897 resultados para Imagiologia da ATM


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Based on our previous work, we investigate here the effects on the wind and magnetospheric structures of weak-lined T Tauri stars due to a misalignment between the axis of rotation of the star and its magnetic dipole moment vector. In such a configuration, the system loses the axisymmetry presented in the aligned case, requiring a fully three-dimensional (3D) approach. We perform 3D numerical magnetohydrodynamic simulations of stellar winds and study the effects caused by different model parameters, namely the misalignment angle theta(t), the stellar period of rotation, the plasma-beta, and the heating index.. Our simulations take into account the interplay between the wind and the stellar magnetic field during the time evolution. The system reaches a periodic behavior with the same rotational period of the star. We show that the magnetic field lines present an oscillatory pattern. Furthermore, we obtain that by increasing theta(t), the wind velocity increases, especially in the case of strong magnetic field and relatively rapid stellar rotation. Our 3D, time-dependent wind models allow us to study the interaction of a magnetized wind with a magnetized extrasolar planet. Such interaction gives rise to reconnection, generating electrons that propagate along the planet`s magnetic field lines and produce electron cyclotron radiation at radio wavelengths. The power released in the interaction depends on the planet`s magnetic field intensity, its orbital radius, and on the stellar wind local characteristics. We find that a close-in Jupiter-like planet orbiting at 0.05 AU presents a radio power that is similar to 5 orders of magnitude larger than the one observed in Jupiter, which suggests that the stellar wind from a young star has the potential to generate strong planetary radio emission that could be detected in the near future with LOFAR. This radio power varies according to the phase of rotation of the star. For three selected simulations, we find a variation of the radio power of a factor 1.3-3.7, depending on theta(t). Moreover, we extend the investigation done in Vidotto et al. and analyze whether winds from misaligned stellar magnetospheres could cause a significant effect on planetary migration. Compared to the aligned case, we show that the timescale tau(w) for an appreciable radial motion of the planet is shorter for larger misalignment angles. While for the aligned case tau(w) similar or equal to 100 Myr, for a stellar magnetosphere tilted by theta(t) = 30 degrees, tau(w) ranges from similar to 40 to 70 Myr for a planet located at a radius of 0.05 AU. Further reduction on tau(w) might occur for even larger misalignment angles and/or different wind parameters.


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By means of numerical simulations, we investigate magnetized stellar winds of pre-main-sequence stars. In particular, we analyze under which circumstances these stars will present elongated magnetic features (e.g., helmet streamers, slingshot prominences, etc). We focus on weak-lined T Tauri stars, as the presence of the tenuous accretion disk is not expected to have strong influence on the structure of the stellar wind. We show that the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio of thermal to magnetic energy densities) is a decisive factor in defining the magnetic configuration of the stellar wind. Using initial parameters within the observed range for these stars, we show that the coronal magnetic field configuration can vary between a dipole-like configuration and a configuration with strong collimated polar lines and closed streamers at the equator (multicomponent configuration for the magnetic field). We show that elongated magnetic features will only be present if the plasma-beta parameter at the coronal base is beta(0) << 1. Using our self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics model, we estimate for these stellar winds the timescale of planet migration due to drag forces exerted by the stellar wind on a hot-Jupiter. In contrast to the findings of Lovelace et al., who estimated such timescales using the Weber and Davis model, our model suggests that the stellar wind of these multicomponent coronae are not expected to have significant influence on hot-Jupiters migration. Further simulations are necessary to investigate this result under more intense surface magnetic field strengths (similar to 2-3 kG) and higher coronal base densities, as well as in a tilted stellar magnetosphere.


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By means of self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulations, we analyze magnetized solar-like stellar winds and their dependence on the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio between thermal and magnetic energy densities). This is the first study to perform such analysis solving the fully ideal three-dimensional MHD equations. We adopt in our simulations a heating parameter described by gamma, which is responsible for the thermal acceleration of the wind. We analyze winds with polar magnetic field intensities ranging from 1 to 20 G. We show that the wind structure presents characteristics that are similar to the solar coronal wind. The steady-state magnetic field topology for all cases is similar, presenting a configuration of helmet streamer-type, with zones of closed field lines and open field lines coexisting. Higher magnetic field intensities lead to faster and hotter winds. For the maximum magnetic intensity simulated of 20 G and solar coronal base density, the wind velocity reaches values of similar to 1000 km s(-1) at r similar to 20r(0) and a maximum temperature of similar to 6 x 10(6) K at r similar to 6r(0). The increase of the field intensity generates a larger ""dead zone"" in the wind, i.e., the closed loops that inhibit matter to escape from latitudes lower than similar to 45 degrees extend farther away from the star. The Lorentz force leads naturally to a latitude-dependent wind. We show that by increasing the density and maintaining B(0) = 20 G the system recover back to slower and cooler winds. For a fixed gamma, we show that the key parameter in determining the wind velocity profile is the beta-parameter at the coronal base. Therefore, there is a group of magnetized flows that would present the same terminal velocity despite its thermal and magnetic energy densities, as long as the plasma-beta parameter is the same. This degeneracy, however, can be removed if we compare other physical parameters of the wind, such as the mass-loss rate. We analyze the influence of gamma in our results and we show that it is also important in determining the wind structure.


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Generating quadrilateral meshes is a highly non-trivial task, as design decisions are frequently driven by specific application demands. Automatic techniques can optimize objective quality metrics, such as mesh regularity, orthogonality, alignment and adaptivity; however, they cannot make subjective design decisions. There are a few quad meshing approaches that offer some mechanisms to include the user in the mesh generation process; however, these techniques either require a large amount of user interaction or do not provide necessary or easy to use inputs. Here, we propose a template-based approach for generating quad-only meshes from triangle surfaces. Our approach offers a flexible mechanism to allow external input, through the definition of alignment features that are respected during the mesh generation process. While allowing user inputs to support subjective design decisions, our approach also takes into account objective quality metrics to produce semi-regular, quad-only meshes that align well to desired surface features. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Public genealogical databases are becoming increasingly populated with historical data and records of the current population`s ancestors. As this increasing amount of available information is used to link individuals to their ancestors, the resulting trees become deeper and more dense, which justifies the need for using organized, space-efficient layouts to display the data. Existing layouts are often only able to show a small subset of the data at a time. As a result, it is easy to become lost when navigating through the data or to lose sight of the overall tree structure. On the contrary, leaving space for unknown ancestors allows one to better understand the tree`s structure, but leaving this space becomes expensive and allows fewer generations to be displayed at a time. In this work, we propose that the H-tree based layout be used in genealogical software to display ancestral trees. We will show that this layout presents an increase in the number of displayable generations, provides a nicely arranged, symmetrical, intuitive and organized fractal structure, increases the user`s ability to understand and navigate through the data, and accounts for the visualization requirements necessary for displaying such trees. Finally, user-study results indicate potential for user acceptance of the new layout.


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We introduce a flexible technique for interactive exploration of vector field data through classification derived from user-specified feature templates. Our method is founded on the observation that, while similar features within the vector field may be spatially disparate, they share similar neighborhood characteristics. Users generate feature-based visualizations by interactively highlighting well-accepted and domain specific representative feature points. Feature exploration begins with the computation of attributes that describe the neighborhood of each sample within the input vector field. Compilation of these attributes forms a representation of the vector field samples in the attribute space. We project the attribute points onto the canonical 2D plane to enable interactive exploration of the vector field using a painting interface. The projection encodes the similarities between vector field points within the distances computed between their associated attribute points. The proposed method is performed at interactive rates for enhanced user experience and is completely flexible as showcased by the simultaneous identification of diverse feature types.


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In this work we introduce a new hierarchical surface decomposition method for multiscale analysis of surface meshes. In contrast to other multiresolution methods, our approach relies on spectral properties of the surface to build a binary hierarchical decomposition. Namely, we utilize the first nontrivial eigenfunction of the Laplace-Beltrami operator to recursively decompose the surface. For this reason we coin our surface decomposition the Fiedler tree. Using the Fiedler tree ensures a number of attractive properties, including: mesh-independent decomposition, well-formed and nearly equi-areal surface patches, and noise robustness. We show how the evenly distributed patches can be exploited for generating multiresolution high quality uniform meshes. Additionally, our decomposition permits a natural means for carrying out wavelet methods, resulting in an intuitive method for producing feature-sensitive meshes at multiple scales. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Organic aerosol (OA) in the atmosphere consists of a multitude of organic species which are either directly emitted or the products of a variety of chemical reactions. This complexity challenges our ability to explicitly characterize the chemical composition of these particles. We find that the bulk composition of OA from a variety of environments (laboratory and field) occupies a narrow range in the space of a Van Krevelen diagram (H: C versus O:C), characterized by a slope of similar to-1. The data show that atmospheric aging, involving processes such as volatilization, oxidation, mixing of air masses or condensation of further products, is consistent with movement along this line, producing a more oxidized aerosol. This finding has implications for our understanding of the evolution of atmospheric OA and representation of these processes in models. Citation: Heald, C. L., J. H. Kroll, J. L. Jimenez, K. S. Docherty, P. F. DeCarlo, A. C. Aiken, Q. Chen, S. T. Martin, D. K. Farmer, and P. Artaxo (2010), A simplified description of the evolution of organic aerosol composition in the atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L08803, doi: 10.1029/2010GL042737.


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Asymmetric emission profiles of the stereoisomers of plant-derived volatile organic compounds vary with season, geography, plant type, and stress factors. After oxidation of these compounds in the atmosphere, the low-vapor pressure products ultimately contribute strongly to the particle-phase material of the atmosphere. In order to explore the possibility of stereochemical transfer to atmospheric aerosol particles during the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds, second-order coherent vibrational spectra were recorded of the particle-phase organic material produced by the oxidation of different stereoisomeric mixes of alpha-pinene. The spectra show that the stereochemical configurations are not scrambled but instead are transferred from the gas-phase molecular precursors to the particle-phase molecules. The spectra also show that oligomers formed in the particle phase have a handed superstructure that depends strongly and nonlinearly on the initial stereochemical composition of the precursors. Because the stereochemical mix of the precursors for a material can influence the physical and chemical properties of that material, our findings suggest that chirality is also important for such properties of plant-derived aerosol particles. Citation: Ebben, C. J., S. R. Zorn, S.-B. Lee, P. Artaxo, S. T. Martin, and F. M. Geiger (2011), Stereochemical transfer to atmospheric aerosol particles accompanying the oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L16807, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048599.


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Some aerosol particles, known as ice nuclei, can initiate ice formation in clouds, thereby influencing precipitation, cloud dynamics and the amount of incoming and outgoing solar radiation. In the absence of biomass burning, aerosol mass concentrations in the Amazon basin are low(1). Tropical forests emit primary biological particles directly into the atmosphere; secondary organic aerosols form from the emission and oxidation of biogenic gases(2). In addition, particles derived from biomass burning in central Africa, marine aerosols, and windblown dust from North Africa(3-5) often reach the central part of the Amazon basin during the wet season. The contribution of these aerosol sources to ice nucleation in the region is uncertain. Here we present observations of the concentration and elemental composition of ice nuclei in the Amazon basin during the wet season. Using transmission electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, we show that ice nuclei are primarily composed of carbonaceous material and dust. We show that biological particles dominate the carbonaceous fraction, whereas import of Saharan dust explains the intermittent appearance of dust-containing nuclei. We conclude that ice-nucleus concentration and abundance can be explained almost entirely by local emissions of biological particles supplemented by import of Saharan dust. Using a simple model, we tentatively suggest that the contribution of local biological particles to ice nucleation is increased at higher atmospheric temperatures, whereas the contribution of dust particles is increased at lower temperatures.


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Monte Carlo simulation and quantum mechanics calculations based on the INDO/CIS and TD-DFT methods were utilized to study the solvatochromic shift of benzophenone when changing the environment from normal water to supercritical (P = 340.2 atm and T = 673 K) condition. Solute polarization increases the dipole moment of benzophenone, compared to gas phase, by 88 and 35% in normal and supercritical conditions, giving the in-solvent dipole value of 5.8 and 4.2 D, respectively. The average number of solute-solvent hydrogen bonds was analyzed, and a large decrease of 2.3 in normal water to only 0.8 in the supercritical environment was found. By using these polarized models of benzophenone in the two different conditions of water, we performed MC simulations to generate statistically uncorrelated configurations of the solute surrounded by the solvent molecules and subsequent quantum mechanics calculations on these configurations. When changing from normal to supercritical water environment, INDO/CIS calculations explicitly considering all valence electrons of the 235 solvent water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1425 cm(-1) for the most intense transition of benzophenone, that is, slightly underestimated in comparison with the experimentally inferred result of 1700 cm(-1). TD-B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) calculations on the same configurations but with benzophenone electrostatically embedded in the 320 water molecules resulted in a solvatochromic shift of 1715 cm(-1) for this transition, in very good agreement with the experimental result. When using the unpolarized model of the benzophenone, this calculated solvatochromic shift was only 640 cm(-1). Additional calculations were also made by using BHandHLYP/6-311+G(2d,p) to analyze the effect of the asymptotic decay of the exchange functional. This study indicates that, contrary to the general expectation, there is a sizable solute polarization even in the low-density regime of supercritical condition and that the inclusion of this polarization is important for a reliable description of the spectral shifts considered here.


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Neste trabalho foi estudada a viabilidade da transposição direta de reações de oxidação efetuadas em meio homogêneo ou meio bifásico aquoso para meio bifásico onde líquidos iônicos são empregados como agentes imobilizadores dos catalisadores utilizados. A oxidação de álcoois secundários (ciclopentanol) e de álcoois primários ativados (álcool benzílico) mostrou-se mais efetiva quando 1 mol% de RuCl3 imobilizados no líquido iônico tetrafluoroborato de 1-n-butil-3-metilimidazólio (BMI.BF4), 100 °C de temperatura, 7 atm de oxigênio e 24 horas de reação foram empregados, levando a 61% de conversão, 100% de seletividade em ciclopentanona e freqüência de rotação 2,54 h-1 (com peneira molecular no solvente) e 86% de conversão, 95% de seletividade em benzaldeído e freqüência de rotação 3,58 h-1. Estes resultados são superiores aos obtidos em condições homogêneas. Quando o líquido iônico BMI.BF4 foi substituído por líquidos iônicos fluorados, tais como BMI.OOCCF3 e o novo líquido iônico BMI.OOC(CF2)6CF3 a conversão dobrou e a seletividade se manteve em 100%, nas condições estudadas. A oxidação de olefinas (1-deceno) catalisada por PdCl2/CuCl2/O2 apresentou melhores resultados quando 2 mol% de PdCl2 e 4 mol% de CuCl2 foram imobilizados no líquido iônico BMI.BF4 a 80 °C de temperatura, 6 atm de oxigênio e 16 horas de reação foram empregados, levando a 99% de conversão, 53% de seletividade em 2-decanona e freqüência de rotação 3,09 h-1. Quando o sistema catalítico foi reutilizado a conversão foi de 88% e a seletividade 60%.


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Os recursos hídricos superficiais e subterrâneos tem-se mostrado contaminados, cada vez mais freqüentemente, por substâncias orgânicas e inorgânicas, em nível de traços, prejudicando os seus usos mais nobres, por exemplo, abastecimento público. Este estudo teve por finalidade principal verificar a eficiência de rejeição por membranas poliméricas, de alguns compostos orgânicos tipo, naftaleno, carbofurano, tricloroetileno (TCE) e metil paration, em baixas concentrações. Empregou-se testes hidrodinâmicos de filtração, tipo "dead-end", com taxa de aplicação média de 13,16 m3.m-2.h-1 através das membranas comerciais de características distintas, uma de ultra (UE-50) e duas de nanofiltração (XN-40 e TS-80). Avaliou-se, também, a preparação de água contaminada para a filtração por membranas, através do prétratamento por oxidação do carbofurano em meio líquido, usando um desinfetante padrão, o hipoclorito de sódio. Após a oxidação desde composto, testes hidrodinâmicos de filtração foram realizados para verificar, também, a eficiência de rejeição dos sub-produtos. Por fim, foram realizados testes de envelhecimento das membranas que poderiam ser atacadas pelos compostos orgânicos em solução aquosa. Todos os ensaios foram realizados à temperatura de 25 oC, empregando pressão de filtração de 4 atm. Os compostos orgânicos foram detectados por várias técnicas, principalmente cromatografia gasosa e líquida, sequenciada por espectrometria de massas. Para acompanhar o envelhecimento das membranas, em seis meses de uso, foi empregada microscopia de força atômica, através da medição de porosidade e de rugosidade superficiais. Em termos médios, nas três faixas de concentrações testadas, o metil paration foi o composto mais eficientemente removido pelas membranas em todos os testes realizados, com 59,82 % de rejeição pela membrana UE-50, 43,97 % pela membrana XN-40 e 56,12 % pela TS-80. O TCE foi rejeitado 28,42 %, 23,87 % e 21,42 % pelas membranas UE-50, XN-40 e TS-80, respectivamente. O naftaleno, foi rejeitado 20,61 %, 14,85 % e 12,63 % pelas membranas UE-50, XN-40 e TS-80, respectivamente. Para o carbofurano, a percentagem de rejeição pelas membranas UE-50, XN-40 e TS-80 foi, respectivamente, de 4,51 %, 4,88 % e 2,92 %. Dentre todas as membranas testadas, a membrana de polisulfona UE-50, de ultrafiltração, produziu a melhor eficiência na rejeição de metil paration, tricloroetileno e naftaleno, com 59,82 %, 28,43 % e 20,61 % de rejeição, na ordem. A membrana de poliamida-uréia TS-80, de nanofiltração, proporcionou maior rejeição (56,12 %) que a membrana de poliamida XN-40, de nanofiltração (43,97 %), para o metil paration. Ao contrário, a membrana XN-40 mostrou uma rejeição maior (23,87 %) que a TS-80 para o tricloroetileno (21,42 %). Para o naftaleno, a membrana XN-40 também mostrou uma rejeição (14,85 %) maior que a TS-80 (12,63 %). A eficiência de rejeição do carbofurano foi a menor de todos os compostos ensaiados, independente da membrana. Se for assumido que a membrana de ultra deverá ser seguida pela de nanofiltração, a eficiência conjunta UE-50 + XN-40 será, em termos médios, para o naftaleno, carbofurano, tricloroetileno e metil paration, respectivamente, 32,24%, 9,19%, 45,60% e 77,44%. Para o conjunto UE-50 + TS-80 será de: 30,64%, 7,29%, 43,92% e 83,51%, não havendo diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os dois conjuntos. Nos testes de pré-tratamento por oxidação do carbofurano, observou-se a formação do carbofurano hidrolisado e mais dois sub-produtos principais, SP-1 e SP-2, que foram rejeitados, 47,85 % e 92,80 %, respectivamente, pela membrana XN-40. Na verificação das perdas das características morfológicas pelo uso prolongado das membranas, sob ataque de compostos orgânicos em baixa concentração ("envelhecimento") verificou-se que a rugosidade (0, 3 e 6 meses) e a porosidade (0, 3 e 6 meses) foram consideravelmente alteradas. A porosidade da membrana XN-40 aumentou 42,86% e a da membrana TS-80 aumentou 34,57%, quando imersas por 3 meses. A rugosidade das membranas XN-40 e TS-80 nos testes de imersão por 3 meses, aumentou 5,37% e 291% respectivamente. Nos testes de imersão em 6 meses, o aumento da porosidade das membranas XN-40 e TS-80 foi de 29,67% e 18,52% respectivamente, enquanto que a rugosidade aumentou 25,27% e 155% para as mesmas. Conclui-se que membranas de nanofiltração poliméricas necessitam de prétratamentos para rejeitar, com segurança, e colocar dentro dos padrões de potabilidade, águas contaminadas com os compostos orgânicos tipo testados e que seu uso prolongado irá afetar as suas características de rejeição dos contaminates.


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O objetivo da pesquisa atém-se primeiramente em elaborar um protocolo que permita analisar, por meio de um conjunto de indicadores, o processo de reutilização de software no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação modelando objetos de negócios. O protocolo concebido compõe-se de um modelo analítico e de grades de análise, a serem empregadas na classificação e tabulação dos dados obtidos empiricamente. Com vistas à validação inicial do protocolo de análise, realiza-se um estudo de caso. A investigação ocorre num dos primeiros e, no momento, maior projeto de fornecimento de elementos de software reutilizáveis destinados a negócios, o IBM SANFRANCISCO, bem como no primeiro projeto desenvolvido no Brasil com base no por ele disponibilizado, o sistema Apontamento Universal de Horas (TIME SHEET System). Quanto à aplicabilidade do protocolo na prática, este se mostra abrangente e adequado à compreensão do processo. Quanto aos resultados do estudo de caso, a análise dos dados revela uma situação em que as expectativas (dos pesquisadores) de reutilização de elementos de software orientadas a negócio eram superiores ao observado. Houve, entretanto, reutilização de elementos de baixo nível, que forneceram a infra-estrutura necessária para o desenvolvimento do projeto. Os resultados contextualizados diante das expectativas de reutilização (dos desenvolvedores) são positivos, na medida em que houve benefícios metodológicos e tecnológicos decorrentes da parceria realizada. Por outro lado, constatam-se alguns aspectos restritivos para o desenvolvedor de aplicativos, em virtude de escolhas arbitrárias realizadas pelo provedor de elementos reutilizáveis.