933 resultados para Incommensurability of values
Esta dissertação visou compreender o caráter temático e discursivo de algumas crónicas literárias de dois autores cabo-verdianos, Dina Salústio e Daniel Medina, e provar o carácter pedagógico e humanitário das composições. Fez-se, num primeiro momento, um estudo de conteúdos teóricos sobre a cronística portuguesa, visando recensear aspetos relacionados com a evolução do género ao longo dos tempos, desde a Idade Média até à Contemporaneidade, sempre numa perspetiva pragmática, e discutiram-se as características enformadoras do género, sendo assinaláveis a subjetividade, versatilidade, objetividade, estilo entre o oral e o literário, quotidianidade e dialogismo. De seguida, em termos metodológicos, optou-se por convocar o ethos de Amossy e Maingueneau para o estudo das composições. Num segundo momento, através de dez crónicas literárias cabo-verdianas, sendo cinco de cada autor, procedeu-se à análise crítica das quais se confirmou, a partir da análise temática, uma preocupação pedagógica e humanitária uma vez que se notou uma certa inquietação com problemas que envolvem a idiossincrasia do homem cabo-verdiano, como a perda de valores em termos educacionais e instrucionais, quer no seio familiar como escolar, a preocupação com os mais desfavorecidos materialmente, onde se destacam crianças órfãs de pais vivos, o descaso com os doentes mentais e as crianças de rua, a gravidez precoce, a prostituição infantil, entre outros. O modo, como os cronistas se posicionam face à abordagem dos temas, permitiu-nos projetar o ethos discursivo de duas personalidades sensíveis, sérias e comprometidas com os valores mais nobres que enformam o ser humano. Do mesmo modo, pôde constatar como características relevantes das composições a subjetividade e pessoalidade discursivas, a brevidade, o diálogo no estilo indirecto livre, a quotidianidade e literariedade aliados a alguns recursos retóricos que nos permitiram apurar os tons sério e irónico do sujeito enunciador ao tratar as questões temáticas.
The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.
According to Declan Kiberd, “postcolonial writing does not begin only when the occupier withdraws: rather it is initiated at that very moment when a native writer formulates a text committed to cultural resistance.” The Irish in Latin America – a continent emerging from indigenous cultures, colonisation, and migrations – may be regarded as colonised in Ireland and as colonisers in their new home. They are a counterexample to the standard pattern of identities in the major English-speaking destinations of the Irish Diaspora. Using literary sources, the press, correspondence, music, sports, and other cultural representations, in this thesis I search the attitudes and shared values signifying identities among the immigrants and their families. Their fragmentary and wide-ranging cultures provide a rich context to study the protean process of adaptation to, or rejection of, the new countries. Evolving from oppressed to oppressors, the Irish in Latin America swiftly became ingleses. Subsequently, in order to join the local middle classes they became vaqueros, llaneros, huasos, and gauchos so they could show signs of their effective integration to the native culture, as seen by the Latin American elites. Eventually, some Irish groups separated from the English mainstream culture and shaped their own community negotiating among Irishness, Englishness, and local identities in Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Cuba, and other places in the region. These identities were not only unmoored in the emigrants’ minds but also manoeuvred by the political needs of community and religious leaders. After reviewing the major steps and patterns of Irish migration to Latin America, the thesis analyses texts from selected works, offers a version of how the settlers became Latin Americans or not, and elucidates the processes by which a new Irish-Latin American hybrid was created.
This study was conducted to examine the distribution and nature of Fe oxides in plinthic soils on the sediments of Barreiras Group (in the state of Piauí) and Itapecuru Formation (in the state of Maranhão) in Northeastern Brazil. Four pedons were selected: a "plinthic, dystrophic, epieutrophic Gray Podzolic with low activity clay" and a "dystrophic Plinthosol with low activity clay" (both Plinthic Kandiustalfs) on the Barreiras sediments, as well as an "eutrophic Plinthosol with low activity clay" and an "allic Plinthosol with low activity clay" (both Plinthustalfs) on the Itapecuru sediments. Soil samples were fractionated into > 2 mm (pisoliths), water-stable aggregates (plinthite) and matrices; the aggregates and matrices were further fractionated into sand, silt and clay sizes. Dithionite extractable iron (Fe d) and aluminum (Al d), as well as oxalate extractable iron (Fe o), were determined for all fractions, and X-ray diffraction analyses were performed on the pisoliths. It was observed that the Plinthustalfs contain more iron oxides, exhibit more extensive plinthite development and have a greater potential for further plinthite development than the Kandiustalfs. The distribution of values for the Fe d indicates that plinthite formation and induration in all soils were accompanied by an enrichment of Fe oxides in all particle size fractions. This Fe segregation was accompanied by aggregation of particles leading to a greater degree of crystallinity, as indicated by analysis of the ratios of Al d:Fe d. Larger ratios of goethite to hematite, and relatively smaller amounts of silicates in the more mature pisoliths were revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Ratios of Al d:Fe d were larger in the Kandiustalfs than in the Plinthustalfs, and also larger than expected for Al-substituted Fe oxides. According to ratios of Al d:Fe d, Fe mobilization in all soils has likely occurred under reducing conditions, facilitated by organic matter on the soil surface.
L'étude du mouvement des organismes est essentiel pour la compréhension du fonctionnement des écosystèmes. Dans le cas des écosystèmes marins exploités, cela amène à s'intéresser aux stratégies spatiales des pêcheurs. L'une des approches les plus utilisées pour la modélisation du mouvement des prédateurs supé- rieurs est la marche aléatoire de Lévy. Une marche aléatoire est un modèle mathématique composé par des déplacements aléatoires. Dans le cas de Lévy, les longueurs des déplacements suivent une loi stable de Lévy. Dans ce cas également, les longueurs, lorsqu'elles tendent vers l'in ni (in praxy lorsqu'elles sont grandes, grandes par rapport à la médiane ou au troisième quartile par exemple), suivent une loi puissance caractéristique du type de marche aléatoire de Lévy (Cauchy, Brownien ou strictement Lévy). Dans la pratique, outre que cette propriété est utilisée de façon réciproque sans fondement théorique, les queues de distribution, notion par ailleurs imprécise, sont modélisée par des lois puissances sans que soient discutées la sensibilité des résultats à la dé nition de la queue de distribution, et la pertinence des tests d'ajustement et des critères de choix de modèle. Dans ce travail portant sur les déplacements observés de trois bateaux de pêche à l'anchois du Pérou, plusieurs modèles de queues de distribution (log-normal, exponentiel, exponentiel tronqué, puissance et puissance tronqué) ont été comparés ainsi que deux dé nitions possible de queues de distribution (de la médiane à l'in ni ou du troisième quartile à l'in ni). Au plan des critères et tests statistiques utilisés, les lois tronquées (exponentielle et puissance) sont apparues les meilleures. Elles intègrent en outre le fait que, dans la pratique, les bateaux ne dépassent pas une certaine limite de longueur de déplacement. Le choix de modèle est apparu sensible au choix du début de la queue de distribution : pour un même bateau, le choix d'un modèle tronqué ou l'autre dépend de l'intervalle des valeurs de la variable sur lequel le modèle est ajusté. Pour nir, nous discutons les implications en écologie des résultats de ce travail.
Un dels principals problemes quan es realitza un anàlisi de contorns és la gran quantitat de dades implicades en la descripció de la figura. Per resoldre aquesta problemàtica, s’aplica la parametrització que consisteix en obtenir d’un contorn unes dades representatives amb els mínims coeficients possibles, a partir dels quals es podrà reconstruir de nou sense pèrdues molt evidents d’informació. En figures de contorns tancats, la parametrització més estudiada és l’aplicació de la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT). Aquesta s’aplica a la seqüència de valors que descriu el comportament de les coordenades x i y al llarg de tots els punts que formen el traç. A diferència, en els contorns oberts no es pot aplicar directament la DFT ja que per fer-ho es necessita que el valor de x i de y siguin iguals tan en el primer punt del contorn com en l’últim. Això és degut al fet que la DFT representa sense error senyals periòdics. Si els senyals no acaben en el mateix punt, representa que hi ha una discontinuïtat i apareixen oscil·lacions a la reconstrucció. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és parametritzar contorns oberts amb la mateixa eficiència que s’obté en la parametrització de contorns tancats. Per dur-ho a terme, s’ha dissenyat un programa que permet aplicar la DFT en contorns oberts mitjançant la modificació de les seqüencies de x i y. A més a més, també utilitzant el programari Matlab s’han desenvolupat altres aplicacions que han permès veure diferents aspectes sobre la parametrització i com es comporten els Descriptors El·líptics de Fourier (EFD). Els resultats obtinguts han demostrat que l’aplicació dissenyada permet la parametrització de contorns oberts amb compressions òptimes, fet que facilitarà l’anàlisi quantitatiu de formes en camps com l’ecologia, medicina, geografia, entre d’altres.
The structural modeling of spatial dependence, using a geostatistical approach, is an indispensable tool to determine parameters that define this structure, applied on interpolation of values at unsampled points by kriging techniques. However, the estimation of parameters can be greatly affected by the presence of atypical observations in sampled data. The purpose of this study was to use diagnostic techniques in Gaussian spatial linear models in geostatistics to evaluate the sensitivity of maximum likelihood and restrict maximum likelihood estimators to small perturbations in these data. For this purpose, studies with simulated and experimental data were conducted. Results with simulated data showed that the diagnostic techniques were efficient to identify the perturbation in data. The results with real data indicated that atypical values among the sampled data may have a strong influence on thematic maps, thus changing the spatial dependence structure. The application of diagnostic techniques should be part of any geostatistical analysis, to ensure a better quality of the information from thematic maps.
We have studied the collective behavior of a population of integrate-and-fire oscillators. We show that diversity, introduced in terms of a random distribution of natural periods, is the mechanism that permits one to observe self-organized criticality (SOC) in the long time regime. As diversity increases the system undergoes several transitions from a supercritical regime to a subcritical one, crossing the SOC region. Although there are resemblances with percolation, we give proofs that criticality takes place for a wide range of values of the control parameter instead of a single value.
We face the problem of characterizing the periodic cases in parametric families of (real or complex) rational diffeomorphisms having a fixed point. Our approach relies on the Normal Form Theory, to obtain necessary conditions for the existence of a formal linearization of the map, and on the introduction of a suitable rational parametrization of the parameters of the family. Using these tools we can find a finite set of values p for which the map can be p-periodic, reducing the problem of finding the parameters for which the periodic cases appear to simple computations. We apply our results to several two and three dimensional classes of polynomial or rational maps. In particular we find the global periodic cases for several Lyness type recurrences
Gears of the current millennium have been activated by the hit entry into the information society that has generated a whole range of social and educational changes, it is difficult to stay out of their influence, such as: the dizzying presence of new technologies (NNTT) and the entrenchment of a crisis of values. Physical education has been affected by this avalanche of developments that have sparked the birth of original teaching and learning tools that can be applied in the classroom. In this sense, WebQuests have been configured as a unifying and educational activities that allow addressing the treatment of specific thematic area that we are dealing with the work of certain cross¿cutting. But how do you know what product we have before us, what is its effectiveness? What criteria will allow us to classify it as a fit and capable of being applied in our particular educational context? To clarify these and other issues that any teacher could arise before the election of a multimedia educational materials, our particular object of study has a double claim on the one hand, developing two tools: the card catalog and the heading of Valuation of WebQuests and secondly, to apply these tools in order to find out / determine the degree of quality of a sample of WebQuests. In this article sets forth, in summary form, the various stages of what our research has gone since the establishment of a synthesized theoretical basis, via the definition of the basic guidelines for the design of the exhibition and research results and ending with The list of the ideas and proposals arising from thework.
The association of increased PA-inhibitor (PAI) activity and of PAI-1 and PAI-2 antigen levels with different pathological conditions was studied in a collective of over 300 patients. PAI-1 and PAI-2 levels were measured by specific radioimmunoassays. A good correlation was observed of PAI activity with PAI-1 antigen (r = 0.718; p less than 0.0001) but not with PAI-2 (r = 0.070; n.s.). Both in the controls and in the patients, PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen showed an extremely large range of values. PAI activity ranged from 0.5 to 68 U/ml and PAI-1 antigen from 6 to 600 ng/ml. Increased PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen was observed in patients with malignant tumors, cardiovascular or thromboembolic disease, in the postoperative phase, with hepatic insufficiency, after trauma and after extracorporeal circulation. The large spectrum of disease states with increased PAI activity and PAI-1 antigen reinforces previous suggestions that PAI-1 is an acute phase reactant. After extracorporeal circulation, PAI activity and PAI-1 concentrations strongly increased within one hour, remained elevated for at least one week and returned to preoperation values within 7 days. PAI-2 values ranged from below detection limit (15 ng/ml), observed in half of the plasmas, to 485 ng/ml in a pregnant woman. High values of PAI-2 were only observed in pregnancy.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka Engel-Yhtymässä arvot on liitetty johtamiseen. Keskeinen kysymys on: kuinka arvot ovat integroitu yrityksen nykyiseen johtamisjärjestelmään. Arvoja ei käsitellä irrallisena asiana, vaan liitettyinä yhteen organisaatiokulttuuriin ja johtamiseen. Tutkimus tukee arvojen merkityksen tärkeyttä osana Engelin hyvää liiketaloudellista menestystä viime vuosina. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus koostuu pääasiassa vuoden 2003 Arvomittari-henkilöstökyselystä ja kyselyn tulosten havainnoista. Tutkimuksessa haetaan vastauksia henkilöstön näkökulmasta strategian sisäistämiseen engeliläisten päivittäisessä työskentelyssä. Kuinka arvot on sisäistetty ja kuinka ne näkyvät arkipäivässä? Mitkä asiat estävät arvojen toteutumista ja ovatko arvot omistajien, johdon vai koko henkilöstön arvoja? Tutkimuksen tuloksia analysoidaan valitun viitekehyksen pohjalta, metodina kvalitatiivinen analyysi. Sen muodostaa ensisijaisesti Daniel Denisonin 2003 esittämä malli. Denisonin mallin mukaan tavoitteena on tarjota arvojen integroinnille eri näkökulmia. Johtopäätöksenä on kuitenkin selkeä liiketaloudellisen tuloksen parantuminen arvojohtaminen merkityksen myötä.
Työssä tarkasteltiin paikallisen teleyhtiön muutos- ja sopeuttamisprosessia vanhanaikaisesta puhelinyhtiöstänykyajan moderniksi teletoimijaksi. Selvitettiin, miten kaikki on saanut alkunsa ja minkälainen yritys on tänä päivänä. Yrityksen kehitykseen vaikuttaa väkisinkin organisaatiokulttuuri ja sen muuttuminen yrityksen toiminnan laajentuessa jamuuttuessa. Käytiin läpi orgäanisaatioteoriaa sekä siihen olennaisena osana liittyvää yrityksen arvomaailmaa ja yrityskuvaa. Tutkimus suoritettiin aikasarjana.Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin lyhyt historiakuvaus, jonka avulla selvitettiin tämän päivän kehitykseen vaikuttavat tekijät. Niitä olivat pääsääntöisesti yleinen teleliikennetoimialan kehittyminen ja viranomaisvalvonta. Asiaa tutkittiin kulttuurin kasvu- ja kehitysvaiheet menetelmää avuksi käyttäen. Empiirisenä aineistonakäytettiin paikallisen teleyhtiön vuosikertomuksia, otoksia julkisista lehti- ja internetartikkeleista sekä paikallisesta teleyhtiöstä ja yleisesti telealasta kertovaa kirjallisuutta. Lisäksi käytettiin hyväksi tutkijan omaa kokemusta pitkään telealalla työskennelleenä. Tutkimuksessa päädyttiin siihen tulokseen, että paikallisen teleyhtiön pitäisi näkyä enemmän valtakunnallisesti. Henkilöstön sopeuttaminen uuteen tilanteeseen tulee olemaan yritysjohdolle tärkein tehtävä. Tässä asiassa edesauttaa se, että yritysjohdolta löytyisi hyvät muutos-johtamisen ja vuorovaikuttamisen taidot. Viestinnän merkitys nousee myös erittäin tärkeäksi.Sen pitää toimia kumpaankin suuntaan, henkilöstön ja yritysjohdon välillä pitääolla kahdensuuntaista viestintää. Lisäksi todettiin, että todennäköisesti tapahtuu fuusioitumista joko niin, että isommat paikalliset teleyhtiöt ostavat pieniäyhtiöitä, ja markkinoille jää vain muutama iso paikallinen teleyhtiö, tai sitten kaikki paikalliset teleyhtiöt fuusioituvat yhteen isoon yhtiöön. Tulevaisuudessa kilpailun kiristyminen tulee luomaan tämänkaltaisia paineita. Tuote- ja palvelukehitykseen pitää tulevaisuudessa panostaa huomattavasti enemmän. Telealalla saadaan myös tottua siihen, että EU:n alueella tullaan vaatimaan kilpailun täyttävapautumista. Lisäksi viranomaiset tulevat seuraamaan telealaa jatkossakin erittäin tarkasti.
Values and value processes are said to be needed in every organization nowadays, as the world is changing and companies have to have something to "keep it together". Organizational values, which are approvedand used by the personnel, could be the key. Every organization has values. But what is the real value of values? The greatest and most crucial challenge is the feasibility of the value process. The main point in this thesis is tostudy how organizational members at different hierarchical levels perceive values and value processes in their organizations. This includes themes such as how values are disseminated, the targets of value processing, factors that affect the process, problems that occur during the value implementation and improvements that could be made when organizational values are implemented. These subjects are studied from the perspective of organizational members (both managers and employees); individuals in the organizations. The aim is to get the insider-perspective on value processing, from multiple hierarchical levels. In this research I study three different organizations (forest industry, bank and retail cooperative) and their value processes. The data is gathered from companies interviewing personnel in the head office and at the local level. The individuals areseen as members of organizations, and the cultural aspect is topical throughout the whole study. Values and cultures are seen as the 'actuality of reality' of organizations, interpreted by organizational members. The three case companies were chosen because they represented different lines of business and they all implemented value processing differently. Sincethe emphasis in this study is at the local level, the similar size of the local units was also an important factor. Values are in 'fashion' -but what does the fashion tell us about the real corporate practices? In annual reports companies emphasize the importance and power of official values. But what is the real 'point' of values? Values are publicly respected and advertised, but still it seems that the words do not meet the deeds. There is a clear conflict between theoretical, official and substantive organizational values: in the value processing from words to real action. This contradiction in value processing is studied through individual perceptions in this study. I study the kinds of perceptions organizationalmembers have when values are processed from the head office to the local level: the official value process is studied from the individual's perspective. Value management has been studied more during the 1990's. The emphasis has usually been on managers: how they consider the values in organizations and what effects it has on the management. Recent literature has emphasized values as tools for improving company performance. The value implementation as a process has been studied through 'good' and 'bad' examples, as if one successful value process could be copied to all organizations. Each company is different with different cultures and personnel, so no all-powerful way of processing values exists. In this study, the organizational members' perceptions at different hierarchical levels are emphasized. Still, managers are also interviewed; this is done since managerial roles in value dissemination are crucial. Organizational values cannot be well disseminated without management; this has been proved in several earlier studies (e.g. Kunda 1992, Martin 1992, Parker 2000). Recent literature has not sufficiently emphasized the individual's (organizational member's) role in value processing. Organizations consist of differentindividuals with personal values, at all hierarchical levels. The aim in this study is to let the individual take the floor. Very often the value process is described starting from the value definition and ending at dissemination, and the real results are left without attention. I wish to contribute to this area. Values are published officially in annual reports etc. as a 'goal' just like profits. Still, the results/implementationof value processing is rarely followed, at least in official reports. This is a very interesting point: why do companies espouse values, if there is no real control or feedback after the processing? In this study, the personnel in three different companies is asked to give an answer. In the empirical findings, there are several results which bring new aspects to the research area of organizational values. The targets of value processing, factors effecting value processing, the management's roles and the problems in value implementation are presented through the individual's perspective. The individual's perceptions in value processing are a recurring theme throughout the whole study. A comparison between the three companies with diverse value processes makes the research complete