998 resultados para Jogadores de futebol Condições sociais


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS


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Soccer is one of the most practiced sports in the world, and for many years, some areas of physical education has been doing studies related to the improvement of their income from these areas if this sport psychology. The psychological aspects are very influential and involved in the daily life of an athlete, especially for basic categories of athletes who see in soccer a dream to come true or only a source of income for his family, where such aspects act beneficially or evil for the athlete. Stress, in particular, can appear in various situations and in various ways, and different influences and reactions athlete to athlete, also resulting in physiological changes and variations in performance. Stress, and especially stressful situations, like any psychological aspect should be identified in order to train your athlete to know how to deal with stressful situations. Know what are the stressors, which carries the stress load for the athlete, how to handle the stressful situations, using psychological training in the preseason, know how to use stress management techniques, and be able to manage it all so your athlete reaches an optimal level of income is described in the present work, in order to provide a theoretical and updated reference for professionals of Physical Education, so that they stay up to date on sports psychology and also understand a little more on this subject, which is still little discussed within soccer and often overlooked by many professionals who are already in the context of competitive soccer


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Lateral asymmetries are in everywhere as well as in all movements made by man, which become more evident in movements of sport. The asymmetry is particularly pointed out in futsal when players, even with clear opportunity of making use of their non-preferred foot, try to place the ball in order to execute the action with their preferred foot. The study of asymmetry in futsal is quite relevant, once ambidextrous players present advantages in their performances during a match, which can help futsal athletes not only in their performance improvement but also with the prescription of training. For this reason, the present study had questioned: is there symmetry/asymmetry at the performance of lower contralateral limbs during actions with the possession ball (pass, receiving a ball and kick into the goal) during a futsal match? Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the symmetry/asymmetry using the preferred and non-preferred foot in actions with the possession ball (pass, receiving and shoot) in adult Futsal's players (professional). The winner team of eight matches of the 2012 FIFA Futsal World Cup was analyzed. An average of 75 players had all their actions (pass, receiving a ball and shot on goal) using their lower limbs during the match analyzed. However, their actions with the head and torso were not analyzed. The games were acquired through a television broadcast. All eight matches were followed by an appraiser through a computer. The Skout software was used to collect the data, taking notes of the player involved, the type of action (pass, receiving a ball and shot on goal), its foot used (preferred or non-preferred foot) and if the execution was correct or wrong. These data were saved in a text file, in the form of a matrix and imported into the Matlab software, where was analyzed the following parameters: frequency of occurrence of each action with each foot and quantity of correct and wrong occurrences performed with...


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This monograph will focus on the social policies implemented by the Federal Government during the government of Luis Incio Lula da Silva. The aim of this study is to analyze the main changes in social inequality indicators in the period 2003 - 2010. In the first chapter, we present some ideas of poverty meaning and its history in Brazil. The second chapter is dedicated to the most important cash transfer program in the history of the country, the Bolsa Familia program, and finally, in Chapter 3, is highlighted as stocks in the labor market also contributed to improve social indicators in Brazil and lift millions out of poverty and extreme poverty, such as increasing the level of formal job creation and the real increase in the minimum wage


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Ps-graduao em Planejamento e Anlise de Polticas Pblicas - FCHS


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After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...


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After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...


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A sade determinada por condições sociais, econmicas, educacionais, polticas e ambientais, extrapolando, portanto, a dimenso exclusivamente biolgica. O presente trabalho tenta estabelecer uma reflexo interpretativa sobre os princpios do SUS e mostrar a interface deles com a proposta da classe hospitalar, uma modalidade de educao especial que estimula a construo de conhecimentos, a capacitao e o ensino de algumas habilidades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento infantil. Tratase de um exerccio de argumentao para o entendimento do papel da classe hospitalar na realizao da ateno integral sade no Brasil. O desenvolvimento de atividades pedaggico-educacionais em hospitais permite oferecer s crianas e adolescentes hospitalizados a continuidade do seu aprendizado.


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O objetivo central desta tese investigar o potencial de transformao social da organizao no-governamental, ligada a CNBB(Confederao Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil).- Pastoral da Criana - para a libertao de mulheres que l atuam, das relaes de dominao e opresses inerentes ao contexto kyriarchal. Esta pesquisa procura considerar o espao religioso subjacente organizao em decorrncia das influncias das CEBs (Comunidades Eclesiais de Base) e do MRCC (Movimento de Renovao Catlica Carismtica). feita pesquisa de campo na regio de Curitiba com observaes e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com doze mulheres atuando na Pastoral da Criana, valorizando-se a relao intersubjetiva entre pesquisadora e pessoas envolvidas na pesquisa. A anlise qualitativa de dados em relao ao marco terico feminista desenvolvido em Cincias Sociais pela sociologia, psicanlise e tambm a teologia, mostra o discurso das representaes sociais das mulheres envolvidas, a percepo de suas prprias identidades e a importncia da organizao na construo de suas vidas. Nos traz a concluso que a organizao reproduz o perfil tradicional de mulheres na funo materna e facilita a formao de redes comunitrias. Averigua-se que a Pastoral da Criana est vinculada ao sistema neoliberal de pensamento que reproduz os discursos de dominao do sistema kyriarchal da hierarquia da Igreja Catlica e da medicina higienista. Essas instituies de apropriam da vida e dos corpos das mulheres e os reduzem s suas funes meramente biolgicas, reprodutivas e de cuidados. A Pastoral da Criana caracterizada por atividades que no consideram as causas estruturais da pobreza, mas apenas tentam amenizar os seus efeitos e conseqncias. Em suas capacitaes, a organizao usa a forma bancria de educao que reproduz as relaes de dominao e dependncia de mulheres pobres. A organizao, mesmo com a estrutura da ideologia religiosa analisada, no est vinculada sistematicamente em um espao religioso. Sugere-se em relao situao da organizao, a abertura das idias e valores feministas nos campos da sade e religio a fim de promover a libertao e empoderamento reais de mulheres pobres. Esta recomendao est ligada com a abertura, a necessidade de reflexo e de conhecimento, mostradas pelas mulheres entrevistadas durante a pesquisa de campo. Considera-se como limitao aos resultados da pesquisa, o local pesquisado por no ter influncias de movimentos sociais.(AU)


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O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa a Comunidade da Graa, presente h dez anos em So Bernardo do Campo, regio do ABC paulista. Analisa-se o lugar da emoo religiosa e sua relao com a educao dos sentidos nesta confraria protestante pentecostal formada majoritariamente por pessoas de classe mdia, como propiciadora da assimilao de um habitus e de um forte auto-controle individual evidenciando a eficcia do adestramento corporal pela via da religio. Imersa em uma realidade social de muitas mudanas que provocam reconfiguraes das religies, no tipo especfico de pentecostalismo estudado nota-se que, na gesto dos bens simblicos, o ingrediente emocional o principal acessrio a fim de responder s demandas coletivas e individuais deste pblico religioso. Se h alguns anos a centralidade cltica do protestantismo pentecostal estava no ouvir a prdica e reviver a experincia do pentecostes cristo, hoje em dia o foco neste a emoo que deve perpassar todo o culto. O mesmo ocorre nos dois espaos catequticos privilegiados desta igreja, a saber, a reunio no templo chamada de Conhecendo as Escrituras e os encontros de grupos nos lares. Esta mudana se evidencia, tambm, nos corpos dos fiis, pois estes se constrem e modelam-se realidade social vigente e expressam as experincias vivenciadas neste contexto. A partir da observao dos cultos e reunies catequticas desta igreja, analisa-se neste trabalho o modo como a emoo religiosa construda, difundida e reproduzida, levando-se em considerao as condições sociais e econmicas especficas do grupo religioso em questo.(AU)


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O objeto de estudo desta pesquisa a Comunidade da Graa, presente h dez anos em So Bernardo do Campo, regio do ABC paulista. Analisa-se o lugar da emoo religiosa e sua relao com a educao dos sentidos nesta confraria protestante pentecostal formada majoritariamente por pessoas de classe mdia, como propiciadora da assimilao de um habitus e de um forte auto-controle individual evidenciando a eficcia do adestramento corporal pela via da religio. Imersa em uma realidade social de muitas mudanas que provocam reconfiguraes das religies, no tipo especfico de pentecostalismo estudado nota-se que, na gesto dos bens simblicos, o ingrediente emocional o principal acessrio a fim de responder s demandas coletivas e individuais deste pblico religioso. Se h alguns anos a centralidade cltica do protestantismo pentecostal estava no ouvir a prdica e reviver a experincia do pentecostes cristo, hoje em dia o foco neste a emoo que deve perpassar todo o culto. O mesmo ocorre nos dois espaos catequticos privilegiados desta igreja, a saber, a reunio no templo chamada de Conhecendo as Escrituras e os encontros de grupos nos lares. Esta mudana se evidencia, tambm, nos corpos dos fiis, pois estes se constrem e modelam-se realidade social vigente e expressam as experincias vivenciadas neste contexto. A partir da observao dos cultos e reunies catequticas desta igreja, analisa-se neste trabalho o modo como a emoo religiosa construda, difundida e reproduzida, levando-se em considerao as condições sociais e econmicas especficas do grupo religioso em questo.(AU)