816 resultados para General Self-efficacy
O presente conjunto de investigações pretendeu estudar o envolvimento parental na competição desportiva de crianças e jovens. Baseado no modelo do envolvimento parental no desporto (Teques & Serpa, 2009), o estudo permitiu concretizar dois objectivos fundamentais. Primeiro, desenvolver um conjunto de escalas válidas e fidedignas para aceder aos constructos incluídos no modelo teórico. Segundo, testar as hipóteses fundamentadas na estrutura conceptual do modelo com o propósito de compreender (1) a razão porque os pais se envolvem no desporto dos filhos, (2) quais os comportamentos utilizados pelos pais durante o envolvimento, e (3) como é que o envolvimento influencia o contexto de realização do jovem atleta. No total, participaram voluntariamente 1620 pais e 1665 jovens atletas de vários desportos individuais e coletivos, com idades compreendidas entre os 9 e os 18 anos. A prossecução dos objectivos teve por base uma série de três estudos independentes. Os resultados do primeiro estudo sugerem que as crenças do papel parental, a auto-eficácia, a perceção das invocações oriundas do treinador e do jovem atleta, o tempo e energia disponíveis, e os conhecimentos e competências relacionam-se com as atividades de envolvimento dos pais. No segundo estudo, os resultados demonstraram que as perceções dos comportamentos parentais de encorajamento, reforço, instrução, e modelagem medeiam a relação entre os comportamentos reportados pelos pais e as variáveis psicológicas de auto-eficácia, auto-eficácia social, motivação intrínseca, e estratégias de autorregulação dos jovens. Os resultados do terceiro estudo indicam que as perceções dos comportamentos dos pais relacionam-se com a realização desportiva através dos efeitos de mediação da auto-eficácia, autoeficácia social e das estratégias de autorregulação. Implicações para a intervenção, limitações e direções futuras para a investigação são também discutidas.
Climate change, adaptation, adaptive capacity, natural disasters, natural hazards, flood preparedness, self-protective behavior, protection motivation, damage mitigation, self-efficacy, risk perception
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to review the literature on clinician characteristics influencing patient-clinician communication or patient outcome in oncology. METHODS: Studies investigating the association of clinician characteristics with quality of communication and with outcome for adult cancer patients were systematically searched in MEDLINE, PSYINFO, PUBMED, EMBASE, CINHAL, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library up to November 2012. We used the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses statement to guide our review. Articles were extracted independently by two of the authors using predefined criteria. RESULTS: Twenty seven articles met the inclusion criteria. Clinician characteristics included a variety of sociodemographic, relational, and personal characteristics. A positive impact on quality of communication and/or patient outcome was reported for communication skills training, an external locus of control, empathy, a socioemotional approach, shared decision-making style, higher anxiety, and defensiveness. A negative impact was reported for increased level of fatigue and burnout and expression of worry. Professional experience of clinicians was not related to communication and/or to patient outcome, and divergent results were reported for clinician gender, age, stress, posture, and confidence or self-efficacy. CONCLUSIONS: Various clinician characteristics have different effects on quality of communication and/or patient outcome. Research is needed to investigate the pathways leading to effective communication between clinicians and patients. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article analyzes the different perceptions of both male and female potential entrepreneurs from three European regions differing in their respective level of economic development and entrepreneurial culture. We use an extended cognitive model of entrepreneurial intentions based on the theory of planned behaviour, the theory of normative social behaviour and social capital literature. Results show females have lower self-efficacy and entrepreneurial attraction than males, thus leading to lower entrepreneurial intention. Differences between the three subsamples are small when males are studied. However, female entrepreneurial intentions and perceptions are more affected by the cultural context.
BACKGROUND: The course of alcohol consumption and cognitive dimensions of behavior change (readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change) in primary care patients are not well described. The objective of the study was to determine changes in readiness, importance and confidence after a primary care visit, and 6-month improvements in both drinking and cognitive dimensions of behavior change, in patients with unhealthy alcohol use. METHODS: Prospective cohort study of patients with unhealthy alcohol use visiting primary care physicians, with repeated assessments of readiness, importance, and confidence (visual analogue scale (VAS), score range 1-10 points). Improvements 6 months later were defined as no unhealthy alcohol use or any increase in readiness, importance, or confidence. Regression models accounted for clustering by physician and adjusted for demographics, alcohol consumption and related problems, and discussion with the physician about alcohol. RESULTS: From before to immediately after the primary care physician visit, patients (n = 173) had increases in readiness (mean +1.0 point), importance (+0.2), and confidence (+0.5) (all p < 0.002). In adjusted models, discussion with the physician about alcohol was associated with increased readiness (+0.8, p = 0.04). At 6 months, many participants had improvements in drinking or readiness (62%), drinking or importance (58%), or drinking or confidence (56%). CONCLUSION: Readiness, importance and confidence improve in many patients with unhealthy alcohol use immediately after a primary care visit. Six months after a visit, most patients have improvements in either drinking or these cognitive dimensions of behavior change.
This study on determinants of sexual protection behavior among HIV-positive gay men used the empirically tested information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model. HIV-specific variables were added to the model to determine factors decisive for condom use with steady and casual partners. Data were collected using an anonymous, standardized self-administered questionnaire. Study participants were recruited at HIV outpatient clinics associated with the Eurosupport Study Group and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. To identify factors associated with condom use, backward elimination regression analyses were performed. Overall, 838 HIV-infected gay men from 14 European countries were included in this analysis. About 53% of them reported at least one sexual contact with a steady partner; 62.5% had sex with a casual partner during the last 6 months. Forty-three percent always used condoms with steady partners and 44% with casual partners. High self-efficacy and subjective norms in favor of condom-use were associated with increased condom use with casual and steady partners, whereas feeling depressed was associated with decreased condom use with casual partners. Condoms were used less often with HIV-positive partners. Self-efficacy as an important behavioral skill to perform protection behavior was influenced by lower perceived vulnerability, higher subjective norms, and more positive safer sex attitudes. The IMB-model constructs appeared to be valid; however, not all the model predictors could be determined as hypothesized. Besides the original IMB constructs, HIV-specific variables, including sexual partners' serostatus and mental health, explained condom use. Such factors should be considered in clinical interventions to promote "positive prevention."
This service Aims: To provide a multi-component weight management service that supports sustainable behaviour change and weight loss in adults 16 years and over with a BMI 28. To enable patients to develop the necessary personal attributes for their own long term weight management and to understand the impact of their weight on their health and co-morbidities. Objectives: To provide an evidence based, multi-component tier 2 weight management service that improves patients knowledge and skills for effective and sustainable weight loss helps patients identify their own facilitators for positive behaviour change and to address underlying barriers to long-term behaviour changeincreases patients self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to address their weight To be an integral part of the tiered approach to weight management services for the population of Stockton. To ensure equitable service provision across Stockton-on-Tees. To provide intensive group based service, one-to-one support and maintenance support. To support the service user to develop and review a personalised goal setting plan phase 2 and at discharge after phase 2. To ensure a smooth transition from the service (tier2) to tier 1 services to ensure continuity of care for service users.Recruit referrals using a variety of and appropriate methods. To establish a single point of contact for referrals into the service.Continually promote the service across a range of mediums and liaise and work in partnership with key interdependencies (refer to 2.4) To establish a robust database and data collection system in line with information governance. To ensure the access criteria, care pathway and referral process is clearly understood by all health care professionals and those who may refer into the service. To establish close links with, and signpost and/or enable service users to access suitable services where patient needs indicate this. This may include access to Tees Time to Talk (IAPT) for psychological therapies; Specialist Weight Management Service; physical activity programmes; Tier 1 services; and primary care. To provide the necessary venues, equipment and assets needed to deliver the programme, ensuring due regard is given to the quality and safety of all materials used. To collect and provide data in quarterly reports to the Commissioner to allow for continued monitoring and evaluation of the service in line with the Standard Evaluation Framework (available at www.noo.org.uk/core/SEF) and as specified by the Commissioner.
This intervention aims to promote: Increased fitness Participation in extra curricula activities at school Knowledge on how to make healthy food choices It aims to provide tools, knowledge and strategies to enable families to enjoy a healthier lifestyle and to target improvements to families confidence, self-efficacy and self esteem
El presente proyecto pretende investigar las relaciones que se puedan dar entre el desempeño académico, entendido como dimensión, y diversos factores asociados en alumnos/as que cursan titulaciones de grado universitario. Sabemos la importancia de encontrar regularidades identificables en torno a factores que influyen en el desempeño académico con la finalidad de mejorar los procesos, apoyos, materiales, etc. Se entiende, en este contexto, los factores como herramientas que permiten tener un mayor conocimiento con el fin de comprender mejor la realidad educativa. Igualmente, se los circunscribe a aspectos asociados a resultados en evaluaciones de rendimiento académico en la medida que demuestran el alcance de los hitos de aprendizaje.Partiendo de constructos demarcados como: estatus de identidad adolescente, estilos parentales y autoeficacia, relacionados con el desempeño académico, se platean una serie de hipótesis que se espera poder validar o descartar.Los alumnos/as ingresan a la vida universitaria provenientes de un entorno familiar que entendemos influye en la forma idiosincrática de afrontar y resolver su vida académica. Así, el estilo parental del cual provenga va a ser facilitador -o no- de su desempeño. A su vez se establecen relaciones con el estatus de identidad adolescente y la percepción de autoeficacia. Se asume que todos los factores funcionan en la vida del alumno de manera interactuada, interconectadaPara todo ello se ha aprovechado el tiempo de prácticas en la Dirección de Asuntos Académicos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y la inmersión en investigaciones en curso.
Medication nonadherence is common and its determinants are diverse. Adherence is influenced by many parameters, such as patient's self-efficacy, knowledge of health risk, outcome expectations, benefits of change, and barriers and facilitators. The sociocognitive theory helps professionals to structure their approach and to support patients in managing their treatment. Professionals need skills and time, and benefit from coordination in care, in particular between physicians and pharmacists. This article presents the key elements of a medication adherence program as well as tools and some useful questions.
En una muestra de 119 estudiantes de cuarto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y primerode Bachillerato (52,6% mujeres) se analizan los conocimientos sobre la prevención de latransmisión sexual del virus del sida, las expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia respecto a losmétodos preventivos y el tipo de prevención utilizada durante la última relación sexual. Para evitarlas respuestas inducidas respecto a los comportamientos preventivos se emplea un formato de preguntaabierta. Los resultados muestran que sólo el 23,5% de los estudiantes han dado dos respuestastotalmente correctas sobre estrategias consideradas eficaces en la prevención sexual del VIH:uso del preservativo y abstinencia (por este orden). El 70,5% valoran totalmente o muy eficaz elpreservativo para evitar la transmisión sexual del VIH y el 95% de los que dan la segunda respuestajuzgan totalmente eficaz la práctica de la abstinencia con la misma finalidad. En el caso del preservativose sienten totalmente o muy capaces de usarlo el 64,3%, mientras que cuando se trata de laabstinencia sólo se perciben con esa competencia el 20%. Por lo que se refiere al uso autoinformadode métodos preventivos en la última relación, por parte de los 29 estudiantes que tuvieronactividad sexual durante el mes anterior, se observa que 21 de ellos emplearon el preservativo, dosla píldora anticonceptiva, otros dos no precisan el tipo de precaución y el resto no tomó ninguna.Tanto el reducido nivel de conocimientos sobre prevención, como la baja percepción de autoeficaciapara mantenerse abstinentes, nos alertan sobre la necesidad de hacer un mayor esfuerzo de informaciónpara eliminar creencias equivocadas, como por ejemplo: sobre la pretendida eficacia protectorade tener relaciones sexuales con una pareja estable o conocida. Así mismo, conviene insistiren el uso del preservativo como anticonceptivo de elección entre los adolescentes
Se revisan diferentes formas en que la influencia social puede incidir sobre los comportamientosheterosexuales de prevención de la transmisión del VIH de los jóvenes y se presentanlos resultados de algunos trabajos de las autoras, así como de otros investigadores, en que seanalizan dichas relaciones. Se concluye resaltando: 1) la utilidad clínica de la evaluación de lasexpectativas de autoeficacia para poder intervenir específicamente en aquellas áreas en que losjóvenes se perciban con menores capacidades para ser preventivos, 2) la relación observadaentre el uso de preservativo autoinformado y la creencia en su aceptación por parte de los referentessociales más cercanos y 3) la conveniencia de que los jóvenes posean suficientes habilidadesde comunicación que les permitan negociar con éxito el uso del preservativo y les ayudena compensar posibles influencias sociales en contra de su empleo
O tratamento de doentes com dor crônica inclui a modificação de crenças, atitudes, valores e com-portamentos pouco adaptativos. Crenças disfuncionais podem se tornar o problema central e determinar os resultados do tra-tamento. Dentre as crenças importantes para a vivência e manejo da dor crônica, a de auto-eficácia merece destaque. Auto-eficácia, de acordo com Bandura, é a crença sobre a habilidade pessoal de desempenhar com sucesso determinadas tarefas ou comportamentos para produzir um resultado desejável. Este estudo é uma revisão crítica da literatura sobre a crença de auto-eficácia relacionada à dor crônica e sobre os métodos para sua avaliação. Estudos existentes nas ba-ses Medline (1992 a 2002), Lilacs e Dedalus (toda a base) foram analisados. Os descritores utilizados foram pain and self-efficacy, dor e auto-eficácia.
Proactive career behaviors become increasingly important in today's career environment, but little is known about how and when motivational patterns affect individual differences. In a six-month longitudinal study among German university students (Study 1; N = 289) it was demonstrated that motivation in terms of "can do" (self-efficacy and context beliefs), "reason to" (autonomous career goals), and "energized to" (positive affect) significantly predicted career behaviors. Contrary to expectation, negative context beliefs had a positive effect when combined with other motivational states. Study 2 replicated and extended those results by investigating whether "can do" motivation mediates the effect of proactive personality and whether those effects are conditional upon the degree of career choice decidedness. We tested a moderated multiple mediation model with a unique sample of 134 German students, assessed three times, each interval being 6 weeks apart. The results showed that effects of proactivity were partially carried through higher self-efficacy beliefs but not context beliefs. Supporting a moderation model, indirect effects through self-efficacy beliefs were not present for students with very low decidedness.
Guided by a modified information-motivation-behavioral skills model, this study identified predictors of condom use among heterosexual people living with HIV with their steady partners. Consecutive patients at 14 European HIV outpatient clinics received an anonymous, standardized, self-administered questionnaire between March and December 2007. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and two-step backward elimination regression analyses stratified by gender. The survey included 651 participants (n = 364, 56% women; n = 287, 44%). Mean age was 39 years for women and 43 years for men. Most had acquired HIV sexually and more than half were in a serodiscordant relationship. Sixty-three percent (n = 229) of women and 59% of men (n = 169) reported at least one sexual encounter with a steady partner 6 months prior to the survey. Fifty-one percent (n = 116) of women and 59% of men (n = 99) used condoms consistently with that partner. In both genders, condom use was positively associated with subjective norm conducive to condom use, and self-efficacy to use condoms. Having a partner whose HIV status was positive or unknown reduced condom use. In men, higher education and knowledge about condom use additionally increased condom use, while the use of erectile-enhancing medication decreased it. For women, HIV disclosure to partners additionally reduced the likelihood of condom use. Positive attitudes to condom use and subjective norm increased self-efficacy in both genders, however, a number of gender-related differences appeared to influence self-efficacy. Service providers should pay attention to the identified predictors of condom use and adopt comprehensive and gender-related approaches for preventive interventions with people living with HIV.