990 resultados para Mono sectoriel


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The dynamics of low-density flows is governed by the Boltzmann equation of the kinetic theory of gases. This is a nonlinear integro-differential equation and, in general, numerical methods must be used to obtain its solution. The present paper, after a brief review of Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) methods due to Bird, and Belotserkovskii and Yanitskii, studies the details of theDSMC method of Deshpande for mono as well as multicomponent gases. The present method is a statistical particle-in-cell method and is based upon the Kac-Prigogine master equation which reduces to the Boltzmann equation under the hypothesis of molecular chaos. The proposed Markoff model simulating the collisions uses a Poisson distribution for the number of collisions allowed in cells into which the physical space is divided. The model is then extended to a binary mixture of gases and it is shown that it is necessary to perform the collisions in a certain sequence to obtain unbiased simulation.


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The C-nitrosation of bivalent quadridentate β-imino ketone complexes of nickel(II), copper(II), and palladium(II), with nitrosating reagents has been investigated. The chemical analysis and spectroscopic results reveal that one of the α-CH groups of the coordinated lignad undergoes selective nitrosation forming mono(hydroxyimino) derivative. The hydroxyimino group introduced coordinates through either N- or O- atom to metal(II) by dislodging the carbonyl group already coordinated. This gives rise to two linkage isomers, one with N-bonded and the other with O-bonded hydroxyimino group in the case of nickel(II) (except for 1d) and palladium(II), and a single isomer with O-bonded hydroxyimino group in copper(II) complexes. The isomers obtained from 1b and 1i have been separated by column chromatography. In chloroform each of the isomers of nickel(II) isomerizes to give an equilibrium mixture of two isomers, but not those of copper(II) and palladium(II).


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A theoretical analysis of the external heavy atom effect of a halogen atom on the radiative rate constant of phosphorescence is examined as a function of position of a bromine atom or atoms relative to a naphthalene or a benzene chromophore for a series of mono- and dibromo-, naphtho-, and benzonorbornenes. The theoretical results are then compared to experimentaldata and lead to the conclusion that the enhancement of the phosphorescence process takes place through the second-ordermixing of the triplet states of the chromophore with the singlet charge transfer states arising primarily from an electron transferfrom the orbitals of the heavy atom perturber to the unfilled x* orbitals of the chromophore.


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The topic of this dissertation is Rodnoverie, a religion that revives pre-Christian Slavic spirituality. Rodnoverie has been noted to be one of the fastest growing new religions in Russia and the aim of the study is to analyse why and how the movement has attained its popularity. First, the analysis asks how Rodnovers themselves explain the revival of ancient Paganism at this particular historical moment. Secondly, these interpretations are reflected in the framework of sociological discussions about contemporary religiosity. The analysis discusses how the Rodnoverie movement corresponds to some tendencies that are considered to characterise late modern religiosity. The primary material of the research is Rodnoverie texts: books, newspapers and electronic articles. The published literature is supplemented by fieldwork material which includes interviews with some Rodnoverie leaders and the author s participant observation of rituals and gatherings. Methodologically, the study draws on a sociological narrative approach that is focused on examining how individuals and groups use narratives to construct their identities and to challenge mainstream discussions and interpretations. The analysis discerns three narratives. The first one of these portrays Rodnoverie as a revival of the native Russian or Slavic religion. The narrative provides a new version of the old Slavophile idea, according to which imitation of the West has misguided Russia and, therefore, Russians should turn to their own tradition. In the second narrative, Rodnoverie is presented as a nature religion that features tolerance and pluralistic values. According to these perceptions, the emergence of Rodnoverie marks the dead-end of the earlier hegemonic universalistic world-views, the mono-ideologies . While the nationalist narrative focuses on Russia s national heritage, the third narrative interprets the tradition in more universal terms as an alternative to modern values and way of life. The main argument of this narrative is that contemporary people have become alienated from nature, their roots and their community. The themes that are discussed in the theoretical literature on late modern religiosity often configure in Rodnovers interpretations either directly or when looked at through an analytical framework. Of the various themes that are addressed in a sociological study of religion the ones that have most relevance for Rodnoverie are the discussions on individualisation, globalisation and secularisation. Rodnoverie reflects such tendencies as the subjectivisation of religion and the modern crisis of authority. The movement also both exemplifies and actively promotes religious pluralisation in Russia.


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Copper(II) complexes of ethylene/propylene-bis(acetylacetoneimine), Cu(baen) or Cu(bapn), react quickly and quantitatively in aqueous methanol at the methine position with arene diazonium ions in a stepwise manner to yield mono- and di-substituted copper(II) complexes. All the complexes are paramagnetic with μeff∼1.88 B.M. In all the complexes the diazo substituted part of the ligand coordinates to the metal through the agr-nitrogen of the azo group and the imine nitrogen, forming glyoxaliminearylhydrazone type of ligand system. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analysis, electronic, esr, ir and mass spectroscopic methods.


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Sym-homospermidine, [formula; see text] is a naturally occurring rare-polyamine found in relatively large concentration in sandal leaves. As part of our studies on structure and interactions of polyamines, ym-homospermidine was purified from sandal leaves and its structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The phosphate salt of the molecule crystallized in the triclinic space group P1- with a = 8.246(1)A, b = 8.775(1)A, c = 15.531(2)A, alpha = 74.20(1) degrees, beta = 88.36(1) degrees and gamma = 65.41(1) degrees. The structure was determined by direct methods and refined to a final R factor of 5.4% for 2087 reflections with magnitude of F(obs) greater than 5 sigma [F(obs)]. The amine exists in its most favourable all trans conformation. For each amine molecule three phosphate groups exist in the crystal structure, suggesting that two of the oxygens of each phosphate group are protonated. There is also a single water molecule in the asymmetric unit in contrast to that of spermidine phosphate which has 3 water molecules. These differences probably reflect the hydrogen bonding properties of mono-ionic and di-ionic phosphate groups. The structure is predominantly stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds.


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The aryloxy(alkoxy)cyclotriphosphazenes N3P3(OR)6�m(OC6H4Me-p)n(R = Me, n= 1�3; R = Et or CH2Ph, n= 3) rearrange on heating to give trioxocyclotriphosphazanes; the di- and mono-methoxy derivatives, N3P3(OMe)6�n(OC6H4Me-p)n(n= 4 or 5), yield dioxophosphaz-1-enes and an oxophosphazadiene respectively. The 1H, 13C and 31P NMR data for the starting materials and the products are presented. No evidence has been found for partially rearranged products. The geometrical disposition of the aryloxy groups in the starting material is retained in the rearranged products. Some aspects of the mechanism of the thermal rearrangement are discussed.


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Reactions of [PdIVB-(AI)2]++ [PdIICl4]-- (i) B-(AI)2 = dianion of N,N'-ethylene-/i-propylene-/n-propylene-bis(acetyl-acetoneimine) with some π-acceptor ligands, aliphatic primary amines and nitrosating reagents have been investigated. In all these reactions except nitrosation, 1:1 adducts having the formula, [PdIVB-(AI)2.X] [PdIICl4] [X = triphenylphosphine (TPP), triphenylarsine (TPA), pyridine (Py), methylamine (CH3NH2) or ethylamine (C2H5NH2)] are obtained. The formation of these complexes is associated with a bond isomerization - from Pd-Cxo-π -allylic bond prevailing in [PdIVB-(AI)2]2+ to PdIV-O bonding.Reaction of (i) with nitrosating reagents reduces PdIV to PdII and subsequently transform the γ-CH group, into an ambidentate isonitroso group (°C = NOH). The latter enters into coordination with PdII by dislodging the already coordinated carbonyl group. Further, selective nitrosation (mono- and dinitrosation) has been carried out by controlling the amount of the nitrosating reagent and the reaction time. The complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses, electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility and ir spectral data.


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Ab initio MO calculations are performed on a series of ion-molecular and ion pair-molecular complexes of H2O + MX (MX = LiF, LiCl, NaCl, BeO and MgO) systems. BSSE-corrected stabilization energies, optimized geometrical parameters, internal force constants and harmonic vibrational frequencies have been evaluated for all the structures of interest. The trends observed in the geometrical parameters and other properties calculated for the mono-hydrated contact ion pair complexes parallel those computed for the complexes of the individual ions. The bifurcated structures are found to be saddle points with an imaginary frequency corresponding to the rocking mode of water molecules. The solvent-shared ion pair complexes have high interaction energies. Trends in the internal force constant and harmonic frequency values are discussed in terms of ion-molecular and ion-pair molecular interactions.


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ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were grown on the surface of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by a wet chemical synthesis route. The anchoring of ZnO NPs on acid-treated MWCNTs was achieved under remarkably mild reaction conditions (low temperature, atmospheric pressure, without any capping agents and no need for subsequent thermal annealing). MWCNT/ZnO NPs hybrid samples with varying loading of ZnO NPs are prepared. A very high degree of dispersion of ZnO NPs over the surface of MWCNT was achieved by suitably controlling the ratio of ZnO NPs and MWCNTs in the solution. The hybrid sample was characterized by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Transmission electron microscope images of the as-prepared MWCNT/ZnO NPs hybrid reveal that mono-dispersed ZnO NPs are anchored stably on functionalized MWCNTs. The interaction of ZnO NPs with MWCNT surface was interpreted through XPS analysis.


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Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) system using Mono Q (HR 5/5) anion-exchange column chromatography followed by highly cross-linked urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (urea-PAGE) was used for the purification of lysine-specific tRNA (tRNA(Lys)) from rat liver. Crude tRNA from rat liver was fractionated with a linear gradient of NaCl (0.3-0.8 M) in triethanolamine-HCl buffer, pH 4.5, and the activity of tRNA(Lys) was found to elute between 0.51 and 0.57 M NaCl. Using this concentration range of NaCl, tRNA(Lys) was refractionated on the same column with a shallow gradient, where a single peak of tRNA(Lys) activity was obtained. tRNA(Lys)-rich fractions recovered from the second run were electrophoretically separated on 16% polyacrylamide-7 M urea gel into one major band and three minor bands. The major band showed a specific activity of 997 pmols/A260 U for tRNALys with a 43-fold purification and approximately 17% recovery. The minor bands displayed negligible or no activity for lysine. tRNA(Lys) obtained by this method was found to be homogeneous by competitive aminoacylation. The advantages of FPLC followed by urea-PAGE in the purification of an amino acid-specific tRNA over conventional column chromatography are discussed.


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The development of new synthetic strategies to obtain mono-disperse metal nanoparticles on large scales is an attractive prospect in the context of sustainability. Recently, amine-boranes, the classical Lewis acid-base adducts, have been employed as reducing agents for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. They offer several advantages over the traditional reducing agents like the borohydrides; for example, a much better control of the rate of reduction and, hence, the particle size distribution of metal nanoparticles; diversity in their reducing abilities by varying the substituents on the nitrogen atom; and solubility in various protic and aprotic solvents. Amine-boranes have not only been used successfully as reducing agents in solution but also in solventless conditions, in which along with the reduction of the metal precursor, they undergo in situ transformation to afford the stabilizing agent for the generated metal nanoparticles, thereby bringing about atom economy as well. The use of amine boranes for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles has experienced an explosive growth in a very short period of time. In this Minireview, recent progress on the use of amine boranes for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles, with a focus towards the development of pathways for sustainability, is discussed.


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The reactions of p-nitrophenyl alkanoate esters with dialkylaminopyridine (DAAP) and its related mono- and di-anionic water-soluble derivatives have been studied separately in three different microemulsion (ME) media. These were (a) oil-in-water ME (O/W), (b) water-in-oil ME (W/O) and (c) a bicontinuous ME, where oil and water are in nearly comparable amounts. All the ME systems were stabilized by cationic surfactant, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTABr) and butanol as a cosurfactant. The second-order rate constants (k(2)) in the microemulsion media were also determined : over a phase volume (phi) of approximately 0.13-0.46. In order to explain the contribution of effective concentration of the nucleophiles in the aqueous pseudophase, corrected rate constants k(2 phi) = k(2)(1 - phi) were obtained, The rate constants of the corresponding hydrolytic reactions were also examined in CTABr micelles. While the DAAP catalysts were partitioned between the micellar and aqueous pseudophases in ME, the hydrophobic substrates were found to be mainly confined to oil-rich phases, Present results indicate that the main effect of ME media on the hydrolysis reaction is due,to both electrostatic reasons and substrate partitioning.


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DDHQ/TCC esters 3a–f, 7a–g were prepared either by oxidation of spiroketones 1 with DDQ/Image -chloranil or by condensation of acid chloride with DDHQ/TCC. NaBH4 reduction of unsaturated DDHQ 3a–b and TCC 7a–c esters gave the corresponding allylic alcohols in good yield without any observable 1,4-addition products. Reduction of saturated esters 3e, 7d, gave the corresponding alcohols. Alkyl esters 5 and 6, methyl benzoate and phenyl benzoate remained unaffected under these reduction conditions. In the reduction of compound 7e containing both alkyl and TCC esters, TCC ester is selectively reduced. Reduction of TCC mono esters 7f–g gave the lactones. The observed facile reduction has been rationalised.