910 resultados para FREEPLAY NONLINEARITY
We investigate a four-level double-Lambda atomic scheme interacting with four laser fields, a weak probe field, a weak signal field and two driven fields, in a closed-loop configuration. We study the Kerr nonlinearity associated with cross-phase modulation based on electromagnetically induced transparency. Our results show, in this closed-loop system, that the strength of cross-phase modulation and two-photon absorption are dependent critically on the relative phase between the excitation paths. By choosing the parameters appropriately, large cross-phase modulation can be achieved within a wide transparency window, while two-photon absorption is cancelled completely. The strength of cross-phase modulation can be enhanced much more by decreasing the intensities of two driven fields.
The nonlinear behavior of a probe pulse propagating in a medium with electromagnetically induced transparency is studied both numerically and analytically. A new type of nonlinear wave equation is proposed in which the noninstantaneous response of nonlinear polarization is treated properly. The resulting nonlinear behavior of the propagating probe pulse is shown to be fundamentally different from that predicted by the simple nonlinear Schrodinger-like wave equation that considers only instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.
Light has long been used for the precise measurement of moving bodies, but the burgeoning field of optomechanics is concerned with the interaction of light and matter in a regime where the typically weak radiation pressure force of light is able to push back on the moving object. This field began with the realization in the late 1960's that the momentum imparted by a recoiling photon on a mirror would place fundamental limits on the smallest measurable displacement of that mirror. This coupling between the frequency of light and the motion of a mechanical object does much more than simply add noise, however. It has been used to cool objects to their quantum ground state, demonstrate electromagnetically-induced-transparency, and modify the damping and spring constant of the resonator. Amazingly, these radiation pressure effects have now been demonstrated in systems ranging 18 orders of magnitude in mass (kg to fg).
In this work we will focus on three diverse experiments in three different optomechanical devices which span the fields of inertial sensors, closed-loop feedback, and nonlinear dynamics. The mechanical elements presented cover 6 orders of magnitude in mass (ng to fg), but they all employ nano-scale photonic crystals to trap light and resonantly enhance the light-matter interaction. In the first experiment we take advantage of the sub-femtometer displacement resolution of our photonic crystals to demonstrate a sensitive chip-scale optical accelerometer with a kHz-frequency mechanical resonator. This sensor has a noise density of approximately 10 micro-g/rt-Hz over a useable bandwidth of approximately 20 kHz and we demonstrate at least 50 dB of linear dynamic sensor range. We also discuss methods to further improve performance of this device by a factor of 10.
In the second experiment, we used a closed-loop measurement and feedback system to damp and cool a room-temperature MHz-frequency mechanical oscillator from a phonon occupation of 6.5 million down to just 66. At the time of the experiment, this represented a world-record result for the laser cooling of a macroscopic mechanical element without the aid of cryogenic pre-cooling. Furthermore, this closed-loop damping yields a high-resolution force sensor with a practical bandwidth of 200 kHZ and the method has applications to other optomechanical sensors.
The final experiment contains results from a GHz-frequency mechanical resonator in a regime where the nonlinearity of the radiation-pressure interaction dominates the system dynamics. In this device we show self-oscillations of the mechanical element that are driven by multi-photon-phonon scattering. Control of the system allows us to initialize the mechanical oscillator into a stable high-amplitude attractor which would otherwise be inaccessible. To provide context, we begin this work by first presenting an intuitive overview of optomechanical systems and then providing an extended discussion of the principles underlying the design and fabrication of our optomechanical devices.
Fuzzification is introduced into gray-scale mathematical morphology by using two-input one-output fuzzy rule-based inference systems. The fuzzy inferring dilation or erosion is defined from the approximate reasoning of the two consequences of a dilation or an erosion and an extended rank-order operation. The fuzzy inference systems with numbers of rules and fuzzy membership functions are further reduced to a simple fuzzy system formulated by only an exponential two-input one-output function. Such a one-function fuzzy inference system is able to approach complex fuzzy inference systems by using two specified parameters within it-a proportion to characterize the fuzzy degree and an exponent to depict the nonlinearity in the inferring. The proposed fuzzy inferring morphological operators tend to keep the object details comparable to the structuring element and to smooth the conventional morphological operations. Based on digital area coding of a gray-scale image, incoherently optical correlation for neighboring connection, and optical thresholding for rank-order operations, a fuzzy inference system can be realized optically in parallel. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Ordered granular systems have been a subject of active research for decades. Due to their rich dynamic response and nonlinearity, ordered granular systems have been suggested for several applications, such as solitary wave focusing, acoustic signals manipulation, and vibration absorption. Most of the fundamental research performed on ordered granular systems has focused on macro-scale examples. However, most engineering applications require these systems to operate at much smaller scales. Very little is known about the response of micro-scale granular systems, primarily because of the difficulties in realizing reliable and quantitative experiments, which originate from the discrete nature of granular materials and their highly nonlinear inter-particle contact forces.
In this work, we investigate the physics of ordered micro-granular systems by designing an innovative experimental platform that allows us to assemble, excite, and characterize ordered micro-granular systems. This new experimental platform employs a laser system to deliver impulses with controlled momentum and incorporates non-contact measurement apparatuses to detect the particles’ displacement and velocity. We demonstrated the capability of the laser system to excite systems of dry (stainless steel particles of radius 150 micrometers) and wet (silica particles of radius 3.69 micrometers, immersed in fluid) micro-particles, after which we analyzed the stress propagation through these systems.
We derived the equations of motion governing the dynamic response of dry and wet particles on a substrate, which we then validated in experiments. We then measured the losses in these systems and characterized the collision and friction between two micro-particles. We studied wave propagation in one-dimensional dry chains of micro-particles as well as in two-dimensional colloidal systems immersed in fluid. We investigated the influence of defects to wave propagation in the one-dimensional systems. Finally, we characterized the wave-attenuation and its relation to the viscosity of the surrounding fluid and performed computer simulations to establish a model that captures the observed response.
The findings of the study offer the first systematic experimental and numerical analysis of wave propagation through ordered systems of micro-particles. The experimental system designed in this work provides the necessary tools for further fundamental studies of wave propagation in both granular and colloidal systems.
Theoretical and experimental studies of a gas laser amplifier are presented, assuming the amplifier is operating with a saturating optical frequency signal. The analysis is primarily concerned with the effects of the gas pressure and the presence of an axial magnetic field on the characteristics of the amplifying medium. Semiclassical radiation theory is used, along with a density matrix description of the atomic medium which relates the motion of single atoms to the macroscopic observables. A two-level description of the atom, using phenomenological source rates and decay rates, forms the basis of our analysis of the gas laser medium. Pressure effects are taken into account to a large extent through suitable choices of decay rate parameters.
Two methods for calculating the induced polarization of the atomic medium are used. The first method utilizes a perturbation expansion which is valid for signal intensities which barely reach saturation strength, and it is quite general in applicability. The second method is valid for arbitrarily strong signals, but it yields tractable solutions only for zero magnetic field or for axial magnetic fields large enough such that the Zeeman splitting is much larger than the power broadened homogeneous linewidth of the laser transition. The effects of pressure broadening of the homogeneous spectral linewidth are included in both the weak-signal and strong-signal theories; however the effects of Zeeman sublevel-mixing collisions are taken into account only in the weak-signal theory.
The behavior of a He-Ne gas laser amplifier in the presence of an axial magnetic field has been studied experimentally by measuring gain and Faraday rotation of linearly polarized resonant laser signals for various values of input signal intensity, and by measuring nonlinearity - induced anisotropy for elliptically polarized resonant laser signals of various input intensities. Two high-gain transitions in the 3.39-μ region were used for study: a J = 1 to J = 2 (3s2 → 3p4) transition and a J = 1 to J = 1 (3s2 → 3p2) transition. The input signals were tuned to the centers of their respective resonant gain lines.
The experimental results agree quite well with corresponding theoretical expressions which have been developed to include the nonlinear effects of saturation strength signals. The experimental results clearly show saturation of Faraday rotation, and for the J = 1 t o J = 1 transition a Faraday rotation reversal and a traveling wave gain dip are seen for small values of axial magnetic field. The nonlinearity induced anisotropy shows a marked dependence on the gas pressure in the amplifier tube for the J = 1 to J = 2 transition; this dependence agrees with the predictions of the general perturbational or weak signal theory when allowances are made for the effects of Zeeman sublevel-mixing collisions. The results provide a method for measuring the upper (neon 3s2) level quadrupole moment decay rate, the dipole moment decay rates for the 3s2 → 3p4 and 3s2 → 3p2 transitions, and the effects of various types of collision processes on these decay rates.
This thesis is a study of nonlinear phenomena in the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a weakly ionized gas externally biased with a magnetostatic field. The present study is restricted to the nonlinear phenomena rising from the interaction of electromagnetic waves in the ionized gas. The important effects of nonlinearity are wave-form distortion leads to cross modulation of one wave by a second amplitude-modulated wave.
The nonlinear effects are assumed to be small so that a perturbation method can be used. Boltzmann’s kinetic equation with an appropriate expression for the collision term is solved by expanding the electron distribution function into spherical harmonics in velocity space. In turn, the electron convection current density and the conductivity tensors of the nonlinear ionized gas are found from the distribution function. Finally, the expression for the current density and Maxwell’s equations are employed to investigate the effects of nonlinearity on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the ionized gas, and also on the reflection of waves from an ionized gas of semi-infinite extent.
A general class of single degree of freedom systems possessing rate-independent hysteresis is defined. The hysteretic behavior in a system belonging to this class is depicted as a sequence of single-valued functions; at any given time, the current function is determined by some set of mathematical rules concerning the entire previous response of the system. Existence and uniqueness of solutions are established and boundedness of solutions is examined.
An asymptotic solution procedure is used to derive an approximation to the response of viscously damped systems with a small hysteretic nonlinearity and trigonometric excitation. Two properties of the hysteresis loops associated with any given system completely determine this approximation to the response: the area enclosed by each loop, and the average of the ascending and descending branches of each loop.
The approximation, supplemented by numerical calculations, is applied to investigate the steady-state response of a system with limited slip. Such features as disconnected response curves and jumps in response exist for a certain range of system parameters for any finite amount of slip.
To further understand the response of this system, solutions of the initial-value problem are examined. The boundedness of solutions is investigated first. Then the relationship between initial conditions and resulting steady-state solution is examined when multiple steady-state solutions exist. Using the approximate analysis and numerical calculations, it is found that significant regions of initial conditions in the initial condition plane lead to the different asymptotically stable steady-state solutions.
Quadratic optical nonlinearity chi((2)) can be exploited in femtosecond lasers and regarded as a significant new degree of freedom for the design of short-pulse sources. We will review our recent progress on developing nonlinear quadratic technologies for femtosecond lasers. Our nonlinear laser technology offers new properties for femtosecond lasers, including optical parametric amplifier with novel working regime, efficient second harmonic generation, and time telescope.
The present project aims to describe and study the nature and transmission of nerve pulses. First we review a classical model by Hodgkin-Huxley which describes the nerve pulse as a pure electric signal which propagates due to the opening of some time- and voltage-dependent ion channels. Although this model was quite successful when introduced, it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation to other phenomena that occur in the transmission of nerve pulses, therefore a new theory seems to be necessary. The soliton theory is one such theory, which we explain after introducing two topics that are important for its understanding: (i) the lipid melting of membranes, which are found to display nonlinearity and dispersion during the melting transition, and (ii) the discovery and the conditions required for the existence of solitons. In the soliton theory, the pulse is presented as an electromechanical soliton which forces the membrane through the transition while propagating. The action of anesthesia is also explained in the new framework by the melting point depression caused by anesthetics. Finally, we present a comparison between the two models.
Second-harmonic generation was observed in Ge(20)AS(25)S(55) chalcogenide glass irradiated by an electron beam. The second-harmonic intensity increased with increasing electron-beam current and accelerating voltage. The second-harmonic generation in Ge20As25S55 glass was caused by the space-charge electrostatic field that was generated by irradiation of an electron beam. Second-order nonlinearity chi ((2)) as great as 0.8 pm/V was obtained. The results of measurements of thermally stimulated depolarization current indicated that the glass was poled in the thin layers of its surface (several micrometers) and that the nonlinearity was stable. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.
The results of the femtosecond optical heterodyne detection of optical Kerr effect at 805 am with the 80 fs ultrafast pulses in amorphous Ge10As40S30Se20 film is reported in this Letter. The film shows an optical nonlinear response of 200 fs under ultrafast 80 fs-pulse excitation, and the values of real and imaginary parts of nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) were 9.0 x 10(-12) esu and -4.0 x 10(-12) esu respectively. The large third-order nonlinearity and ultrafast response are attributed to the ultrafast distortion of the electron orbits surrounding the average positions of the nucleus of Ge, As, S and Se atoms. This Ge10As40S30Se20 chalcogenide glass would be expected as a promising material for optical switching technique.