511 resultados para Finep


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A partir de 1974, quando da implantação do Núcleo de Ciências Geofísicas e Geológicas da UFPa., começou a ser desenvolvido um estudo de água subterrânea na Ilha do Marajó, sob o titulo de Projeto Marajó, financiado pela FINEP, que visava definir e delinear aquíferos em algumas áreas piloto da ilha. Este trabalho, realizado em uma dessas áreas piloto, no município de Salvaterra, Marajó, busca determinar áreas favoráveis para exploração de água subterrânea, através do uso do método geofísico de eletroresistividade. A área, de 200 Km2, foi prospectada através de 65 sondagens elétricas verticais e 6 perfilagens horizontais, tendo sido utilizado o dispositivo Schlumberger nas sondagens e o dispositivo Wenner nas perfilagens. Os dados foram inicialmente interpretados através do método do Ponto Auxiliar, quando se obteve uma visão geral do comportamento resistivo dos terrenos sondados, sendo depois reinterpretados usando técnica computacional, indicando existir na área camadas com resistividades que variam desde 5 até 43000 ohms-metro. Observou-se a existência de um pacote formado por uma sucessão de camadas que apresentaram resistividades com valores de 500 a 4000 ohms-metro, interpretado como constituído de sedimentos arenosos com água doce (aquífero), tendo uma espessura que chegou a atingir mais de 60 metros em algumas áreas. Na área pesquisada, foram delimitadas três sub-áreas cobrindo cerca de 40% da área total e, nestas, as espessuras do aquífero vão de 20 a 80 metros. As profundidades do topo desse aquífero nas três sub-áreas variam de 1,3 a 6,6 metros. A interpretação geofísica foi comprovada através de quatro furos de sondagem até 20 metros. Dois destes furos, realizados nas áreas interpretadas como bons aquíferos, mostraram terrenos mais arenosos, e os outros dois, alotados fora daquelas áreas, apresentaram uma parcela considerável de sedimentos argilosos com algum material orgânico. Informações obtidas quando do levantamento dos poços escavados na região e das análises de amostras das águas destes poços, mostram que, em termos gerais, não existem problemas quanto à qualidade das águas desses aquíferos mais superficiais, com exceção de dois poços escavados muito próximos da borda da Baía do Marajó, nas localidades de Joanes e Monsarás, que apresentam um aumento na salinidade quando no pico da estação de estio. Pelo que foi visto, o método utilizado neste trabalho é uma técnica eficiente para localizar bons aquíferos em ambientes geológicos semelhantes ao da área pesquisada.


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A presente Dissertação de Mestrado tem como objetivo o estudo do problema de inversão sísmica baseada em refletores planos para arranjo fonte-comum (FC) e ponto-médiocomum (PMC). O modelo direto é descrito por camadas homogêneas, isotrópicas com interfaces plano-horizontais. O problema é relacionado ao empilhamento NMO baseado na otimização da função semblance, para seções PMC corrigidas de sobretempo normal (NMO). O estudo foi baseado em dois princípios. O primeiro princípio adotado foi de combinar dois grupos de métodos de inversão: um Método Global e um Método Local. O segundo princípio adotado foi o de cascata, segundo a teoria Wichert-Herglotz-Bateman, que estabelece que para conhecer uma camada inferior tem-se que conhecer primeiro a camada superior (dissecação). A aplicação do estudo é voltada à simulação sísmica de Bacia Sedimentar do Solimões e de Bacia Marinha para se obter uma distribuição local 1D de velocidades e espessuras para a subsuperfície em horizontes alvo. Sendo assim, limitamos a inversão entre 4 e 11 refletores, uma vez que na prática a indústria limita uma interpretação realizada apenas em número equivalente de 3 a 4 refletores principais. Ressalta-se que este modelo é aplicável como condição inicial ao imageamento de seções sísmicas em regiões geologicamente complexas com variação horizontal suave de velocidades. Os dados sintéticos foram gerados a partir dos modelos relacionados a informações geológicas, o que corresponde a uma forte informação a priori no modelo de inversão. Para a construção dos modelos relacionados aos projetos da Rede Risco Exploratório (FINEP) e de formação de recursos humanos da ANP em andamento, analisamos os seguintes assuntos relevantes: (1) Geologia de bacias sedimentares terrestre dos Solimões e ma rinha (estratigráfica, estrutural, tectônica e petrolífera); (2) Física da resolução vertical e horizontal; e (3) Discretização temporal-espacial no cubo de multi-cobertura. O processo de inversão é dependente do efeito da discretização tempo-espacial do campo de ondas, dos parâmetros físicos do levantamento sísmico, e da posterior reamostragem no cubo de cobertura múltipla. O modelo direto empregado corresponde ao caso do operador do empilhamento NMO (1D), considerando uma topografia de observação plana. O critério básico tomado como referência para a inversão e o ajuste de curvas é a norma 2 (quadrática). A inversão usando o presente modelo simples é computacionalmente atrativa por ser rápida, e conveniente por permitir que vários outros recursos possam ser incluídos com interpretação física lógica; por exemplo, a Zona de Fresnel Projetada (ZFP), cálculo direto da divergência esférica, inversão Dix, inversão linear por reparametrização, informações a priori, regularização. A ZFP mostra ser um conceito út il para estabelecer a abertura da janela espacial da inversão na seção tempo-distância, e representa a influência dos dados na resolução horizontal. A estimativa da ZFP indica uma abertura mínima com base num modelo adotado, e atualizável. A divergência esférica é uma função suave, e tem base física para ser usada na definição da matriz ponderação dos dados em métodos de inversão tomográfica. A necessidade de robustez na inversão pode ser analisada em seções sísmicas (FC, PMC) submetida a filtragens (freqüências de cantos: 5;15;75;85; banda-passante trapezoidal), onde se pode identificar, comparar e interpretar as informações contidas. A partir das seções, concluímos que os dados são contaminados com pontos isolados, o que propõe métodos na classe dos considerados robustos, tendo-se como referência a norma 2 (quadrados- mínimos) de ajuste de curvas. Os algoritmos foram desenvolvidos na linguagem de programação FORTRAN 90/95, usando o programa MATLAB para apresentação de resultados, e o sistema CWP/SU para modelagem sísmica sintética, marcação de eventos e apresentação de resultados.


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Este estudo teve por objetivos constituir o ciclo de vida da Revista Educação & Sociedade e apresentar uma discussão sobre a temática Formação de Professores no interior desse periódico. Optou-se metodologicamente pela pesquisa bibliográfica, embasada na leitura, análise e interpretação de artigos presentes no periódico Educação & Sociedade, assim como de outros autores que tiveram seus trabalhos voltados para a formação docente. O trabalho de investigação foi feito na Biblioteca do Instituto de Biociências da UNESP – Campus de Rio Claro. Neste processo identificaram-se 33 periódicos, sendo que dentre eles, escolheuse a Revista EDUCAÇÃO & SOCIEDADE, período de 1978 a 2005, por ser considerada uma revista quadrimestral (1995), reconhecida como um periódico de nível internacional, tendo um forte corpo editorial nacional e internacional, publicando textos em português, inglês, francês, alemão e espanhol relacionados a área de Ciência da Educação, divulgando trabalhos que incentivam a pesquisa acadêmica e o debate amplo sobre a educação nos diversos prismas de sua relação com a sociedade. Sobre o ciclo de vida do periódico observou-se que este foi publicado, inicialmente, pela Editora UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS em convênio com a Editora CORTEZ & MORAES (1978); depois: de responsabilidade do Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade (CEDES), publicada e comercializada pela Editora Cortez & Moraes (1979) e publicada e comercializada pela CORTEZ EDITORA e AUTORES ASSOCIADOS (1980-1981); publicada e comercializada pelo CORTEZ EDITORA (1982-1989); editada e publicada pela EDITORA REVISTA DOS CEDES TRIBUNAIS Ltda (1990-1996); sendo que a partir de 1997 passou a ser publicado via on line e financiada com recurso de Programa de Apoio a Publicações Científicas (MCT, CNPq e FINEP) com responsabilidade editorial, de publicação e vendas pelas CEDES, perdurando até o presente. No seu primeiro ano de vida ...


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High intake of saturated fat from meats has been associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and others diseases. In this paper, we are introducing a simple, high-throughput, and non-destructive low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance method that has the potential to analyze the intramuscular fat content (IMF) in more than 1,000 beef portions per hour. The results can be used in nutritional fact labels, replacing the currently used average value. The method is based on longitudinal (T(1)) and transverse (T(2)) relaxation time information obtained by a continuous wave-free precession (CWFP) sequence. CWFP yields a higher correlation coefficient (r=0.9) than the conventional Carr-Purcell-Meiboom- Gill (CPMG) method (r=-0.25) for IMF in beef and is just as fast and a simpler pulse sequence than CPMG. The method can also be applied to other meat products.


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The Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence has been used in many applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and low-resolution NMR (LRNMR) spectroscopy. Recently. CPMG was used in online LRNMR measurements that use long RF pulse trains, causing an increase in probe temperature and, therefore, tuning and matching maladjustments. To minimize this problem, the use of a low-power CPMG sequence based on low refocusing pulse flip angles (LRFA) was studied experimentally and theoretically. This approach has been used in several MRI protocols to reduce incident RF power and meet the specific absorption rate. The results for CPMG with LRFA of 3 pi/4 (CPMG(135)), pi/2 (CPMG(90)) and pi/4 (CPMG(45)) were compared with conventional CPMG with refocusing pi pulses. For a homogeneous field, with linewidth equal to Delta nu = 15 Hz, the refocusing flip angles can be as low as pi/4 to obtain the transverse relaxation time (T(2)) value with errors below 5%. For a less homogeneous magnetic field. Delta nu = 100 Hz, the choice of the LRFA has to take into account the reduction in the intensity of the CPMG signal and the increase in the time constant of the CPMG decay that also becomes dependent on longitudinal relaxation time (T(1)). We have compared the T(2) values measured by conventional CPMG and CPMG(90) for 30 oilseed species, and a good correlation coefficient, r = 0.98, was obtained. Therefore, for oilseeds, the T(2) measurements performed with pi/2 refocusing pulses (CPMG(90)), with the same pulse width of conventional CPMG, use only 25% of the RF power. This reduces the heating problem in the probe and reduces the power deposition in the samples. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the developed world, grid-connected photovoltaics (PVs) are the fastest-growing segment of the energy market. From 1999 to 2009, this industry had a 42% compound annual growth-rate. From 2009 to 2013, it is expected to grow to 45%, and in 2013 the achievement of grid parity - when the cost of solar electricity becomes competitive with conventional retail (including taxes and charges) grid-supplied electricity - is expected in many places worldwide. Grid-connected PV is usually perceived as an energy technology for developed countries, whereas isolated, stand-alone PV is considered as more suited for applications in developing nations, where so many individuals still lack access to electricity. This rationale is based on the still high costs of PV when compared with conventional electricity. We make the case for grid-connected PV generation in Brazil, showing that with the declining costs of PV and the rising prices of conventional electricity, urban populations in Brazil will also enjoy grid parity in the present decade. We argue that governments in developing nations should act promptly and establish the mandates and necessary conditions for their energy industry to accumulate experience in grid-connected PV, and make the most of this benign technology in the near future. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Proteases from the midgut gland of the Farfantepenaeus paulensis juveniles were assessed. Enzyme activity was determined using protease substrates and inhibitors. The effect of pH, temperature and calcium on proteolytic activity was assayed. Caseinolytic activity was analysed in substrate-sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Trypsin, chymotrypsin and leucine aminopeptidase activity was detected. Proteolytic activity was strongly inhibited by the specific trypsin inhibitors. Tosyl-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone inhibited 59.3% of chymotrypsin activity. The greatest trypsin-like activity occurred at pH 8.0 and 45 degrees C. Chymotrypsin-like activity reached maximal values at alkaline pH (7.2-9.0) and 55 degrees C. CaCl(2) did not increase trypsin-like activity, but rather inhibited it at concentrations of 30 (20%), 50 (30%) and 100 mM (50%). The substrate-SDS-PAGE zymogram revealed eight proteinase bands. Two possibly thermal-resistant (85 degrees C, 30 min) chymotrypsin isoforms were found, which were inhibited by phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride. Aminopeptidase activity of enzyme extracts (Arg, Leu, Lys, Phe and Val) and the recommended concentrations of these essential amino acids in penaeid shrimp diets were positively correlated (P < 0.05). Beause protein digestion involves the combined action of different enzymes, adequate knowledge of shrimp digestion and enzyme characteristics is required for the assessment of the digestive potential of different feed sources and development of in vitro digestibility protocols.


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The coastal upwelling off Cabo Frio (SE Brazilian coast, SEBC) represents an exception to the world`s oceans since the majority of the upwelling areas are located in eastern boundary current systems. Cabo Frio represents an interesting area for investigation due to its tight physical-biological interaction and the importance of the region as a major fishery area in the SEBC. We analyzed a suite of lipid biomarkers to apportion the main sources of organic matter in surface sediments of the continental shelf off Cabo Frio, comparing the area to non-upwelling regions off the SEBC (shelf break off Cabo Frio and continental shelf off Ubatuba). During spring and summer (the upwelling period), diatoms are probably the major sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and C-28 sterols in surface sediments from Cabo Frio continental shelf. Sediments sampled in winter showed, in contrast, lower relative abundance of PUFAs and higher stanol/stenol ratio values. In deeper regions off Cabo Frio, elevated concentrations of alkenones, 24-methylcholest-5,22E-dien-3 beta-ol and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3 beta-ol during the spring may be produced by prymnesiophytes or cryptophytes and cyanobacteria, respectively. In Ubatuba, the C-27 and C-28 sterols are likely derived from omnivorous salps and nanoflagellates. At non-upwelling areas, despite the increase in biomarker concentrations during spring and summer, lower concentrations of PUFAs, phytol and algal sterols than in shelf areas off Cabo Frio suggest the importance of the upwelling system to the rapid transfer of organic carbon to surface sediments. Our results suggest that spatial and temporal variability in organic matter production and deposition merits consideration for constraining the carbon budgets in the coastal region off Cabo Frio. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The regional ocean off southeast Brazil (20 degrees S-28 degrees S) is known as a current-eddy-upwelling region. The proximity of the Brazil Current to the coast in the Cape Sao Tome vicinities, as well as of its quasi-stationary unstable meanders, suggests the possibility of background eddy-induced upwelling. Such phenomenon can intensify the prevalent coastal upwelling due to wind and topographic effects. In this paper, with the help of a numerical simulation, we provide evidence that eddy-induced upwelling in the absence of wind is possible in this region. The simulation was conducted with a regional configuration of the 3-D Princeton Ocean Model initialized by a feature-based implementation of the Brazil Current and Cape Frio eddy, blended with climatology. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study describes the sedimentological composition and morphology of the sea bottom in an area located at 902 m depth in the Campos Basin of Brazil, and compares characteristics before and after drilling activity for oil exploration. The results show no significant sedimentological variation in the area affected by drilling. The most noticeable effects were observed during the second (MD(2)) of three cruises, in terms of change to grain size distribution, total organic carbon and clay mineral composition around the Eagle well. This impact occurred over the seabed in a direction that corresponds to the near-bottom circulation pattern, predominantly northward. In the third cruise (MD3), 12 months after drilling, some recovery was observed. Side-scan sonar imaging was used to explore the extent of the area affected by drilling, and sedimentological samples from it confirmed the effects of drilling. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The multi-scale synoptic circulation system in the southeastern Brazil (SEBRA) region is presented using a feature-oriented approach. Prevalent synoptic circulation structures, or ""features,"" are identified from previous observational studies. These features include the southward-flowing Brazil Current (BC), the eddies off Cabo Sao Tome (CST - 22 degrees S) and off Cabo Frio (CF - 23 degrees S), and the upwelling region off CF and CST. Their synoptic water-mass (T-S) structures are characterized and parameterized to develop temperature-salinity (T-S) feature models. Following [Gangopadhyay, A., Robinson, A.R., Haley, PJ., Leslie, W.J., Lozano, C.j., Bisagni, J., Yu, Z., 2003. Feature-oriented regional modeling and simulation (forms) in the gulf of maine and georges bank. Cont. Shelf Res. 23 (3-4), 317-353] methodology, a synoptic initialization scheme for feature-oriented regional modeling and simulation (FORMS) of the circulation in this region is then developed. First, the temperature and salinity feature-model profiles are placed on a regional circulation template and objectively analyzed with available background climatology in the deep region. These initialization fields are then used for dynamical simulations via the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). A few first applications of this methodology are presented in this paper. These include the BC meandering, the BC-eddy interaction and the meander-eddy-upwelling system (MEUS) simulations. Preliminary validation results include realistic wave-growth and eddy formation and sustained upwelling. Our future plan includes the application of these feature models with satellite, in-situ data and advanced data-assimilation schemes for nowcasting and forecasting the SEBRA region. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the color vision pattern in Cebus apella monkeys by means of electroretinogram measurements (ERG) and genetic analysis. Based on ERG we could discriminate among three types of dichromatic males. Among females, this classification is more complex and requires additional genetic analysis. We found five among 10 possible different phenotypes, two trichromats and three dichromats. We also found that Cebus present a new allele with spectral peak near 552 nm, with the amino acid combination SFT at positions 180, 277 and 285 of the opsin gene, in addition to the previously described SYT, AFT and AFA alleles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate whether there are visual and neurophysical decrements in workers with low exposure to Hg vapor. Methods: Visual fields, contrast sensitivity, color vision, and neuropsychological functions were measured in 10 workers (32.5 +/- 8.5 years) chronically exposed to Hg vapor (4.3 +/- 2.8 years; urinary Hg concentration 22.3 +/- 9.3 mu g/g creatinine). Results: For the worst eyes, we found altered visual field thresholds, lower contrast sensitivity, and color discrimination compared with controls (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences between Hg-exposed subjects and controls on. neuropsychological tests. Nevertheless, duration of exposure was statistically correlated to verbal memory and depression scores. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to Hg vapor at currently accepted safety levels was found to be associated with visual losses but not with neuropsychological dysfunctions in the sample of workers studied. (J Occup Environ Med. 2009,51:1403-1412)


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Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.


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This paper reports the synthesis of Eu-doped hydroxyapatite (HA:Eu) resulting in particles with nanorod diameters from 9 to 26 nm using the microwave hydrothermal method (HTMW). Eu3+ ions were used as a marker in the HA network by basic hydrolysis followed by the HTMW treatment. The crystalline HA:Eu nanorod nature in a short-range order was detected by photoluminescence (PL) measurements from Eu3+ emission into the HA matrix. Thus, was possible to verify that HA crystallization is favored in a short structural order when the HTMW treatment time was increased from 0 to 40 min and that the Eu3+ substitution in the HA lattice is site-selective. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.