870 resultados para Metal-ceramic joint. Mechanical metallization. Brazing. Zirconia and stainless steel
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää, kuinka robotisoitua hitsausta on mahdollista hyödyntää teollisuuskaiteiden valmistuksessa. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin kirjallisuusselvitystä, hitsauskokeita ja makrohietutkimuksia. Työssä keskityttiin robottihitsauksen menetelmiin ja työstä on rajattu pois kaikki kustannuslaskelmat sekä alumiinin hitsaus. Hitsattavat materiaalit olivat rakenneteräs ja ruostumaton teräs. Rakenneteräsputken koko oli 42,4 x 2,6 mm ja ruostumattoman putken koko 42,4 x 2,0 mm. Käytetyt liitosmuodot olivat T-liitoksia, joista suorassa T-liitoksessa putkien välinen kulma oli 90 astetta ja vinossa T-liitoksessa noin 45 astetta. Tehdyn selvitystyön ja hitsauskokeiden perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kaiteissa käytettävien materiaalipaksuuksien ja liitosmuotojen hitsaaminen robotilla on mahdollista. Hitsauksen lopputulos riippuu hitsausasennosta ja paras tulos saavutetaan, kun kappaletta pyöritetään hitsauksen aikana siten, että hitsaus tapahtuu koko ajan jalkoasennossa.
Aims: To investigate the effect of the biosurfactants surfactin and rhamnolipids on the adhesion of the food pathogens Listeria monocytogenes, Enterobacter sakazakii and Salmonella Enteritidis to stainless steel and polypropylene surfaces. Methods and Results: Quantification of bacterial adhesion was performed using the crystal violet staining technique. Preconditioning of surfaces with surfactin caused a reduction on the number of adhered cells of Ent. sakazakii and L. monocytogenes on stainless steel. The most significant result was obtained with L. monocytogenes where number of adhered cells was reduced by 10(2) CFU cm(-2). On polypropylene, surfactin showed a significant decrease on the adhesion of all strains. The adsorption of surfactin on polystyrene also reduces the adhesion of L. monocytogenes and Salm. Enteritidis growing cells. For short contact periods using nongrowing cells or longer contact periods with growing cells, surfactin was able to delay bacterial adhesion. Conclusions: The prior adsorption of surfactin to solid surfaces contributes on reducing colonization of the pathogenic bacteria. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first work investigating the effect of surfactin on the adhesion of the food pathogens L. monocytogenes, Ent. sakazakii and Salm. Enteritidis to polypropylene and stainless steel surfaces.
In general, the designs of equipment takes into account the effects and processes of deterioration it will undergo and arrives at an approximate useful life. However, changes in operational processes and parameters, the action of external agents, the kind of maintenance conducted, the means of monitoring, and natural and accidental occurrences completely modify the desired performance of the equipment. The discontinuities that occur in anisotropic materials often and due to different factors evolve from being subcritical to critical acquiring the status of defect and compromising the physical integrity of the equipment. Increasingly sophisticated technological means of detection, monitoring and assessment of these discontinuities are required to respond ever more rapidly to the requirements of industry. This paper therefore presents a VPS (Virtual Pipe System) computational tool which uses the results of ultrasonic tests on equipment, plotting the discontinuities found in models created in the CAD and CAE systems, and then simulates the behavior of these defects in the structure to give an instantaneous view of the final behavior. This paper also presents an alternative method of conventional ultrasonic testing which correlates the integrity of an overlay (carbon steel and stainless steel attached by welding) and the reflection of ultrasonic waves coming from the interface between the two metals, thus making it possible to identify cracks in the casing and a shift of the overlay
In the present study we investigated the effects of electrolytic lesions of the lateral hypothalamus (LH) in the salivation induced by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) or intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine. Rats with sham or LH lesions and stainless steel cannulas implanted into the lateral ventricle (LV) were used. In rats anesthetized with urethane (1.25 mg/kg of body weight) saliva was collected using pre-weighed cotton balls inserted in the animal mouth during a period of 7 min following i.c.v. or i.p. injection of pilocarpine. Injection of pilocarpine (1 mg/kg of body weight) i.p. in sham-operated rats (6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days after the surgery) induced salivation (497+/-24, 452+/-26, 476+/-30, and 560+/-75 mg/7 min, respectively). The effects of i.p. pilocarpine was reduced 6 h, 2 and 7 days after LH lesions (162+/-37, 190+/-32, and 229+/-27mg/7 min, respectively), not 15 days after LH lesions (416+/-89mg/7 min). Injection of pilocarpine (120 mug/mul) i.c.v., in sham-operated rats (6 h, 2, 7, and 15 days after the surgery) also produced salivation (473 20, 382 16, 396 14, and 427 47 mg/7 min, respectively). The salivation induced by i.c.v. pilocarpine was also reduced 6 h, 2 and 7 days after LH lesions (243+/-19, 278+/-24, and 295+/-27 mg/7 min, respectively), not 15 days after LH lesions (385 48 mg/7 min). The present results show the participation of the LH in the salivation induced by central or peripheral injection of pilocarpine in rats, reinforcing the involvement of central mechanisms on pilocarpine-induced salivation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
During my Peace Corps service as a community health liaison in rural Uganda I noticed that many improved water wells in our area had been abandoned. The communities described the water in these wells as being reddish in color, having a foul taste and odor, discoloring clothes and food, and not able to produce lather for washing. Personal investigations and an initial literature search suggested that the primary contaminant was iron. The water in these wells had a low pH and a rusty metallic smell. The water produced early in the morning appeared very red but the water became more transparent as pumping continued. The iron components of many of these wells experienced accelerated corrosion resulting in frequent pump failure. This rapid corrosion coupled with the timing of the onset of iron contamination (months to years after these wells were completed) suggests that the most likely cause of the poor quality water was iron related bacteria and/or sulphate reducing bacteria. This report describes a remedy for iron contamination employed at 5 wells. The remedy involved disinfecting the wells with chlorine and replacing iron pump components with plastic and stainless steel. Iron concentrations in the wells were less than 1 mg/L when the wells were drilled but ranged from 2.5 to 40 mg/L prior to the remedy. After the remedy was applied, the total iron concentrations returned to levels below 1 mg/L. The presence of iron related bacteria was measured in all of these wells using Biological Activity Reaction Tests. Although IRB are still present in all the wells, the dissolved iron concentrations remain less than 1 mg/L. This remedy is practical for rural areas because the work can be performed with only hand tools and costs less than US $850. Because the source of iron contamination is removed in this approach, substantial follow-up maintenance is not necessary.
Reimbursement for dental services performed for children receiving Medicaid is reimbursed per service while dental treatment for military dependents provided at a military installation is neither directly reimbursable to those providing the care nor billed to those receiving the care. The purpose of this study was to compare pediatric dental services provided for a Medicaid population to a federally subsidized military facility to compare treatment choices and subsequent costs of care. It was hypothesized that differences in dental procedures for Medicaid and military dependent children would exist based upon treatment philosophy and payment method. A total of 240 records were reviewed for this study, consisting of 120 Medicaid patients at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and 120 military dependents at Wilford Hall Medical Center (WHMC), Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. Demographic data and treatment information were abstracted for children receiving dental treatment under general anesthesia between 2002 and 2006. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Fisher's exact test. The Medicaid recipients treated at UTHSCSA were younger than patients at WHMC (40.2 vs. 49.8 months, p<.001). The university also treated significantly more Hispanic children than WHMC (78.3% vs. 30.0%, p<.001). Children at UTHSCSA had a mean of 9.5 decayed teeth and were treated with 2.3 composite fillings, 0 amalgam fillings, 5.6 stainless steel crowns, 1.1 pulp therapies, 1.6 extractions, and 1.0 sealant. Children at WHMC had a mean of 8.7 decayed teeth and were treated with 1.4 composite fillings, 0.9 amalgam fillings, 5.6 stainless steel crowns, 1.7 pulp therapies, 0.9 extractions, and 2.1 sealants. The means of decayed teeth, total fillings, and stainless steel crowns were not statistically different. UTHSCSA provided more composite fillings (p<.001), fewer amalgam fillings (p<.001), fewer pulp therapies (p <.001), more extractions (p=.01), and fewer sealants (p<.001) when compared to WHMC. Age and gender did not effect decay rates, but those of Hispanic ethnicity did experience more decay than non-Hispanics (9.5 vs. 8.6, p=.02). Based upon Texas Medicaid reimbursement rates from 2006, the cost for dental treatment at both sites was approximately $650 per child. The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that Medicaid providers provide less conservative therapies, which would be more costly, care when compared to a military treatment center. ^
The dataset is based on samples taken from 12 stations in Northern Aegean Sea, Southern Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea and Libyan Sea during August-September 2008. 12 Niskin bottles (8lt) made by PVC with rubber coated o rings and stainless steel ss springs. Seawater samples (150 mL) were collected from selected depths of the water column (2, 20, 50, 75, 100 m) for the identification and enumeration of phytoplankton cells (>= 5 µm). The samples were fixed with Lugol solution and concentrated to 25 mL by sedimentation. Phytoplankton species abundance was determined with an inverted light microscope (OLYMPUS IX70) according to the Utermohl method (Utermohl, 1958).
Históricamente la fractura ha sido considerada siempre como un efecto indeseado entre los materiales, dado que su aparición supone un cese del material en servicio, puesto que un material fracturado carece de importancia desde el punto de vista comercial. Consecuentemente, la Mecánica de Fractura ha experimentado un desarrollo importante en las últimas décadas como no lo hizo en toda la historia de los materiales. El desarrollo de nuevos campos a nivel científico y técnico han estado de la mano con el desarrollo de nuevos materiales que satisfagan las necesidades particulares de cada sector o aplicación. Este requerimiento se ve acentuado cuando se incorpora el aspecto económico, dado que, así como se necesitan materiales con mayor resistencia a la fractura, corrosión etc, también se necesita que su precio en el mercado sea accesible y que permita una aplicación rentable. En los últimos 70 años, desde los requerimientos de nuevos materiales resistentes a la fractura con los buques Liberty hasta el boom petrolero, pasando por las aplicaciones aeroespaciales se han desarrollado diversas teorías que explican el comportamiento de los materiales, en cuando a la tenacidad a la fractura en distintas temperaturas, composiciones químicas, materiales compuestos etc. Uno de los sectores que más ha demandado un desarrollo, por su amplitud en cuanto a requerimientos y consumo global, así como su impacto en la economía mundial, es el sector de gas, petróleo y petroquímica. Muchos de los proyectos que se intentaron desarrollar hasta hace menos de 25 años eran inviables por su elevado coste de ejecución y su bajo retorno de inversión debido a la caída de los precios del petróleo. Con una demanda creciente a nivel mundial y unos precios que apuntan hacia la estabilización o alza moderada, nuevos sistemas de trasporte por tuberías han sido necesarios desarrollar, desde el punto de vista de ingeniería, con el menos coste posible y de un modo seguro. Muchas de estas aplicaciones se vieron incrementadas cuando nuevos requerimientos en cuanto a resistencia a la corrosión fueron necesarios: demanda de materiales que no se corroan, con prestaciones seguras a nivel mecánico y un bajo coste. Esta nueva etapa se conoce como Aleaciones Resistentes a la Corrosión (CRA´s por sus siglas en inglés) en las cuales uno de los factores de diseño seguro recaían indiscutiblemente en la mecánica de fractura. Por estas razones era necesario entender como influía en la resistencia a la fractura las aportaciones que podrían hacerse sobre una superficie metálica. Al realizar el presente estudio se comenzó analizando la influencia que tenían modificaciones en el rango iónico sobre aceros al carbono. Estudios previos sobre láminas de acero ferrítico usadas en reactores de fisión nuclear demostraron que aportes de iones, en este particular el Helio, influían en el comportamiento de la tenacidad a la fractura en función de la temperatura. De este modo, un primer análisis fue hecho sobre la influencia de iones de nitrógeno aportados sobre superficies de acero al carbono y como modificaban su tenacidad a la fractura. Este primer análisis sirvió para comprobar el impacto que tenían pequeñas dosis de iones de nitrógeno en la tenacidad a la fractura. Otro desarrollo con una mayor aplicación industrial fue hecho sobre superficies de acero al carbono con aporte por soldadura de los materiales más usados para evitar la corrosión. El análisis se centró fundamentalmente en la influencia que tenían distintos materiales aportados como el MONEL 400, DUPLEX 928, INCONEL 625 y STAINLESS-STEEL 316 en referencia a características de diseño como la tensión elástica y la tensión a la rotura. Este análisis permitió conocer el impacto de los materiales aportados en los ensayos de tracción en probetas de acero al carbono. Una explicación acerca del comportamiento fue soportada por el análisis macrofractográfico de los perfiles fracturados y las macro deformaciones en la superficie de las probetas. Un posterior desarrollo teórico permitió modelar matemáticamente la fractura de las probetas aportadas por soldadura en la región elástica por medio de la Ley de Hooke, así como la teoría de Plasticidad de Hill para la región de deformación plástica. ABSTRACT Fracture mechanics has been extensively studied in the last 70 years by the constant requirements of new materials with low costs. These requirements have allowed surface modified welded materials in which it is necessary to know the influence of design fundamentals with the material surface welded. Several specimens have been studied for ductile fracture in longitudinal tensile tests for carbon steel surface-modified by weld overlay MONEL 400, DUPLEX 928, INCONEL 625 and STAINLESS-STEEL 316. Similarly of macro photographic analyzes to level the fractured surfaces that explain the behavior curves obtained in Tensile – displacement charts. The contribution of weld overlay material shows a significant impact on the yield and tensile stress of the specimens which was modeled according to Hooke's law for elastic area and Hill´s theory of plasticity to the plastic one.