852 resultados para Historic structures
Water fact sheet for Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Geological Bureau.
Structural equation models are widely used in economic, socialand behavioral studies to analyze linear interrelationships amongvariables, some of which may be unobservable or subject to measurementerror. Alternative estimation methods that exploit different distributionalassumptions are now available. The present paper deals with issues ofasymptotic statistical inferences, such as the evaluation of standarderrors of estimates and chi--square goodness--of--fit statistics,in the general context of mean and covariance structures. The emphasisis on drawing correct statistical inferences regardless of thedistribution of the data and the method of estimation employed. A(distribution--free) consistent estimate of $\Gamma$, the matrix ofasymptotic variances of the vector of sample second--order moments,will be used to compute robust standard errors and a robust chi--squaregoodness--of--fit squares. Simple modifications of the usual estimateof $\Gamma$ will also permit correct inferences in the case of multi--stage complex samples. We will also discuss the conditions under which,regardless of the distribution of the data, one can rely on the usual(non--robust) inferential statistics. Finally, a multivariate regressionmodel with errors--in--variables will be used to illustrate, by meansof simulated data, various theoretical aspects of the paper.
In moment structure analysis with nonnormal data, asymptotic valid inferences require the computation of a consistent (under general distributional assumptions) estimate of the matrix $\Gamma$ of asymptotic variances of sample second--order moments. Such a consistent estimate involves the fourth--order sample moments of the data. In practice, the use of fourth--order moments leads to computational burden and lack of robustness against small samples. In this paper we show that, under certain assumptions, correct asymptotic inferences can be attained when $\Gamma$ is replaced by a matrix $\Omega$ that involves only the second--order moments of the data. The present paper extends to the context of multi--sample analysis of second--order moment structures, results derived in the context of (simple--sample) covariance structure analysis (Satorra and Bentler, 1990). The results apply to a variety of estimation methods and general type of statistics. An example involving a test of equality of means under covariance restrictions illustrates theoretical aspects of the paper.
We extend to score, Wald and difference test statistics the scaled and adjusted corrections to goodness-of-fit test statistics developed in Satorra and Bentler (1988a,b). The theory is framed in the general context of multisample analysis of moment structures, under general conditions on the distribution of observable variables. Computational issues, as well as the relation of the scaled and corrected statistics to the asymptotic robust ones, is discussed. A Monte Carlo study illustrates thecomparative performance in finite samples of corrected score test statistics.
We introduce two ways of comparing information structures, say ${\cal I}$ and${\cal J}$. First we say that ${\cal I}$ is richer than ${\cal J}$ when forevery compact game $G$, all correlated equilibrium distributions of $G$ inducedby ${\cal J}$ are also induced by ${\cal I}$. Second, we say that ${\cal J}$is faithfully reproducable from ${\cal I}$ when all the players can computefrom their information in ${\cal I}$ ``new information'' that they could havereceived from ${\cal J}$. We prove that ${\cal I}$ is richer than ${\cal J}$if and only if ${\cal J}$ is faithfully reproducable from ${\cal I}$.
Wage structures and family economies in the Catalan textile industry in an age of nascent capitalism
This paper deals with changes in managerial practices in Catalonia in anage of nascent capitalism (1830-1925) and adaptive family strategies inorder to face the absence of state welfare. During the 19 t h Century andin the absence of recorded labor contracts, human resources of the firmwere organized by means of implicit contracts and informal labor markets.With the advent of scientific organization of labor, wage per hour workedbegan to be recorded. This is why in the 1920s the perfect competitionmodel applies to our case. On the other hand, in the same period, and inthe absence of state welfare, ideas stemming from cooperative game theoryapply to the pattern of household income formation. Kin related networkswere used to improve the living standards of the household. In thisparticular direction we also show that there was a demonstration effectby means of which migrant s living standards were higher than those ofnatives.
Ontic structural realism is the view that structures are what is real in the first place in the domain of fundamental physics. The structures are usually conceived as including a primitive modality. However, it has not been spelled out as yet what exactly that modality amounts to. This paper proposes to fill this lacuna by arguing that the fundamental physical structures possess a causal essence, being powers. Applying the debate about causal vs. categorical properties in analytic metaphysics to ontic structural realism, I show that the standard argument against categorical and for causal properties holds for structures as well. Structural realism, as a position in the metaphysics of science that is a form of scientific realism, is committed to causal structures. The metaphysics of causal structures is supported by physics, and it can provide for a complete and coherent view of the world that includes all domains of empirical science.
this study presents a review of published geological data, combined with original observations on the tectonics of the simplon massif and the Lepontine gneiss dome in the Western Alps. New observations concern the geometry of the Oligocene Vanzone back fold, formed under amphibolite facies conditions, and of its root between Domodossola and Locarno, which is cut at an acute angle by the Miocene, epi- to anchizonal, dextral centovalli strike-slip fault. the structures of the simplon massif result from collision over 50 Ma between two plate boundaries with a different geometry: the underthrusted European plate and the Adriatic indenter. Detailed mapping and analysis of a complex structural interference pattern, combined with observations on the metamorphic grade of the superimposed structures and radiometric data, allow a kinematic model to be developed for this zone of oblique continental collision. the following main Alpine tectonic phases and structures may be distinguished: 1. NW-directed nappe emplacement, starting in the Early Eocene (similar to 50 Ma); 2. W, SW and S- verging transverse folds; 3. transpressional movements on the dextral simplon ductile shear zone since similar to 32 Ma; 4. formation of the Bergell - Vanzone backfolds and of the southern steep belt during the Oligocene, emplacement of the mantle derived 31 - 29 Ma Bergell and Biella granodiorites and porphyritic andesites as well as intrusions of 29-25 Ma crustal aplites and pegmatites; 5. formation of the dextral discrete Rhone-Simplon line and the centovalli line during the Miocene, accompanied by the pull-apart development of the Lepontine gneiss dome - Dent blanche (Valpelline) depression. It is suggested that movements of shortening in fan shaped NW, W and sW directions accompanied the more regular NW- to WNW-directed displacement of the Adriatic indenter during continental collision.
Many models in the economics literature deal with strategic situations withprivately informed agents. In those models the information structure isassumed to be exogenous and common knowledge. We consider whether suchmodels, and the results they produce, are robust with respect theendogenization of the information structure. The results depend on whetherinformation acquisition is secret or private, and on whether the strategicsituation involves simultaneous or sequential moves. In particular we findthat only when information is secretly acquired and moves are simultaneous,the results are fully robust. When information is acquired secretly butmoves are sequential additional equilibria may appear. Instead, privateinformation acquisition may make the equilibrium set smaller.
The 20 amino acid residue peptides derived from RecA loop L2 have been shown to be the pairing domain of RecA. The peptides bind to ss- and dsDNA, unstack ssDNA, and pair the ssDNA to its homologous target in a duplex DNA. As shown by circular dichroism, upon binding to DNA the disordered peptides adopt a beta-structure conformation. Here we show that the conformational change of the peptide from random coil to beta-structure is important in binding ss- and dsDNA. The beta-structure in the DNA pairing peptides can be induced by many environmental conditions such as high pH, high concentration, and non-micellar sodium dodecyl sulfate (6 mM). This behavior indicates an intrinsic property of these peptides to form a beta-structure. A beta-structure model for the loop L2 of RecA protein when bound to DNA is thus proposed. The fact that aromatic residues at the central position 203 strongly modulate the peptide binding to DNA and subsequent biochemical activities can be accounted for by the direct effect of the aromatic amino acids on the peptide conformational change. The DNA-pairing domain of RecA visualized by electron microscopy self-assembles into a filamentous structure like RecA. The relevance of such a peptide filamentous structure to the structure of RecA when bound to DNA is discussed.
The Crystalline Nappe of the High Himalayan Crystalline has been examined along the Kulu Valley and its vicinity (Mandi-Khoksar transect). This nappe was believed to have undergone deformation related only to its transport towards the SW essentially during the `'Main Central Thrust event''. New data has led to the conclusion that during the Himalayan orogeny, two distinctive phases, related to two opposite transport directions, characterize the evolution of this part of the chain, before the creation of the late NE-vergent backfolding. The first phase corresponds to an early NE-vergent folding and thrusting, creating the Tandi Syncline and the NE-oriented Shikar Beh Nappe stack, with a displacement amplitude of about 50 km. Two schistosities, together with a strong stretching lineation are developed at a deep tectonic level under amphibolite facies conditions (kyanite-staurolite-garnet-two mica schists). At a higher tectonic level and in the southern part of the section (Tandy Syncline and southern Kulu Valley between Kulu and Mandi) one or two schistosities are developed in the greenschist facies grade rocks (garnet-biotite and biotite schists). These structures and the associated Barrovian type metamorphism are all related to the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe. The creation of the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe may be explained by the reactivation of a SW dipping listric normal fault of the N Indian flexural passive margin, during the early stages of the Himalayan orogeny. In the second phase, the still hot metamorphic rocks of the Shikar Beh Nappe were folded and thrust towards the SW (mainly along the MBT and the MCT with a displacement in excess of 100 km) onto the cold, low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window or, near Mandi, on the non-metamorphic sandstones of the Ganges Molasse (Siwaliks). Sense of shear criteria and a strong NE-SW stretching-lineation indicate that the Crystalline Nappe has been overthrusted towards the SW. Thermometry on synkinematically crystallised garnet-biotite and garnet-hornblende pairs reveals the lower amphibolite facies temperature conditions related to the Crystalline Nappe formation. From the muscovite and biotite Rb-Sr cooling ages, the Shikar Beh Nappe emplacement occurred before 32 Ma and the southwestward thrusting of the Crystalline Nappe began before 21 Ma. Our model involving two opposite directions of thrusting goes against the conventional idea of only one main SW-oriented transport direction in the High Himalayan Crystalline Nappes.
In the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the dimeric RNA-binding proteins RsmA and RsmE, which belong to the vast bacterial RsmA/CsrA family, effectively repress translation of target mRNAs containing a typical recognition sequence near the translation start site. Three small RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) with clustered recognition sequences can sequester RsmA and RsmE and thereby relieve translational repression. According to a previously established structural model, the RsmE protein makes optimal contacts with an RNA sequence 5'- (A)/(U)CANGGANG(U)/(A)-3', in which the central ribonucleotides form a hexaloop. Here, we questioned the relevance of the hexaloop structure in target RNAs. We found that two predicted pentaloop structures, AGGGA (in pltA mRNA encoding a pyoluteorin biosynthetic enzyme) and AAGGA (in mutated pltA mRNA), allowed effective interaction with the RsmE protein in vivo. By contrast, ACGGA and AUGGA were poor targets. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements confirmed the strong binding of RsmE to the AGGGA pentaloop structure in an RNA oligomer. Modeling studies highlighted the crucial role of the second ribonucleotide in the loop structure. In conclusion, a refined structural model of RsmE-RNA interaction accommodates certain pentaloop RNAs among the preferred hexaloop RNAs.
In studying and forming an understanding of Iowa’s transportation history, we must surely develop a reverence for the lifestyles which preceded ours. Achieving a greater understanding of our past, we are better prepared to plan our future as we say farewell to the 20th century and move forward into the 21st. In the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes: “I believe the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving... and the further backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” To help Iowans gain a better understanding of our state’s rich transportation past, the Iowa Department of Transportation has produced a collection of materials including this booklet, the 1999-2000 Iowa Transportation Map, a video entitled A History of Iowa’s Rivers, Roads, Rails and Runways, and a traveling photo exhibit. In addition, Iowa is fortunate to have many local organizations, and the state-owned museum and historic sites, working to preserve the history of our state. Listed in the back section of this booklet are the addresses and descriptions of many sites that offer visitors an opportunity to see a wide range of transportation- related artifacts. The information and photographs are organized in time sequence. However, you will note that many of the transportation eras overlap. The booklet begins with Iowa’s pre-settlement era and concludes with the historic highway and transit program that was signed into law by President Clinton in 1998. As you can imagine, condensing this much Iowa history into a booklet-sized resource was a monumental challenge. Making selections and abbreviating the information resulted in some difficult editorial choices. However, we hope this publication will inspire readers to learn more about our rich, rewarding past and to visit and experience some of Iowa’s historic sites.