378 resultados para FN
Bd. 4-9 have imprint: "Stuttgart : In der J.B. Metzler'schen Buchhandlung."
The collection was bought by the Icelandic government in 1902 and is now in the National library (Landsbókasafn), Reykjavik. cf. Cornell Univ. Library. Catalogue of the Icelandic collection ... 1914.
I. Islenzkar gátur, safna hefir Jón Árnason.--II. Íslenzkar skemtanir, safna hefir Ólafur Davisson. Gefnar út af hinu Íslenzka bókmentafélagi.--III. Íslenzkir vikivakar og vikivakakvaei. Ólafur Davissom jefor sani og safna Gefi út af hinu Íslenzka bókmen tafélagi.--IV. Íslenzkar pulur og pjd́kvaedi, Ólafur David́sson hefir safnad. Gefid út af Hinu Íslenzka Bókmentafélagi.
Stjórnarskipunarmálið á 19. öldinni -- Frá Vesturheimi -- Íslenskan -- Háskólinn og menntun alþýðu -- Nokkur forngrísk kvæði.
Each work has special t.p.
"The first volume was edited by Jón Árnason who died the following year; all the other vols. were edited by Ólafur Davíðsson, partly at least, based on the Collections of J. Á."-- Cornell University Library. Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Background: This is the first report of involvement of Australian and New Zealand oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the management of isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures and was conducted to obtain comparisons with the results from a recent similar survey of British oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Methods: A questionnaire survey was sent to all 113 practising members of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in April 2002 with a second mailout 1 month later. Results: Sixty-nine per cent of the respondents were referred isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures for manage-ment, and just over half of these respondents estimated that 50% or more of the cases went to surgery. The materials most commonly used in orbital floor reconstruction were resorbable membrane for small defects and autologous bone for large defects. Conclusion: As in Britain, management of isolated orbital floor blow-out fractures comprises part of the surgical spectrum for many oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Australia and New Zealand. The management protocol was observed to be very similar between the two groups.
Loading of the femoral neck (FN) is dominated by bending and compressive stresses. We hypothesize that adaptation of the FN to physical activity would be manifested in the cross-sectional area (CSA) and section modulus (Z) of bone, indices of axial and bending strength, respectively. We investigated the influence of physical activity on bone strength during adolescence using 7 years of longitudinal data from 109 boys and 121 girls from the Saskatchewan Paediatric Bone and Mineral Accrual Study (PBMAS). Physical activity data (PAC-Q physical activity inventory) and anthropometric measurements were taken every 6 months and DXA bone scans were measured annually (Hologic QDR2000, array mode). We applied hip structural analysis to derive strength and geometric indices of the femoral neck using DXA scans. To control for maturation, we determined a biological maturity age defined as years from age at peak height velocity (APHV). To account for the repeated measures within individual nature of longitudinal data, multilevel random effects regression analyses were used to analyze the data. When biological maturity age and body size (height and weight) were controlled, in both boys and girls, physical activity was a significant positive independent predictor of CSA and Z of the narrow region of the femoral neck (P < 0.05). There was no independent effect of physical activity on the subperiosteal width of the femoral neck. When leg length and leg lean mass were introduced into the random effects models to control for size and muscle mass of the leg (instead of height and weight), all significant effects of physical activity disappeared. Even among adolescents engaged in normal levels of physical activity, the statistically significant relationship between physical activity and indices of bone strength demonstrate that modifiable lifestyle factors like exercise play an important role in optimizing bone strength during the growing years. Physical activity differences were explained by the interdependence between activity and lean mass considerations. Physical activity is important for optimal development of bone strength. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fibronectin (FN) deposition mediated by fibroblasts is an important process in matrix remodeling and wound healing. By monitoring the deposition of soluble biotinylated FN, we show that the stress-induced TG-FN matrix, a matrix complex of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) with its high affinity binding partner FN, can increase both exogenous and cellular FN deposition and also restore it when cell adhesion is interrupted via the presence of RGD-containing peptides. This mechanism does not require the transamidase activity of TG2 but is activated through an RGD-independent adhesion process requiring a heterocomplex of TG2 and FN and is mediated by a syndecan-4 and ß1 integrin co-signaling pathway. By using a5 null cells, ß1 integrin functional blocking antibody, and a a5ß1 integrin targeting peptide A5-1, we demonstrate that the a5 and ß1 integrins are essential for TG-FN to compensate RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion and FN deposition. The importance of syndecan-2 in this process was shown using targeting siRNAs, which abolished the compensation effect of TG-FN on the RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion, resulting in disruption of actin skeleton formation and FN deposition. Unlike syndecan-4, syndecan-2 does not interact directly with TG2 but acts as a downstream effector in regulating actin cytoskeleton organization through the ROCK pathway. We demonstrate that PKCa is likely to be the important link between syndecan-4 and syndecan-2 signaling and that TG2 is the functional component of the TG-FN heterocomplex in mediating cell adhesion via its direct interaction with heparan sulfate chains.
Heterotropic association of tissue transglutaminase (TG2) with extracellular matrix-associated fibronectin (FN) can restore the adhesion of fibroblasts when the integrin-mediated direct binding to FN is impaired using RGD-containing peptide. We demonstrate that the compensatory effect of the TG-FN complex in the presence of RGD-containing peptides is mediated by TG2 binding to the heparan sulfate chains of the syndecan-4 cell surface receptor. This binding mediates activation of protein kinase Ca (PKCa) and its subsequent interaction with ß1 integrin since disruption of PKCa binding to ß1 integrins with a cell-permeant competitive peptide inhibits cell adhesion and the associated actin stress fiber formation. Cell signaling by this process leads to the activation of focal adhesion kinase and ERK1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinases. Fibroblasts deficient in Raf-1 do not respond fully to the TG-FN complex unless either the full-length kinase competent Raf-1 or the kinase-inactive domain of Raf-1 is reintroduced, indicating the involvement of the Raf-1 protein in the signaling mechanism. We propose a model for a novel RGD-independent cell adhesion process that could be important during tissue injury and/or remodeling whereby TG-FN binding to syndecan-4 activates PKCa leading to its association with ß1 integrin, reinforcement of actin-stress fiber organization, and MAPK pathway activation.
Data suggest that for TG2 to be secreted, an intact N-terminal FN binding site (for which TG2 has high affinity) is required, however interaction of TG2 with its high affinity binding partners presents both in the intracellular and extracellular space as well as with specific cell surface receptors may also be involved in this process. Using a site-directed mutagenesis approach, the effects of specific mutations of TG2 on its translocation to the cell surface and secretion into the ECM have been investigated. Mutations include those affecting FN binding (FN1), HSPGs binding (HS1, HS2) GTP/GDP binding site (GTP1, 2) as well as N-terminal and C-terminal domains (TG2 deletion mutants N, and C). By performing transglutaminase activity assays, cell surface protein biotinylation and verifying distribution of TG2 mutants in the ECM we demonstrated that one of the potential heparan sulfate binding site mutants (HS2 mutant) is secreted at the cell surface in a much reduced manner and is less deposited into the ECM than the HS1 mutant. The HS2 mutant showed a low affinity for binding to a heparin sepharose column demonstrating this mutation site may be a potential heparan binding site of TG2. Analogous peptides to this site were shown to have some efficiency in the inhibition of the binding of the FN-TG2 complex to cell surface heparan sulfates in a cell adhesion assay indicating the peptide to be representative of the novel heparin binding site within TG2. The GTP binding site mutants GTP1 and GTP2 exhibited low specific activity however, GTP2 showed more secretion to the cell surface in comparison to GTP1. The FN1 binding mutant did not greatly affect TG2 activity nor did it alter TG2 secretion at the cell surface and deposition into the ECM indicating that fibronectin binding at this site on the enzyme is not an important factor. Interestingly an intact N-terminus (?1-15) appeared to be essential for enzyme externalisation. Removal of the first 15 amino acids (N-terminal mutant) abolished TG2 secretion to the cell surface as well as deposition into the ECM. In addition it reduced the enzymes affinity for binding to heparin. In contrast, deletion of the C-terminal TG2 domain (?594-687) increased enzyme secretion to the cell surface. Consistent with the data presented in this thesis we speculate that TG2 must fulfill two requirements to be successfully secreted from cells. The findings indicate that the closed conformation of the enzyme as well as intact N-terminal tail and a novel HS binding site within the TG2 molecule are key elements for the enzyme’s localisation at the cell surface and its deposition into the extracellular matrix. The importance of understanding the interactions between TG2, heparan sulfates and other TG2 binding partners at the cell surface could have an impact on the design of novel strategies for enzyme inhibition which could be important in the control of extracellular TG2 related diseases.
Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) is a multifunctional Ca2+ activated protein crosslinking enzyme secreted into the extracellular matrix (ECM), where it is involved in wound healing and scarring, tissue fibrosis, celiac disease and metastatic cancer. Extracellular TG2 can also facilitate cell adhesion important in wound healing through a non-transamidating mechanism via its association with fibronectin (FN), heparan sulphates (HS) and integrins. Regulating the mechanism how TG2 is translocated into the ECM therefore provides a strategy for modulating these physiological and pathological functions of the enzyme. Here, through molecular modelling and mutagenesis we have identified the HS binding site of TG2 202KFLKNAGRDCSRRSSPVYVGR222. We demonstrate the requirement of this binding site for translocation of TG2 into the ECM through a mechanism involving cell surface shedding of HS. By synthesizing a peptide NPKFLKNAGRDCSRRSS corresponding to the HS binding site within TG2, we also demonstrate how this mimicking peptide can in isolation compensate the RGD-induced loss of cell adhesion on FN via binding to syndecan-4, leading to activation of PKCa, pFAK-397 and ERK1/2 and the subsequent formation of focal adhesions and actin cytoskeleton organization. A novel regulatory mechanism for TG2 translocation into the extracellular compartment that depends upon TG2 conformation and the binding of HS is proposed.
TG2 is multifunctional enzyme which can be secreted to the cell surface by an unknown mechanism where its Ca(2+)-dependent transamidase activity is implicated in a number of events important to cell behaviour. However, this activity may only be transient due to the oxidation of the enzyme in the extracellular environment including its reaction with NO probably accounting for its many other roles, which are transamidation independent. In this review, we discuss the novel roles of TG2 at the cell surface and in the ECM acting either as a transamidating enzyme or as an extracellular scaffold protein involved in cell adhesion. Such roles include its ability to act as an FN co-receptor for ß integrins or in a heterocomplex with FN interacting with the cell surface heparan sulphate proteoglycan syndecan-4 leading to activation of PKCa. These different properties of TG2 involve this protein in various physiological processes, which if not regulated appropriately can also lead to its involvement in a number of diseases. These include metastatic cancer, tissue fibrosis and coeliac disease, thus increasing its attractiveness as both a therapeutic target and diagnostic marker.
Specific association of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) with matrix fibronectin (FN) results in the formation of an extracellular complex (tTG-FN) with distinct adhesive and pro-survival characteristics. tTG-FN supports RGD-independent cell adhesion of different cell types and the formation of distinctive RhoA-dependent focal adhesions following inhibition of integrin function by competitive RGD peptides and function blocking anti-integrin antibodies alpha5beta1. Association of tTG with its binding site on the 70-kDa amino-terminal FN fragment does not support this cell adhesion process, which seems to involve the entire FN molecule. RGD-independent cell adhesion to tTG-FN does not require transamidating activity, is mediated by the binding of tTG to cell-surface heparan sulfate chains, is dependent on the function of protein kinase Calpha, and leads to activation of the cell survival focal adhesion kinase. The tTG-FN complex can maintain cell viability of tTG-null mouse dermal fibroblasts when apoptosis is induced by inhibition of RGD-dependent adhesion (anoikis), suggesting an extracellular survival role for tTG. We propose a novel RGD-independent cell adhesion mechanism that promotes cell survival when the anti-apoptotic role mediated by RGD-dependent integrin function is reduced as in tissue injury, which is consistent with the externalization and binding of tTG to fibronectin following cell damage/stress.