929 resultados para Maximum Power Point Tracking (mppt)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Facial asymmetry is a common human characteristic and can occur on many levels, originate of genetic factors, and can be caused by traumas or due to cross bite and/or muscular disability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relation between posterior crossbite, median line deviation and facial asymmetry. For this study 70 children aged between 3 and 10 years-old were examined and photographed. Using Microsoft Office Power Point 2007, horizontal lines and one vertical line on median line were drawn, to subjectively analyze facial discrepancies. In relation to overjet, the majority of children (78.6%) showed normal relation, followed by high overjet (17.1%), anterior crossbite (4.3%). In relation to overbite, the majority of children (60%) showed normal relation, 27.1% anterior opened bite (negative overbite), and 12.9% showed high overbite. Posterior crossbite was present in 27.1% of children. Among them, 68.4% showed unilateral crossbite on right side, 21.1% bilateral crossbite and 10.5% unilateral crossbite on left side. The relation between posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry, according to Fisher´s Exact Test (p=0.0970), there was no statistically significant association. In relation to median line, the association was statistically significant with posterior crossbite (p=0.0109) and with facial asymmetry (p=0.0310). There was association between posterior crossbite and median line deviation. There was no association between posterior crossbite and facial asymmetry.


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The aim of this study was to examine changes on anaerobic power after competitive period in professional soccer players. Twenty five male was evaluated before (PRE) and after (POS) competitive period. To assess anaerobic power was used running based on anaerobic sprint test (RAST), which were determined the maximum power (MAXP), medium power (MEDP), minimum power (MINP) and fatigue index (FI). The test was performed in the first (PRE) and the last (POS) training session of competitive period, wich lasted 20 weeks. There were no significant difference (p>0,05) in POS condition compared to PRE condition on MAXP (10,70 ± 0,95 vs 10,83 ± 0,87), MINP (8,48 ± 0,92 vs 8,28 ± 0,76), MEDP (9,52 ± 0,83 vs 9,41 ± 0,61) and FI (22,73 ± 7,48 vs 25,53 ± 8,79). There was no significant change on anaerobic power after a competitive period wich lasted 20 weeks in professional soccer players.


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There is little information on Caribbean soccer players. Thus, the aim this study was to descriptive and to compare the anthropometric, motor and aerobic fitness profile between Trinidad and Tobago team professional and junior soccer players. Twenty six soccer players were evaluated (14 professional and 12 junior): anthropometric (height, body mass, BMI, body fat percent), flexibility (sit and reach), velocity (30 m), explosive strength (horizontal and vertical jump), anaerobic power (maximum, mean and minimum power, index of fatigue) and maximum aerobic power. Student Test-t to independent sample was used in statistical analyzes, considering 5% of significance (p<0,05). Results of professional and junior players were, respectively: height (180,6 ± 8,1; 175,0 ± 6,9 cm), body mass (77,1 ± 7,5; 70,6 ± 8,7 kg); BMI (23,6 ± 1,5 / 23,0 ± 1,6 kgm 2 ); body fat (11,9 ± 1,7; 11,6 ± 1,2 %); sitting and reaching (24,9 ± 10,3; 24,9 ± 7,7 cm); velocity (30 m) (4,61 ± 0,14; 4,66 ± 0,15 s); horizontal jump (263,4 ± 14,9; 239,7 ± 12,1 cm); vertical jump (58,7 ± 4,3; 54,6 ± 6,6 cm); maximum power (7,9 ± 0,9; 6,6 ± 0,8 w∙kg-1 ); mean power (6,5 ± 0,7; 5,4 ± 0,9 w∙kg-1 ); minimum power (5,3 ± 0,7; 4,3 ± 1,1 w∙kg-1 ); index of fatigue (33,0 ± 7,9; 34,8 ± 12,8 %); aerobic power (55,0 ± 3,2; 57,2 ± 4,8 ml∙kg-1 ∙min-1 ). Professional players presented higher horizontal jump and maximum, mean and minimum anaerobic power in comparing to the junior players. The highest values of power tests for the lower limbs may be relationship to the longer time of practice in the modality of professional players, which can also indicate a higher level of specialization, which gives priority to the training of power (force and velocity).


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The Earth receives annually 1,5.1018 kWh of solar energy, which corresponds to 1000 times the world energy consumption in this period. This fact comes out that, besides being responsible for the maintenance of life on Earth, the solar radiation is in an inexhaustible energy source, with an enormous potential for use by systems capture and conversion into another form of energy. In many applications of low power systems that convert light directly into electricity, called photovoltaic advantageously replace other means of production processes, where its distribution is very significant. The determination of the power generated by such a system is of paramount importance for the design energy of its implementation and evaluation of the system itself. This study aims to determine a relationship between the maximum power generated by solar photovoltaic and characteristic parameters of the generator. This relationship allows to evaluate the performance of such a system. For simulations of the developed equations were used 3 photovoltaic modules with an output of 100 Wp each, and data collection was performed during one year by enrolling in addition to meteorological data, solar irradiance incident on the modules.


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Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) without external pumps or other ancillary devices for fuel and oxidant supply are known as passive DMFCs and are potential candidates to replace lithium-ion batteries in powering portable electronic devices. This paper presents the results obtained from a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) specifically designed for passive DMFCs. Appropriated electrocatalysts were prepared and the effect of their loadings was investigated. Two types of gas diffusion layers (GDL) were also tested. The influence of the methanol concentration was analyzed in each case. The best MEA performance presented a maximum power density of 11.94 mW cm-2.


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In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated how to better prepare these students for quizzes and how technology can be used in the classroom. I discovered that there are many different ways to challenge students and help them prepare for assessments. There are also many ways to use technology in the classroom if one has the opportunities to use some of the tools, such as Power Point and Algebra Tiles. As a result of this research, I plan to increase the scores on state standards while also allowing the students to enjoy technology during this process.


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The performance of an ABPBI-based High Temperature H-2/O-2 PEMFC system was studied under different experimental conditions. Increasing the temperature from 130 to 170 degrees C improved the cell performance, even though further increase was not beneficial for the system. Humidification of the H-2 stream ameliorated this behaviour, even though operating above 170 degrees C is not advisable in terms of cell performance. A significant electrolyte dehydration seems to negatively affect the fuel cell performance, especially in the case of the anode. In the presence of 2% vol. CO in the H-2 stream, the temperature exerted a positive effect on the cell performance, reducing the strong adsorption of this poison on the platinum sites. Moreover, humidification of the H-2 + CO stream increased the maximum power densities of the cell, further alleviating the CO poisoning effects. Actual CO-O-2 fuel cell results confirmed the significant beneficial effect of the relative humidity on the kinetics of the CO oxidation process. Copyright (C) 2011, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[EN]A numerical model for the evaluation of solar radiation in different locations is presented. The solar radiation model is implemented taking into account the terrain surface using two-dimensional adaptive meshes of triangles that are constructed using a refinement/derefinement procedure in accordance with the variations of terrain surface and albedo. The selected methodology defines the terrain characteristics with a minimum number of points so that the computational cost is reduced for a given accuracy. The model can be used in atmospheric sciences as well as in other fields such as electrical engineering, since it allows the user to find the optimal location for maximum power generation in photovoltaic or solar thermal power plants...


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Materialien und Aufbauten für Hybrid Solarzellen entwickelt und erforscht. rnDer Vergleich zweier bekannter Lochleitermaterialien für Solarzellen in einfachen Blend-Systemen brachte sowohl Einsicht zur unterschiedlichen Eignung der Materialien für optoelektronische Bauelemente als auch neue Erkenntnisse in Bereichen der Langzeitstabilität und Luftempfindlichkeit beider Materialien.rnWeiterhin wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um Hybrid Solarzelle auf möglichst unkomplizierte Weise aus kostengünstigen Materialien darzustellen. Die „Eintopf“-Synthese ermöglicht die unkomplizierte Darstellung eines funktionalen Hybridmaterials für die optoelektronische Anwendung. Mithilfe eines neu entwickelten amphiphilen Blockcopolymers, das als funktionelles Templat eingesetzt wurde, konnten mit einem TiO2-Precursor in einem Sol-Gel Ansatz verschiedene selbstorganisierte Morphologien des Hybridmaterials erhalten werden. Verschiedene Morphologien wurden auf ihre Eignung in Hybrid Solarzellen untersucht. Ob und warum die Morphologie des Hybridsystems die Effizienz der Solarzelle beeinflusst, konnte verdeutlicht werden. Mit der Weiterentwicklung der „Eintopf“-Synthese, durch den Austausch des TiO2-Precursors, konnte die Solarzelleneffizienz von 0.15 auf 0.4 % gesteigert werden. Weiterhin konnte die Übertragbarkeit des Systems durch den erfolgreichen Austausch des Halbleiters TiO¬2 mit ZnO bewiesen werden.rn


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine kohärente, kontinuierliche Strahlungsquelle im vakuum-ultravioletten (VUV) Spektrum vorgestellt. Sie basiert auf einem Vierwellenmischprozess in Quecksilberdampf mit Fundamentalstrahlen bei 253,7 nm, 407,9 nm und 545,5 nm Wellenlänge. Diese fundamentalen Strahlen werden durch frequenzverdoppelte bzw. frequenzvervierfachte Festkörperlasersysteme bereit gestellt. Durch das Ausnutzen der 6^1S-7^1S Zweiphotonenresonanz und zusätzlich der 6^1S-6^3P Einphotonenresonanz kann der Vierwellenmischprozess deutlich effizienter betrieben werden als zuvor. Eine nahe Einphotonenresonanz verringert die optimale Phasenanpassungstemperatur des Vierwellenmischprozesses, wodurch Druck- und Stoßverbreiterungen des Quecksilbers verkleinert und damit der nichtlineare Prozess effizienter wird. So können Leistungen bis zu 0,3 nW bei 121,56 nm, dem 1S-2P Lyman-alpha Übergang von Wasserstoff, erzeugt werden. Diese Lyman-alpha Quelle soll für die zukünftige Laserkühlung von Antiwasserstoff genutzt werden. rnrnNeben der Generierung von Strahlung bei Lyman-alpha kann, durch Veränderung der dritten Fundamentalwellenlänge, auch Strahlung in der Nähe zu einer Einphotonresonanz im VUV bei dem 6^1S-12^1P Übergang in Quecksilber durch Vierwellenmischen erzeugt werden. Durch diese weitere Einphotonresonanz kann die nichtlineare Suszeptibilität, verantwortlich für das Vierwellenmischen, stark vergrößert werden, ohne Einfluss auf die Phasenanpassung zu haben. Damit lässt sich der Mischprozess um drei Größenordnungen effizienter gestalten und Leistungen von 6 µW im VUV konnten realisiert werden. Dies entspricht einer Leistungsteigerung um einen Faktor 30 im Vergleich zu früheren Quellen. rnrnDarüberhinaus konnte die Zweiphotonenresonanz in Quecksilber ausführlich untersucht werden. Man erhält bei kleinen Rabifrequenzen der Fundamentalstrahlen eine geschwindigkeitsselektive Doppelresonanz, die den gleichen Ursprung wie Dunkelresonanzen in Lambda-Systemen hat. Bei hohen Rabifrequenzen kann die Anregung in das Zweiphotonenniveau so stark werden, dass auf dem 7^1S-6^1P Übergang ein Laserprozess initiiert wird. Dieser Prozess wurde hier zum ersten Mal mit kontinuierlichen Fundamentallasern nachgewiesen. Es wird gezeigt, dass der zusätzliche Laserprozess das Vierwellenmischen nicht beeinträchtigt.


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La presente tesi di laurea verte sulla traduzione dall'italiano al francese della presentazione multimediale (centoquattro diapositive power point) dal titolo “ADHD – Il Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione ed Iperattività”. Nello specifico, tale presentazione, redatta dagli operatori preposti dell'Unità Operativa di Neuropsichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza degli “Spedali Civili di Brescia”, costituisce una sorta di supporto informativo e breve guida al comportamento per i docenti che si relazionano con studenti affetti da ADHD. La mia scelta è stata dettata da un interesse per la materia, ma anche da aspetti rilevanti dal punto di vista traduttivo, quali la tipologia del testo di partenza e la traduzione attiva. Il testo di partenza è, infatti, di tipo misto, a metà tra tecnico/scientifico, istruttivo e divulgativo, e presenta una struttura adeguata al genere di supporto utilizzato, vale a dire un supporto multimediale. Alle problematicità sul piano testuale sono, infine, da aggiungere quelle in ambito terminologico, essendo la traduzione attiva una sfida notevole qualunque sia l'argomento affrontato. L’elaborato si compone di cinque capitoli. Il primo capitolo funge da introduzione alla presentazione originale, fornendo una base teorica relativa alle lingue speciali e al linguaggio della divulgazione scientifica. Il secondo capitolo è costituito dalla presentazione multimediale in lingua originale. Oggetto del terzo capitolo è, invece, l'analisi macro e microlinguistica del testo di partenza. Il quarto e il quinto capitolo rappresentano il fulcro della mia tesi proponendo rispettivamente la traduzione in lingua francese della presentazione powerpoint, dal titolo “TDAH – Le Trouble du Déficit de l'Attention avec Hyperactivité”, e il commento alla traduzione. Il quinto capitolo, più nel dettaglio, si focalizza sulla metodologia adottata nel corso della stesura dell'elaborato, sulle strategie traduttive di cui mi sono servita per redigere la traduzione e sui problemi riscontrati. Infine, il capitolo conclusivo riprende i punti cardine del mio lavoro in una valutazione a posteriori.