902 resultados para Formação de professores - Crenças


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This study aims to investigate the main issues presented in the literature relating to teacher training during the period 2005/2014. Particular attention is paid to articles that address the Supervised Training and Practice as a Curriculum Component. For the analysis of the articles from the literature, the technique of Content Analysis was used. The results showed that the potential which is attributed to these curricular components depends on the ability to put the trainee teacher in touch with the experience of being a teacher, whilst enabling the approach of the training content to be consistent with professional practice. The technical and fragmented curriculum for training and the extensive content in the disciplines, limited by outmoded practices, is presented as a barrier against this occurring. This shows a discrepancy in the proposed training between the pedagogical design of the course and, what is actually designed as concrete action in its development.


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In my participation at the project of extension Possibilities and events from childhood experiences and pictures cut out for a job with teachers , accomplished with teachers and coordinators of nursery school, which aims to discuss the training of teachers through the field of affections, I developed a reflection on traditional teacher training methods which tend to assign an identity to the professor. From this reflection it is necessary a theoretical deepening about the constant attempt to assign a specific and absolute identity to the professor, the need in the human being to produce sense and, bypassing the concept of intimacy, as these things are intertwined. In this work, with the bibliographical research methodology, present as objective: to present the possible definitions and explanations of the concepts ' production of meaning ', ' identity ' and ' intimacy '; relate these concepts and analyze the possible to train teachers according to a model, saying that this would be the ideal identity of professor


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This text is in theoretical study, with consideration of the authors of the critical perspective of education and training of science teachers. We indicate a set of principles and concepts of some philosophers, like Habermas and Gramsci and theoretical education in a critical bias, as Freire, Saviani, Giroux and Duarte, which can enrich the discussions in the field of science teacher education. Some of these concepts: organic intellectual philosophy of praxis, inconclusiveness, incompleteness, dialogue and problematization, communicative action, critical pedagogies of learning to learn, dialectical relationship between theory, culture and depth psychology. Thus, we intend to explain the richness of the dialogue among this perspective and its implications for the training of science teachers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O artigo traz dados de uma investigação cujo objetivo foi contribuir para a compreensão das formas por meio das quais a Psicologia vem sendo apropriada pelos projetos de formação de professores em serviço. Mediante o exame do projeto de formação do município de São Paulo, o "Programa Ler e Escrever, Prioridade na escola. Projeto Toda Força ao 1º Ano", analisam-se as concepções psicológicas em suas formas de conceber as crianças, a aprendizagem e o projeto de sua iniciação na cultura escrita. A partir das reconceitualizações sobre a aprendizagem, em que esta é considerada uma decorrência da natureza construtiva da mente infantil, é pertinente perguntar em que medida essas ideias rompem com aquelas anteriores, pertencentes ao assim chamado "ensino tradicional". Para responder a essas perguntas, recorreu-se a algumas das contribuições da história da leitura.


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O Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência possui grande relevância enquanto programa de formaçao de professores em universidades, fortalecendo a integraçao ensino, pesquisa e extensao na formaçao inicial e continuada de professores. Diante do contexto, a realizaçao desta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar dados referentes ao Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência do Curso de Educaçao Física Licenciatura da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de estudo de documentos relativos à constituiçao do Programa Institucional de Bolsa a Iniciaçao a Docência da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Pôde-se observar que o programa abrange um grande número de participantes, entre coordenadores, supervisores, professores e acadêmicos bolsistas e, devido aos grandes benefícios proporcionados à formaçao de docentes, torna-se necessário ampliar o número de envolvidos para que mais sujeitos sejam favorecidos com o programa