932 resultados para Fiber Reinforced Polymer
De modo a satisfazer aspectos de resistência, custo ou conforto, o aperfeiçoamento do desempenho das estruturas é uma meta sempre almejada na Engenharia. Melhorias têm sido alcançadas dado ao crescente uso de materiais compósitos, pois estes apresentam propriedades físicas diferenciadas capazes de atender as necessidades de projeto. Associado ao emprego de compósitos, o estudo da plasticidade demonstra uma interessante alternativa para aumentar o desempenho estrutural ao conferir uma capacidade resistente adicional ao conjunto. Entretanto, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados na análise elastoplástica de compósitos, além das próprias dificuldades inerentes à incorporação de fibras na matriz, no caso de compósitos reforçados. A forma na qual um compósito reforçado por fibras e suas fases têm sua representação e simulação é de extrema importância para garantir que os resultados obtidos sejam compatíveis com a realidade. À medida que se desenvolvem modelos mais refinados, surgem problemas referentes ao custo computacional, além da necessidade de compatibilização dos graus de liberdade entre os nós das malhas de elementos finitos da matriz e do reforço, muitas vezes exigindo a coincidência das referidas malhas. O presente trabalho utiliza formulações que permitem a representação de compósitos reforçados com fibras sem que haja a necessidade de coincidência entre malhas. Além disso, este permite a simulação do meio e do reforço em regime elastoplástico com o objetivo de melhor estudar o real comportamento. O modelo constitutivo adotado para a plasticidade é o de von Mises 2D associativo com encruamento linear positivo e a solução deste modelo foi obtida através de um processo iterativo. A formulação de elementos finitos posicional é adotada com descrição Lagrangeana Total e apresenta as posições do corpo no espaço como parâmetros nodais. Com o intuito de averiguar a correta implementação das formulações consideradas, exemplos para validação e apresentação das funcionalidades do código computacional desenvolvido foram analisados.
This paper presents a structural analysis of a masonry chimney built in the 1940s, which is currently being cataloged as local interest heritage. This structure has not served any industrial purpose for the last thirty years. The chimney is located in the town of Agost (Alicante - Spain) and directly exposed to the prevailing winds from the sea, as it is approximately 12 km away from the waterfront and there are not any significant barriers, which could protect the structure against the wind. There are longitudinal cracks and fissures all along the shaft because of the chimney’s geometrical characteristics, the effect of the masonry creep and especially the lack of maintenance. Moreover, there is also a permanent bending deformation in the upper 1/3 of the height due to the wind pressure. A numerical analysis for the static behavior against gravity and wind loads was performed using the structure’s current conditions after a detailed report of its geometry, its construction system and the cracking pattern. Afterwards, the dynamic behavior was studied, i.e. a seismic analysis using both response spectra and accelerograms in order to examine the structural stability. This work shows the pre-monitoring analysis before any experimental testing. Using the current results the future test conditions will be determined (e.g. number of sensors and monitoring point location, excitation systems, etc) prior to a possible structural reinforcement by applying composite material (fiber reinforced polymers).
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a topografia de superfície dos fios estéticos, antes e após teste de deflexão. A amostra foi composta por 70 corpos de prova de fios 0,014 redondos, sendo 10 de cada uma das marcas comerciais avaliadas: Orthocosmetic Elastinol (Masel), Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic (Orthometric), InVu (TP Orthodontics) e ProForm Nitanium (Ortho Organizers) fios de NiTi revestidos por Teflon®; Optis (TP Orthodontics) fio de resina reforçado por fibra de vidro ou FRP; Niticosmetic (Tecnident) fio de NiTi revestido por resina epoxídica; e Nitinol SE (3M Unitek) fio de NiTi superelástico, usado para controle. A topografia de superfície de cada fio foi avaliada por rugosímetro e por microscópio óptico, antes e após ser submetido a ensaio de deflexão, no lado em que a força foi aplicada e no lado oposto a este. Cada fio foi defletido em 3,1mm, a uma velocidade de 1mm/min, com célula de carga de 5N a 36⁰C + 1⁰C. A análise de variância a três critérios (p<0,05) mostrou diferença significante entre os fios e o teste de Tukey mostrou que o fio Optis (TP Orthodontics) apresentou aumento nos parâmetros de rugosidade Ra, Rt e Rz, após a deflexão. O fio Niticosmetic (Tecnident) apresentou aumento na rugosidade média (Ra). O fio InVu (TP Orthodontics) foi o único que mostrou aumento na rugosidade no lado em que a força foi aplicada. A análise visual por meio de microscopia óptica revelou alterações na superfície em todos os fios estéticos após o teste de deflexão, desde delaminações do revestimento, observadas nos fios Orthocosmetic Elastinol e InVu, riscos permanentes na superfície, como visto nos fios Flexy Super Elastic Esthetic, Niticosmetic e ProForm Nitanium, e até mesmo fratura incompleta, no fio Optis. Concluiu-se que o fio Niticosmetic apresentou topografia de superfície similar ao fio metálico, e os demais fios estéticos apresentaram maior rugosidade e alterações visuaisna superfície.
This study investigates the effect of foam core density and skin type on the behaviour of sandwich panels as structural beams tested in four-point bending and axially compressed columns of varying slenderness and skin thickness. Bio-composite unidirectional flax fibre-reinforced polymer (FFRP) is compared to conventional glass-FRP (GFRP) as the skin material used in conjunction with three polyisocyanurate (PIR) foam cores with densities of 32, 64 and 96 kg/m3. Eighteen 1000 mm long flexural specimens were fabricated and tested to failure comparing the effects of foam core density between three-layer FFRP skinned and single-layer GFRP skinned panels. A total of 132 columns with slenderness ratios (kLe/r) ranging from 22 to 62 were fabricated with single-layer GFRP skins, and one-, three-, and five-layer FFRP skins for each of the three foam core densities. The columns were tested to failure in concentric axial compression using pinned-end conditions to compare the effects of each material type and panel height. All specimens had a foam core cross-section of 100x50 mm with 100 mm wide skins of equal thickness. In both flexural and axial loading, panels with skins comprised of three FFRP layers showed equivalent strength to those with a single GFRP layer for all slenderness ratios and core densities examined. Doubling the core density from 32 to 64 kg/m3 and tripling the density to 96 kg/m3 led to flexural strength increases of 82 and 213%, respectively. Both FFRP and GFRP columns showed a similar variety of failure modes related to slenderness. Low slenderness of 22-25 failed largely due to localized single skin buckling, while those with high slenderness of 51-61 failed primarily by global buckling followed by secondary skin buckling. Columns with intermediate slenderness experienced both localized and global failure modes. High density foam cores more commonly exhibited core shear failure. Doubling the core density of the columns resulted in peak axial load increases, across all slenderness ratios, of 73, 56, 72 and 71% for skins with one, three and five FFRP layers, and one GFRP layer, respectively. Tripling the core density resulted in respective peak load increases of 116, 130, 176 and 170%.
In this study, fibre optic sensors (FOS) were used to investigate the interfacial stress-strain behaviour of bonded-in basalt fibre reinforced polymer (BFRP) rods loaded into glulam members. Pull-out tests were conducted to examine the effect of bonded length and load-to-grain direction on the distribution of stress at the BFRP rod/adhesive zone. It was observed that the stress concentration at the loaded end of the BFRP rod of the samples was significantly the highest while the unloaded end showed the lowest. Increasing the bonded length at the same loading configuration resulted in a decrease in stress concentration at the loaded end. The stress concentration at the loaded end of the perpendicular to the grain samples was relatively higher than that of the corresponding parallel to the grain samples.
In vielen Anwendungen der Intralogistik lassen sich Führungssysteme mit Stützrollen finden, die hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind. Hierbei werden oftmals Profilträger aus Stahlwerkstoffen als führende Bauteile eingesetzt. Deren Bewegung erfordert aufgrund der hohen Eigenmassen einen erheblichen Energiebedarf. Im vorliegenden Artikel wird die Entwicklung von derartigen Komponenten aus faserverstärkten Kunststoffen beschrieben. Der Fokus liegt auf der Eintragung hoher Kontaktkräfte in das Bauteil. Es werden die notwendigen Anforderungen dargestellt sowie die Entwicklung eines speziellen Rollenprüfstandes erläutert. Zudem beinhaltet der Artikel die systematische Entwicklung neuer Funktionselemente und die Herleitung einer Methodik zur Untersuchung der Belastbarkeit des faserverstärkten Kunststoffes beim Einwirken einer Rolle als Teilergebnisse des Forschungsvorhabens.
L’utilizzo di compositi fibrorinforzati per il rinforzo e l’adeguamento di strutture esistenti in calcestruzzo armato e in muratura ha raggiunto una grande popolarità negli ultimi decenni. Tra i materiali compositi, i fibrorinforzati a matrice cementizia (fiber reinforced cementitious matrix, FRCM) rappresentano una novità nel mondo del rinforzo e la letteratura disponibile a riguardo è ancora molto limitata. Il presente lavoro si inserisce all’interno di un contesto di campagne sperimentali volte ad approfondire la conoscenza su questi materiali. Uno dei problemi di maggiore importanza nell’utilizzo dei compositi FRCM è costituito dalla valutazione della resistenza al distacco (debonding) del composito dal supporto su cui è applicato. Nel caso di strutture in muratura, i cicli di cristallizzazione salina sono una della cause principali di degrado della murature. In questa tesi vengono analizzati gli effetti della cristallizzazione salina sul debonding di compositi FRCM, con fibre di acciaio galvanizzato a matrice a base di calce idraulica, applicati alla muratura.
Cette étude est destinée à la production et à la caractérisation des composites d’acide polylactique (PLA) et des fibres naturelles (lin, poudre de bois). Le moussage du PLA et ses composites ont également été étudiés afin d’évaluer les effets des conditions de moulage par injection et du renfort sur les propriétés finales de ces matériaux. Dans la première partie, les composites constitués de PLA et des fibres de lin ont été produits par extrusion suivit par un moulage en injection. L’effet de la variation du taux de charge (15, 25 et 40% en poids) sur les caractéristiques morphologique, mécanique, thermique et rhéologique des composites a été évalué. Dans la deuxième étape, la poudre de bois (WF) a été choisie pour renforcer le PLA. La préparation des composites de PLA et WF a été effectuée comme dans la première partie et une série complète de caractérisations morphologique, mécanique, thermique et l’analyse mécanique dynamique ont été effectués afin d’obtenir une évaluation complète de l’effet du taux de charge (15, 25 et 40% en poids) sur les propriétés du PLA. Finalement, la troisième partie de cette étude porte sur les composites de PLA et de renfort naturel afin de produire des composites moussés. Ces mousses ont été réalisées à l’aide d’un agent moussant exothermique (azodicarbonamide) via le moulage par injection, suite à un mélange du PLA et de fibres naturelles. Dans ce cas, la charge d’injection (quantité de matière injectée dans le moule: 31, 33, 36, 38 et 43% de la capacité de la presse à injection) et la concentration en poudre de bois (15, 25 et 40% en poids) ont été variées. La caractérisation des propriétés mécanique et thermique a été effectuée et les résultats ont démontré que les renforts naturels étudiés (lin et poudre de bois) permettaient d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques des composites, notamment le module de flexion et la résistance au choc du polymère (PLA). En outre, la formation de la mousse était également efficace pour le PLA vierge et ses composites car les masses volumiques ont été significativement réduites.
The research and development of wind turbine blades are essential to keep pace with worldwide growth in the renewable energy sector. Although currently blades are typically produced using glass fiber reinforced composite materials, the tendency for larger size blades, particularly for offshore applications, has increased the interest on carbon fiber reinforced composites because of the potential for increased stiffness and weight reduction. In this study a model of blade designed for large generators (5 MW) was studied on a small scale. A numerical simulation was performed to determine the aerodynamic loading using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Two blades were then designed and manufactured using epoxy matrix composites: one reinforced with glass fibers and the other with carbon fibers. For the structural calculations, maximum stress failure criterion was adopted. The blades were manufactured by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), typical for this type of component. A weight comparison of the two blades was performed and the weight of the carbon fiber blade was approximately 45% of the weight of the fiberglass reinforced blade. Static bending tests were carried out on the blades for various percentages of the design load and deflections measurements were compared with the values obtained from finite element simulations. A good agreement was observed between the measured and calculated deflections. In summary, the results of this study confirm that the low density combined with high mechanical properties of carbon fibers are particularly attractive for the production of large size wind turbine blades
I compositi laminati, specialmente i Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs), possiedono ottime proprietà meccaniche ed un peso contenuto rispetto i materiali metallici. Uno dei problemi più importanti che i laminati presentano è il cedimento per delaminazione, ovvero il distaccamento delle lamine che costituiscono il composito, in seguito a sollecitazioni esterne e/o alla presenza di difetti formati durante il processo di lavorazione. Per poter minimizzare tale fenomeno sono stati studiati vari metodi; fra questi vi è l’utilizzo di tessuti nanofibrosi che, intercalati fra le lamine, riescono ad ostacolare efficacemente la propagazione della cricca. Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati prodotti, mediante elettrofilatura, tessuti nanofibrosi polimerici additivati con grafene, da impiegare per la modifica strutturale di compositi laminati. In particolare, è stata svolta l’ottimizzazione delle soluzioni (concentrazione polimero, sistema solvente) e dei parametri di processo (potenziale, portata, distanza ago-collettore) per diversi materiali polimerici. Per effettuare un’efficiente dispersione del grafene sono stati effettuati vari cicli di sonicazione. Le membrane sono state caratterizzate morfologicamente mediante microscopia elettronica (SEM) e termicamente mediante calorimetria differenziale a scansione (DSC). Infine, sono stati prodotti tessuti di grandi dimensioni adatti ad essere integrati, prossimamente, in compositi laminati per verificarne l’efficacia contro la delaminazione.
The increased exploitation of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) is inevitably bringing about an increase in production scraps and end-of-life components, resulting in a sharp increase in CFRP waste. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to find efficient ways to reintroduce waste into the manufacturing cycle. At present, several recycling methods for treating CFRPs are available, even if all of them still have to be optimized. The step after CFRP recycling, and also the key to build a solid and sustainable CFRP recycling market, is represented by the utilization of Re-CFs. The smartest way to utilize recovered carbon fibers is through the manufacturing of recycled CFRPs, that can be done by re-impregnating the recovered fibers with a new polymeric matrix. Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is one of the most widely used additive manufacturing (3D printing) techniques that fabricates parts with a polymeric filament deposition process that allows to produce parts adding material layer-by-layer, only where it is needed, saving energy, raw material cost, and waste. The filament can also contain fillers or reinforcements such as recycled short carbon fibers and this makes it perfectly compliant with the re-application of the shortened recycled CF. Therefore, in this thesis work recycled and virgin carbon fiber reinforced PLA filaments have been initially produced using 5% and 10% of CFs load. Properties and characteristics of the filaments have been determined conducting different analysis (TGA, DMA, DSC). Subsequently the 5%wt. Re-CFs filament has been used to 3D print specimens for mechanical characterization (DMA, tensile test and CTE), in order to evaluate properties of printed PLA composites containing Re-CFs and evaluate the feasibility of Re-CFs in 3D printing application.
La presente tesi, in particolare, sfrutta un metodo di analisi semplificato di “loss assessment” o analisi delle perdite economiche, considerando un edificio esistente in CA. L’edificio caso di studio è un tipico edificio intelaiato in CA sito sull’appennino, e progettato e costruito negli anni ’70, dunque, senza tenere conto dell’azione orizzontale del sisma, per cui non presenta i dettagli costruttivi atti a soddisfare i requisiti minimi di duttilità. È stata effettuata una analisi statica non lineare (Pushover), per studiare la risposta della struttura esistente alle azioni orizzontali. Al fine di migliorare il confinamento delle colonne in CA, è stato scelto di utilizzare dei rinforzi locali, tipicamente utilizzati in Italia nella pratica progettuale, atti a migliorare le caratteristiche di duttilità e/o resistenza degli elementi rinforzati, e di conseguenza capaci di migliorare le caratteristiche globali dell’intero sistema strutturale. Sono state selezionate tre diverse tecnologie: le “Fiber Reinforced Polymers” (FRP), il “Concrete Jacketing” (CJ) e il sistema di Cerchiature Attive dei Manufatti (CAM). Nella presente tesi verranno presentate diverse applicazioni di questi sistemi, enunciandone i miglioramenti rispetto al caso “As-built” e poi confrontandole tra di loro in modo da fornire elementi validi a supporto della fase decisionale per la progettazione dell’intervento sull’edificio. Infine vengono valutate le perdite economiche medie annue attese, insieme ad altri parametri sintetici di analisi delle perdite e di analisi costi-benefici. Il fine di questo processo è di studiare quanto uno specifico intervento di miglioramento sismico, applicato all’edificio As-built, consenta di ridurre le perdite economiche sismiche stimate in un anno di vita della struttura, e poi nel corso della sua vita utile, per fornire un elemento di paragone utile per la scelta dell’intervento ottimale.
The growing demand for lightweight solutions in every field of engineering is driving the industry to seek new technological solutions to exploit the full potential of different materials. The combination of dissimilar materials with distinct property ranges embodies a transparent allocation of component functions while allowing an optimal mix of their characteristics. From both technological and design perspectives, the interaction between dissimilar materials can lead to severe defects that compromise a multi-material hybrid component's performance and its structural integrity. This thesis aims to develop methodologies for designing, manufacturing, and monitoring of hybrid metal-composite joints and hybrid composite components. In Chapter 1, a methodology for designing and manufacturing hybrid aluminum/composite co-cured tubes is assessed. In Chapter 2, a full-field methodology for fiber misalignment detection and stiffness prediction for hybrid, long fiber reinforced composite systems is shown and demonstrated. Chapter 3 reports the development of a novel technology for joining short fiber systems and metals in a one-step co-curing process using lattice structures. Chapter 4 is dedicated to a novel analytical framework for the design optimization of two lattice architectures.
Three dimensional (3D) printers of continuous fiber reinforced composites, such as MarkTwo (MT) by Markforged, can be used to manufacture such structures. To date, research works devoted to the study and application of flexible elements and CMs realized with MT printer are only a few and very recent. A good numerical and/or analytical tool for the mechanical behavior analysis of the new composites is still missing. In addition, there is still a gap in obtaining the material properties used (e.g. elastic modulus) as it is usually unknown and sensitive to printing parameters used (e.g. infill density), making the numerical simulation inaccurate. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to present several work developed. The first is a preliminary investigation on the tensile and flexural response of Straight Beam Flexures (SBF) realized with MT printer and featuring different interlayer fiber volume-fraction and orientation, as well as different laminate position within the sample. The second is to develop a numerical analysis within the Carrera' s Unified Formulation (CUF) framework, based on component-wise (CW) approach, including a novel preprocessing tool that has been developed to account all regions printed in an easy and time efficient way. Among its benefits, the CUF-CW approach enables building an accurate database for collecting first natural frequencies modes results, then predicting Young' s modulus based on an inverse problem formulation. To validate the tool, the numerical results are compared to the experimental natural frequencies evaluated using a digital image correlation method. Further, we take the CUF-CW model and use static condensation to analyze smart structures which can be decomposed into a large number of similar components. Third, the potentiality of MT in combination with topology optimization and compliant joints design (CJD) is investigated for the realization of automated machinery mechanisms subjected to inertial loads.