avec un portail Web géré par des organisations locales. eBird, qui est maintenant un grand réseau mondial de partenariats, donne occasion aux citoyens du monde entier la possibilité de contribuer à la science et à la conservation d’oiseaux à partir de ses observations téléchargées en ligne. Ces observations sont gérées et gardées dans une base de données qui est unifiée, globale et accessible pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent au sujet des oiseaux et sa conservation. De même, les utilisateurs profitent des fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour organiser et visualiser leurs données et celles d’autres. L’étude est basée sur une méthodologie qualitative à partir de l’observation des plateformes Web et des entrevues semi-structurées avec les membres du Laboratoire d’ornithologie de Cornell, l’équipe eBird et les membres des organisations partenaires locales responsables d’eBird Pérou et eBird Mexique. Nous analysons eBird comme une infrastructure qui prend en considération les aspects sociaux et techniques dans son ensemble, comme un tout. Nous explorons aussi à la variété de différents types d’utilisation de la plateforme et de ses données par ses divers utilisateurs. Trois grandes thématiques ressortent : l’importance de la collaboration comme une philosophie qui sous-tend le développement d’eBird, l’élargissement des relations et connexions d’eBird à travers ses partenariats, ainsi que l’augmentation de la participation et le volume des données. Finalement, au fil du temps on a vu une évolution des données et de ses différentes utilisations, et ce qu’eBird représente comme infrastructure.
Conflictos ambientales en Colombia. Retos y perspectivas desde el enfoque de DDHH y la participación ciudadana se articula en tres partes: en la primera se realiza un panorama de conflictos ambientales en las diferentes regiones naturales del país desde la perspectiva de la participación ciudadana. En la segunda se exponen las diferentes reflexiones de las autoridades ambientales locales y de las organizaciones sociales sobre los conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. En la tercera, se hace un análisis de las competencias de las autoridades ambientales en torno al derecho a la participación cuando se presentan conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.En la segunda se exponen las diferentes reflexiones de las autoridades ambientales locales y de las organizaciones sociales sobre los conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. En la tercera, se hace un análisis de las competencias de las autoridades ambientales en torno al derecho a la participación cuando se presentan conflictos ambientales desde el enfoque de los derechos humanos. Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.Dada la complejidad de los conflictos ambientales que tienen las diversas regiones del país y sus repercusiones ambientales y sociales,\' es necesario\' promover esfuerzos conjuntos con las universidades, los institutos, las organizaciones sociales y las autoridades ambientales realizando encuentros y generando reflexiones conjuntas acerca de los desafíos, retos y oportunidades en búsqueda de resolución civilista de los mismos. Por ello se espera que esta publicación logre constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo concreta que sirva de guía a las autoridades ambientales, las organizaciones sociales y la ciudadanía para abordar, entender y resolver los grandes desafíos que se tienen que afrontar cotidianamente en el país.
Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura tuvo como objetivo investigar sobre la depresión en personas con epilepsia en la última década (2005-2015), enfocándose en identificar en el paciente con epilepsia: características sociodemográficas, prevalencia de la depresión, tipos de intervención para el manejo de la depresión, factores asociados con la aparición y el mantenimiento de la depresión y por último, identificar las tendencias en investigación en el estudio de la depresión en pacientes con epilepsia. Se revisaron 103 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en bases de datos especializadas. Los resultados revelaron que la prevalencia de depresión en pacientes con epilepsia es diversa y oscila en un rango amplio entre 3 y 70 %, por otro lado, que las principales características sociodemográficas asociadas a la depresión está el ser mujer, tener un estado civil soltero y tener una edad comprendida entre los 25 y los 45 años. A esto se añade, que los tratamientos conformados por terapia psicológica y fármacos, son la mejor opción para garantizar la eficacia en los resultados del manejo de la depresión en los pacientes con epilepsia. Con respecto a los factores asociados a la aparición de la depresión en pacientes con epilepsia, se identificaron causas tanto neurobiológicas como psicosociales, asimismo los factores principales asociados al mantenimiento fueron una percepción de baja calidad de vida y una baja auto-eficacia. Y finalmente los tipos de investigación más comunes son de tipo aplicado, de carácter descriptivo, transversales y de medición cuantitativa.
Con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de las políticas públicas transversales que posicionen a Cundinamarca como referente económico nacional, se realizara un diagnóstico de los perfiles de la competitividad del país y el departamento y se construirá una metodología de análisis que permita medir y comparar las capacidades de las quince provincias del Departamento, estableciendo las fortalezas y debilidades de la región para finalmente focalizar las oportunidades de crecimiento en los mercados globales