985 resultados para Gilberto Dupas
Celebración del Año Europeo de las Lenguas, desde donde se fomenta el valor de la diversidad lingüística y se anima a la ciudadanía europea a adquirir conocimientos de diversas lenguas. Tres jóvenes de distintos países relatan su experiencia en relación al Año Europeo de las Lenguas: 'Can I play señorita?' de Lara Morley, 'Choisir Dápprendre en français en Castilla-La Mancha' de Karin Le Roch y 'Il camino' de Gilberto Gabbana.
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Presentació sobre la necessitat de disposar de programaris lliures que vagin per endavant dels estàndards i de les recomanacions actuals dels GIS amb la finalitat de donar resposta a les necessitats actuals dels nous camps d'aplicació de les tecnologies geoespacials
O artigo aborda questões sobre corpo(reidade), currículo (fragmentado), polivalência e equipes multiartísticas, que se articulam por meio de projetos de trabalho, no ensino da Arte no Ensino Fundamental brasileiro (5º. – 9º. anos). Entende-se a Arte-Educação como área de saber empírico-conceitual ou epistemologia da arte (Barbosa, 1998) e a possibilidade de uma Educação Estética (EE) que (trans)forme a singularidade humana e nossas relações sociais mais amplas articuladas à visada transdisciplinar nos processos de aprendizagem e promova o encontro das linguagens artísticas, mídias e referenciais epistemoestéticos (Duarte Jr., 2004). Nesse caso, a corpo(reidade), mais que um conceito, é percebida como o organismo vivo que supera polarizações e dualidades (Serres, 2004; Merleau-Ponty, 1996). Também, dados os problemas do currículo (fragmentado) e do exercício da polivalência, articula-se a ideia da atuação cultural com equipes multiartísticas através de projetos de trabalho (Hernández, 2007). Enfim, uma Educação Estética como possibilidade de ampliação cognitiva, afetiva, imaginativa, criativa e crítica.
Partindo da análise do conto «Pai contra mãe», do escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis, é traçada a história da escravatura no Brasil, com referência à obra de Stefan Zweig e de Gilberto Freire. A teoria do «bom colonizador», defendida por Gilberto Freire, contrasta dramaticamente com o testemunho literário constituído pelo conto em análise. A escravatura aparece na sua verdadeira dimensão de exclusão e sofrimento, desenhada magistralmente pelo génio de Machado de Assis.
Considering the principles of the National Museum Policy, created in 2003, the Brazilian Museums Institute – Ibram supports and encourages the development of museum practices and processes aimed at rewriting the history of social groups which were deprived of the right to narrate and exhibit their memories and their heritage. As effective action, in 2008, the Department of Museums and Cultural Centres (Demu/Iphan) – which gave rise to Ibram in January 2009 – started the Memory Hotspots Programme, with the main goal of fostering wide popular participation in matters related to social memory and museums. The Memory Hotspots Programme was inspired in and directly influenced by the Ministry of Culture/MinC, which created the National Programme for Culture, Education and Citizenship (Living Culture). The purpose of this Programme is to contribute to make society conquer spaces, exchange experiences and develop initiatives that foster culture and citizenship, in a proactive manner. The partnership struck between civil society and the state power gave rise to Culture Hotspots, inspired in the anthropological “do-in” concept, idealized by the then Minster Gilberto Gil.
La presente investigación contiene el análisis jurídico de: servicio público; servicio público de energía eléctrica; seguridad jurídica; inseguridad jurídica; concesión; contrato de concesión. Se realiza un estudio del Contrato de Concesión suscrito entre el CONELEC y MachalaPower, a fin de verificar si existe o está estipulado la figura de seguridad jurídica, así como también las estipulaciones contractuales que permitan reestablecer la ruptura del equilibrio económico, en caso de presentarse. De igual manera se realiza un análisis comparativo entre la Constitución vigente de 1998 y el Proyecto de Constitución que se somete a referéndum el 28 de septiembre de 2008 sobre el servicio público y seguridad jurídica
Esse trabalho se propôs a estudar a comunicação e informação para o controle social no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os objetos empíricos desse estudo foram os Conselhos de saúde de dois municípios de pequeno porte, situados na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG: Brumadinho e Sarzedo. Partindo do pressuposto de que qualquer forma de controle social se faz com práticas comunicacionais e informacionais, objetivou-se analisar até que ponto há um uso efetivo da comunicação e informação para o controle social: seja no interior dos conselhos na sua prática cotidiana ou, externamente, na comunicação com a sociedade. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando-se o método de análise documental, entrevista com conselheiros de saúde e observação participante. Na análise documental, foram analisados relatórios de conferências de saúde, atas e pautas das reuniões dos conselhos de saúde, com temas que se relacionavam com comunicação e informação para o controle social A entrevista com conselheiros foi realizada a partir de questionario semiestruturado a fim de obter informacoes sobre a percepcao dos conselheiros sobre o tema \comunicacao e informacao para exercicio do controle social no SUS.. A observacao participante permitiu verificar como ocorrem as relacoes comunicacionais nos espacos das reunioes dos conselhos. Os resultados da pesquisa confirmaram a nossa hipotese, de que ha poucos investimentos informacionais e comunicacionais nos conselhos de saude e isso dificulta e compromete a participacao dos conselheiros. A falta de dialogo do conselho com a sociedade acarreta o desconhecimento sobre as suas acoes e isso atribui um grau de pouca importancia do orgao pela populacao
The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of socioeconomic, dietary, and anthropometric-nutritional variables of parents and their children to overweight (including obesity) in schoolchildren in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. This is a transversal study conducted on 4,964, 6 to 10-year-old schoolchildren registered in 345 Santa Catarina elementary schools. The following data were acquired: the children`s current weight and height, birth weight and length, duration of breastfeeding, age at which water, herbal tea and other foods were introduced to their diet; parental income, education level, age, weight and height were also obtained. The prevalence of overweight and obese children were estimated by point and by interval with a 95% confidence; prevalence rates were obtained based on the Poisson model. An hierarchical approach was used, in which variables were adjusted within blocks and included in the model when they presented p<0.05 at the outcome (overweight including obesity). The results indicate that 47.8% of the subjects were male. The prevalence of overweight and obese students was 15.4% (C195%: 14.4%-16.5%) and 6.1% (CI95%: 5.4%-6.7%) respectively and were statistically similar among sexes and age ranges. BMI values were higher in males and among older children (p<0.05). After adjustment within and among blocks, the variables per capita household income and parents` BM I values remained associated with overweight (including obesity). Overweight (including obesity) in schoolchildren is associated with a higher per capita household income and parental overweight and obesity.
Aircraft measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) during the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) were conducted over the Southwestern Amazon region in September-October 2002, to emphasize the dry-to-wet transition season. The CCN concentrations were measured for values within the range 0.1-1.0% of supersaturation. The CCN concentration inside the boundary layer revealed a general decreasing trend during the transition from the end of the dry season to the onset of the wet season. Clean and polluted areas showed large differences. The differences were not so strong at high levels in the troposphere and there was evidence supporting the semi-direct aerosol effect in suppressing convection through the evaporation of clouds by aerosol absorption. The measurements also showed a diurnal cycle following biomass burning activity. Although biomass burning was the most important source of CCN, it was seen as a source of relatively efficient CCN, since the increase was significant only at high supersaturations.
In general, plant material grown in vitro has low photosynthetic ability to achieve positive carbon balances. Therefore, a continuous supply of carbohydrates from the culture medium is required, and sucrose has been the most commonly used carbon source. In this paper, we investigate the effects of different sucrose concentrations and the presence and absence of light on the endogenous levels of soluble carbohydrates and starch as well as on the proliferation and growth of Dendrobium Second Love (Orchidaceae) in vitro. The possibility of using etiolated stem segments as a means for micropropagating this hybrid was also verified. The results obtained indicated that the presence and absence of light and the sucrose concentrations used influenced the amounts of soluble carbohydrates and starch and the proliferation of D. Second Love shoots and roots. An increase in sucrose concentration caused a progressive increase in the amounts of total carbohydrates and starch. Under both light conditions, sucrose was the main sugar found in the shoots followed by glucose and fructose. The addition of sucrose to the culture medium up to 2% and 4% was advantageous to the number of shoots produced per explant and the root longitudinal growth in the presence and absence of light, respectively. Shoot and root dry matter and the number of roots formed per explant increased as sucrose concentration was raised up to 6% in both light treatments. The use of dark-grown shoot segments proved to be a useful and reliable alternative for the micropropagation of this hybrid.
Catasetum fimbriatum plants cultivated in the absence of light exhibit continuous shoot growth leading to the formation of nodes and internodes. On the other hand, when these plants are incubated in the presence of light, shoot longitudinal growth is inhibited and pseudobulbs develop just below the shoot apical meristem. These facts provide evidence of a possible influence of light on mitotic cell division in the shoot apex as well as on pseudobulb initiation. The effects of light and dark on the interruption and/or maintenance of shoot apex mitotic activity and the subsequent formation of pseudobulbs in the sub-meristematic regions were investigated by means of histological and hormonal studies. The interruption of shoot apex development occurred around the 150th d of light incubation and seems to have resulted from the establishment of a strong storage sink in the region of the future pseudobulb, in detriment to the continuous activity of the shoot apical meristem. The reduced total cytokinins/IAA ratio in the apex, mainly due to high levels of IAA, could be a key factor in the interruption of cell divisions. Transfer to the dark brings about the resumption of shoot apex development of plants through the re-entrance of cells in the cell cycle which coincides with a significant increase in the total cytokinins/IAA ratio. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
(Structural aspects of the zygotic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret (Myrtaceae)). Acca sellowiana has anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate ovules. The outer and inner integuments are double-layered except in the micropyle, where they are composed of more layers; the micropyle is zig-zag shaped. The egg apparatus lies at the micropylar pole, and the zynergids present a conspicuous filiform apparatus. The antipodal cells are present in the chalazal region, persisting before the occurrence of double fertilization. The zygote is visible 21 days after pollination; nuclear endosperm is already present. The first mitotic division of the zygote occurs at 24(th) day. The globular, cordiform and torpedo embryo stages can be seen at 30, 45 and 60 days after pollination, respectively. The mature embryo characterized by the presence of a well-developed hypocotyl-radicular axis with two fleshy and folded cotyledons was observed 120 days after pollination. Endosperm is absent in the seeds, and the embryo has spiral form, characteristic of Myrtinae. The zygotic embryology studies of A. sellowiana indicate that this species has embryological characteristics which are in agreement with those reported for Myrtaceae (Myrteae, Myrtinae), and also broaden the knowledge about the sexual reproduction of this native species, whose commercial cultivation has been growing.
Comparative analysis of zygotic and somatic embryogenesis of Acca sellowiana showed higher amounts of sucrose, fructose, raffinose, and myo-inositol in zygotic embryos at different developmental stages than in corresponding somatic ones. These differences were mostly constant. In general, glucose levels were significantly lower than the other soluble carbohydrates analyzed, showing minor variation in each embryo stage. Despite the presence of sucrose in the culture medium, its levels conspicuously diminished in somatic embryos compared with the zygotic ones. Raffinose enhanced parallel to embryo development, regardless of its zygotic or somatic origin. Analysis of the soluble carbohydrate composition of mature zygotic cotyledon used as explant pointed out fructose, glucose, myo-inositol, sucrose, and raffinose as the most important. Similar composition was also found in the corresponding somatic cotyledon. Total soluble carbohydrates varied inversely, decreasing in zygotic embryos and increasing in somatic embryos until the 24th d, at which time they increased rapidly about sixfold in zygotic embryos until the 27th d, a period coinciding with the zygotic proembryos formation. Such condition seems to reflect directly the variation of endogenous sucrose level, mainly because glucose and fructose diminished continuously during this time period. This means that, in terms of soluble sugars, zygotic embryo formation occurred under a situation represented by high sucrose amounts, simultaneously with low fructose and glucose levels, while in contrast, somatic embryo formation took place under an endogenous sugar status characterized by a substantial fructose enhancement. Starch levels increased continuously in zygotic embryos and decreased in somatic ones, the reverse to what was found in fructose variation. Starch accumulation was significantly higher in somatic torpedo and cotyledonary embryos than in the corresponding zygotic ones.