867 resultados para KX observer
The authors made 39 surveys (a total of 161 days) in the Tian-e-Zhou Oxbow of the Yangtze River, China, for observing 13 Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) captured from the main stream of the Yangtze River and 7 juveniles born in the oxbow from January 1997 to July 2000. The animals were usually divided into several "core" groups and moved around in shallow, muddy-bottom areas with the largest individual in the lead. Each core group was composed of 2-3 animals (either 2 adults, 1 adult and 1 juvenile, 2 adults and 1 juvenile, or 2 adults and 1 calf). Newly-released animals joined the other animals first, and then reorganized their own groups one or two days later. Average breath interval was 34.4 s (+/- s.d. 4.39) for individuals in the group. The animals mated from May through June and gave birth during the second and last ten days of April of the next year. The gestation period was estimated as 310 - 320 days. Calves over 5 months old began to eat small fish. The distance of calves swimming apart from their suspected mothers increased each month. These findings will help in the management of the reserve to protect this unique freshwater porpoise.
Recently, sonar signals and other sounds produced by cetaceans have been used for acoustic detection of individuals and groups in the wild. However, the detection probability ascertained by concomitant visual survey has not been demonstrated extensively. The finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) have narrow band and high-frequency sonar signals, which are distinctive from background noises. Underwater sound monitoring with hydrophones (B&K8103) placed along the sides of a research vessel, concurrent with visual observations was conducted in the Yangtze River from Wuhan to Poyang Lake in 1998 in China. The peak to peak detection threshold was set at 133 dB re 1 mu Pa. With this threshold level, porpoises could be detected reliably within 300 m of the hydrophone. In a total of 774-km cruise, 588 finless porpoises were sighted by visual observation and 44 864 ultrasonic pulses were recorded by the acoustical observation system. The acoustic monitoring system could detect the presence of the finless porpoises 82% of the time. A false alarm in the system occurred with a frequency of 0.9%. The high-frequency acoustical observation is suggested as an effective method for field surveys of small cetaceans, which produce high-frequency sonar signals. (C) 2001 Acoustical Society of America.
Echolocation click events of a free-ranging juvenile and an adult finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) were recorded with an acoustic data logger. Additionally, dive depth and swim speed of the juvenile were recorded with a behavior data logger. Echoes of echolocation signals from the water surface were clearly detected in shallow dives approximately less than 2 m. The delay time between a surface echo and a direct signal corresponded with the two-way transmission time for the animal's depth, indicating that the signals originated from the animal wearing the data loggers. The finless porpoises produced echolocation signals frequently and were thought to be able to detect their depth by listening to echoes from the water surface. (C) 2000 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(00)01609-X].
The GaN-rich side of GaNP ternary alloys has been successfully synthesized by light-radiation heating and low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. X-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curves show that the ( 0002) peak of GaNP shifts to a smaller angle with increasing P content. From the GaNP photoluminescence (PL) spectra, the red shifts from the band-edge emission of GaN are determined to be 73, 78 and 100 meV, respectively, in the GaNP alloys with the P contents of 1.5%, 5.5% and 7.5%. No PL peak or XRD peak related to GaP is observed, indicating that phase separation induced by the short-range distribution of GaP-rich regions in the GaNP layer has been effectively suppressed. The phase-separation suppression in the GaNP layer is associated with the high growth rate and the quick cooling rate under the given growth conditions, which can efficiently restrain the accumulation of P atoms in the GaNP layer.
GaN1-xPx ternary alloys with high P compositions were deposited on sapphire substrates by means of metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Depth profiles of the elements indicate that the maximum P/N composition ratio is about 17% and a uniform distribution of the P atoms in the alloys is achieved. 2theta/omega XRD spectra demonstrate that the (0002) peak of the GaN1-xPx alloys shifts to smaller angle with increasing P composition. From the photoluminescence (PL) spectra, the red shifts to the bandedge emission of GaN are determined to be 73, 78, 100 and 87 meV for the GaN1-xPx alloys with the P/N composition ratios of 3%, 11%, 15% and 17%, respectively. No PL peak related to GaP is observed, indicating that the phase separation between GaN and GaP is well suppressed in our GaN1-xPx samples. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
根据八带k·p理论,在三维InGaAs/GaAs量子点阵列中求解kx=ky=kz=0 处的有效质量哈密顿H0的本征值,得到InGaAs量子点中导带中电子基态EC1,第一激发态EC2和重空穴态EHH1的能级.随着In组分从30%增加100%,InGaAs量子点中EC2到EC1的带内跃迁波长从18.50 μm 蓝移到11.87 μm,而EC1到EHH1的跃迁波长则从1.04 μm红移到1.73 μm;随着量子点高度从1.0 nm增加到 5.0 nm,In0.5Ga0.5As和InAs量子点中EC1到EC2的带内跃迁都从束缚态-连续态型转换到束缚态-束缚态型,对应于两种量子点的带内跃迁波长分别从8.12 μm (5.90 μm)红移到 53.47 μm(31.87 μm),两种量子点中EC1到EHH1的跃迁波长分别从1.13 μm(1.60 μm)红移到1.27 μm(2.01 μm).
观察点设置问题是地形可视性分析中的一类重要问题,对该问题的研究可以在空间信息辅助决策、通信、旅游、野生动物保护等领域发挥重大作用。本文在对地形可视性分析中观察点设置问题现有研究成果总结和分析基础上对该问题展开深入研究。 首先,针对现有解决方法只从智能算法或地形数据表示方法单一角度进行分析和研究的局限性,提出了一种问题相关的智能算法和数据表示方法相结合的解决问题新框架。该框架考虑了解决观察点设置问题时智能算法的优点和数据表示方式的特点相互配合问题,目的是充分发挥二者各自的优势以提高观察点设置问题解决的准确度与效率。 其次,在深入分析观察点设置问题本身特点的基础上,结合隶属云理论的基本理论和方法,对经典模拟退火算法从退温函数设计、温度产生过程、状态生成过程三方面进行了问题相关的改进,提出了一种适于观察点设置问题的改进模拟退火算法(Improved Simulated Annealing algorithm, ISA)。该算法一方面保持了经典模拟退火算法的稳定倾向特性,保证了算法满足伴随退火温度的不断下降,对恶化的新状态越来越难于接受这一模拟退火算法的最基本特征;另一方面其退火温度的连续性随机变化特性和隐含的“回火升温”过程,则有利于算法有效拒绝恶化解,加速算法收敛,能够更好地满足观察点设置问题对于算法收敛速度的要求。 再次,在分析地形数据的精度、误差等因素对观察点设置问题的解决准确性和解决效率影响程度的基础上,提出了一种基于离散余弦变换的地形数据内插方法(Discrete Cosine Transformation Interpolation method, DCTI)。新方法将传统空域上的地形内插转换到变换域上进行,同时充分利用了离散余弦变换的熵保持特性和能量压缩特性,简化了变换域上的内插过程,提高了地形数据内插的效率和精度。DCTI方法与其他现有典型地形数据内插方法相比,对地形可视性信息获取的准确性和效率影响最小,为平衡观察点设置问题解决过程中时间效率和准确度之间的关系,最终有效地解决观察点设置问题提供了数据基础。 最后,从智能算法和地形数据相结合的角度出发,提出了一种基于ISA和DCTI相结合的观察点设置问题多分辨率处理方法(Multi-Resolution Processing method, MRP)。新方法将模拟退火算法的逐次退火特点和地形数据的多分辨率表示充分结合,达到了发挥算法数据相结合的综合优势的目的。与现有单纯基于模拟退火算法的解决方法相比,在问题解决准确度保持不变的前提下,基于MRP方法的观察点设置问题解决的平均耗时减少85%~95%,为实际工程应用问题的解决提供了一条重要途径。
在北京13 MV串列加速器上利用20—50MeV O5+离子研究Au的L壳层X射线产生截面. 实验结果表明σ(Ll)/σ(Lα) ,σ(Lβ)/σ(Lα) 和σ(Lγ)/σ(Lα)与ECPSSR理论计算结果符合比较好.在实验中由于较高的能量,在能量点存在能移现象.
The X-ray spectra of Nb surface induced by Arq+ (q = 16,17) ions with the energy range from 10 to 20 keV/q were studied by the optical spectrum technology. The experimental results indicate that the multi-electron excitation occurred as a highly charged Ar16+ ion was neutralized below the metal surface. The K shell electron of Ar16+ was excited and then de-excited cascadly to emit K X-ray. The intensity of the X-ray emitted from K shell of the hollow Ar atom decreased with the increase of projectile kinetic energy. The intensity of the X-ray emitted from L shell of the target atom Nb increased with the increase of projectile kinetic energy. The X-ray yield of Ar17+ is three magnitude orders larger than that of Ar16+.
The 10-20 qkeV Ar16+ and Ar17+ ions produced by SECRAL enter on metallic surface of Zr. In this interaction, the multi-electron excitation possibly occurred in the neutralization of the highly charged Ar16+ ions, which produced vacancy in the K shell. Electron of the high n state de-excited to K vacancy gives off X-ray. The experimental results show that X-ray intensities for the Ar hollow atom decrease with increase of incidence energy, and L beta X-ray intensities of target atom Zr increase with increasing incidence energy. K alpha X-ray yield per ion for Ar17+ was five orders of magnitude greater than that for Ar16+
Spectra for Delta n = 0 transitions of the type 2s(2)2p(k)-2s2p(k+1) or 2s2p(k)-2p(k+1) from highly ionized sulfur produced in beam-foil excitation are investigated and compared to similar spectra measured with other types of light sources. In the experiment, fifty lines have been identified, of which eleven lines are new and accurately measured. Analysis of spectra was based on comparisons with other experimental results and calculated values.