939 resultados para Fe3 immobilized
A new concept of semipermeable reservoirs containing co-cultures of cells and supporting microparticles is presented, inspired by the multi-phenotypic cellular environment of bone. Based on the deconstruction of the â stem cell nicheâ , the developed capsules are designed to drive a self-regulated osteogenesis. PLLA microparticles functionalized with collagen I, and a co-culture of adipose stem (ASCs) and endothelial (ECs) cells are immobilized in spherical liquified capsules. The capsules are coated with multilayers of poly(L-lysine), alginate, and chitosan nano-assembled through layer-by-layer. Capsules encapsulating ASCs alone or in a co-culture with ECs are cultured in endothelial medium with or without osteogenic differentiation factors. Results show that osteogenesis is enhanced by the co-encapsulation, which occurs even in the absence of differentiation factors. These findings are supported by an increased ALP activity and matrix mineralization, osteopontin detection, and the up regulation of BMP-2, RUNX2 and BSP. The liquified co-capsules also act as a VEGF and BMP-2 cytokines release system. The proposed liquified capsules might be a valuable injectable self-regulated system for bone regeneration employing highly translational cell sources.
Doctoral Dissertation for PhD degree in Chemical and Biological Engineering
Characterization, with emphasis on the rheological properties, of Cassia grandis seeds galactomannan gel containing immobilized Cramoll 1,4 is presented. The gels, with and without immobilized Cramoll 1,4, were evaluated along time by rheometry, pH, color, microbial contamination and lectin hemagglutinating activity (HA). Rheological determinations confirmed the gels to be very stable up to 30 days with variations occurring after this period. Rheological data also showed that the gel/Cramoll 1,4 immobilizing matrix loses its elastic modulus substantially after 60 days. Both gels presented no microbial contamination as well as a pH close to neutral. Colorimetric parameters demonstrated the gels transparency with occasional yellowness. The opacity of the galactomannan gel did not change significantly along the study; the same did not occur for the gel with immobilized Cramoll 1,4 as a statistically significant reduction of its opacity was observed. In what concerns immobilized Cramoll 1,4HA, up to 90% of its initial HA was maintained after 20 days, with a decrease to 60% after 60 days. These results combined with the thickening and stabilizing characteristics of the galactomannan gel make this gel a promising immobilizing matrix for Cramoll 1,4 that can be further exploited for clinical and cosmetic applications.
The use of chemicals and chemical derivatives in agriculture and industry has contributed to their accumulation and persistence in the environment. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are among the environmental pollutants of most concern since, when improperly handled and disposed, they can persist in the environment, bioaccumulate through the food web, and may create serious public health and environmental problems. Development of an effective degradation process has become an area of intense research. The physical/chemical methods employed, such as volatilization, evaporation, photooxidation, adsorption, or hydrolysis, are not always effective, are very expensive, and, sometimes, lead to generation/disposal of other contaminants. Biodegradation is one of the major mechanisms by which organic contaminants are transformed, immobilized, or mineralized in the environment. A clear understanding of the major processes that affect the interactions between organic contaminants, microorganisms, and environmental matrix is, thus, important for determining persistence of the compounds, for predicting in situ transformation rates, and for developing site remediation. Information on their risks and impact and occurrence in the different environmental matrices is also important, in order to attenuate their impact and apply the appropriate remediation process. This chapter provides information on the fate of pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), their impact, bioavailability, and biodegradation. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014.
Dissertação de mestrado em BiofÃsica e Bionanossistemas
This work studied the physical immobilization of a commercial laccase on bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) aiming to identify the laccase antibacterial properties suitable for wound dressings. Physico-chemical analysis demonstrates that the BNC structure is manly formed by pure crystalline I cellulose. The pH optimum and activation energy of free laccase depends on the substrate employed corresponding to pH 6, 7, 3 and 57, 22, 48 kJ mol1 for 2,6-dimethylphenol (DMP), catechol and 2,2 -azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), respectively. The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) value for the immobilized laccase (0.77 mM) was found to be almost double of that of the free enzyme (0.42 mM). However, the specific activities of immobilized and free laccase are similar suggesting that the cage-like structure of BNC allows entrapped laccase to maintain some flexibility and favour substrate accessibility. The results clearly show the antimicrobial effect of laccase in Gram-positive (92%) and Gram-negative (26%) bacteria and cytotoxicity acceptable for wound dressing applications.
Currently, prebiotics are all carbohydrates of relatively short chain length. An important group is the fructooligosaccharides, which are a special kind of prebiotics associated to their selective stimulation of the activity of certain groups of colonic bacteria that have a positive and beneficial effect on intestinal microbiota, reducing incidence of gastrointestinal infections, respiratory and also possessing a recognized bifidogenic effect. Traditionally, these prebiotic compounds have been obtained through extraction processes from some plants, as well as through enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose. However, different fermentative methods have also been proposed for the production of fructooligosaccharides, such as solid-state fermentation utilizing various agroindustrial by-products. By optimizing the culture parameters, fructooligosaccharides yields and productivity can be improved. The use of immobilized enzymes and cells has also been proposed as being an effective and economic method for large-scale production of fructooligosaccharides. This paper is an overview on the results of recent studies on fructooligosacharides biosynthesis, physicochemical properties, sources, biotechnological production and applications.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioengenharia
O presente trabalho relata o estudo sôbre a determinação de cálcio e magnésio em material vegetal, pelo método quelatométrico, baseado no uso do sal dissódico do ácido etileno-diamino-tetra-acético (EDTA). Foi estudada a influência de diversos Ãons (Fe3+, PO4(3-), Al3+, Mn² +, SO4(2-)) nas determinações em apreço. Verificou-se que dentre os Ãons estudados, a principal interferência é causada pelo Ãon fosfato, a qual pode ser eliminada, precipitando-se o citado ânion, na forma de fosfato férrico em presença de Ãons acetato. A técnica proposta foi empregada na determinação de cálcio e magnésio em material vegetal e os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os fornecidos pelo método permanganométrico (pára o cálcio) e o colorimétrico (para o magnésio).
O presente trabalho relata os estudos desenvolvidos sobre a determinação do boro em plantas através do método da curcumina, que se fundamenta na formação do complexo rosocianina em meio acético- sulfúrico. Nesse método a reação de formação da rosocianina é desenvolvida em meio lÃquido e à temperatura ambiente, não necessitando, portanto, do controle da temperatura a 55±3°C, conforme é exigido pelo método comum, cujo complexo formado é principalmente rubrocurcumina. Uma alÃquota do extrato do vegetal é tornada alcalina pela adição de solução de NaOH e sêca em banho-maria. Sobre o resÃduo obtido adicionam-se a solução acética de curcumina a 0,125% e a solução de ácido sulfúrico -ácido acético ( 1 + 1 ). A reação completa-se em 15 minutos. No estudo da aplicação do método em plantas, diversos aspectos foram abordados, como: interferentes e sua eliminação, a solubilização do boro contido nas amostras incineradas, a contaminação do extrato de vegetal pelo papel de filtro, como conseqüência da filtração a que deve ser submetido, e a precisão e a exatidão do referido método. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, dentre os elementos normalmente encontrados nas cinzas vegetais, os que interferem no citado método sao o cálcio (Ca2+), o magnésio (Mg2+), o ferro (Fe3+), o manganês (Mn2+) e o cobalto (Co2+). Esses elementos foram eliminados do extrato de planta, passando-o através de resina catiônica. O método, conforme é preconizado, pode ser considerado eficiente na determinação do boro em plantas, pois, mostrou possuir precisão e exatidão satisfatórios, aliadas à sua alta sensibilidade, permitindo determinar desde 2 ppm de boro em plantas, dentro do seu intervalo de menor erro.
A study of the courship and copulation behaviour of Panstrongylus megistus was carried out in the laboratory. fifty-five newly-fed virgin couples were used. Experiments were performed during the day (9:00 to 12:00 a.m.) and at night (7:00 to 10:00 p.m). Behaviour was recorded by direct observation and was found to consist of the following sequence of behavioral patterns: the male approached the female and jumped on her or mounted her; he took on a dorsolateral position and immobilized the female dorsally and ventrally with his three pairs of legs; the male genital was placed below those of the female; the paramers of the male immobilized the female's genitals; copulation started. The couple joined by the iniciative of the male. The female could be receptive and accept copulation, or nonreceptive and reject the male. Copulation occurred more often on the occasion of the first attempt by the male. Duration of copulation was X = 29.3 ± 9.3 min (CV = 83%). No behavioral differences were observed couples tested during the day or at night.
Animal models of infective endocarditis (IE) induced by high-grade bacteremia revealed the pathogenic roles of Staphylococcus aureus surface adhesins and platelet aggregation in the infection process. In humans, however, S. aureus IE possibly occurs through repeated bouts of low-grade bacteremia from a colonized site or intravenous device. Here we used a rat model of IE induced by continuous low-grade bacteremia to explore further the contributions of S. aureus virulence factors to the initiation of IE. Rats with aortic vegetations were inoculated by continuous intravenous infusion (0.0017 ml/min over 10 h) with 10(6) CFU of Lactococcus lactis pIL253 or a recombinant L. lactis strain expressing an individual S. aureus surface protein (ClfA, FnbpA, BCD, or SdrE) conferring a particular adhesive or platelet aggregation property. Vegetation infection was assessed 24 h later. Plasma was collected at 0, 2, and 6 h postinoculation to quantify the expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin 1α (IL-1α), IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10. The percentage of vegetation infection relative to that with strain pIL253 (11%) increased when binding to fibrinogen was conferred on L. lactis (ClfA strain) (52%; P = 0.007) and increased further with adhesion to fibronectin (FnbpA strain) (75%; P < 0.001). Expression of fibronectin binding alone was not sufficient to induce IE (BCD strain) (10% of infection). Platelet aggregation increased the risk of vegetation infection (SdrE strain) (30%). Conferring adhesion to fibrinogen and fibronectin favored IL-1β and IL-6 production. Our results, with a model of IE induced by low-grade bacteremia, resembling human disease, extend the essential role of fibrinogen binding in the initiation of S. aureus IE. Triggering of platelet aggregation or an inflammatory response may contribute to or promote the development of IE.
A generic optical biosensing strategy was developed that relies on the absorbance enhancement phenomenon occurring in a multiple scattering matrix. Experimentally, inserts made of glass fiber membrane were placed into microplate wells in order to significantly lengthen the trajectory of the incident light through the sample and therefore increase the corresponding absorbance. Enhancement factor was calculated by comparing the absorbance values measured for a given amount of dye with and without the absorbance-enhancing inserts in the wells. Moreover, the dilution of dye in solutions with different refractive indices (RI) clearly revealed that the enhancement factor increased with the ΔRI between the membrane and the surrounding medium, reaching a maximum value (EF>25) when the membranes were dried. On this basis, two H2O2-biosensing systems were developed based on the biofunctionalization of the glass fiber inserts either with cytochrome c or horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and the analytical performances were systematically compared with the corresponding bioassay in solution. The efficiency of the absorbance-enhancement approach was particularly clear in the case of the cytochrome c-based biosensor with a sensitivity gain of 40 folds and wider dynamic range. Therefore, the developed strategy represents a promising way to convert standard colorimetric bioassays into optical biosensors with improved sensitivity.
The introduction of culture-independent molecular screening techniques, especially based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, has allowed microbiologists to examine a facet of microbial diversity not necessarily reflected by the results of culturing studies. The bacterial community structure was studied for a pesticide-contaminated site that was subsequently remediated using an efficient degradative strain Arthrobacter protophormiae RKJ100. The efficiency of the bioremediation process was assessed by monitoring the depletion of the pollutant, and the effect of addition of an exogenous strain on the existing soil community structure was determined using molecular techniques. The 16S rRNA gene pool amplified from the soil metagenome was cloned and restriction fragment length polymorphism studies revealed 46 different phylotypes on the basis of similar banding patterns. Sequencing of representative clones of each phylotype showed that the community structure of the pesticide-contaminated soil was mainly constituted by Proteobacteria and Actinomycetes. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed only nonsignificant changes in community structure during the process of bioremediation. Immobilized cells of strain RKJ100 enhanced pollutant degradation but seemed to have no detectable effects on the existing bacterial community structure.
Ferromagnetic dacron is proposed as an alternative solid-phase for magnetic enzyme immunoassays. Human serum albumin (HSA) was covalentlyimmobilized onto ferromagnetic dacron and as enzyme immunoassay was developed using anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used as the enzymatic label and substrates, respectively. Best results were observed when particles of 63-100 µm (diameter) and 10 µg of immobilized antigen were used. Positive reactions were detected until dilutions of1:51200 of immune sera. Its reproducibility was similar to standard ELISA. Disruption of the immunocomplexes formed and recuperation of the immobilized antigen in other immunoassays also proved to be reliable.