506 resultados para Percursos pedestres
A 2.5D ray-tracing propagation model is proposed to predict radio loss in indoor environment. Specifically, we opted for the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, together with the Geometrieal Theory of Diffrartion (GTD). Besides the line-of-sight propagation (LOS), we consider that the radio waves may experience reflection, refraction, and diffraction (NLOS). In the Shooting and Bouncing Rays (SBR) method, the transmitter antenna launches a bundle of rays that may or may not reach the receiver. Considering the transmitting antenna as a point, the rays will start to launch from this position and can reach the receiver either directly or after reflections, refractions, diffractions, or even after any combination of the previous effects. To model the environment, a database is built to record geometrical characteristics and information on the constituent materials of the scenario. The database works independently of the simulation program, allowing robustness and flexibility to model other seenarios. Each propagation mechanism is treated separately. In line-of-sight propagation, the main contribution to the received signal comes from the direct ray, while reflected, refracted, and diffracted signal dominate when the line-of-sight is blocked. For this case, the transmitted signal reaches the receiver through more than one path, resulting in a multipath fading. The transmitting channel of a mobile system is simulated by moving either the transmitter or the receiver around the environment. The validity of the method is verified through simulations and measurements. The computed path losses are compared with the measured values at 1.8 GHz ftequency. The results were obtained for the main corridor and room classes adjacent to it. A reasonable agreement is observed. The numerical predictions are also compared with published data at 900 MHz and 2.44 GHz frequencies showing good convergence
Wavelet coding is an efficient technique to overcome the multipath fading effects, which are characterized by fluctuations in the intensity of the transmitted signals over wireless channels. Since the wavelet symbols are non-equiprobable, modulation schemes play a significant role in the overall performance of wavelet systems. Thus the development of an efficient design method is crucial to obtain modulation schemes suitable for wavelet systems, principally when these systems employ wavelet encoding matrixes of great dimensions. In this work, it is proposed a design methodology to obtain sub-optimum modulation schemes for wavelet systems over Rayleigh fading channels. In this context, novels signal constellations and quantization schemes are obtained via genetic algorithm and mathematical tools. Numerical results obtained from simulations show that the wavelet-coded systems derived here have very good performance characteristics over fading channels
The objective of the dissertation was the realization of kinematic modeling of a robotic wheelchair using virtual chains, allowing the wheelchair modeling as a set of robotic manipulator arms forming a cooperative parallel kinematic chain. This document presents the development of a robotic wheelchair to transport people with special needs who overcomes obstacles like a street curb and barriers to accessibility in streets and avenues, including the study of assistive technology, parallel architecture, kinematics modeling, construction and assembly of the prototype robot with the completion of a checklist of problems and barriers to accessibility in several pathways, based on rules, ordinances and existing laws. As a result, simulations were performed on the chair in various states of operation to accomplish the task of going up and down stair with different measures, making the proportional control based on kinematics. To verify the simulated results we developed a prototype robotic wheelchair. This project was developed to provide a better quality of life for people with disabilities
Wavelet coding has emerged as an alternative coding technique to minimize the fading effects of wireless channels. This work evaluates the performance of wavelet coding, in terms of bit error probability, over time-varying, frequency-selective multipath Rayleigh fading channels. The adopted propagation model follows the COST207 norm, main international standards reference for GSM, UMTS, and EDGE applications. The results show the wavelet coding s efficiency against the inter symbolic interference which characterizes these communication scenarios. This robustness of the presented technique enables its usage in different environments, bringing it one step closer to be applied in practical wireless communication systems
Os ensaios de largura de trabalho e uniformidade de distribuição são de difícil execução para o agricultor por exigirem equipamentos, recursos e métodos complexos. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar coletores alternativos para tornar mais acessível a regulagem e a avaliação de distribuidores de fertilizantes sólidos a lanço. Foram utilizados quatro diferentes conjuntos de coletores: i) coletores construídos segundo a norma ISO 5690/1; ii) coletores de polietileno (bandejas plásticas) com tela de sombreamento para evitar o ricochete de material; iii) coletores formados por caixas de leite longa vida, e iv) coletores formados por vasos de polietileno (número 3,5). Também foram utilizados três diferentes distribuidores para as avaliações. Os coletores alternativos apresentaram maior retenção de partículas que os coletores normatizados. A largura efetiva de trabalho obtida para os coeficientes de variação de 12,5; 15; 17,5 e 20% variou entre os coletores nos diferentes percursos. O coletor que mais se assemelhou à norma foram os vasos de polietileno. Constatou-se que a altura dos coletores foi mais importante para sua eficiência do que a sua área de coleta.
This work, from a perspective that thinks the space as a historical category, and especially as a relationship which stresses the role of objects, proposes an analysis of the construction of a Republican memory in the city of Natal in the early twentieth century. This research will focus mainly on two objects: the obelisk opened in 1917, and the Andre de Albuquerque Square on the occasion of the celebration of Frei Miguelinho´s death centenary and the paint Julgamento de Frei Miguelinho ordered by the State Government to the painter Antonio Parreiras, picture that was in the Salão Nobre do Palácio do Poder Executivo of that time. In a geral way this work intend to analyse the construction of this memory as well as the role of these objects in this process. To achieve that, we propose to trace ways and networks to follow the possible associations(between people, events, images, discourses, objects, institutios etc.) in the constitution of mutual belongings. Thus, our procedure was to follow these objects through the pathways in which they became possible, so that in the end we could defend the idea that they are active participants of the process that establish them.
Death is a theme that fascinates, though at the same time, frightens and uneasy the human being, despite the finitude being present at our daily lives. In each historical time, death has been represented in a peculiar way, from familiar death (at Middle Ages), to interdicted death (at contemporary times). Through this path it‟s possible to recognize several attitudes and stages front of death and the process of dying as possibilities of coping and the understanding of these occurrences. In other hand, the palliative care proposal came as a humanized attention, front of the human finitude, recognizing death as a part of the vital cycle. The Brazilian reality, in this context, still faces a lot of political, economic and social barriers that makes difficult the consolidation of palliative care at the death process in the Brazilian Health Care policies. Currently, according to the Brazilian Palliative Care Association, Brazil presents an average of 40 services with this proposal. Such data portray our inexpressive condition in relation to these cares when considering the territorial extension and population of our country. Considering this scenario is relevant think about death and the process of dying at contemporary times, at a health context in which palliative care, when trying to humanize the process of dying, bring to light the issue of human finitude and the beingtowards- death, as thought by the philosopher Martin Heidegger. According to him, the human being (Dasein) is constituted as a being-towards-death, once death is its most own potentiality-for-bein and its last possibility to be lived. In view of the ideas presented, the proposed study appears as a qualitative research of existential-phenomenological inspiration and aims to understand the experience of being-toward-death from the psychological care to a person out of possibilities of cure living on palliative cares. The psychological care happened at the patient‟s home, understanding the clinical process of being-with-the-other from the written reports of the psychology/researcher, by the accompanying sessions, configured as an experience report. These reports are focused on the experiences lived by the patient, as well as apprehended by the psychologist at the intersubjectivity relation and its own experience with Dasein and, therefore, being-toward-death. The reports were hermeneutically interpreted, from the senses that emerged in this process, considering the notion of being-toward-death proposed by Heidegger. Furthermore, it was important to dialogue with other authors that approached the studied theme. It is perceived, through brief and meaningful reflections about the clinical treatments started, that the experience of illness with no possibilities of cure makes the Dasein revises feelings and experiences that were marked at the temporality and historicity of existence. It is a stage of life in which the cultural dimension and the common sense of finitude, often gains ground in the human condition, taken in its ordinary sense, unlike the way it has been thought from an ontological and existential perspective of death. Thus, there are singulars and revealing paths in the palliative care scenery as possible ways for authenticity of being-toward-death
This study was based on the analysis and understanding of the dynamics of the lower circuit of the economy and the size of the street trading in the city of Mossoro (RN). The operationalization of the theory of the two circuits of the urban economy, based on Santos (2008a) was essential to understand the street trading as part of the entire city of Mossoro. It was given emphasis on the study of the lower circuit of the economy and its coverage in the street trading in the commercial center of the city, specifically in street trading in Coronel Gurgel. The dynamics of that street reveals the different ways that the territory is used simultaneously by different social actors as pedestrians, consumers, business owners, and especially by street vendors. These vendors occupy the spaces along the streets of the city commercial center, placing their tents or stalls, especially on sidewalks, excellent strategic locations for the marketing of their products, due to the large influx of people seeking goods and services nearby. As methodological and technical procedures for gathering primary data, we opted for the use of questionnaires and interviews, with many users of the lower circuit, both consumers and vendors. The analysis of these questionnaires, along with the theoretical background, has revealed that there are several social and political conflicts related to the use of public spaces, such as sidewalks and flowerbeds, in the city commercial center, and that these conflicts are increasingly demonstrating that vendors need a space endowed with infrastructure to conduct their activities. The lack of efficiency of the government, as well as the slowness of their actions to organize a space that is able to properly fit salespersons, constitutes one of the main problems faced by these small traders who have limited financial resources and materials to get their activities through in the globalized world. At the same time, this study revealed the importance of these agents, as the last link of the urban economy, in the distribution of various consumer goods, enabling the satisfaction of some needs of the population, especially the poorer people
Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a incidência do uso de álcool e anfetaminas entre caminhoneiros de estrada. Foram estudados 91 sujeitos, abordados em um posto de combustíveis em Passos, MG, em novembro de 2005. Os dados dos participantes foram obtidos por meio de um questionário contendo 19 questões de múltipla escolha. Utilizou-se para a análise dos dados estatística descritiva, teste do qui-quadrado e o coeficiente de correlação de Cramér. Os resultados indicaram que 66% dos caminhoneiros usavam anfetaminas durante os percursos de viagens, principalmente em postos de combustíveis (54%) à beira das rodovias. O álcool era utilizado por 91% deles, dos quais 43% consumiam a bebida nos postos de combustíveis. Concluiu-se que há a necessidade de campanhas preventivas e informativas voltadas para esta categoria profissional nos postos de combustíveis e empresas de transportes, alertando sobre os riscos de ingestão dessas substâncias no período de trabalho.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)