988 resultados para Host Defense


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Pectobacterium atrosepticum on Gram-negatiivinen bakteeri, joka aiheuttaa perunan tyvi- ja märkämätää. P. atrosepticum bakteerin optimilämpötila on melko alhainen ja se on yleinen lauhkeilla alueilla. Tyvimätä leviää pääasiassa siemenperunan välityksellä ja siksi se on ongelma erityisesti siemenperunan tuotannossa. P. atrosepticum kannan SCRI1043 genomi on julkaistu ja sitä tutkitaan malliorganismina märkä- ja tyvimädän taudinaiheuttamisen ymmärtämiseksi. Tämä opportunistinen taudinaiheuttaja voi elää isäntäkasvissa kuukausia piilevänä, aiheuttamatta näkyviä oireita. Suotuisissa olosuhteissa bakteerit alkavat jakautua ja tuottaa kasvin kudoksia hajottavia entsyymejä. Mädäntyvä kasvimassa tarjoaa ravinteita bakteerien kasvuun ja mahdollistaa isäntäkasvin asuttamisen. Soluseiniä hajottavien entsyymien merkitys taudinaiheuttamisessa on hyvin tunnettu, mutta oireettomasta jaksosta ja taudin alkuvaiheista tiedätään vain vähän. Bakteerin genomi sisältää monia toksiineja, adhesiineja, hemolysiineja ja muita proteiineja, joilla saattaa olla merkitys taudinaiheuttamisessa. Tässä työssä käytettiin proteomiikkaa ja mikrosiruanalysiä P. atrosepticum bakteerin erittyvien proteiinien ja geeniekspression tutkimiseen. Proteiinit, jotka eritetään ulos bakteerista, toimivat todennäköisesti taudinaiheuttamisessa, koska ne ovat suorassa kontaktissa isäntäkasvin kanssa. Analyysit suoritettiin olosuhteissa, jotka muistuttavat kasvin soluvälitilaa: matala pH, vähän ravinteita ja matala lämpötila. Isäntäkasvin läsnäolon vaikutusta proteiinien tuottoon ja geeniekspressioon tutkittiin lisäämällä perunauutetta kasvatusalustaan. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin P. atrosepticum bakteerin monia jo tunnettuja ja mahdollisesti taudinaiheuttamiseen liittyviä proteiineja. Perunauute lisäsi hiljattain tunnistetun, proteiinien eritysreittiä (tyyppi VI sekreetio, T6SS) koodaavien geenien ilmentymistä. Lisäksi bakteerin havaittiin erittävän useita T6SS:n liittyviä proteiineja kasvualustaan, johon oli lisätty perunauutetta. T6SS:n merkitys bakteereille on vielä epäselvä ja sen vaikutuksesta taudinaiheuttamiseen on julkaistu ristiriitaisia tuloksia. Märkä- ja tyvimädän ymmärtäminen molekulaarisella tasolla luo pohjan tautien kontrollointiin tähtäävään soveltavaan tutkimukseen. Tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa kasvi-patogeeni- interaktiosta ja sitä voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää hyväksi esimerkiksi diagnostiikassa, resistenttien perunalajikkeiden jalostuksessa tai viljely- ja varastointiolosuhteiden parantamisessa.


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The aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes is a potentially valuable biological control agent of Aphis gossypii a major worldwide pest of cotton. One means of increasing the abundance of a biological control agent is to provide an alternative host habitat adjacent to cropping, from which they can provide pest control services in the crop. Host selection and parasitism rate of an alternative host aphid, Aphis craccivora by L. testaceipes were studied in a series of experiments that tested its host suitability relative to A. gossypii on cotton, hibiscus and mungbean. Host acceptance, as measured by number of ovipositions was much greater in A. craccivora compared to A. gossypii, while more host aphids were accepted on mungbean than cotton. When given a choice L. testaceipes attacks more 4th instar and adult stages (63% and 70%, respectively) of both hosts than 2nd instar nymphs (47%). In a switching (host choice) experiment, L. testaceipes preferentially attacked A. craccivora on mungbean over A. gossypii on cotton. Observations of parasitoid contact with A. gossypii cornicle secretion suggest it provides a useful deterrent against parasitoid attack. From these experiments it appears L. testaceipes has a preference for A. craccivora and mungbean compared to A. gossypii and cotton, in this respect using A. craccivora and mungbean as alternative habitat may not work as the parasitoid is unlikely to switch away from its preferred host. © 2012.


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Rhizoctonia solani is a soil inhabiting basidiomycetous fungus able to induce a wide range of symptoms in many plant species. This genetically complex species is divided to 13 anastomosis groups (AG), of which AG-3 is specialized to infect potato. However, also a few other AGs are able to infect or live in close contact with potato. On potato, R. solani infection causes two main types of diseases including stem canker observed as a dark brown lesions on developing stems and stolons, and black scurf that develops on new tubers close to the time of harvest. These disease symptoms are collectively called a ‘Rhizoctonia disease complex’. Between the growing seasons R. solani survives in soil and plant debri as sclerotia or as the sclerotia called black scurf on potato tubers which when used as seed offer the main route for dispersal of the fungus to new areas. The reasons for the dominance of AG-3 on potato seem to be attributable to its highly specialization to potato and its ability to infect and form sclerotia efficiently at low temperatures. In this study, a large nationwide survey of R. solani isolates was made in potato crops in Finland. Almost all characterized isolates belonged to AG-3. Additionally, three other AGs (AG-2-1, AG-4 and AG-5) were found associated with symptoms on potato plants but they were weaker pathogens on potato than AG-3 as less prone to form black scurf. According to phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed sequences (ITS) of the ribosomal RNA genes the Finnish AG-3 isolates are closely related to each other even though a wide variation of physiological features was observed between them. Detailed analysis of the ITS regions revealed single nucleotide polymorphism in 14 nucleotide positions of ITS-1 and ITS-2. Additionally, compensatory base changes on ITS-2 were detected which suggests that potato-infecting R. solani AG-3 could be considered as a separate species instead of an AG of R. solani. For the first time, molecular defence responses were studied and detected during the early phases of interaction between R. solani AG-3 and potato. Extensive systemic signalling for defence exploiting several known defence pathways was activated as soon as R. solani came into close contact with the base of a sprout. The defence response was strong enough to protect vulnerable sprout tips from new attacks by the pathogen. These results at least partly explain why potato emergence is eventually successful even under heavy infection pressure by R. solani.


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The studies presented in this thesis contribute to the understanding of evolutionary ecology of three major viruses threatening cultivated sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas Lam) in East Africa: Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV; genus Potyvirus; Potyviridae), Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV; genus Crinivirus; Closteroviridae) and Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV; genus Ipomovirus; Potyviridae). The viruses were serologically detected and the positive results confirmed by RT-PCR and sequencing. SPFMV was detected in 24 wild plant species of family Convolvulacea (genera Ipomoea, Lepistemon and Hewittia), of which 19 species were new natural hosts for SPFMV. SPMMV and SPCSV were detected in wild plants belonging to 21 and 12 species (genera Ipomoea, Lepistemon and Hewittia), respectively, all of which were previously unknown to be natural hosts of these viruses. SPFMV was the most abundant virus being detected in 17% of the plants, while SPMMV and SPCSV were detected in 9.8% and 5.4% of the assessed plants, respectively. Wild plants in Uganda were infected with the East African (EA), common (C), and the ordinary (O) strains, or co-infected with the EA and the C strain of SPFMV. The viruses and virus-like diseases were more frequent in the eastern agro-ecological zone than the western and central zones, which contrasted with known incidences of these viruses in sweetpotato crops, except for northern zone where incidences were lowest in wild plants as in sweetpotato. The NIb/CP junction in SPMMV was determined experimentally which facilitated CP-based phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses of SPMMV. Isolates of all the three viruses from wild plants were genetically similar to those found in cultivated sweetpotatoes in East Africa. There was no evidence of host-driven population genetic structures suggesting frequent transmission of these viruses between their wild and cultivated hosts. The p22 RNA silencing suppressor-encoding sequence was absent in a few SPCSV isolates, but regardless of this, SPCSV isolates incited sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) in sweetpotato plants co-infected with SPFMV, indicating that p22 is redundant for synergism between SCSV and SPFMV. Molecular evolutionary analysis revealed that isolates of strain EA of SPFMV that is largely restricted geographically in East Africa experience frequent recombination in comparison to isolates of strain C that is globally distributed. Moreover, non-homologous recombination events between strains EA and C were rare, despite frequent co-infections of these strains in wild plants, suggesting purifying selection against non-homologous recombinants between these strains or that such recombinants are mostly not infectious. Recombination was detected also in the 5 - and 3 -proximal regions of the SPMMV genome providing the first evidence of recombination in genus Ipomovirus, but no recombination events were detected in the characterized genomic regions of SPCSV. Strong purifying selection was implicated on evolution of majority of amino acids of the proteins encoded by the analyzed genomic regions of SPFMV, SPMMV and SPCSV. However, positive selection was predicted on 17 amino acids distributed over the whole the coat protein (CP) in the globally distributed strain C, as compared to only 4 amino acids in the multifunctional CP N-terminus (CP-NT) of strain EA largely restricted geographically to East Africa. A few amino acid sites in the N-terminus of SPMMV P1, the p7 protein and RNA silencing suppressor proteins p22 and RNase3 of SPCSV were also submitted to positive selection. Positively selected amino acids may constitute ligand-binding domains that determine interactions with plant host and/or insect vector factors. The P1 proteinase of SPMMV (genus Ipomovirus) seems to respond to needs of adaptation, which was not observed with the helper component proteinase (HC-Pro) of SPMMV, although the HC-Pro is responsible for many important molecular interactions in genus Potyvirus. Because the centre of origin of cultivated sweetpotato is in the Americas from where the crop was dispersed to other continents in recent history (except for the Australasia and South Pacific region), it would be expected that identical viruses and their strains occur worldwide, presuming virus dispersal with the host. Apparently, this seems not to be the case with SPMMV, the strain EA of SPFMV and the strain EA of SPCSV that are largely geographically confined in East Africa where they are predominant and occur both in natural and agro-ecosystems. The geographical distribution of plant viruses is constrained more by virus-vector relations than by virus-host interactions, which in accordance of the wide range of natural host species and the geographical confinement to East Africa suggest that these viruses existed in East African wild plants before the introduction of sweetpotato. Subsequently, these studies provide compelling evidence that East Africa constitutes a cradle of SPFMV strain EA, SPCSV strain EA, and SPMMV. Therefore, sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) in East Africa may be one of the examples of damaging virus diseases resulting from exchange of viruses between introduced crops and indigenous wild plant species. Keywords: Convolvulaceae, East Africa, epidemiology, evolution, genetic variability, Ipomoea, recombination, SPCSV, SPFMV, SPMMV, selection pressure, sweetpotato, wild plant species Author s Address: Arthur K. Tugume, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Latokartanonkaari 7, P.O Box 27, FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland. Email: tugume.arthur@helsinki.fi Author s Present Address: Arthur K. Tugume, Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda. Email: aktugume@botany.mak.ac.ug, tugumeka@yahoo.com


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The effect of elicitors associated with host defence on betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus mangostanus seedlings was investigated. Under the conditions of the experiments, betacyanin accumulation was generally enhanced by light. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment increased betacyanin synthesis in a concentration-dependent response. Seedlings treated with ethylene as 5 mM Ethephon also had elevated levels of betacyanin. In contrast. salicylic acid (SA) and H2O2 treatments had no influence on betacyanin contents in light or dark. Combined MeJA with Ethephon or H2O2 had an additive effect on betacyanin accumulation in dark-grown seedlings. However, a decline was recorded in light-grown seedlings. Moreover, an antagonistic effect on betacyanin synthesis was found when MeJA and SA were added simultaneously. Our results indicate that betacyanin content in A. mangostanus seedlings can be upregulated by MeJA and ethylene. Both additive and antagonistic effects in regulating betacyanin synthesis in A. mangostanus seedlings were observed between MeJA and other elicitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Since its initial description as a Th2-cytokine antagonistic to interferon-alpha and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, many studies have shown various anti-inflammatory actions of interleukin-10 (IL-10), and its role in infection as a key regulator of innate immunity. Studies have shown that IL-10 induced in response to microorganisms and their products plays a central role in shaping pathogenesis. IL-10 appears to function as both sword and shield in the response to varied groups of microorganisms in its capacity to mediate protective immunity against some organisms but increase susceptibility to other infections. The nature of IL-10 as a pleiotropic modulator of host responses to microorganisms is explained, in part, by its potent and varied effects on different immune effector cells which influence antimicrobial activity. A new understanding of how microorganisms trigger IL-10 responses is emerging, along with recent discoveries of how IL-10 produced during disease might be harnessed for better protective or therapeutic strategies. In this review, we summarize studies from the past 5 years that have reported the induction of IL-10 by different classes of pathogenic microorganisms, including protozoa, nematodes, fungi, viruses and bacteria and discuss the impact of this induction on the persistence and/or clearance of microorganisms in the host.


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Phoracantha longicorn beetles are endemic to Australia, and some species have become significant pests of eucalypts worldwide, yet little is known about their host plant interactions and factors influencing tree susceptibility in Australia. Here, we investigate the host relationships of Phoracantha solida (Blackburn, 1894) on four eucalypt taxa (one pure species and three hybrid families), examining feeding site physical characteristics including phloem thickness, density, and moisture content, and host tree factors such as diameter, height, growth, taper, and survival. We also determine the cardinal and vertical (within-tree) and horizontal (between-tree) spatial distribution of borers. Fewer than 10% of P. solida attacks were recorded from the pure species (Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegate (Hook)), and this taxon also showed the highest survival, phloem thickness, relative growth rate, and bark:wood area. For the two most susceptible taxa, borer severity was negatively correlated with moisture content, and positively related to phloem density. Borers were nonrandomly and nonuniformly distributed within trees, and were statistically aggregated in 32% of plots. More attacks were situated on the northern side of the tree than the other aspects, and most larvae fed within the lower 50 cm of the bole, with attack height positively correlated with severity. Trees with borers had more dead neighbors, and more bored neighbors, than trees without borers, while within plots, borer incidence and severity were positively correlated. Because the more susceptible taxa overlapped with less susceptible taxa for several physical tree factors, the role of primary and secondary chemistries in determining host suitability needs to be investigated. Nevertheless, taxon, moisture content, phloem density, tree size, and mortality of neighboring trees appeared the most important physical characteristics influencing host suitability for P. solida at this site.


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A new rock mass classification scheme, the Host Rock Classification system (HRC-system) has been developed for evaluating the suitability of volumes of rock mass for the disposal of high-level nuclear waste in Precambrian crystalline bedrock. To support the development of the system, the requirements of host rock to be used for disposal have been studied in detail and the significance of the various rock mass properties have been examined. The HRC-system considers both the long-term safety of the repository and the constructability in the rock mass. The system is specific to the KBS-3V disposal concept and can be used only at sites that have been evaluated to be suitable at the site scale. By using the HRC-system, it is possible to identify potentially suitable volumes within the site at several different scales (repository, tunnel and canister scales). The selection of the classification parameters to be included in the HRC-system is based on an extensive study on the rock mass properties and their various influences on the long-term safety, the constructability and the layout and location of the repository. The parameters proposed for the classification at the repository scale include fracture zones, strength/stress ratio, hydraulic conductivity and the Groundwater Chemistry Index. The parameters proposed for the classification at the tunnel scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´ and fracture zones and the parameters proposed for the classification at the canister scale include hydraulic conductivity, Q´, fracture zones, fracture width (aperture + filling) and fracture trace length. The parameter values will be used to determine the suitability classes for the volumes of rock to be classified. The HRC-system includes four suitability classes at the repository and tunnel scales and three suitability classes at the canister scale and the classification process is linked to several important decisions regarding the location and acceptability of many components of the repository at all three scales. The HRC-system is, thereby, one possible design tool that aids in locating the different repository components into volumes of host rock that are more suitable than others and that are considered to fulfil the fundamental requirements set for the repository host rock. The generic HRC-system, which is the main result of this work, is also adjusted to the site-specific properties of the Olkiluoto site in Finland and the classification procedure is demonstrated by a test classification using data from Olkiluoto. Keywords: host rock, classification, HRC-system, nuclear waste disposal, long-term safety, constructability, KBS-3V, crystalline bedrock, Olkiluoto


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RNA silencing in plants and insects provides an antiviral defense and as a countermeasure most viruses encode RNA silencing suppressors (RSS). For the family Rhabdoviridae, no detailed functional RSS studies have been reported in plant hosts and insect vectors. In agroinfiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana leaves we show for the first time for a cytorhabdovirus, lettuce necrotic yellows virus (LNYV), that one of the nucleocapsid core proteins, phosphoprotein (P) has relatively weak local RSS activity and delays systemic silencing of a GFP reporter. Analysis of GFP small RNAs indicated that the P protein did not prevent siRNA accumulation. To explore RSS activity in insects, we used a Flock House virus replicon system in Drosophila S2 cells. In contrast to the plant host, LNYV P protein did not exhibit RSS activity in the insect cells. Taken together our results suggest that P protein may target plant-specific components of RNA silencing post siRNA biogenesis.


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Prickly acacia (Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica), a native of the Indian subcontinent, is a serious weed of the grazing areas of northern Australia and is a target for classical biological control. Native range surveys in India identified a leaf webber, Phycita sp. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as a prospective biological control agent for prickly acacia. In this study, we report the life cycle and host-specificity test results Phycita sp. and highlight the contradictory results between the no-choice tests in India and Australia and the field host range in India. In no-choice tests in India and Australia, Phycita sp. completed development on two of 11 and 16 of 27 non-target test plant species, respectively. Although Phycita sp. fed and completed development on two non-target test plant species (Vachellia planifrons and V. leucophloea) in no-choice tests in India, there was no evidence of the insect on the two non-target test plant species in the field. Our contention is that oviposition behaviour could be the key mechanism in host selection of Phycita sp., resulting in its incidence only on prickly acacia in India. This is supported by paired oviposition choice tests involving three test plant species (Acacia baileyana, A. mearnsii and A. deanei) in quarantine in Australia, where eggs were laid only on prickly acacia. However, in paired oviposition choice trials, only few eggs were laid, making the results unreliable. Although oviposition choice tests suggest that prickly acacia is the most preferred and natural host, difficulties in conducting choice oviposition tests with fully grown trees under quarantine conditions in Australia and the logistic difficulties of conducting open-field tests with fully grown native Australian plants in India have led to rejection of Phycita sp. as a potential biological control agent for prickly acacia in Australia.


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The host range of two newly imported biotypes of Dactylopius tomentosus and their potential as biological control agents of Cylindropuntia spp. were investigated. A third biotype (imbricata) of D. tomentosus previously released in Australia to control C. imbricata was also screened to determine if it will feed on other species of Cylindropuntia occurring in Australia. Efficacy trials were conducted to evaluate the ability of the biotypes to retard the growth or kill those plant species supporting development of four or more individuals in the host test trials. The host range of the three biotypes of D. tomentosus was restricted to the genus Cylindropuntia. However, the biotypes showed varying degrees of specificity within this genus. The imbricata biotype was the only biotype to develop on Australian C. rosea provenances, albeit with a range of developmental success on all C. rosea provenances tested. The Spanish provenance supported the highest development success followed by Grawin (NSW), Lorne Station (NSW) while the least preferred was the Mexican provenance. The rosea and cholla biotypes were unsuitable candidates to control C. rosea in Australia. However, the efficacy trials showed that the cholla biotype had a high impact on four of the eight naturalised Cylindropuntia species in Australia. This biotype established rapidly and the sustained feeding of one fecund female and her progeny killed potted plants of C. imbricata and C. fulgida at week 18. This biotype has the potential to be an effective agent against C. fulgida, C. imbricata, C. kleiniae and C. tunicata and, as a consequence, an application seeking its release in Australia has been lodged.


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Diseases caused by Tobacco streak virus (TSV) have resulted in significant crop losses in sunflower and mung bean crops in Australia. Two genetically distinct strains from central Queensland, TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard, have been previously described. They share only 81% total-genome nucleotide sequence identity and have distinct major alternative hosts, Parthenium hysterophorus (parthenium) and Verbesina encelioides (crownbeard). We developed and used strain-specific multiplex Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) for the three RNA segments of TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard to accurately characterise the strains naturally infecting 41 hosts species. Hosts included species from 11 plant families, including 12 species endemic to Australia. Results from field surveys and inoculation tests indicate that parthenium is a poor host of TSV-crownbeard. By contrast, crownbeard was both a natural host of, and experimentally infected by TSV-parthenium but this infection combination resulted in non-viable seed. These differences appear to be an effective biological barrier that largely restricts these two TSV strains to their respective major alternative hosts. TSV-crownbeard was seed transmitted from naturally infected crownbeard at a rate of between 5% and 50% and was closely associated with the geographical distribution of crownbeard in central Queensland. TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard were also seed transmitted in experimentally infected ageratum (Ageratum houstonianum) at rates of up to 40% and 27%, respectively. The related subgroup 1 ilarvirus, Ageratum latent virus, was also seed transmitted at a rate of 18% in ageratum which is its major alternative host. Thrips species Frankliniella schultzei and Microcephalothrips abdominalis were commonly found in flowers of TSV-affected crops and nearby weed hosts. Both species readily transmitted TSV-parthenium and TSV-crownbeard. The results are discussed in terms of how two genetically and biologically distinct TSV strains have similar life cycle strategies in the same environment.


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Ruminant livestock are important sources of human food and global greenhouse gas emissions. Feed degradation and methane formation by ruminants rely on metabolic interactions between rumen microbes and affect ruminant productivity. Rumen and camelid foregut microbial community composition was determined in 742 samples from 32 animal species and 35 countries, to estimate if this was influenced by diet, host species, or geography. Similar bacteria and archaea dominated in nearly all samples, while protozoal communities were more variable. The dominant bacteria are poorly characterised, but the methanogenic archaea are better known and highly conserved across the world. This universality and limited diversity could make it possible to mitigate methane emissions by developing strategies that target the few dominant methanogens. Differences in microbial community compositions were predominantly attributable to diet, with the host being less influential. There were few strong co-occurrence patterns between microbes, suggesting that major metabolic interactions are non-selective rather than specific. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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Host specificity tests on Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal) and Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmerman) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) have shown that under experimental conditions, G. ficorum will induce leaf galls on both Ficus benjamina L. and Ficus microcarpa L. f. (Rosales: Moraceae), but G. uzeli will induce galls only on F. benjamina. A further interesting aspect of the results is that gall induction by G. uzeli on F. benjamina appears to have been suppressed in the presence of F. microcarpa plants in the same cage. Liothrips takahashii (Moulton) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae), an inquiline in the galls of these Gynaikothrips, is reported for the first time from Australia, mainland China, Malaysia, Costa Rica, and western USA.


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The gall fly Cecidochares connexa (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a potential biological control agent for Chromolaena odorata in Australia. Its host specificity was determined against 18 species in the tribe Eupatorieae (Family Asteraceae) in which C. odorata belongs, in quarantine in Brisbane, Australia. Oviposition occurred and flies developed on only C. odorata and Praxelis clematidea, both of which are in the subtribe Praxelinae. P. clematidea is considered a weed outside tropical America. In both multiple-species-minus-C. odorata choice tests and single-species no-choice tests, the mean number of galls/plant was significantly greater on C. odorata (48 and 41, respectively) than on P. clematidea (2 and 9, respectively). There were also significantly more adults emerging from C. odorata (mean 129 and 169, respectively) in the two types of tests than from P. clematidea (1 and 8, respectively). Paired choice, multiple generation (continuation) and time dependent tests further clarified the extent that C. connexa could develop on P. clematidea. In these tests, the mean number of galls formed and the mean number of emerging adults were consistently less for P. clematidea than C. odorata and populations of C. connexa could not be maintained on P. clematidea. Galls were not seen on any other plant species tested. This study supports the results of host specificity testing conducted in seven other countries and confirms that C. connexa poses little risk to other plant species in Australia. C. connexa has been released in 10 countries and an application seeking approval to release in Australia has been submitted to the Australian Government.