967 resultados para Maxima and minima.


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During the Last Glacial Maximum, ice sheets covered large areas in northern latitudes, and global temperatures were significantly lower than today. But few direct estimates exist of the volume of the ice sheets, or the timing and rates of change during their advance and retreat. Here we analyze four distinct sediment facies in the shallow, tectonically stable Bonaparte Gulf, Australia - each of which is characteristic of a distinct range in sea level - to estimate the maximum volume of land-based ice during the last glaciation and the timing of the initial melting phase. We use faunal assemblages and preservation status of the sediments to distinguish open marine, shallow marine, marginal marine and brackish conditions, and estimate the timing and the mass of the ice sheets using radiocarbon dating and glacio-hydroisostatic modelling. Our results indicate that from at least 22,000 to 19,000 (calendar) years before present, land-based ice volume was at its maximum, exceeding today's grounded ice sheets by 52.5 x 10 exp 6 cu km. A rapid decrease in ice volume by about 10 percent within a few hundred years terminated the Last Glacial Maximum at 19,000 +/- 250 years.


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The elastic and electronic properties of hypothetical CoN3 and RhN3 with cubic skutterudite structure were studied by first principles calculations based on density functional theory. By choosing different initial geometries, two local minima or modifications were located on the potential energy surface, termed as modifications I and II. Both compounds are mechanically stable. For each compound, modification I is lower in energy than II. Thermodynamically stable phases can be achieved by applying pressures. Modification II is lower in energy than I at above 50 GPa for both compounds.


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A series of novel cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes bearing 2,4-diphenylquinoline ligands with fluorinated substituent were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, NMR and mass spectroscopy. The cyclic voltammetry, absorption, emission and electroluminescent properties of these complexes were systematically investigated. Electrochemical studies showed that the oxidation of the fluorinated complexes occurred at more positive potentials (in the range 0.57-0.69 V) than the unfluorinated complex 1 (0.42 V). In view of the energy level, the lowering of the LUMO by fluorination is significantly less than that of the HOMO. The weak and low energies absorption bands in the range of 300-600 nm are well resolved, likely associated with MLCT and (3)pi-pi* transitions. These complexes show strong orange red emission both in the solution and solid state. The emission maxima of the fluorinated complexes showed blue shift by 9, 24 and 15 nm for 2, 3 and 4, respectively, with respect to the unfluorinated analogous 1. Multilayered organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) were fabricated by using the complexes as dopant materials. Significantly higher performance and lower turn-on voltage were achieved using the fluorinated complexes as the emitter than that using the unfluorinated counterpart 1 under the same doping level.


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Sr2Fe1-xZnxNbO6-x/2 (0 <= x <= 0.5) and Sr2Fe1-xCuxNbO6-x/2 (0.01 <= x <= 0.05) with the double perovskite structure have been synthesized. The crystal structures at room temperature were determined from Rietveld refinements of X-ray powder diffraction data. The plots of the imaginary parts of the impedance spectrum, Z '', and the electric modulus, M '', versus log (frequency), possess maxima for both curves separated by less than a half decade in frequency with associated capacities of 2 nF. The enhancement of the overall conductivity Of Sr2Fe1-xMxNbO6-x/2 (M = Cu and Zn) is observed, as increases from 2.48 (3) x 10(-4) S/cm for Sr2FeNbO6 to 3.82 (5) x 10(-3) S/cm for Sr2Fe0.8Zn0.2NbO5.9 at 673 K. Sr2Fe0.8Zn0.2NbO5.9 is chemically stable under the oxygen partial pressure from 1 atm to 10(-22) atm at 873 K. The p and n-type electronic conductions are dominant under oxidizing and reducing conditions, respectively, suggesting a small-polaron hopping mechanism of electronic conduction.


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Silver underpotential deposition (UPD)-induced surface atomic rearrangement of polycrystalline gold nanofilms was probed with use of surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPRs) as a novel probe tool in combination with cyclic voltammetry. Interestingly, upon repetitive electrochemical UPD and stripping of Ag, the surface structure of the resulting bare Au film is rearranged due to strong adatom-substrate interactions, which causes a large angle shift of SPR R-theta curves, in a good linear relationship with the number of UPDs, to a lower SPR angle. The n, K values of the surfacial Au monolayers before and after the repetitive Ag UPD and stripping for 27 times are found to be 0.133, 3.60 and 0.565, 9.39, respectively, corresponding to the huge shift of 1.61degrees to the left of the SPR minima. Cyclic voltammetry experiments in 0.10 M H2SO4 are carried out before and after the UPD treatment to examine the quality of the whole electrode surface and confirmed this change. To correlate the angle change in SPRs with the profile change in the cyclic voltammogram, the UPD treatment was also performed on a Au(111) textured thin film. It was therefore confirmed that the resonance position of the SPR spectrum is very sensitive to the surface crystallographic orientation of the bare Au substrates. Some surface atomic rearrangement can cause a pronounced SPR angle shift.


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We report on the preparation of luminescent silica mesoporous molecular sieves (MCM-48) activated by the europium complex Eu(DBM)(3) . 2H(2)O (where DBM = dibenzoylmethane), using a simple wet impregnation method. Different concentrations of Eu(DBM)(3) . 2H(2)O were introduced into the MCM-48 cubic structure, and the resulting samples were washed with ethanol for different times. UV-Vis absorption measurements and thermogravimetric analysis were used to estimate the amount of Eu complex that has been incorporated within the pores of the MCM-48 host. The various samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy, diffuse reflectance (DR) and fluorescence measurements. The results reveal that Eu complexes have been successfully introduced into the pores of MCM-48 without disrupting the structure. All the impregnated MCM-48 materials show the typical red luminescence of Eu3+ when excited with a UV lamp. Shifts of the absorption maxima were observed in the DR and fluorescence excitation spectra and will be discussed in relation with guest-host interactions between the organic complex and the silica matrix. The decay profiles of the europium luminescence in the different samples were also measured and discussed.


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The fully relaxed single-bond torsional potentials and orientation-related rotational potentials of 2,2'-bithiophene (BT) under the interaction of an external electric field (EF) constructed by point charges have been evaluated with semi-empirical AMI and PM3 calculations. The torsional potentials are sensitive to both EF strength and direction. While the EF is parallel to the molecular long axis, the torsional barrier around C-x-C-x' bond obviously rises with increasing the EF strength, whereas the relative energies of syn and anti minima show a slight change. The interaction between the EF and the induced dipole moment has been proposed to elucidate this observation. On the other hand, the relative energy difference between the syn and anti minima shows an obvious change, while the EF is perpendicular to the molecular long axis. This feature has been ascribed to the interaction between the EF and the permanent dipole moment of BT. Furthermore, conformational and orientational analyses in two dimensions have been carried out by changing the torsional and rotational angles in the different EF. The conformation and orientation of a gas-phase BT in the EF are governed by both the above factors.


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Circular dichoism and UV-vis measurements were used to study the interaction between porphyrin and monoclonal antibodies ( McAbs). McAbs-porphyrin complex formation is usually accompanied by significant bathochromic shift and hyperchromicity changes of the absorption maxima in the porphyrin soret band region. Induced CD spectra in the same region (350 similar to 450 nm) were detected upon complex formation. They follow Lamb-Beer's law and exhibit isosbestic behavior. Both the UV-Vis and induced CD spectra of the antibody: porphyrin complex remain unchanged over a broad pH range ( pH 6 similar to 11), indicating remarkable stability of the complex and reflecting the dominant role of hydrophobic interaction between the hapten benzophenone and the antibody combining site.


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The local structure and the valences of europium in SrBPO5:Eu prepared in air were checked by means of XAFS at Eu-L-3 edge. From the EXAFS results, it was discovered that the doped europium atoms were nine-coordinated by oxygen atoms and the distances of bond Eu-O were 2.42 Angstrom in the host. From the XANES data, it was found that the divalent and trivalent europium coexisted in the matrix. The emission spectra excited by VUV or UV exhibited a prominent broad band due to the 4f(6)5d-4f(7) transition of Eu2+ ions, which indicated that the trivalent europium ions were reduced in air in the matrix at high temperature by the defects [V-Sr]" formed by aliovalent substitution between Sr2+ and Eu3+ ions. The VUV excitation spectra in 100-200 nm range showed that the matrix had absorption bands with the maxima at about 130 and 150 nm, respectively.


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A series of light-emitting poly(p-phenylene vinylene)s with triphenylamine units as hole-transporting moieties in the main chain were synthesized via Wittig condensation in good yields. The newly formed vinylene double bonds possessed a trans configuration, which was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared and NMR spectroscopy. The high glass-transition temperature (83-155 degreesC) and high decomposition temperature (> 300 degreesC) suggested that the resulting copolymers possessed high thermal stability. These copolymers, especially TAAPV1, possessed a high weight-average molecular weight (47,144) and a low polydispersity index (1.55). All the copolymers could be dissolved in common organic solvents, such as tetrahydrofuran (THF), CHCl3, CH2Cl2, and toluene, and exhibited intense photoluminesence in THF (the emission maxima were located from 478 to 535 nm) and in film (from 478 to 578 nm). The low onsets of the oxidation potential (0.6-0.75 V) suggested that the alternating copolymers possessed a good hole-transporting property due to the incorporation of triphenylamine moieties. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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C-2 and LaC2+ were studied using Hartree-Fock(HF), B3LYP (Becke 3-paremeter-Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method, second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) and coupled cluster singles and doubles with non-iterative triples(CCSD(T)) methods. The basis set employed was LANL1DZ. Geometries, vibrational frequencies and other quantities were reported. The results showed that for C-2, all the methods performed well for low spin state (singlet), while only HF and B3LYP remained so for high spin state (triplet). For LaC2+, four isomers were presented and fully optimized. The results suggested that linear isomers with C-infinity v and D-infinity h symmetries were predicted to be saddle points on the energy surface for all the methods, while for isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries, they were local minima except C-2 upsilon at B3LYP level, and were isoenergetic at HF, MP2 and CCSD(T) levels, near isoenergetic at B3LYP level. From the differences between HOMO and LUMO, it is also known that the isomers with C-2 upsilon and C-s symmetries offer the largest values and therefore correspond to the most stable structure. For La-C bond lengths, B3LYP gives the shortest, the order is B3LYP


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Circular dichroism (CD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to explore the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb). The native tertiary structure was disrupted completely when the concentration of DMSO reached 50% (v/v), which was determined by loss of the characteristic Soret CD spectrum. Loss of the native tertiary structure could be mainly caused by breaking the hydrogen bonds, between the heme propionate groups and nearby surface amino acid residues, and by disorganizing the hydrophobic interior of this protein. Upon exposure of Hb to 52% DMSO for ca. 12 h in a D2O medium no significant change in 1652 cm(-1) band of the FTIR spectrum was produced, which demonstrated that alpha-helical structure predominated. When the concentration of DMSO increased to 57%: (1) the band at 1652 cm(-1) disappeared with the appearance of two new bands located at 1661 and 1648 cm(-1); (2) another new band at 1623 cm(-1) was attributed to the formation of intermolecular beta-sheet or aggregation, which was the direct consequence of breaking of the polypeptide chain by the competition of S=O groups in DMSO with C=O groups in amide bonds. Further increasing the DMSO concentration to 80%, the intensity at 1623 cm(-1) increased, and the bands at 1684, 1661 and 1648 cm(-1) shifted to 1688, 1664 and 1644 cm(-1), respectively. These changes showed that the native secondary structure of Hb was last and led to further aggregation and increase of the content of 'free' amide C=O groups. In pure DMSO solvent, the major band at 1664 cm(-1) indicated that almost all of both the intermolecular beta-sheet and any residual secondary structure were completely disrupted. The red shift of the fluorescence emission maxima showed that the tryptophan residues were exposed to a greater hydrophilic environment as the DMSO content increased. GO-binding experiment suggested that the biological function of Hb was disrupted seriously even if the content of DMSO was 20%. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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LaC2 (with doublet and quartet states) and LaC2+ (with singlet and triplet states) cluster have been studied by using the B3LYP (Becke three-parameter/Lee-Yang-Parr) density functional method and the HF (Hartree-Fock) method with LANLIDZ basis set. For each cluster, four possible isomers in C-2v, C-s, C-proportional to v and D-proportional to h symmetries have been investigated. The results indicate that structures in C-s symmetry are local minima in all cases and, in most cases (particularly for high spin states), our initial guess in C-s symmetry converges to structures in C-2v symmetry. For the isomers in C-2v, C-proportional to v and D-proportional to h symmetries, local minima were found to be dependent on the method and spin state. The two clusters may also exist as linear chains. The ordering of the binding energies for the isomers in all spin states is C-s similar to C-2v < C-proportional to v < D-proportional to h. The ionization potential of LaC2 is reported as well. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Three comb polymers (CP) based on modified alternating methyl vinyl ether/maleic anhydride copolymer with oligo-oxyethylene side chains of the type -O(CH2CH2O)(n)CH3 were synthesized and characterized, and the ionic conductivity of CP/salt complexes is reported. The conductivity of these complexes was about 10(-5)-10(-6) S cm(-1) at room temperature. The conductivity, which displayed non-Arrhenius behaviour, was analysed using the Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher equation. The conductivity maxima appear at lower salt concentration, when CP has longer side chains. Infrared (i.r.) was used to study the cation-polymer interaction. I.r. results also indicate that the ester in CP might decompose at 140 degrees C and reproduce the maleic anhydride ring. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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At room temperature, the Bi3+ ion shows broad band characters of its luminescence in Ca2B2O5, M3B2O6 ( M=Ca,Sr ) and SrB4O7. The maxima of the Bi3+ S-1(0)-->P-3(1) absorption bands are located in the range of 240-300nm, but the energy variation of the corresponding P-3(1)-->S-1(0) emissions is very large. The maxima of these emission bands change from 350nm in Ca3B2O6;Bi3+ to 586nm in SrB4O7:Bi3+. The Stokes shift of the Bi3+ luminescence increases from 6118 cm-1, in Ca2B2O5:Bi3+, to 24439 cm-1, in SrB4O7:Bi3+. The emission intensity of the Bi3+ luminescence increases with the decreasing Stokes shift. It has been found that in Ca2B2O5, the Bi3+ ion could transfer its excitation energy to the R3+ ions ( R=Eu, Dy, Sm, Tb ) , but in, Ca3B2O6 and Sr3B2O6, only Bi3+-->Eu3+ was observed. No energy transfer from Bi3+ to R3+ was detected in SrB4O7.