446 resultados para Perseus, Medusa, beheading
En aquesta tesi doctoral s'han estudiat els efectes directes i indirectes de dos tipus d'espècies claus de la comunitat aquàtica dels aiguamolls de l'Empordà (aiguamolls costaners mediterranis amb una xarxa tròfica senzilla). S'han realitzat experiments al camp utilitzant microcosmos i mesocosmos i els resultats han estat analitzats mitjançant tres aproximacions: la taxonòmica, la funcional i la de mides. S'ha comprovat que en situacions amb absència de predadors i dominància d'una única espècie en el zooplàncton (en aquest cas Calanipeda aquaedulcis i Daphnia magna), la segregació del recurs entre els diferents estadis de desenvolupament de la mateixa espècie zooplanctònica és una estratègia per evitar la competència intraespecífica en condicions de limitació de recurs. Per altra banda, la presència de diferents top-predators a la comunitat aquàtica (en aquest cas la medusa Odessia maeotica i el peix Aphanius iberus) desencadena una cascada tròfica en el plàncton però amb efectes top-down diferents segons el top-predator.
The Mediterranean region is one of the major centres of origin and diversification of cultivated plants and many crop wild relatives are found there. In addition, many native species are still widely harvested from the wild for food, medicine and other uses and some of these have potential for development as alternative crop especially in marginal zones. While there have been several recent initiatives that address the cataloguing and conservation of these species, such as the Network on Identification, Conservation and Use of Wild Plants in the Mediterranean Region (MEDUSA and the Bioversity International (IPGRI) studies on Underutilized Mediterranean Species (VMS), no comprehensive assessment has yet been made and little work undertaken on their agricultural potential. It has been confidently predicted that consequences of global change in the Mediterranean region - population movements and migrations, changes in disturbance regimes, and climate change - will be serious. One the one hand, this will affect the survival prospects of many of these underutilized species and on the other hand it will enhance their importance as the source of potential new crop germplasm. The conservation and availability of genetic diversity of both crops and underutilized species is essential if we are to be able to meet the increasing demand for food and other crops that will be adapted to the new ecoclimatic envelopes that will develop in the region as a consequence of global change. The rapid rate of climatic and other change that is expected adds urgency to the task of assessing, conserving and sustainably using this rich diversity of wild species of economic value in the region but new strategies will be need to be developed to achieve this. The Mediterranean region has the potential of becoming a major source of new crop development in the coming decades.
A new species of cubozoan jellyfish has been discovered in shallow waters of Bonaire, Netherlands ( Dutch Caribbean). Thus far, approximately 50 sightings of the species, known commonly as the Bonaire banded box jelly, are recorded, and three specimens have been collected. Three physical encounters between humans and the species have been reported. Available evidence suggests that a serious sting is inflicted by this medusa. To increase awareness of the scientific disciplines of systematics and taxonomy, the public has been involved in naming this new species. The Bonaire banded box jelly, Tamoya ohboya, n. sp., can be distinguished from its close relatives T. haplonema from Brazil and T. sp. from the southeastern United States by differences in tentacle coloration, cnidome, and mitochondrial gene sequences. Tamoya ohboya n. sp. possesses striking dark brown to reddish-orange banded tentacles, nematocyst warts that densely cover the animal, and a deep stomach. We provide a detailed comparison of nematocyst data from Tamoya ohboya n. sp., T. haplonema from Brazil, and T. sp. from the Gulf of Mexico.
Hydrocoryne iemanja sp. nov. was found in an aquarium, growing on rhodoliths of coralline algae collected on the southeastern coast of Brazil (20 degrees 40`S 40 degrees 2`W). The colonies were reared through maturity in the laboratory. Each colony had up to 7 sessile, long and thin monomorphic zooids, very extensible and flexible, arising from a chitinous, hard dark-brown plate with minute spines. Medusae budded from near the basal part of hydrocaulus, and were released in immature condition, acquiring fully developed interradial gonads 5-7 days after release. Asexual reproduction by longitudinal fission was observed on the hydrocaulus of the polyps, both for those in normal condition and those with injuries. Fission started at the oral region, extending aborally, with a new hard plate formed in the basal part of hydrocaulus. When fission reached the new hard plate, the new polyp detached, becoming free and sinking to the bottom, starting a new colony. Detached polyps were morphologically indistinguishable from other polyps, being able to produce medusae. Mother and daughter polyps undertook subsequent fissions. This mode of longitudinal fission is distinct from other modes of longitudinal fission, a process known for a few species Of cnidarians. Further studies of this process may shed light on the understanding of the evolutionary pathways in Cnidaria and animals. Hydrocoryne iemanja sp. nov. is distinguishable from its two congeners by the distinct marginal tentacles of the medusae-short and with a median nematocyst knob-an unambiguous character useful even for the identification Of newly liberated medusae.
A checklist of the 14 genera and 34 species of Bromeliaceae from the Parque Estadual do Rio Preto in Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto municipality, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil, is presented. The Tillandsioideae was the most diverse subfamily and was found to be concentrated in rocky field areas. Bromelioideae is also a species rich subfamily, but its taxa have shown a preference to forested areas and savannas at lower altitudes. Pitcairnioideae is highlighted by its level of endemism, but has only four species. Cryptanthus micrus, a new species found in this area is described and illustrated. Our cluster analysis indicated that the Rio Preto State Park has a Bromeliaceae flora more similar to that from Pico do Itambe and Grao Mogol State Parks. Taxa like Dyckia glandulosa, Orthophytum itambense and Vriesea medusa, which were previously considered to be endemic to Pico do Itambe, now have their area of occurrence extended to Rio Preto. These new occurrences highlight the importance to create a corridor joining these neighboring reserves to connect populations of narrowly ranged or rare species. In this work we present pictures of 19 species in their habitats within the park, and we hope that these illustrations will help in the identification and conservation of these taxa.
Fossil taxa of uncertain phytogenetic affinities can play a crucial role in the analysis of character evolution within major extant groups. Marques & Collins (2004) concluded that conulariids (?Ediacaran-Triassic) are an extinct group of medusozoan cnidarians most closely related to Stauromedusae. However, only six of the 87 characters used by these authors can be observed in conulariid fossils. Rescoring the character states of conulariids in a conservative manner yields a new hypothesis for the phylogenetic position of conulariids, namely that they are the sister group of the scyphozoan order Coronatae rather than Stauromedusae, which is revealed as the earliest diverging lineage of Medusozoa. This new hypothesis also implies several different sequences of character evolution within Cnidaria. Specifically, the presence of a periderm completely covering the polyp in conutariids and coronates appears to be derived within Scyphozoa. Strobilation appears to be a synapomorphy uniting conulariids, Coronatae, Rhizostomeae and Semaeostomeae. This result supports the controversial interpretation of one exceptionally preserved conulariid that potentially shows that these animals produced ephyrae by strobilation. Finally, the pelagic adult medusa stage and the giant fibre nerve net appear to be features that are derived within Medusozoa.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
More than 200 very young medusae of Copula sivickisi (Stiasny) were collected within totally 60 minutes at two nights in June, 2013 at the Seto Harbor, Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan. This mass occurrence might be related to recent global warming at Shirahama, known as the northernmost distributional locality of this cubozoan species. It is assumed that the polyp stage of this species may live in the surrounding areas, because there jellyfish were small size (most are less than 1.6 mm height) that was conceivable as the newly released one from the polyp.
The Neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff (1924), as classified here, comprises 38 species distributed among three subgenera (Megaphanaeus Olsoufieff, Metallophanaeus Olsoufieff, and Coprophanaeus s. str. ) and eight species groups. Keys presented help to identify supraspecific and species taxa, all of which are illustrated and diagnosed. Lectotypes are designated for Phanaeus ignecinctus Felsche and Phanaeus ohausi Felsche. Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold), formerly regarded as a subspecies of C. telamon (Erichson), assumes species status. Coprophanaeus magnoi Arnaud, described as a subspecies of C. milon (Blanchard), is raised to species status. New taxonomic interpretations result in 10 new subjective synonymies (junior synonym listed first): Phanaeus machadoi Pereira and d’Andretta = Coprophanaeus saphirinus (Perty); Phanaeus costatus Olsoufieff = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Phanaeus worontzowi Pessôa and Lane = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus kohlmanni Arnaud = Coprophanaeus morenoi Arnaud; Coprophanaeus pluto nogueirai Arnaud = Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold); Coprophanaeus edmondsi Arnaud = Coprophanaeus conocephalus (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus uhleri Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus chiriquensis (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus henryi Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus gilli Arnaud; Phanaeus perseus Harold = Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold); Coprophanaeus telamon nevinsoni Arnaud and Gámez = Coprophanaeus corythus; and Coprophanaeus florenti Arnaud = Coprophanaeus ohausi (Felsche). The status of the following names remains unresolved: Phanaeus strandi Balthasar; Coprophanaeus rigoutorum Arnaud; C. terrali Arnaud; C. lichyi Arnaud; C. lecromi Arnaud; C. larseni Arnaud; and C. vazdemeloi Arnaud.
Shrimp are found in association with many hosts (sponges, anthozoans, mollusks, echinoids, ascidians and fish). Shrimp are rarely observed in association with jellyfish. The interaction between the cleaner shrimp Periclimenes paivai and jellyfish is poorly known, with only one published report for Brazilian waters. We add new information about this association, based on field and laboratory observations. Shrimp were collected from three locations on the coast Of Sao Paulo State (Cananeia, Santos and Sao Sebastiao) and from two species of scyphozoan rnedusae: Chrysaora lactea and Lychnorhiza lucerna. We classify the association as facultative commensalism, since the shrimp gain protection and probably feed on mucus produced by the jelly fish. The maximum carapace length of the shrimp collected was 9.2 min. Medusa bel I diameter ranged between about 10 and 19 cm for C. lactea and between 4.5 and 25 cm for L. lucerna. We also provide a list of records of Periclimenes in association with different scyphornedUsae, and additional information on the size and coloration of P. paivai.
The aim of this study was to describe and illustrate the morphology of the spermatozoon of the Western Atlantic shrimp, Hippolyte obliquimanus. Individuals were sampled from Itagua Beach (Ubatuba, southern Brazil). The male reproductive system was dissected and morphological analysis was undertaken using a stereomicroscope, a light microscope, and transmission electron and scanning electron microscopes. When viewed from the nuclear or acrosomal poles, each spermatozoon has many translucent radiating arms (about 20) from a denser cell body, while laterally the cell body and arms resemble a "cnidarian medusa", with all the arms projecting away from the bell-like cell body. This sperm morphology is distinct from the "thumbtack"-shaped spermatozoa observed in the majority of carideans but has similarities to the spermatozoa of Rhynchocinetes spp. The morphology of sperm of several species of the genus Hippolyte resembles the spermatozoon of H. obliquimanus with the presence of posterior nuclear arms, but it is necessary to study other Hippolyte species to place these arms in the context of the genus.
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal y seguridad alimentarias.
Starting from an original assumption that Ovid is one of the most influential and studied European mythographers from ancient times till at least the end of the XVII century, my research is about rediscovering Medusa's myth which has been brought to us from Metamorphosis during the period of time between the mid XVI and the last years of the XVII century. The main thread that leads the research trough English, French, Spanish and Italian Literatures gets particularly clarified in the crucial crux that binds the image of Gorgon, the protector of hight mysteries, tightly correlated to the goddess of knowledge, Minerva, and the attraction/dismay for knowing so far considered inaccessible but now perceived as possible (so more attractive than before) thanks to the scientific and geographic discoveries of the Renaissance.
Composition and distribution of megabenthic communities around Svalbard were investigated in June/July 1991 with 20 Agassiz trawl and 5 bottom trawl hauls in depths between 100 and 2100 m. About 370 species, ranging from sponges to fish, were identified in the catches. Species numbers per station ranged from 21 to 86. Brittle stars, such as Ophiacantha bidentata, Ophiura sarsi and Ophiocten sericeum, were most important in terms of constancy and relative abundance in the catches. Other prominent faunal elements were eunephthyid alcyonarians, bivalves, shrimps, sea stars and fish (Gadidae, Zoarcidae, Cottidae). Multivariate analyses of the species and environmental data sets showed that the spatial distribution of the megabenthos was characterized by a pronounced depth zonation: abyssal, bathyal, off-shore shelf and fjordic communities were discriminated. However, a gradient in sediment properties, especially the organic carbon content, seemed to superimpose on the bathymetric pattern. Both main factors are interpreted as proxies of the average food availability, which is, hence, suggested to have the strongest influence in structuring megabenthic communities off Svalbard.