937 resultados para Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici race 2
Biodegradation of the model pollutant, 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) by Burkholderia sp. RASC c2, in contaminated soil was assessed by combining chemical analysis with a toxicity test using Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607. E. coli HB101 pUCD607 was previously marked with luxCDABE genes, encoding bacterial bioluminescence and was used as an alternative to Microtox. Mineralization of 14C-2,4-DCP (196.2 μg g-1 dry wt) in soil occurred rapidly after a 24 h lag. Correspondingly, 2,4-DCP concentrations in soil and soil water extracts decreased with time and concentrations in the latter were at background levels (<0.12 μg mL-1) after day 2. Toxicity of soil water extracts to the lux-based biosensor also decreased with time. Mean light output of E. coli was stimulated by ~1.5 X control values in soil water extracts when concentrations of 2,4-DCP were approaching the limit of detection by HPLC but returned to values equivalent to those of controls when soil water 2,4-DCP concentrations were below the detection limit. No mineralization or microbial growth was detected in noninoculated microcosms. 2,4-DCP concentration in sterile controls decreased significantly with time as did toxicity to E. coli Lux-based E. coli was a sensitive biosensor of 2,4-DCP toxicity during biodegradation and results complemented chemical analysis.
A convenient asymmetric total synthesis of the potent HIF-1 inhibitory antitumor natural product, (−)- or (+)-(8R)-mycothiazole (1), is described. Not only does our synthesis confirm the 2006 structural reassignment made by Crews (Crews, P., et al. J. Nat. Prod. 2006, 69, 145), it revises the [α]D data previously reported for this molecule in MeOH from −13.7° to +42.3°. The newly developed route to (8R)-1 sets the C(8)–OH stereocenter via Sharpless AE/2,3-epoxy alcohol reductive ring opening and utilizes two Baldwin–Lee CsF/cat. CuI Stille cross-coupling reactions with vinylstannanes 8 and 3 to efficiently elaborate the C(1)–C(4) and C(14)–C(18) sectors.
The cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans R2) adjusts its photosynthetic function by changing one of the polypeptides of photosystem II. This polypeptide, called Dl, is found in two forms in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942. Changing the growth light conditions by increasing the light intensity to higher levels results in replacement of the original form of D 1 polypeptide, D 1: 1, with another form, D 1 :2. We investigated the role of these two polypeptides in two mutant strains, R2S2C3 (only Dl:l present) and R2Kl (only Dl:2 present) In cells with either high or low PSI/PSII. R2S2C3 cells had a lower amplitude for 77 K fluorescence emission at 695 nm than R2Kl cells. Picosecond fluorescence decay kinetics showed that R2S2C3 cells had shorter lifetimes than R2Kl cells. The lower yields and shorter lifetimes observed in the D 1 and Dl:2 containing cells. containing cells suggest that the presence of D 1: 1 results in more photochemical or non-photochemical quenching of excitation energy In PSII. One of the most likely mechanisms for the increased quenching in R2S2C3 cells could be an increased efficiency in the transfer of excitation energy from PSII to PSI. However, photophysical studies including 77 K fluorescence measurements and picosecond time resolved decay kinetics comparing low and high PSI/PSII cells did not support the hypothesis that D 1: 1 facilitates the dissipation of excess energy by energy transfer from PSII to PSI. In addition physiological studies of oxygen evolution measurements after photoinhibition treatments showed that the two mutant cells had no difference in their susceptibility to photoinhibition with either high PSI/PSII ratio or low PSI/PSII ratio. Again suggesting that, the energy transfer efficiency from PSII to PSI is likely not a factor in the differences between Dl:l and Dl:2 containing cells.
Cyanobacteria are able to regulate the distribution of absorbed light energy between photo systems 1 and 2 in response to light conditions. The mechanism of this regulation (the state transition) was investigated in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7002. Three cell types were used: the wild type, psaL mutant (deletion of a photo system 1 subunit thought to be involved in photo system 1 trimerization) and the apcD mutant (a deletion of a phycobilisome subunit thought to be responsible for energy transfer to photo system 1). Evidence from 77K fluorescence emission spectroscopy, room temperature fluorescence and absorption cross-section measurements were used to determine a model of energy distribution from the phycobilisome and chlorophyll antennas in state 1 and state 2. The data confirm that in state 1 the phycobilisome is primarily attached to PS2. In state 2, a portion of the phycobilisome absorbed light energy is redistributed to photo system 1. This energy is directly transferred to photo system 1 by one of the phycobilisome terminal emitters, the product of the apcD gene, rather than via the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna by spillover (energy transfer between the photo system 2 and photo system 1 chlorophyll antenna). The data also show that energy absorbed by the photo system 2 chlorophyll antenna is redistributed to photo system 1 in state 2. This could occur in one of two ways; by spillover or in a way analogous to higher plants where a segment of the chlorophyll antenna is dissociated from photo system 2 and becomes part of the photo system 1 antenna. The presence of energy transfer between neighbouring photo system 2 antennae was determined at both the phycobilisome and chlorophyll level, in states 1 and 2. Increases in antenna absorption cross-section with increasing reaction center closure showed that there is energy transfer (connectivity) between photosystem 2 antennas. No significant difference was shown in the amount of connectivity under these four conditions.
The distribution of excitation energy between the two photosystems (PSII and PSI) of photosynthesis is regulated by the light state transition. Three models have been proposed for the mechanism of the state transition in phycobilisome (PBS) containing organisms, two involving protein phosphorylation. A procedure for the rapid isolation of thylakoid membranes and PBS fractions from the cyanobacterium Synechococcus m. PCC 6301 in light state 1 and light state 2 was developed. The phosphorylation of thylakoid and soluble proteins rapidly isolated from intact cells in state 1 and state 2 was investigated. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra revealed that rapidly isolated thylakoid membranes retained the excitation energy distribution characteristic of intact cells in state 1 and state 2. Phosphoproteins were identified by gel electrophoresis of both thylakoid membrane and phycobilisome fractions isolated from cells labelled with 32p orthophosphate. The results showed very close phosphoprotein patterns for either thylakoid membrane or PBS fractions in state 1 and state 2. These results do not support proposed models for the state transition which required phosphorylation of PBS or thylakoid membrane proteins.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Odontopedriatría) UANL, 2011.
La DM 2 és una malaltia multifactorial i multigènica. Aquest fet condueix a l'estudi de molts gens i proteïnes susceptibles d'estar implicades amb la DM 2. Algunes d'aquestes proteïnes i gens estan associats a un estat lleu d'inflamació crònica, la qual pot desencadenar la síndrome metabòlica (SRI) i DM 2. Moltes d'aquestes proteïnes poden usar-se com a possibles marcadors de malaltia cardiovascular, resistència a la insulina i futura DM 2. Aquest treball presenta quatre proteïnes i la seva relació amb la SRI i la DM 2. L'SP-D i l'SP-A s'estudien per la relació que hi ha entre la disminució de la funció pulmonar i la resistència a la insulina i pel fet de ser moduladores de la inflamació. Les α-defensines s'estudien perquè també són moduladores de la inflamació i per una possible relació amb l'arteriosclerosi i el colesterol LDL. La visfatina s'estudia per la possible associació amb la insulinosecreció.
The establishment of reference values is extremely important for successful diagnosis and treatament. Considering that in most species the serum chemistry profile is influenced by race, climate and management, we decided to determine the values of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), uric acid, creatinine, creatine kinase (CK), phosphatase alkaline (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total protein (TP) and albumin of Dekalb hens in the region of Aracatuba - SP. All samples were processed soon after harvesting in an automatic biochemical analyzer calibrated and monitored with control serum levels I and II. The following confidence intervals were obtained: 44-65,5 U / L (AST); 18,4-21,2 U / L (ALT), 2.1-2.5 mg / dL (uric acid); 1.7 to 5.7 U / L (CK); CI 1.2-2.2 mg / dL (creatinine), 1276-1506 U / L (FA); 18-23,4 U / L (GGT); 27.12 to 29 g / L (PT), from 11.4 to 12.16 g / L (albumin).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O presente trabalho mostrou freqüências diferentes de parasitoses intestinais (giardíase e helmintíases) entre crianças de pré-escolas e de escolas de 1 e 2 Graus, públicas e privadas. Pesquisou-se 199 indivíduos, sendo 96 pertencentes às instituições públicas e 103 pertencentes às instituições particulares. Nas instituições públicas as freqüências de giardíase foram maiores que nas instituições privadas. Para as helmintíases, as freqüências foram semelhantes entre as creches, porém maiores na escola pública em relação à particular. Indicadores do nível sócio-econômico, de escolaridade, de saneamento básico, como determinantes de parasitose intestinal, evidenciaram que as maiores freqüências de parasitoses ocorreram tanto entre as crianças de baixa renda quanto entre as que tinham pais com nível de escolaridade mais baixo. Também a origem das hortaliças foi um fator significativo para determinação destas parasitoses.
BACKGROUND - Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune bullous disease that is endemic in Brazil and in other South American countries such as Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia. OBJECTIVES - To compare the observed clinical and epidemiological data with those referred in the literature. METHOD - Retrospective study in patients with pemphigus foliaceus admitted to and treated at University Hospital of the School of Medicine of Botucatu, SP, Brazil, from 1976 to 1993, analyzing the following variables: age, sex, race, origin and onset of disease. RESULTS - From 1976 to 1993, 63 patients were treated, with an average of 3.7 cases/year. Patients within the age range of 20 to 60 years old were the most affected. Most of the patients were white, females being slightly more affected than males. The majority of male patients were rural workers. Some towns presented higher incidence of cases. Most of the patients from rural areas became sick mainly in summer and in autumn. Occurrence of similar cases was observed in blood-related family members and neighbors. CONCLUSIONS - Clinical and epidemiological data were similar to those referred in the literature.
Study model: observacional, retrospective. Objective: to determine the frequence of the ametropic errors and other ocular problems in children with 2 to 8 year-old at Piracicaba - SP. Patients and Method: During the school year of 2000, 1001 children enrolled at the public schools of Piracicaba - SP, age ranged from 2 to 8 years old, were referred to complete ophthalmological exam. Visual acuity was previously determined using Snellen chart, applied by school teachers. Those children presenting visual acuity equal or less than 0.8, visual complaints or visual disorders were selected to appointment. Results: 51 children (5.09%) did not attended to examination. 950 children were submitted to complete ophthalmological exam. Ametropic errors were found 70.84% of the children. The most prevalent refractive errors were Hypermetropic Astigmatism (49.62%) and Hypermetropia (32,98%). Anisometropia was found in 1.78% children. Other ocular disabilities accounted for 10.21% of the examined children, such as strabismus (3.36%), eyelid changes, allergic conjunctivitis, congenital dacryostenosis, optic atrophy, corioretinitis and congenital glaucoma. Conclusion: The frequence of ocular problems observed let us to conclude the screening programs are valid surveys on decreasing rates of preventable blindness in our country.
Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR