913 resultados para Food--Safety measures
Les diferents normatives, europea i nacional regulen la necessitat d’establir sistemes d’autocontrolque assegurin un nivell minim de seguretat dels productes alimentaris i de les normes relatives alsmanipuladors d’aliments. Les empreses del sector alimentari son les responsables de la higiene en elsseus establiments, basant-se en l’Analisi de Perills i Punts de Control Critic (APPCC) i controlant elpossible risc contra la salut en la cadena alimentaria. Els responsables de l’empresa de platsprecuinats cuinats Jotri S.L. estan interessats en la implementacio d’un sistema d’autocontrol de laqualitat. Per aixo estan interessats en la implementacio d’un sistema d’autocontrol de la seguretatalimentaria (APPCC). Es realitzara la determinacio de punts critics a controlar en les linies de canelonsde carn i l’apliacio de mesures preventives i mesures correctores en les linies de canelons, croquetesi lasanyes
R. solanacearum was ranked in a recent survey the second most important bacterial plant pathogen, following the widely used research model Pseudomonas syringae (Mansfield et al., 2012). The main reason is that bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum is the world"s most devastating bacterial plant disease (http://faostat.fao.org), threatening food safety in tropical and subtropical agriculture, especially in China, Bangladesh, Bolivia and Uganda (Martin and French, 1985). This is due to the unusually wide host range of the bacterium, its high persistence and because resistant crop varieties are unavailable. In addition, R. solanacearum has been established as a model bacterium for plant pathology thanks to pioneering molecular and genomic studies (Boucher et al., 1985; Cunnac et al., 2004b; Mukaihara et al., 2010; Occhialini et al., 2005; Salanoubat et al., 2002). As for many bacterial pathogens, the main virulence determinant in R. solanacearum is the type III secretion system (T3SS) (Boucher et al., 1994), which injects a number of effector proteins into plant cells causing disease in hosts or an hypersensitive response in resistant plants. In this article we discuss the current state in the study of the R. solanacearum T3SS, stressing the latest findings and future perspectives.
BACKGROUND: The risks of a public exposure to a sudden decompression, until now, have been related to civil aviation and, at a lesser extent, to diving activities. However, engineers are currently planning the use of low pressure environments for underground transportation. This method has been proposed for the future Swissmetro, a high-speed underground train designed for inter-urban linking in Switzerland. HYPOTHESIS: The use of a low pressure environment in an underground public transportation system must be considered carefully regarding the decompression risks. Indeed, due to the enclosed environment, both decompression kinetics and safety measures may differ from aviation decompression cases. METHOD: A theoretical study of decompression risks has been conducted at an early stage of the Swissmetro project. A three-compartment theoretical model, based on the physics of fluids, has been implemented with flow processing software (Ithink 5.0). Simulations have been conducted in order to analyze "decompression scenarios" for a wide range of parameters, relevant in the context of the Swissmetro main study. RESULTS: Simulation results cover a wide range from slow to explosive decompression, depending on the simulation parameters. Not surprisingly, the leaking orifice area has a tremendous impact on barotraumatic effects, while the tunnel pressure may significantly affect both hypoxic and barotraumatic effects. Calculations have also shown that reducing the free space around the vehicle may mitigate significantly an accidental decompression. CONCLUSION: Numeric simulations are relevant to assess decompression risks in the future Swissmetro system. The decompression model has proven to be useful in assisting both design choices and safety management.
Les plantes transgèniques són una part integral de l’agricultura contemporània. Durant l’any 2006 més de noranta milions d’hectàrees de plantes transgèniques van ser cultivades en vint-i-un països. Des de la comercialització de la primera planta transgènica el 1996 els nivells d’adopció d’aquests cultius han augmentat anualment amb percentatges de dos dígits. El desenvolupament i la comercialització de les plantes transgèniques van lligats estretament al comerç mundial, a la globalització, a la disponibilitat de suficient menjar, a la protecció del medi ambient i del consumidor i a la propietat intel·lectual. En aquest article exposem els avenços més recents i les tendències actuals en el desenvolupament dels cultius transgènics i de la seva utilització. També ens fem ressò d’alguns assumptes no científics que s’han de solucionar abans que aquests cultius arribin al màxim del seu potencial, proporcionant una agricultura més sostenible i ecològica. Finalment, ressaltarem la importància de com les plantes transgèniques poden contribuir en la disponibilitat de menjar i en la millora de la pobresa en els països en vies de desenvolupament.
In the last 30 years world population has increased 70% but per capita global fruit consumption is only 20% higher. Even though tropical and temperate fruit have similar contributions to the 50 kg/person/year of US consumption of fresh fruit, in the last 30 years this has been slightly greater for temperate fruit. Within fruit consumption, the largest expansion has been for organic fruit which increased more than 50% in the 2002-2006 period. The largest expansion of area planted in the 1996-2006 has been for kiwi (29%) and blueberries (20%), while apples (-24%) and sour cherries (-13%) have had the largest reductions. Nearly 50% of the total global volume of fruit is produced by 5 countries: China, USA, Brazil, Italy and Spain. The main producer (China) accounts for 23% of the total. While the main exporters are Spain, USA and Italy, the main importers are Germany, Russia and UK. Demands for the industry have evolved towards quality, food safety and traceability. The industry faces higher productions costs (labor, energy, agrichemicals). The retailers are moving towards consolidation while the customers are changing preferences (food for health). In this context there is greater pressure on growers, processors and retailers. Emerging issues are labor supply, climate change, water availability and sustainability. Recent developments in precision agriculture, molecular biology, phenomics, crop modelling and post harvest physiology should increase yields and quality, and reduce costs for temperate fruit production around the world.
L’objectiu del treball ha estat elaborar un manual d’implantació del sistema d'Anàlisi de Perills i Punts Crítics de Control (APPCC) que serveixi de guia a les microcerveseries. En la primera part del manual s’ha realitzat una introducció on s’expliquen els orígens del sistema i es defineix l’APPCC com un sistema que permet identificar, avaluar i controlar els perills significatius en totes les fases de producció, transformació i distribució amb l’objectiu de garantir la innocuïtat dels aliments. Seguidament, s’ha mostrat la importància del Codex Alimentarius, on es troben descrites les directives per a l’aplicació del sistema d’APPCC. També s’ha indicat que el Reglament CE 852/2004, relatiu a la higiene dels productes alimentaris, obliga a les empreses alimentaries a crear, implementar i mantenir procediments permanents basats en els principis del sistema d’APPCC. Posteriorment, s’han exposat els aspectes que cal considerar per a poder implantar un sistema d’APPCC en una microcerveseria. S’han descrit aspectes com el marc legal del sector cerveser, la flexibilitat en l’aplicació del sistema d’autocontrol en les microempreses i els prerequisits. En l’annex 1, s’han desenvolupat els prerequisits necessaris per a les microcerveseries, i en l’annex 2, s’han mostrat exemples de registres derivats de la seva aplicació. Els prerequisits són bàsics per assegurar un entorn i unes condicions de treball higièniques, reduint o eliminant perills de contaminació en els aliments. Els prerequisits consideren els perills generals de l’entorn de treball. En canvi, l’APPCC considera els perills específics del procés de producció. Tot seguit, s’han definit els principis bàsics i les directrius per a l’aplicació del sistema d’APPCC descrits en el Codex Alimentarius, explicant les diferents fases que cal seguir per a la correcta implantació del sistema d’autocontrol. En la segona part del manual, s’ha desenvolupat el sistema d’APPCC per al procés d’elaboració de la cervesa artesana
Estudi sobre la implantació d’un manual de gestió en una indústria dellescats, realitzat a l’empresa Serra&Mota de la Cellera de Ter (consta d’un sistema APPCC i un manual de qualitat)
Metsäteollisuudessa henkilöstön keski-ikä on monen muun toimialan tavoin noussut merkittävästi viime vuosina. Samaan aikaan työt ovat monipuolistuneet, ja henkilöstöä on vähennetty kustannustehokkuuden nimissä. Osittain näiden tekijöiden seurauksena sairauspoissaolot ovat nousseet, ja niiden aiheuttamat kustannukset ovat vuosittain hyvin merkittävät. Lisäksi työkyvyttömyys- ja tapaturmaeläköitymisten kustannukset ovat keskimäärin nousseet uuden maksuluokkajärjestelmän käyttöönoton myötä. Sairauspoissaolojen alentamisen ja eläköitymisten ehkäisemiseksi on vuosien varrella hyödynnetty erilaisia käytäntöjä ja toimintamalleja, joiden vaikutusalueet vaihtelevat työturvallisuudesta työhönpaluun tukemiseen. Erilaisia uudelleensijoituksia ja työtehtävien räätälöintejä on mahdollisuuksien mukaan pyritty toteuttamaan, mutta näiden esteenä on pääosin ollut yhteistyön ja tiedon puute, haastava ajankohta, sekä erilaiset negatiiviset asenteet. Kuntouttavalla työllä tarkoitetaan eri osapuolten kanssa yhdessä sovittua, määräaikaista ja normaalista poikkeavaa toimintaa, jolla pyritään vähentämään osatyökykyisen työntekijän pitkiä poissaoloja sekä poistamaan mahdollinen varhaisen eläköitymisen uhka. Tämän tutkimuksen aikana kehitetyn kuntouttavan työn uuden toimintamallin tavoitteena on edelleen lisätä tietoisuutta ja yhteistyötä eri osapuolten välillä sekä vaikuttaa omalta osaltaan työnantajan sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten aiheuttamiin kustannuksiin.
La integració en una mateixa activitat d'una explotació ramadera ecològica basada en el bestiar cabrú de llet i d'una formatgeria artesanal basada en varietats autòctones de formatge de cabra, permet ocupar un nínxol de mercat encara poc explotat actualment a Catalunya. D'igual manera, la dificultat que tenen actualment molts dels formatgers artesans del país per trobar llet de cabra en quantitats suficients i amb unes mínimes garanties higiènico-sanitàries dificulten l'avanç d'un sector amb molt bones perspectives de futur com és el de la formatgeria artesanal i justifica la necessitat de crear noves explotacions (o reconvertir-ne de ja existents) orientant-les de ple vers l'aprofitament lleter del bestiar cabrú, que és actualment molt reduït en l'àmbit Català. A més d'això, les actuals exigències en el camp del benestar animal així com en el camp de la qualitat i de la seguretat alimentaria, exigeixen a les explotacions ramaderes i a les indústries alimentàries el compliment d'una sèrie de requisits, tan de disseny dels locals i de les instal•lacions, com de control de les activitats i dels productes elaborats, que garanteixin en tot moment la seva correcte gestió i funcionament en aquestes matèries. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte, doncs, és la legalització d'una activitat, que anomenarem “Mas Peirot, S.L.”, dedicada a l'explotació ramadera ecològica de bestiar cabrú de llet i a la formatgeria artesanal de formatge de cabra. És important mencionar que tot i tractar-se d'un projecte de legalització d'una activitat,, també s'hi han contemplat aspectes i detalls relacionats amb l'execució de la mateixa, al tractar-se d'unes obres d'una certa complexitat i considerant que així es tracten amb més detall i rigorositat les actuacions projectades. En concret, en aquest projecte es planifiquen les operacions de rehabilitació de dues naus ramaderes actualment en desús, per tal que puguin destinar-se a l'explotació ramadera de bestiar cabrú i a la formatgeria artesanal, projectant-se així mateix totes les instal•lacions necessàries per tal que a les mencionades naus s'hi puguin desenvolupar les activitats citades. Com a conclusions més importants d'aquest projecte podem dir que amb un cens de 100 caps de bestiar cabrú és possible obtenir una producció mitjana de llet de 32.500 litres anuals, que es corresponen a un volum total de 3.823 quilograms de formatge a l'any (de les tipologies Formatge Garrotxa i Formatge de cabra amb oli, ambdues varietats tradicionals catalanes) obtenint un benefici de 21.389,47 Euros/any durant els primers 15 anys i un benefici de 33.386,39 Euros/any a partir del 16è any, cosa que permetrà recuperar la inversió inicial de 172.716,76 Euros que valen les naus i instal•lacions projectades, en un termini de 8 anys i permetrà, com s'ha dit, ocupar un nínxol de mercat encara poc explotat per la indústria agroalimentària a Catalunya.
Debido a la coyuntura actual y a la liberalización del comercio de alimentos, es necesariogarantizar la seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos, las cuales se conseguirán aplicando lasprácticas y las normas apropiadas en materia de seguridad alimentaria. Los reglamentoscomunitarios en materia de seguridad alimentaria, y en particular el Reglamento (CE) nº852/2004 relativo a la higiene de los alimentos, obligan a las empresas alimentarias a aplicarun sistema de autocontrol basado en los principios del Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticosde Control (APPCC). En España, la legislación nacional ya contemplaba este requisito. En elámbito de las comidas preparadas, esta exigencia se recogía expresamente en el Real Decreto3484/200, de 29 de diciembre, por el que se establecen las normas de higiene para laelaboración, distribución y comercio de comidas preparadas.En el presente Proyecto/Trabajo Final de Carrera (PTFC), se ha elaborado un manual, queconsta de ocho capítulos, unos anexos y una memoria descriptiva, que servirá de guía para eldiseño de un sistema de APPCC, siguiendo los procedimientos definidos en el CodexAlimentarius, que permita su aplicación a las industrias elaboradoras de creps y a la vezproporcione las pautas necesarias para su implantación. Debido a la imposibilidad de aplicarel sistema de APPCC desarrollado a una industria concreta, se ha elaborado un manualgenérico que cada industria deberá adaptar a sus sistema productivo
Plastic packaging materials intended for use in food packaging is an area of great interest from the scientific and economic point of view due to the irreversible internationalization and globalization process of food products. Nevertheless, a debate related to food safety aspects has emerged within the scientific community. Therefore, the development of analytical methods that allow identifying and quantifying chemical substances of toxicological potential in the packaging is considered essential. This article focuses on the main analytical methods, including validation parameters, as well as extraction and quantification techniques for determination of volatile organic compounds from food packaging materials.
The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.
Chloropropanols are a well-known group of food processing contaminants. They are formed through the reaction between lipids and chlorides when submitted to thermal treatment, and can be found in free and bound form. Although free chloropropanols were identified around 30 years ago, the occurrence of bound forms, especially 3-MCPD, and glycidyl fatty acid esters, has only recently been reported in several food products. Dietary exposure to these ester-bound compounds has been considered a priority food safety issue since free forms can be potentially released through the action of gut lipases, representing a major toxicological concern.
Liquid chromatography is often used for the determination of pesticide multiresidues in foods. In Brazil, the strawberry crop is an example of a food with high levels of irregularities because of the application of pesticides. This is a major concern from the perspective of food safety, environmental protection, and certification for food export. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare chromatographic separation and detection methods in relation to a newly developed and validated method using ultra high performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) for the analytical determination of pesticides in strawberries. The comparisons were based on evaluations of the analysis time, consumption of the solvent in the mobile phase, injection volume, detectability, matrix effect, and recovery. The results showed that the LC–MS/MS and UHPLC–MS/MS techniques were both extremely efficient at analyzing pesticide residues with different physico-chemical parameters that were present at low concentrations in a complex matrix. The UHPLC separation method provided better chromatographic performance and productivity, which contributed favorably to routine analytical determinations. Detection by MS/MS had better detectability and selectivity compared with the diode array detector.
Hip fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cervical and trochanteric fractures have a different morphometry, surgical treatment, and outcome. Polypharmacy, common in older people, is associated with increased mortality. The risk factors for mortality can be identified based on cause-of-death analysis. In this population-based study, 461 older, surgically in 1999-2000 treated hip fracture patients were enrolled. Incidence, morphometry, medication, mortality, and cause-of-death were analysed. Hip fractures were most commonly sustained by women, occurred mostly indoors, and often in institutions. One in four patients had sustained a previous fracture. Routine clinical radiographs revealed no differences in the hip geometry between hip fracture types. Age-adjusted mortality was higher in men than in women during the follow-up. Chronic lung disease and male sex were predictors of mortality after cervical fracture. In men, potent anticholinergics were associated with excess age-adjusted mortality. Men were more likely to die from circulatory disease and dementia after hip fracture than women. Mortality after hip fracture was 3-fold higher than that of the general population, including every cause-of-death class. Fracture prevention in institutions and homes, indoor safety measures, and treatment of chronic lung diseases should be encouraged. Hip morphometry analyses require more accurate measures than that provided by routine radiographs. Careful use of potent anticholinergics may reduce mortality. Compared to the general population, excess mortality after hip fracture was evident up to 9 years after hip fracture. Cause-of-death analysis indicates that all major comorbidities require optimal treatment after hip fracture surgery.