984 resultados para Funerary Anthropology
Una de las potencialidades del arte es devenir una herramienta para enfocar determinados conflictos desde nuevos ángulos y articular preguntas que impacten en la comunidad. Aquí el arte se funde con la filosofía, la sociología, la antropología, con el activismo, y con la propia vida. A partir de tales parámetros, se esbozarán diversas propuestas artísticas que ilustran cómo distintos creadores abordan –desde distintos ángulos– el fenómeno de la migración Dentro de la amplia miríada de perspectivas desde las que se puede tratar la migración es interesante resaltar el trabajo de varios artistas que se transforman en altavoces de las experiencias de otras personas, tal y como ejemplifican los proyectos de Pep Dardanyà, Marisa González, He Chengyue y Josep María Martín. Desde un ángulo radicalmente distinto, Santiago Sierra y el colectivo Yes lab reproducen y llevan al límite las mismas dinámicas de explotación que critican, y para finalizar, bajo el prisma de la experiencia vivida, la artista Fiona Tan explora su propio proceso migratorio e investiga la construcción de la identidad.
Ethnographic film is often associated with many European countries’ past as colonial powers and the way these countries used film to depict African, American and Asian territories and populations they once ruled. However, ethnographic film also has a European tradition of its own, closely interlaced with the history of ethnography and anthropology as autonomous sciences and with the desire of scholars to represent local, regional and national cultural identities. This paper presents a Portuguese attempt of this sort dating from 1938, when the authoritarian regime organized a national contest to determine which would be Portugal’s most “authentic” village – something other European countries also did. As part of this metonymic contribution to the construction of Portugal’s national identity as an agrarian utopia, a short documentary was shot, sponsored by the same official propaganda office that had organized the contest. In this film, the viewer’s gaze is made to coincide with the one of the national jury visiting the final selection of 12 villages and to whose benefit local scholars had organized all sorts of colourful peasant traditions hoping to cause the strongest impression. The film makes a strong case for the importance of ethnographic film as a relevant instance not only of the iteration of existing European national cultures, but also of the construction of so many of Europe’s national identities and traditions. Suffice to say that even today the village of “Monsanto”, which won the 1938 contest, is still referred to as “Portugal’s most Portuguese village”.
A antropologia forense é uma disciplina das ciências forenses que trata da análise de restos cadavéricos humanos para fins legais. Uma das suas aplicações mais populares é a identificação forense que consiste em determinar o perfil biológico (idade, sexo, ancestralidade e estatura) de um indivíduo. No entanto, este processo muitas vezes é dificultado quando o corpo se encontra em avançado estado de decomposição apenas existindo restos esqueléticos. Neste caso, áreas médicas comummente utilizadas na identificação de cadáveres, como a patologia, tem de ser descartadas e surge a necessidade de aplicar outras técnicas. Neste contexto, muitos métodos antropométricos são propostos de forma a caracterizar uma pessoa através do seu esqueleto. Contudo, constata-se que a maioria dos procedimentos sugeridos é baseada em equipamentos básicos de medição, não usufruindo da tecnologia contemporânea. Assim, em parceria com a Delegação Norte do NMLCF, I. P., esta Tese teve na sua génese a criação de um sistema computacional baseado em imagens de Tomografia Computorizada (TC) de ossadas que, através de ferramentas open source, permita a realização de identificação forense. O trabalho apresentado baseia-se no processo de gestão de informação, aquisição, processamento e visualização de imagens TC. No decorrer da realização da presente Tese foi desenvolvida uma base de dados que permite organizar a informação de cada ossada e foram implementados algoritmos que levam a uma extracção de características muito mais vasta que a efetuada manualmente com os equipamentos de medição clássicos. O resultado final deste estudo consistiu num conjunto de técnicas que poderão ser englobadas num sistema computacional de identificação forense e deste modo criar uma aplicação com vantagens tecnológicas evidentes.
Complutum, V. 12, pp. 297-309.
A pre-Columbian Peruvian scalp was examined decades ago by a researcher from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho described nits and adult lice attached to hair shafts and commented about the origin of head lice infestations on mankind. This same scalp was sent to our laboratory and is the subject of the present paper. Analysis showed a massive infestation with nine eggs/cm2 and an impressive number of very well preserved adult lice. The infestation age was roughly estimated as nine months before death based on the distance of nits from the hair root and the medium rate of hair growth. A small traditional textile was associated with the scalp, possibly part of the funerary belongings. Other morphological aspects visualized by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy are also presented here for adults and nits.
Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia dos Direitos Humanos e Movimentos Sociais.
This article seeks to restore (anthropologically speaking) the warrior status of the Nuer during the colonial period. It challenges the negative conclusions of Douglas H. Johnson about the cultural dimension of fighting. In 1839, when the Nuer sacrificed an ox before a fleet from the North, the Egyptians thought it was an act of aggression and shot at them. But did this mistake inaugurate a series of misunderstandings on the offensive provision of this people? If that is Johnson's assertion, a return to the sources allows an alternative interpretation. The article puts in symmetry this episode and another, ninety years later, which also involved an "ox peace". The British killed this animal in 1929 during the repression of the Nuer prophetic movement. But if Johnson seeks to contradict the importance of the prophets as leaders of revolt, this article points out that their pacifism was embedded in the ideology of war.
This article focuses on the different images of Mediterranean Portugal developed by three important Portuguese social scientists of the 20th century: the geographer Orlando Ribeiro, the ethnologist Jorge Dias and the social anthropologist José Cutileiro. The article argues that these different images stem from different ideological attitudes towards the countryside, ranging from pastoral to counter-pastoral, and are also related to different ways of addressing the links between the countryside and national identity.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Special issue of Anthropology in Action originated from the Working Images Conference, a joint meeting of TAN and VAN EASA networks
Retail services are a main contributor to municipal budget and are an activity that affects perceived quality-of-life, especially for those with mobility difficulties (e.g. the elderly, low income citizens). However, there is evidence of a decline in some of the services market towns provide to their citizens. In market towns, this decline has been reported all over the western world, from North America to Australia. The aim of this research was to understand retail decline and enlighten on some ways of addressing this decline, using a case study, Thornbury, a small town in the Southwest of England. Data collected came from two participatory approaches: photo-surveys and multicriteria mapping. The interpretation of data came from using participants as analysts, but also, using systems thinking (systems diagramming and social trap theory) for theory building. This research moves away from mainstream economic and town planning perspectives by making use of different methods and concepts used in anthropology and visual sociology (photo-surveys), decision-making and ecological economics (multicriteria mapping and social trap theory). In sum, this research has experimented with different methods, out of their context, to analyse retail decline in a small town. This research developed a conceptual model for retail decline and identified the existence of conflicting goals and interests and their implications for retail decline, as well as causes for these. Most of the potential causes have had little attention in the literature. This research also identified that some of the measures commonly used for dealing with retail decline may be contributing to the causes of retail decline itself. Additionally, this research reviewed some of the measures that can be used to deal with retail decline, implications for policy-making and reflected on the use of the data collection and analysis methods in the context of small to medium towns.
Les Carnets de Bérose. (1913. La Recomposition de la science de l'Homme,sous la direction de Christine Laurière).
En 1871, Edward Tylor rejeta fermement les récits de son temps qui niaient l'existence de croyances religieuses chez certains peuples alors considérés comme sauvages. C'était le cas, tout particulièrement, de l'explorateur victorien Samuel Baker, dont l'autorité ethnographique fut mise en cause à travers la citation de quelques voyageurs étrangers, dont deux français, qui avaient également observé les peuples nilotiques. Contrairement à d'autres sources de Primitive Culture, la qualité de ces ethnographies oubliées était, hélas, tout à fait médiocre ; mais elles permirent à Tylor de faire l'une des affirmations les plus décisives de son œuvre, celle de l'universalité de l'animisme. Ce passage capital - concernant des peuples qui deviendront célèbres dans l'histoire de l'anthropologie, à commencer par les Nuer - recèle par ailleurs une dimension additionnelle. Tylor voulait élargir à tout être spirituel les critères d'identification d'une religion, sauf que les ethnographes du Nil Blanc suggéraient que ces rudes populations croyaient bel et bien en un être suprême. Le dossier du monothéisme était comme anticipé par la force de ces données ; mais il ne faut pas y voir une contradiction de la part de Tylor. Au contraire, cette dialectique imprévue entre l'ethnographie et la théorie permet de mieux saisir la portée du concept d'animisme dont il fut le créateur.
S. João da Madeira é uma localidade que desde cedo construiu os seus discursos em torno da identidade local sob o epíteto de Cidade do Trabalho. Mais recentemente, desde a última década do século XX, a cidade começou a olhar para a sua dimensão industrial do ponto de vista do seu cunho patrimonial, dentro do quadro emergente das políticas culturais e de identidade, no qual as identidades particulares – como à escala local – se querem afirmar no plano global. Partindo de uma primeira análise dos processos contemporâneos de patrimonialização do industrial no contexto de S. João da Madeira, concretizados pela via dos museus e do turismo, num trabalho de projeto que se apresenta como fase de investigação preliminar de um futuro trabalho de doutoramento, questiona-se como a antropologia poderá pensar o conceito de cultura popular fora dos contextos normalmente a estes atribuídos e como, consequentemente, poderá problematizar as fronteiras daquilo que poderá ser considerado ou não Património Cultural Imaterial (PCI), categoria com a qual a disciplina está historicamente comprometida.