992 resultados para GC X GC
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
FCT - PEst-C/EGE/LA0006/2011
The first topic area of this thesis involved studies on the accumulation and translocation of glucosinolates (GSs), bioactive secondary plant compounds, in broccoli plants. Changes in GS accumulation and gene expression levels in response to exogeneous methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment were analyzed in different tissue types at different developmental stages of broccoli. Greater accumulation of GSs with MeJA treatment was observed in apical leaves of broccoli seedlings and florets of plants at harvest maturity. Increases in indolyl GS in apical leaves of seedlings and florets were coupled with the up-regulation of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes. The accumulation of indolyl GSs appears to be modulated by MeJA treatment in an organ-specific manner for optimal distribution of defense substances in the plant. Metabolic profiling of hydrophilic metabolites using GC-MS demonstrated increased accumulation of various phenolics, ascorbates and amino acids in broccoli tissues after MeJA treatment. Distinct changes in carbohydrate levels observed between different tissues (vegetative leaves and floret tissues) of broccoli plants after treatment suggest that carbon metabolism is differentially modulated by MeJA treatment in different tissue types depending on sink-source relationships. Reduced levels of hexose sugars and tricarboxylic acid intermediates after MeJA treatment may reflect the increased requirement for carbon and energy needed to drive secondary product biosynthesis to accumulate metabolites for defense against insects and other herbivores. Substantial increases of indolyl and aromatic GSs after exogenous treatment with MeJA in stem and petioles of seedlings and the existence of intact indolyl-GS forms in phloem exudates suggest enhanced de novo synthesis in combination with active transport. Indoly GSs share structural similarities with the auxin, IAA, and may interact with components of the auxin transport system for intra- and extra-cellular transport or translocation. Application of the auxin efflux inhibitor, 1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) reduced MeJA-mediated accumulation of indolyl GSs in broccoli florets and seedling tissues. NPA did not inhibit expression of indolyl GS biosynthesis genes shown to be upregulated by MeJA treatment or the accumulation of tryptophan, the amino acid precursor of indolyl GSs. Exogenous application of benzyl GS to Arabidopsis roots induced ectopic expression of the PIN1 protein associated with the auxin transport system similar to treatment with NPA, again suggesting GS interaction with the auxin efflux carrier system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on MeJA-mediated accumulation of GS may be due to competitive binding of NPA to auxin efflux carrier components and that GS transport is mediated by the auxin transport system. The inhibitory effect of NPA on indolyl and aromatic GS accumulation and the bioactivity of exogenous treatment of these GS compounds in PIN1 localization, Arabidopsis root growth, and gravitrophic response suggest that indolyl and aromatic GSs may be antagonistic to IAA transport and biosynthesis. Indolyl and aromatic GSs can also be potentially converted into IAA by hydrolysis. This intrinsic feature of GSs may be the part of a sophisticated regulatory process where the metabolic pathways in the plant shift from active growth to a reversible defense posture in response to biotic or abiotic stress. It seems likely that indolyl and aromatic GSs are important compounds that provide connections between jasmonate and auxin signaling. Further studies are required to reveal the regulatory mechanism for crosstalk between the two hormones. The third part of this research was to investigate effect of selenium fertilization and MeJA treatment on accumulation of GSs in broccoli florets. Increasing dietary intake of the element selenium (Se) has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Simultaneous enhancement of both Se and GS concentrations in broccoli floret tissue were conducted through the combined treatment of MeJA with Se fertilization. A low level of Se fertilization (concentration) with MeJA treatment displayed no significant changes in total aliphatic GS concentrations with 90% and 50% increases in indolyl and total GSs concentrations, respectively. This result suggests that Se- and GS-enriched broccoli with improved health-promoting properties can be generated by this combined treatment. The second topic of this thesis was conducted to provide basic information required to improve biomass quality and productivity and develop tools for gene transformation in Miscanthus x giganteus. The perennial rhizomatous grass, Miscanthus x giganteus is an ideal biomass crop due to its rapid vegetative growth and high biomass yield potential. As a naturally occurring sterile hybrid, M. x giganteus must be propagated vegetatively by mechanicalling divided rhizomes or from micropropagated plantlets. The effect of callus type, age and culture methods on regeneration competence was studied to improve regeneration efficiency and shorten the period of tissue culture in M. x giganteus propagation. Seven lignin biosynthesis genes and one putative flowering gene were isolated from M. x giganteus by PCR reactions using maize othologous sequences. Southern hybridization and nuclear DNA content analysis indicated that the genes isolated from M. x giganteus exist in the genome of other Miscanthus species as multiple copies. Analysis of lignin content and histological staining of lignin deposition indicated that higher lignin content is found in mature stem node tissues compared to young leaves and apical stem nodal tissues. Cell wall lignification is associated with increasing tissue maturity in Miscanthus species. RNAi and antisense constructs harboring sequences of these genes were developed to generate Miscanthus transgenic plants with suppressed of lignin biosynthesis and delayed flowering.
Neste trabalho é proposto pela primeira vez, o desenvolvimento e validação de um método analítico baseado no emprego da dispersão da matriz em fase sólida (MSPD) modificada, para extração das espécies CH3Hg+ e Hg2+ em amostras de peixe e determinação por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (GC-MS). O método de extração utilizando a MSPD combina o rompimento da estrutura física da amostra, através da maceração e do uso de SiO2 como suporte sólido, com o método da extração ácida, utilizando uma solução de HCl 4,2 mol L-1 e NaCl 0,5 mol L-1. Para otimização da MSPD, foram avaliados parâmetros como massa de amostra, massa de suporte sólido, concentração de HCl, concentração de NaCl, tipo de suporte sólido e o tempo de agitação, com auxílio da metodologia de superfície de resposta. Além disso, a etapa de derivatização e a separação cromatográfica também foram otimizadas na determinação de CH3Hg+ e Hg2+ por GC-MS. O método mostrouse adequado para extração e determinação de espécies de mercúrio através da aplicação em materiais de referência certificados de fígado de peixe (DOLT-3) e músculo de peixe (DORM-2), apresentando boas concordâncias com os valores certificados e desvio padrão relativo inferior a 9,5%. Os limites de detecção foram de 0,06 e 0,12 µg g-1 para CH3Hg+ e Hg2+, respectivamente. Além disso, foi observado um significativo efeito de matriz e, por isso, a calibração foi feita com curvas preparadas com o extrato da MSPD. O método mostrou boa concordância na comparação entre a soma da concentração das espécies e a concentração de mercúrio total determinada por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado com geração de vapor frio (CVG-ICP-MS), após digestão assistida por micro-ondas (MAD) em peixes do tipo atum (Thunnus thynnus), cação anjo (Squatina squatina) e cação viola (Rhinobatos blochii.).
O biodiesel produzido para ser comercializado no Brasil deve estar de acordo aos padrões de qualidade estabelecidos pela resolução de 4 de fevereiro de 2010 da Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e do Biocombustível (ANP, 04/2010). Neste trabalho, foi estudada a aplicação dos métodos ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 para o biodiesel de mamona e biodiesel oriundo de rota etílica. Ambos os métodos empregam GC (Cromatografia Gasosa, do inglês Gas Chromatography) com FID (Detecção por Ionização em Chama, do inglês Flame Ionization Detection) e reação de sililação com N-metil-N-(trimetilsilil)trifluoracetamida (MSTFA). Os compostos foram identificados para quantificação pelos tempos de retenção, para os diglicerídeos e triglicerídeos foram utilizadas bandas de tempo de retenção. Os parâmetros de validação considerados foram: curva analítica, linearidade, sensibilidade, robustez, precisão e exatidão. Os métodos ASTM D 6584 e EN 14105 apresentaram sensibilidade semelhante para todos os compostos. Foram escolhidas as condições cromatográficas estabelecidas pelo método ASTM D 6584 por ser mais rápido que o EN14105 e ter sensibilidade semelhante. O método apresentou boa linearidade com todas as curvas analíticas com r maiores que 0,999. A reação de sililação com MSTFA foi otimizada para o biodiesel etílico de mamona em virtude da sua composição química. Um volume de 500 μL de MSTFA foi escolhido para realização dos ensaios de exatidão e precisão. Os valores de exatidão ficaram entre 67 e 145,9% com valores de precisão menores que 11%. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de efeito matriz para biodiesel etílico de mamona, sendo que esse efeito foi considerado baixo para glicerol, monooleína e dioleína e médio para trioleína. Mesmo havendo efeito de matriz o preparo das curvas analíticas em solvente conforme sugerido pelos métodos de referência foi mantido. O método foi robusto frente às variações da composição química da matriz. Na aplicação do método, esse se mostrou adequado para amostras de biodiesel etílico de mamona, de girassol e da mistura de sebo e soja.
Phytochemical analyses as well as antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the extracts of C. sumatrensis aerial parts were investigated in this study. METHODS: The aerial parts of C. sumatrensis were air dried, weighed and exhaustively extracted with hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol successively. The crude extracts were screened for metabolites. These extracts of the plant were evaluated for antimicrobial and antioxidant activities using agar diffusion and DPPH method respectively. The extracts were also analysed using Gas chromatography – Mass spectrometry, and the chromatogram coupled with mass spectra of the compounds were matched with a standard library. RESULTS: Preliminary phytochemical investigation of crude n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of the aerial parts of Conyza sumatrensis revealed the presence of anthraquinones, flavonoids, terpenoids, phenolics, tannin, glycosides and carbohydrate. All the crude extracts gave a clear zone of inhibition against the growth of the test bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Bacillus subtilis , Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi , Klebsiellae pneumonae ) at moderate to high concentrations, as well as test fungi ( Candida albicans , Aspergillus niger , penicillium notatum and Rhizopus stolonifer ) at high concentration. Methanolic extract exhibited significant radical scavenging property with IC50 of 17.08 μg/mL while n-hexane and ethyl acetate extracts showed no significant antioxidant activity. GC-MS of N-hexane extract showed a total number of eleven chemical constituents with α-Farnesene and spathulenol being the most abundance compounds constituting 20.27 and 22.28% of the extract respectively. Ethyl acetate extract revealed thirteen compounds with two most abundant compounds, cis-β-farnesene (16.64 %) and cis-pinane (21.09 %). While methanolic extract affords seventeen compounds with Ephytol being the most abundant compound (19.36 %).
Despite the efforts to better manage biosolids field application programs, biosolids managers still lack of efficient and reliable tools to apply large quantities of material while avoiding odor complaints. Objectives of this research were to determine the capabilities of an electronic nose in supporting process monitoring of biosolids production and, to compare odor characteristics of biosolids produced through thermal-hydrolysis anaerobic digestion (TH-AD) to those of alkaline stabilization in the plant, under storage and in the field. A method to quantify key odorants was developed and full scale sampling and laboratory simulations were performed. The portable electronic nose (PEN3) was tested for its capabilities of distinguishing alkali dosages in the biosolids production process. Frequency of recognition of unknown samples was tested achieving highest accuracy of 81.1%. This work exposed the need for a different and more sensitive electronic nose to assure its applicability at full scale for this process. GC-MS results were consistent with those reported in literature and helped to elucidate the behavior of the pattern recognition of the PEN3. Odor characterization of TH-AD and alkaline stabilized biosolids was achieved using olfactometry measurements and GC-MS. Dilution-to-threshold of TH-AD biosolids increased under storage conditions but no correlation was found with the target compounds. The presence of furan and three methylated homologues in TH-AD biosolids was reported for the first time proposing that these compounds are produced during thermal hydrolysis process however, additional research is needed to fully describe the formation of these compounds and the increase in odors. Alkaline stabilized biosolids reported similar odor concentration but did not increase and the ‘fishy’ odor from trimethylamine emissions resulted in more offensive and unpleasant odors when compared to TH-AD. Alkaline stabilized biosolids showed a spike in sulfur and trimethylamine after 3 days of field application when the alkali addition was not sufficient to meet regulatory standards. Concentrations of target compounds from field application of TH-AD biosolids gradually decreased to below the odor threshold after 3 days. This work increased the scientific understanding on odor characteristics and behavior of two types of biosolids and on the application of electronic noses to the environmental engineering field.
L.T. Johnson ha interpretado ἀπατῶν καρδίαν αὐτοῦ in Sant 1,26 como “indulging his heart”. La propuesta requiere una revisión de los casos en los que ἀπάτη y ἀπατάω tienen un significado diferente del original “engaño” / “engañar” en varias fuentes antiguas. La investigación ha conducido a la identificación de tres significados del verbo y del nombre, todos ellos relacionados con la semántica del placer y la diversión. En Sant 1:26 podemos admitir el significado de “dar placer” para ἀπατάω. Llegamos a la conclusión, sin embargo, que esta interpretación es muy poco probable y es preferible dar a ἀπατάω el sentido de “engañar”.
Gunshot residue (GSR) is the term used to describe the particles originating from different parts of the firearm and ammunition during the discharge. A fast and practical field tool to detect the presence of GSR can assist law enforcement in the accurate identification of subjects. A novel field sampling device is presented for the first time for the fast detection and quantitation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The capillary microextraction of volatiles (CMV) is a headspace sampling technique that provides fast results (< 2 min. sampling time) and is reported as a versatile and high-efficiency sampling tool. The CMV device can be coupled to a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) instrument by installation of a thermal separation probe in the injection port of the GC. An analytical method using the CMV device was developed for the detection of 17 compounds commonly found in polluted environments. The acceptability of the CMV as a field sampling method for the detection of VOCs is demonstrated by following the criteria established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compendium method TO-17. The CMV device was used, for the first time, for the detection of VOCs on swabs from the hands of shooters, and non-shooters and spent cartridges from different types of ammunition (i.e., pistol, rifle, and shotgun). The proposed method consists in the headspace extraction of VOCs in smokeless powders present in the propellant of ammunition. The sensitivity of this method was demonstrated with method detection limits (MDLs) 4-26 ng for diphenylamine (DPA), nitroglycerine (NG), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), and ethyl centralite (EC). In addition, a fast method was developed for the detection of the inorganic components (i.e., Ba, Pb, and Sb) characteristic of GSR presence by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Advantages of LIBS include fast analysis (~ 12 seconds per sample) and good sensitivity, with expected MDLs in the range of 0.1-20 ng for target elements. Statistical analysis of the results using both techniques was performed to determine any correlation between the variables analyzed. This work demonstrates that the information collected from the analysis of organic components has the potential to improve the detection of GSR.