916 resultados para Nursing home care


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A reliable and valid instrument is needed to screen for depression in palliative patients. The interRAI Depression Rating Scale (DRS) is based on seven items in the interRAI Palliative Care instrument. This study is the first to explore the dimensionality, reliability and validity of the DRS in a palliative population. Palliative home care patients (n = 5,175) residing in Ontario (Canada) were assessed with the interRAI Palliative Care instrument. Exploratory factor analysis and Mokken scale analysis were used to identify candidate conceptual models and evaluate scale homogeneity/performance. Confirmatory factor analysis compared models using standard goodness-of-fit indices. Convergent and divergent validity were investigated by examining polychoric correlations between the DRS and other items. The “known groups” test determined if the DRS meaningfully distinguished among client subgroups. The non-hierarchical two factor model showed acceptable fit with the data, and ordinal alpha coefficients of 0.83 and 0.82 were observed for the two DRS subscales. Omega hierarchical (ωh) was 0.78 for the bifactor model, with the general factor explaining three quarters of the common variance. Despite the multidimensionality evident in the factor analyses, bifactor modelling and the Mokken homogeneity coefficient (0.34) suggest that the DRS is a coherent scale that captures important information on sub-constructs of depression (e.g., somatic symptoms). Higher correlations were seen between the DRS and mood and psychosocial well-being items, and lower correlations with functional status and demographic variables. The DRS distinguished in the expected manner for known risk factors (e.g., social support, pain). The results suggest that the DRS is primarily unidimensional and reliable for use in screening for depression in palliative care patients.


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Title: Evaluating the integrating of life and social sciences teaching to first-year nursing and midwifery students

Objectives: To evaluate an integrated teaching and learning approach to first-year nursing students, combining the life, social sciences and public health with a more integrated and clinical focused approach to teaching delivery

Background: Historically within the School of Nursing and Midwifery the life sciences and social sciences had been taught as separate modules with separate teaching teams. This had reflected in a somewhat dis-integrated approach to student learning and understanding without clear clinical focus on application. With focus upon student learning the teaching teams engaged with a stepped, incremental and progressive movement towards developing and delivering a more integrated structure of learning, combining the life sciences, social sciences and public health teaching and learning within the one extended first-year module. The focus was particularly on integrated understanding and clinical relevance. This paper discusses both the approach to developing the integrated model of teaching and the evaluation of that teaching.

Results: The module, combining life, social science and Public health teaching was positively evaluated by the students. Evaluations are compared and contrasted from to nursing student intakes.


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This paper reports on the findings of a PhD research project that set out to explore how young people leaving out of home care experienced and made sense of their transition to adulthood. Using the Biographical Narrative Interpretative Method, in-depth accounts were collected and analysed for eight care leavers. The data suggest that in addition to care leavers living their lives as a series of biographical events, their ‘care career’, they also experience changes in the way they make sense of their lives which form a ‘subjective pathway’. Influenced by the literature on resilience, the research had anticipated that ‘turning point’ events would play a significant role in the young people’s subjective pathways. But the findings show a more gradual, phased shifting of subjectivity. It is suggested that legislation, policy, services and care practices need to facilitate this more drawn out ‘subjective pathway’. Attachment, resilience and humanistic social psychology are proposed as useful theoretical underpinnings for that work


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Rationale for the development of the Certificate in Health Studies: Intensive Care and High Dependency for Adults course developed at Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland. Structure and content of clinical module reviewed. Clinical assessment strategy discussed. Focus on the utilization of a standardized portfolio, individualized learning contract and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to evaluate clinical competence. Evaluation of OSCE as an assessment tool and of the course provision.


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BACKGROUND: Prior research on community-based specialist palliative care teams used outcome measures of place of death and/or dichotomous outcome measures of acute care use in the last two weeks of life. However, existing research seldom measured the diverse places of care used and their timing prior to death.

OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to examine the place of care in the last 30 days of life.

METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, patients who received care from a specialist palliative care team (exposed) were matched by propensity score to patients who received usual care in the community (unexposed) in Ontario, Canada. Measured was the percentage of patients in each place of care in the last month of life as a proportion of the total cohort.

RESULTS: After matching, 3109 patients were identified in each group, where 79% had cancer and 77% received end-of-life home care. At 30 days compared to 7 days before death, the exposed group's proportions rose from 33% to 41% receiving home care and 14% to 15% in hospital, whereas the unexposed group's proportions rose from 28% to 32% receiving home care and 16% to 22% in hospital. Linear trend analysis (proportion over time) showed that the exposed group used significantly more home care services and fewer hospital days (p < 0.001) than the unexposed group. On the last day of life (place of death), the exposed group had 18% die in an in-patient hospital bed compared to 29% in usual care.

CONCLUSION: Examining place of care in the last month can effectively illustrate the service use trajectory over time.


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Considerando a família como foco de atenção em enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria, foi realizada a análise da prática clínica de enfermagem no âmbito da prestação de cuidados em visita domiciliária, através dos registos de enfermagem existentes nesse contexto. Partindo dos conceitos de enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria, família, modelos teóricos de avaliação e intervenção familiar e visita domiciliária; procurou-se compreender que modelos de abordagem familiar emergem dos registos de enfermagem das visitas domiciliárias, assim como identificar intervenções dirigidas a utentes e familiares numa perspectiva sistémica. Embora sem identificação completa com modelos teóricos existentes, concluímos que existe, sem dúvida, atenção dada aos familiares, sendo realizada frequentemente avaliação de relacionamentos, padrões de interacção, apoios e recursos, necessitando de melhorias que permitam que seja realizada de uma forma sistematizada, criteriosa, fundamentada e claramente documentada; ABSTRACT: Considering family care central, in psychiatric mental health nursing, an analyses of nursing clinical practice in home care context, was accomplished; using the nursing notes existents in that context. Based on concepts of psychiatric mental health nursing, family, conceptual models of family assessment and intervention and home care; we tried to understand what kind of family approach emerges from the nursing notes, as well as identify what interventions are directed to patients and families in a systemic perspective. Although without clear identification of the conceptual models existents, we realise that attention giving to families, exists, without doubted, with frequent relationships assessments, interaction patterns, supports and resources, however with the need to improve in a more grounded, systematic and discerning way and clearly documented.


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Objetivo: Compreender a educação no processo de interação entre o enfermeiro e a pessoa idosa e família no domicílio. Estudo de natureza qualitativa, enquadrado nos principais pressupostos do Interacionismo Simbólico e da Grounded Theory, em quatro freguesias do Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde do Ave III, com um total de inscritos de 80285 e destes 9,81% eram pessoas idosas com idades iguais ou superiores a 65 anos. Na colheita dos dados recorremos: (i) à observação não participante das práticas de enfermagem às pessoas idosas e família no domicílio;(ii) 12 entrevistas às enfermeiras observadas e 4 entrevistas em grupo (pessoa idosa e família). Emergiram as categorias: organização estrutural dos cuidados no domicílio; avaliação em contexto e intervenção terapêutica em contexto. A categoria central foi a “Construção da relação no contexto do domicílio” pelo facto da relação da enfermeira com o idoso e a família ser central em todo o processo de cuidados. Os conhecimentos fornecidos pela teoria substantiva “Cuidar no Domicílio – um Processo de Interação” fundamentada nos dados e na sua análise, fornecem contributos válidos para a prática de enfermagem nesta área específica do cuidar a pessoa idosa e família no domicílio e no contexto em que foi desenvolvido o estudo; ABSTRACT: Education in the Interaction Process between nurse and Elderly person/family in the community Objective: Understanding education in the interaction process between nurse and elderly and their relatives at home. Qualitative study, framed on Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory main assumptions, counting with 802825 members of four parishes of Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde do Ave III, which 9, 81% were elderly and had 65 or more years old. Data collection instruments used: (i) non-participant observation of nursing practices with elderly and families at home, (ii) interviews of 12 nurses practices observed and 4 group interviews (family and elderly person). Categories emerged: structural organization of home care; assessment and therapeutic intervention in context. The core category emerged was "Construction of the relationship in the context of the household" once the relationship between nurse, elderly and family seem be central to the whole process of care. The knowledge provided by substantive theory "Caring at Home - An Interaction Process" founded on data analysis provided valuable contributions to nursing practice in this specific area of care, elderly care and their relatives at home, in which context study was developed.


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To determine the frequency of falls and identify risk factors in the homes of the elderly under the Home Care Service of a village in Alentejo (Portugal). Method: Exploratory, descriptive study. The target group were elderly persons under the Home Care Service (23). The questionnaire consists of open and closed questions, and was based on the Jefferson Area Board for Aging Safety in the Home Assessment; Instrument to Assess the Risk of Falls and Adaptations to Prevent Falls at Home. Results: Of the 23 seniors, 13 were men; the mean age was 85; 10 widowers; 11 live alone; 12 cannot read or write; 17 have experienced falls, loss of balance being the main cause. They report changes in vision (21), hearing (14) and rheumatic diseases (14); hypertension (19); they use 4 or more drugs on a daily basis (16). Conclusion: The physiological changes associated with ageing may increase the risk of falls. Due to the consequences, it is a priority field in community intervention.


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O presente relatório apresenta o projeto desenvolvido na Casa-Acolhimento Santa Marta, cuja finalidade era a promoção de um envelhecimento ativo e bem-sucedido com vista à melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas que frequentam a resposta social de Centro de Dia. O conhecimento coconstruído com as pessoas idosas e os profissionais da instituição permitiu a conceção e o desenvolvimento do projeto “Não nos deixem dormir…”. Sendo um projeto, elaborado em conjunto com os indivíduos, privilegiou os pressupostos da metodologia de investigação-ação participativa. Inerente a este posicionamento, incentivando a exploração e a rentabilização dos recursos e das potencialidades endógenas, bem como procurando atenuar ou resolver os problemas e as necessidades subjacentes, procurou-se tornar os sujeitos atores e autores das suas vidas. Deste modo, partindo dos contributos e das necessidades dos idosos o projeto justifica a sua importância, designadamente pela realização de ações que proporcionaram um maior número de atividades de acordo com as suas expectativas e os seus interesses e que promoveram as relações interpessoais propiciando momentos de convívio e de diálogo, fomentando o auto e o hétero conhecimento, bem como o respeito mútuo entre os idosos. De forma a sustentar a investigação e a intervenção, mobilizou-se contributos teóricos ligados sobretudo à terceira idade, que se tornaram essenciais na problematização, na reflexão e na ação. A concretização do projeto permitiu ainda uma constante reflexão acerca do papel do Educador Social junto da população idosa, bem como da pertinência da sua presença neste âmbito de intervenção.


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BACKGROUND: The number of nonagenarians and centenarians is rising dramatically, and many of them live in nursing homes. Very little is known about psychiatric symptoms and cognitive abilities other than memory in this population. This exploratory study focuses on anosognosia and its relationship with common psychiatric and cognitive symptoms. METHODS: Fifty-eight subjects aged 90 years or older were recruited from geriatric nursing homes and divided into five groups according to Mini-Mental State Examination scores. Assessment included the five-word test, executive clock-drawing task, lexical and categorical fluencies, Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Charlson Comorbidity Index. RESULTS: Subjects had moderate cognitive impairment, with mean ± SD Mini-Mental State Examination being 15.41 ± 7.04. Anosognosia increased with cognitive impairment and was associated with all cognitive domains, as well as with apathy and agitation. Subjects with mild global cognitive decline seemed less anosognosic than subjects with the least or no impairment. Neither anosognosia nor psychopathological features were related to physical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Anosognosia in oldest-old nursing home residents was mostly mild. It was associated with both cognitive and psychopathological changes, but whether anosognosia is causal to the observed psychopathological features requires further investigation.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to make a qualitative marketing research and on the basis of this to develop a distribution plan for the case company Finnish 3M Ltd.’s wound care products. The literature review includes three important parts: distribution channel planning, the buying behavior of seniors, and special characteristics of health care products’ marketing. The empirical part of this thesis comprises two different parts. The first part is a marketing research, in which the buying behavior of wound care products is studied in Espoo. The research aim was to examine, in which distribution channels the wound care patients under home care would most preferably buy wound care products during the time period, when municipalities will not yet provide the products for free. The data was collected through semi-structured phone interviews and regular interviews, and was treated qualitatively and anonymously. The study revealed that the recommendations of nurses and doctors influenced most the buying behavior of wound care customers. In the second part of the thesis a distribution channel plan for wound care products was made for the case company 3M Finland Ltd. based on the results. 3M Finland Ltd. should focus on pharmacies, online-stores and municipal health centers as their main distributors.


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The purpose of this study was to explore the intersection of living in residential care, leisure engagement, and adolescent identity development. The investigation included the voices of six youth living in a residential care facility in southern Ontario. The data was collected through participant observations, semi-structured interviews, and document analysis. Moustakas’ (1994) modification of the Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method was used to analyze the data. The findings determined that living in residential care is rife with dialectical tensions that impact leisure and identity. The youth shared poignant narratives of how living in residential care was a stigmatizing experience that left them feeling restricted and isolated. They also shared their struggles with finding autonomy in a secured facility and managing the violent discourses of their peers. This research contributes to a burgeoning body of literature that explores the experiences of youth living in out-of-home care. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.


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RÉSUMÉ L‘hébergement en centre de soins de longue durée d'un parent âgé atteint de démence marque une transition pour les personnes qui occupent un rôle d’aidant familial principal. Ces personnes, principalement des femmes, poursuivent leur engagement après l’hébergement et souhaitent être impliquées dans les décisions concernant les soins offerts à leur parent. Souvent l'hébergement survient au moment où la personne âgée n'est plus en mesure, compte tenu de ses déficiences cognitives, d'exprimer clairement ses besoins; les aidantes accordent alors une place centrale au rôle de représentante de leur proche hébergé. Cette étude avait pour but d’expliquer la transformation du rôle de représentante chez des aidantes familiales dont le parent atteint de démence vit dans un centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée (CHSLD). La méthode qualitative de la théorisation ancrée a été retenue pour expliquer ce processus social. Les résultats obtenus reposent sur 14 entrevues en profondeur réalisées auprès de filles dont le parent atteint de démence était hébergé depuis plus de six mois dans un CHSLD. Ces aidantes ont été sélectionnées selon une procédure d’échantillonnage théorique et l’analyse des données a été réalisée à partir de la transcription intégrale des entrevues en suivant trois niveaux d'analyse, soit la codification ouverte, axiale et sélective. Une proposition théorique, générée par voie inductive, met en lumière trois processus intermédiaires interreliés expliquant la transformation du rôle de représentante pendant l’hébergement du proche : 1) l’intégration dans le milieu ; 2) l’évaluation de la qualité des soins et 3) le développement de la confiance envers le milieu d’hébergement. Plus précisément, les aidantes déploient différentes stratégies d’intégration dans le milieu d’hébergement, soit l’établissement de relations de réciprocité et d’une collaboration avec le personnel soignant, ainsi que l’utilisation d’un style de communication diplomatique. Parallèlement, elles évaluent la qualité des soins en trois étapes : jugement, pondération et action. Finalement, une relation de confiance avec les membres du personnel de l’établissement se développe en lien avec cinq facteurs spécifiques, soit les premières impressions, la comparaison avec d’autres CHSLD, l’intérêt démontré par le personnel envers le proche, le fait d’être entendue et prise au sérieux et la transparence du milieu d’hébergement. Ces trois processus contribuent au bien-être du parent hébergé et à celui de l’aidante. Le développement de la confiance étant associé aux deux autres processus intermédiaires ainsi qu’au bien-être de l’aidante, il est le processus central de la théorie contextuelle qui émerge de cette recherche. Cette étude contribue au développement des connaissances, notamment en fournissant plusieurs éléments inédits de compréhension du processus de transformation du rôle de représentante des aidantes familiales, de même que des pistes pour soutenir ces aidantes dont le parent, souffrant de démence, n’est plus en mesure de prendre des décisions. La théorie contextuelle proposée dans le cadre de cette étude constitue les prémices d’une théorie de niveau intermédiaire portant sur le rôle de représentant des aidants familiaux dans le contexte plus général du système de santé. Des études réalisées dans d’autres contextes de soins et auprès d’aidants de proches vulnérables ayant d’autres types d’affections sont ainsi recommandées.


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Les résultats de cette recherche faite auprès de cadres intermédiaires qui sont les gestionnaires des infirmières travaillant dans des programmes de personnes âgées en perte d'autonomie liée au vieillissement(PALV) montrent qu'il est difficile d'y attirer de nouvelles infirmières en raison du peu de popularité du domaine de la gériatrie.Afin d'y attirer des candidates, les cadres peuvent faire valoir le défi de gérer des situations de santé souvent complexes, la flexibilité des horaires de travail,l'autonomie dont elles disposent dans l'organisation de leur travail, le nombre de week-end de travail moins élevé que dans les hôpitaux et l'absence de travail supplémentaire obligatoire. Selon ces cadres, la rétention des infirmières dans de tels programmes PALV ne crée pas problème. Pour favoriser davantage cette rétention, des mesures élaborées d'orientation et d'encadrement des nouvelles infirmières de même que des mécanismes d'évaluation formelle doivent être mis en place, des efforts doivent être faits pour répartir équitablement les tâches, pour amener les infirmières à agir en tant que gestionnaires de cas et à se délester de tâches au profit des infirmières auxiliaires, et pour les sensibiliser à l'importance de la notion de prise en charge de sa santé par le client; des activités de formation continue significatives pour les infirmières doivent être élaborées à partir de l'analyse de leurs propres besoins et enfin des charges de travail particulières doivent être offertes aux infirmiàres de 55 ans et plus dans le but de les retenir au travail.