891 resultados para Imitation in art.


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A seated figure dressed in pink against a background of vegetation. Titled in lower left corner.


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The session examines the role of the metaphysical and physical in art and animation and how this relates to natural spaces. Soviet Russian film director and theorist Sergei Eisenstein saw animation as possessing an ability called “plasmaticity”, the capacity for a being to assume any conceivable form dynamically. He saw each being as “primordial protoplasm, not yet possessing a ‘stable’ form, but capable of assuming any form” (Eisenstein 1989, 21). He was enamoured by the capacity of animation to transform and be liberated, of being able to escape from a fixed and static identity—to embody a "rejection of the once-­‐and-­‐forever allotted form" in which we are held (Eisenstein 1989, 21). Czech Surrealist animator Jan Švankmajer uses a metaphysical approach based on a belief in animism to art and animation. He believes that objects possess a conscious life or spirit, he says ‘Objects conceal within themselves the events they’ve witnessed. I don’t actually animate objects. I coerce their inner life out of them.’ (Švankmajer in Imre 2009, 214) In this animistic world there are no boundaries or rules, no physical or conceptual restrictions; anything is possible, with inanimate objects and places able to become animate and transact in a conscious relationship with humans and each other. This session invites artists, animators and theorists to discuss their conceptions and approaches to using visuals to promote and provoke transformation.


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In terms of critical discourse, Liberty contributes to the ongoing aesthetic debate on ‘the sublime.’ Philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) defined the sublime as a failure of rationality in response to sensory overload: a state where the imagination is suspended, without definitive reference points—a state beyond unequivocal ‘knowing.’ I believe the events of September 11, 2001 eluded our understanding in much the same way, leaving us in a moment of suspension between awe and horror. It was an event that couldn’t be understood in terms of scope or scale. It was a moment of overload, which is so difficult to capture in art. With my work I attempt to rekindle that moment of suspension. Like the events of 9/11, Liberty defies definition. Its form is constantly changing; it is always presenting us with new layers of meaning. Nobody quite had a handle on the events that followed 9/11, because the implications were constantly shifting. In the same way, Liberty cannot be contained or defined at any moment in time. Like the events of 9/11, the full story cannot be told in a snapshot. One of the dictionary definitions for the word ‘sublime’ is the conversion of ‘a solid substance directly into a gas, without there being an intermediate liquid phase’. With this in mind, I would like to present Liberty as a work that is literally ‘sublime.’ But what’s really interesting to me about Liberty is that it presents the sublime on all levels: in its medium, in its subject matter (that moment of suspension), and in its formal (formless) presentation. On every level Liberty is sublime—subverting all tangible reference points and eluding capture entirely. Liberty is based on the Statue of Liberty in New York. However, unlike that statue which has stood in New York since 1886 and can be reasonably expected to stand for millennia, this work takes on diminishing proportions, carved as it is in carbon dioxide, a mysterious, previously unexplored medium—one which smokes, snows and dramatically vanishes into a harmless gas. Like the material this work is carved from, the civil liberties of the free world are diminishing fast, since 9/11 and before. This was my thought when I first conceived this work. Now it’s become evident that Liberty expresses a lot more than just this: it demonstrates the erosion of civil liberties, yes. However, it also presents the intangible, indefinable moments in the days and months that followed 9/11. The sculptural work will last for only a short time, and thereafter will exist only in documentation. During this time, the form is continually changing and self-refining, until it disappears entirely, to be inhaled, metabolised and literally taken to heart by viewers.


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Reverie I is a large-scale public art work commissioned by the Brisbane City Council for permanent installation on the Gardens Point Road Plinth adjacent to QUT Gardens Point campus in Brisbane. The work forms part of the artist's ongoing exploration of the methodology of self-portraiture and amorphous form. In this work, sculpted curls of hair have been assembled according to contours of its constituent cast panels - their capacity to nest with one another determined the final form of the work. The resulting mass of curls resembles both an oversized wig, a withered mulberry and a leaden cloud to invoke notions of movement, reflection and temporality. From the didactic panel: "The curls of Reverie I are derived from 18th century sculptural portraiture. The twisting forms of the highly styled wig known as a periwig were abstracted and inventive, while also bestowing an air of intellectual authority. Curls also evoke two aspects of this particular site: the erratic movement of water associated with the complex tidal movements of Brisbane River, and a state of mental reflection relevant to both the nearby university grounds (where intellectual work takes place) and the riverside pathway (a site for daydreaming)."


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'Catacoustics' was an exhibition of sculptural assemblages and photographs that continues my exploration of self-portraiture and the sculptural object. The exhibition was presented as part of the 2015 MetroArts curated exhibition program (Curator: Amy-Clare McCarthy). The work specifically extends the formal vocabulary of my studio practice to incorporate a replica casting of the Ian Fairweather memorial rock at Bribie Island, Queensland. The resulting casts are combined with a series of heptagonal forms derived from the memorial plinth and other sundry components taken from previous exhibitions.,The final arrangement of this diverse field of elements are determined in part by their formal properties (e.g. their capacity to nest, prop, balance, support each other) frequently also taking the horizontal/vertical and the orientation of surrounding walls as formal cues. In so doing, the body of work acts as a manifestation of object-agency. Within this studio methodology, practice is theorised as a site for the interplay of non-human agents. The resulting exhibition thus acts a meditation on the ontology of art practice, conceived as a 'topology' - a fluid network of relationships forged largely by objects.


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A collaborative solo exhibition at Boxcopy, Brisbane. For Chasing Infinite Junctures, Caitlin Franzmann presented an installation as an open site for affect, response and collaboration. The exhibition began with an architectural intervention, which was available for exchange and transformation involving other artists, events and the sensing body of the audience. For five weeks, Caitlin provided a space for new junctures to unfold – artists including Andrew McLellan, Ross Manning, Henry Mills, Louise Bennett, Leena Riethmuller and Sandra Selig will gather, experiment and create in the space.


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Infertility treatments are relatively easily available in most Western countries today, but the psychological consequences of these high-tech treatments have scarcely been addressed. The purpose of this controlled longitudinal study was to explore the early environment of the infant born by assisted reproductive treatment (ART). We focused on the parents mental well-being, marital relations and experience of parenting. In addition to this, we assessed parent child interaction and parents mental representations of their child after long-standing infertility and several unsuccessful ART attempts. The subjects were infertile couples who achieved a singleton pregnancy by in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The control group comprised of spontaneously conceiving couples with singleton pregnancies. ART women showed fewer depressive symptoms than controls during pregnancy and after delivery, but the difference vanished by the end of the child s first year. ART men consistently had lower levels of anxiety symptoms, sleeping difficulties, and social dysfunction than control men. Control women experienced a decrease in dyadic consensus during the child s first year, which did not happen among ART women. After the child was born, ART men reported a higher level of sexual affection compared with control men. Psychic symptoms and stressful life events were differently related to marital relations in ART and control groups. The parenting experiences of ART mothers were in general at a higher level, compared with controls, and they changed in a positive direction during the child s first year. Fathering experiences were at the same level in both groups, and they changed positively in both groups by the end of the child s first year. The parenting experiences of ART mothers and fathers were more resilient to certain child-related stressors than those of control group. Both mothers and fathers with long-term infertility showed more sensitive behaviour with their child in toddler-age than in infancy. Correspondingly, children s cooperation increased. Mothers often mentioned a fear of miscarriage and difficulty in creating representations of the child during pregnancy. Descriptions of the infants were mainly rich, vivid and loaded with positive features. In conclusion, ART parents in general seem to adapt well to the transition to parenthood. Former infertility and ART do not seem to constitute a risk for parents mental health, marital relations or experience of parenting. Even longstanding infertility with several unsuccessful treatment attempts did not create a risk as regards parenting behaviour or parents mental representations of their child. In this group, however, women were found to have fear for losing the child and difficulty in creating representations of the child during pregnancy, which in some cases may indicate need for psychosocial support. Even though our results are encouraging, infertility and infertility treatments are generally considered as a stressful experience. It is a challenge for health authorities to recognize those couples who need professional help to overcome the distressing experiences of infertility and ART.


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As medidas provisórias passaram a integrar o processo legislativo brasileiro com o advento da Constituição de 1988. A previsão inicial das medidas provisórias no art. 62 da Constituição Federal foi se tornando insatisfatória por deficiências oriundas dos pressupostos de relevância e urgência, em razão dos mesmos terem sido aferidos como muito genéricos ou subjetivos, o que acarretou sua demasiada edição. Com o intuito de restringir o poder do chefe do Executivo, foi aprovada, a Emenda Constitucional n. 32/2002, regulamentada pela Resolução 01/2002 do Congresso Nacional. Há consenso geral sobre a afronta estabelecida ao processo legislativo em função da perda de competência do Congresso derivada da excessiva edição de medidas provisórias, sendo necessário limitar essa prejudicial atuação executiva que tem estabelecido o trancamento de pauta constante nas votações no Parlamento.


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O trabalho explora a dinâmica dos jogos plásticos nas artes e das operações de suas obras enquanto máquinas de visão, dispositivos através dos quais determinados aprendizados se desenvolvem enquanto promovem certos processos de invisibilização. Entre negociações dos modos de ver se instaura a instituição do estatuto coletivo do visível. Fatores sociais, tecnológicos, econômicos e políticos se imbricam nessas negociações, implicando na expansão dos processos de produção e reprodução de imagens que culminam na constituição dos campos cegos na cultura visual, áreas abarrotadas de visibilidades ofuscantes. A arte, ciente de ser elemento ativo na constituição dos limites da visão, responde a esse panorama com ações de transbordamento e alargamento desses limites. Adota os campos cegos e suas dinâmicas internas como base para práticas reflexivas. Direciona-se para a identificação de um estatuto do invisível como parte da constituição do próprio estatuto do visível na proposição de experiências sensíveis a partir de diálogos com a invisibilidade. Algumas dessas experiências são analisadas nesta dissertação que reconhece nelas elementos para um mapear dos campos cegos e para uma discussão ampliada da visão


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Esta dissertação versa sobre o carnaval das escolas de samba, em seu período de formação, na década de 1930. Apresentando a Vizinha Faladeira procura-se identificar suas transgressões no contexto da institucionalização do chamado tradicional carnaval das escolas de samba da cidade. Busca-se compreender os motivos que levaram a Vizinha Faladeira a afastar-se das disputas carnavalescas e terminar suas atividades como escola de samba identificando assim as diversas tensões que circundavam o carnaval das escolas de samba. Verificando os desfiles da Vizinha Faladeira identificam-se formas estéticas diversas que revelam os diálogos tensionados entre os diversos grupos da sociedade e o desejo de fazer um carnaval cada vez mais popular. Este trabalho busca lançar um novo olhar sobre a festa carnavalesca entendendo a cultura popular como o local de disputas de significados simbólicos, rompendo-se com as visões folclóricas e antropológicas, privilegiando as disputas entre os grupos e as representações nas formas artsticas das escolas de samba


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Essa dissertação é uma escrita performática que procura entender a arte como elemento para enxergar melhor o cotidiano; é um conjunto de observações e reflexões sobre trabalhos que lidam com regras autoimpostas pelos artistas; uma explanação sobre jogos que mudam os caminhos do cotidiano, transformando o olhar e a sensibilidade. Ações de artistas como Sophie Calle, Tracey Emin, Marina Abramovic, Tania Bruguera, entre outros, são analisados, junto a uma descrição e exposição dos trabalhos desenvolvidos pela própria autora. O capítulo I é dedicado aos modos como a fotografia serve às ações performáticas, a partir da exposição do trabalho Lhôtel, de Sophie Calle. O capítulo II pensa o lugar dos afetos na arte, como eles fazem parte da composição de trabalhos artsticos. O terceiro é um olhar sobre a exposição Cuide de você, de Sophie Calle, para refletir sobre o livro no campo expandido do espaço de exposição. No capítulo final, trabalhos das artistas cariocas Caroline Valansi e Julia Debasse, próximas da autora, são analisados, instigando o pensamento sobre como a proximidade entre artistas pode gerar criações artsticas


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Este trabalho pretende refletir sobre a formação continuada de docentes em artes em diálogo com as tecnologias digitais na perspectiva inclusiva desses profissionais, frente à urgência de se desenvolver competências para o uso da máquina. Desta forma destaco a experiência local em arte, educação e tecnologia dos professores de artes do Núcleo de Arte Copacabana (Unidade de Extensão Educacional/ SME/ Rio de Janeiro), que em 2008 constituiu-se em um grupo de formação continuada para o domínio da nova linguagem e hoje se revela em ações inovadoras na sua prática. Nesse contexto de aprendizagem colaborativa tenciono partir para reflexões mais amplas sobre a condição do professor como aprendiz em sua própria função de educar, ratificando a necessidade desse ensino/aprendizagem também na formação inicial em artes. A motivação para a pesquisa está no largo campo a ser explorado da inclusão digital, das inovações pedagógicas, dos novos paradigmas educacionais deflagrados pela equipagem tecnodigital e dos percursos informacionais implicados nos novos processos de ensino aprendizagem. O papel do pesquisador se destaca pela inseção ativa no grupo pesquisado, definindo-se como experiência reflexiva pela via da pesquisa ação


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Admitindo a produção estética como uma importante condição da existência humana, não é difícil entender a importância de se dar voz à juventude que tem uma produção poética rica, ainda desconhecida e pouco explorada à seu favor. Dar voz, aqui, sobretudo às suas imagens visuais, criar oportunidades de explorar a eloquência e as significações dessa literacia visual específica (Gil, 2011) e dar ouvidos ao que nos gritam tais imagens. A pagada aqui defendida se estende aos gadgets, às telas de celular, computadores, videoclipes, games, mangás, entre tantas outras fontes visuais e comportamentais. Assim, no permanente processo de ressignificação da escola, nos parece promissor o máximo aproveitamento das imagens que constituem a cultura visual que envolve o cotidiano dos estudantes. Esperamos que esta pesquisa mostre um pouco da riqueza, força ou energia cultural que existe no universo da pichação e a pertinência de sua reflexão em sala de aula como um caminho de elucidação não apenas dos seus aspectos estéticos e plásticos mas, também redefinir o papel político da afirmação de padrões estético-culturais e assim fortalecer o diálogo com os jovens estudantes periferizados


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A partir de uma análise das práticas desenvolvidas nas aulas de artes, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de fundamentação para o ensino de artes articulada à arte contemporânea. Objetiva-se configurar uma prática escolar em artes mais reflexiva e investigativa, que valorize a experiência, a abertura, a complexidade e o aprofundamento no processo produtivo e cognitivo dos alunos. É com origem no reconhecimento e na análise das mudanças, das características e das questões da arte contemporânea, da cultura contemporânea e do ensino de artes que se formula a proposta na qual a pluralidade de processos, de poéticas e de experimentações são concepções que permeiam tanto a discussão sobre arte quanto a produção dos alunos e para a qual são necessárias novas posturas, objetivos e metodologias mais atentos ao momento contemporâneo.


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549 pp. (Bibliogr. pp. 501-522) (Conclusiones pp. 467-483/ Conclusions pp. 484-497)