969 resultados para Elastic plates and shells
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Otimização Energética na Indústria Química
An indirect ELISA for determination of post-vaccination rabies antibody was applied. Purified rabies virus was used as antigen to coat plates, and staphylococcal protein A linked with horseradish peroxidase was used for detecting IgG antibody in human sera. Sera from humans, vaccinated with cell-culture vaccine or suckling-mouse-brain vaccine, were examined. ELISA results were compared to those obtained from the virus neutralization test. The mean and standard deviation of OD were determined for 126 negative sera (pre-vaccination) and for 73 sera from vaccinated persons showing antibody titers lower than 0.5 IU/ml. Results were defined as ELISA -positive, -negative or -doubtful. Establishment of a doubtful region reduced the number of sera otherwise classified as positive (false-positive sera). In this way, the sensitivity, specificity and agreement values were respectively 87.5%, 92.4% and 88.5%. No significant differences were observed in these values when the group vaccinated with cell-culture vaccine and the group vaccinated with suckling-mouse-brain vaccine were compared. It was shown that much of the disagreement between the values obtained by neutralization test and ELISA occurred in sera obtained at the beginning of the immunization process, and was probably due to the presence of IgM in the serum samples, detected only by the former test. This ELISA method can be used as a screening test in rabies laboratories regardless of the kind of vaccine used for immunization.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
As ligações adesivas têm sido utilizadas em áreas como a indústria aeroespacial, aeronáutica, de defesa, automóvel, da construção civil e das madeiras. As juntas adesivas têm vindo a substituir métodos como a soldadura, e ligações parafusadas e rebitadas, devido à facilidade de fabricação, maiores cadências de produção, menores custos, facilidade em unir materiais diferentes, melhor resistência à fadiga, entre outras razões. Como tal, também se utilizam reparações adesivas para restituição da resistência de estruturas danificadas, cujas técnicas mais comuns são a sobreposição simples, sobreposição dupla e remendo embebido. As reparações por remendo embebido, que são as mais eficientes, consistem na realização de um furo cónico na zona danificada e colagem de um remendo com a forma complementar do furo, de tal forma que não é alterada a forma inicial do componente. Neste trabalho pretende-se estudar experimental e numericamente reparações adesivas por remendo embebido, nomeadamente o efeito da utilização de reforços exteriores (em um ou nos dois lados da estrutura), para diferentes ângulos de inclinação. Foi considerado um adesivo dúctil (Araldite® 2015) e outro frágil (Araldite® AV138), o que permitiu abranger processos de rotura bastante distintos. O estudo experimental é acompanhado por outro numérico no software ABAQUS®, usando modelos coesivos para a previsão numérica da resistência das reparações. O trabalho numérico permitiu o estudo das distribuições de tensões, o que possibilitou a análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos. Foi também realizado um estudo numérico de otimização das reparações por alteração da espessura dos reforços e utilização de chanfro nas extremidades dos mesmos. Nos resultados obtidos, constatou-se a adequabilidade do método numérico na previsão fiável da resistência, e também que a utilização dos reforços aumenta consideravelmente o rendimento das reparações (até 530 % e 340 % para os adesivos Araldite® 2015 e AV138, respetivamente), o que poderá justificar a sua utilização em aplicações industriais em que a perturbação aerodinâmica causada por esta alteração não seja relevante.
O presente projeto foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Estágio/Projeto, e desenvolve um estudo sobre as estruturas porticadas de sinalização vertical em Autoestradas, ao nível da estrutura metálica e das fundações, com o objetivo de analisar três casos diferentes com características distintas. Dois dos casos em estudo são modelos comuns que se encontram facilmente nas autoestradas. O terceiro tem uma configuração diferente, mais gravoso que o habitual. Com estes três casos obtém-se um estudo completo e abrangente deste tipo de estrutura porticada. Ao longo do projeto é seguida a norma EC3 (Eurocódigo 3 – Projeto de estruturas de aço). Dimensionaram-se as estruturas utilizando secções tubulares, mas é também realizado o dimensionamento de uma solução estrutural alternativa recorrendo a perfis laminados I ou H. As estruturas foram modeladas com recurso ao software de cálculo Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, obtendo-se os esforços e deformações nos vários pontos da estrutura, que permitem realizar o dimensionamento manual das secções dos perfis estruturais, chumbadouros, chapas de fundação e fundações propriamente ditas. Na parte final do projeto apresenta-se uma apreciação global do mesmo, conclusões gerais sobre os resultados obtidos e possíveis desenvolvimentos futuros.
O Modelo Escoras e Tirantes surgiu no início do Século XX quando Ritter e Mörsch estabeleceram a analogia entre uma treliça clássica e uma viga de betão armado. Desde então pesquisadores têm estudado esse modelo como método de dimensionamento. A partir dos anos 90 várias normas apresentaram a utilização do modelo escoras e tirantes como relevante no dimensionamento de elementos de betão armado. Os critérios de segurança do Modelo Escoras e Tirantes são neste trabalho explicados de acordo com o Eurocódigo 2:2010, e comparadas com as normas NBR 6118:2014 e ACI 318:2011. É unanime dizer que a utilização do método torna-se mais vantajosa para regiões de descontinuidade. Em todos os elementos de betão armado, o Método Escoras e Tirantes são representações dos campos de tensão idealizados por elementos comprimidos e tracionados. Para a definição destes elementos é proposto o processo de “caminho de carga” em que conhecidas as tensões elásticas e suas direções principais utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos o modelo das escoras e tirantes é de fácil concepção. É também possível a definição deste a partir de modelos padrão já concebidos para determinados tipos de elementos estruturais de betão armado. Para o elemento descontinuo viga-parede estudado foram apresentados cinco modelos de cálculo até otimizar a solução validando as tensões com o Método dos Elementos Finitos. Em todos os modelos foram analisadas a definição do Modelo Escoras e Tirantes, a resistência das escoras, dos tirantes e dos nós até chegar à solução construtiva da viga-parede. Concluiu-se que a definição do modelo é a chave do dimensionamento.
Introduction: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type I-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) can impact the independence and motricity of patients. The aims of this study were to estimate the effects of physiotherapy on the functionality of patients with HAM/TSP during the stable phase of the disease using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and to compare two methods of treatment delivery. Methods: Fourteen patients with human T cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) were randomly allocated into two groups. In group I (seven patients), PNF was applied by the therapist, facilitating the functional activities of rolling, sitting and standing, walking and climbing and descending stairs. In group II (seven patients), PNF was self-administered using an elastic tube, and the same activities were facilitated. Experiments were conducted for 1h twice per week for 12 weeks. Low-back pain, a modified Ashworth scale, the functional independence measure (FIM) and the timed up and go test (TUG) were assessed before and after the interventions. Results: In the within-group evaluation, low-back pain was significantly reduced in both groups, the FIM improved in group II, and the results of the TUG improved in group I. In the inter-group analysis, only the tone was lower in group II than in group I. Conclusions: Both PNF protocols were effective in treating patients with HAM/TSP.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
The present work deals with the systematic, biological and economic problems related to Corythaica cyathicollis (Costa, 1864) (Hemip., Tingidae). In the first part are presented the generic characteristics of Corythaica and is discussed the status of the specific name. The validity of C. cyathicollis, as stated by DRAKE and his collaborators, was denied by MONTE in his last works, he considered the species as C. passiflorae. Even in the modern literature no agreement has been achieved and three names are still used (cyathicollis, passiflorae and planaris) to designate the same insect. In order to resolve definitively this problem, a Neotype is designed to fill the place of the missing type of C. cyathicollis. Also in the first parte is discussed the taxonomic value of both male and female genitalia. The whole male copulator apparatus is studied and are illustrated the genital capsules of 8 species of this genus. Special mention is made of the shape of the basal plates and the proportions of the segmental membrana. The female genitalia is studied based upon the work of FELDMAN & BAILEY (1952). In the second part the biological cycle of C. cyathicollis is carefully studied. Descriptions of the egg are done and the ways of oviposition. The number of eggs laid by the female was observed to be about 350, during a period of more than 45 days. The eclosion of the neanide I is illustrated in some of its phases and the 5 larval instars are described and illustrated. Ending this part are included the lists of parasites and predators observed as well as the plant hosts. The actual geographical distribution is presented, based chiefly on HURD (1945). The economic problems concerning this species are reported in the third part of the work, and the ways of control are discussed. An experiment was carried out involving 4 insecticides: Malathion and Parathion, commonly used against this "lace bug"; Toxaphene and Dimethoate (American Cyanamid 12.880), the last one is an insecticide recently introduced in Brazil and was not previously used for these purposes, but gave the best results and it is quite able to control these insects even on crops showing highly developed infestations.
Optical and electron microscopical evidences of focal matrix degradation were frequently seen in liver sections taken from patients with periportal ("pipe-stem") fibrosis caused by schistosomiasis mansoni. Besides present of focal areas of rarefaction, fragmentation and dispersion of collagen fibers, the enlargend portal spaces also showed hyperplasia of elastic tisue and disarray of smooth muscle fibers following the destrution of portal vein branches. Ultrastructural cahnges represented by focal lytic and/or electron dense alterations of colagen fibrils were similar to those first seen in experimental material and designated as "chronic collagen degradation". Elastin and related microfibrils were also affected by focal condensation, fragmentation, distorsion and dissolution. Schistosome eggs were scanty in the tissue sections examined. Matrix degradation represented involuting changes related to the progressive diminution of parasite aggression, which occurs spontaneously with age or after cure by chemotherapy. Changes of focal matrix degradation now being described represent the basic morphological counterpart of periportal fibrosis involution documented clinically, especially by ultrasonography, in patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis submitted to curative chemotherapy.
RESUME : Bien que les propriétés physiques de la structure de l'ADN aient été intensivement étudiées pendant plus de 50 ans il y a encore beaucoup de questions importantes qui attendent des réponses. Par exemple, qu'arrive-t-il à la structure de la double hélice d'ADN nue (sans protéines liées) lorsqu'elle est fortement courbée, de la même manière que dans les nucléosomes? Cet ADN nu est-il facilement plié (il reste dans le régime élastique) ou réduit-il la contrainte de flexion en formant des sites hyperflexibles «kinks» (il sort du régime élastique en cassant l'empilement des paires de bases à certains endroits) ? La microscopie électronique peut fournir une réponse à cette question par visualisation directe des minicercles d'ADN de la longueur d'un tour de nucléosome (environ 90 paires de bases). Pour que la réponse soit scientifiquement valide, on doit observer les molécules d'ADN lorsqu'elles sont en suspension dans la solution d'intérêt et sans que des colorations, produits chimiques ou fixatifs n'aient été ajoutés, étant donné que ceux-ci peuvent changer les propriétés de l'ADN. La technique de la cryo-microscopie électronique (cryo-EM) développée par le groupe de Jacques Dubochet au début des années 80, permet la visualisation directe des molécules d'ADN suspendues dans des couche minces vitrifiées de solutions aqueuses. Toutefois, le faible contraste qui caractérise la cryo-EM combinée avec la très petite taille des minicercles d'ADN rendent nécessaire l'optimisation de plusieurs étapes, aussi bien dans la préparation des échantillons que dans le processus d'acquisition d'images afin d'obtenir deux clichés stéréo qui permettent la reconstruction 3-D des minicercles d'ADN. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, je décris l'optimisation de certains paramètres pour la cryoEM et des processus d'acquisition d'image utilisant comme objets de test des plasmides et d'autres molécules d'ADN. Dans la deuxième partie, je .décris comment j'ai construit les minicercles d'ADN de 94 bp et comment j'ai introduit des modifications structurelles comme des coupures ou des lacunes. Dans la troisième partie, je décris l'analyse des reconstructions des rninicercles d'ADN. Cette analyse, appuyée par des tests biochimiques, indique fortement que des molécules d'ADN sont capables de former de petites molécules circulaires de 94 bp sans dépasser les limites d'élasticité, indiquant que les minicercles adoptent une forme circulaire régulière où la flexion est redistribuée le long la molécule. ABSTRACT : Although physical properties of DNA structure have been intensively studied for over 50 years there are still many important questions that need to be answered. For example, what happens to protein-free double-stranded DNA when it is strongly bent, as in DNA forming nucleosomes? Is such protein-free DNA smoothly bent (i.e. it remains within elastic limits of DNA rigidity) or does it release its bending stress by forming sharp kinks (i.e. it exits the elastic regime and breaks the stacking between neighbouring base-pairs in localized regions)? Electron microscopy can provide an answer to this question by directly visualizing DNA minicircles that have the size of nucleosome gyres (ca 90 bp). For the answer to be scientifically valid, one needs to observe DNA molecules while they are still suspended in the solution of interest and no staining chemicals or fixatives have been added since these can change the properties of the DNA. CryoEM techniques developed by Jacques Dubochet's group beginning in the 1980's permit direct visualization of DNA molecules suspended in cryo-vitrified layers of aqueous solutions. However, a relatively weak contrast of cryo-EM preparations combined with the very small size of the DNA minicircles made it necessary to optimize many of the steps and parameters of the cryo-EM specimen preparation and image acquisition processes in order to obtain stereo-pairs of images that permit the 3-D reconstruction of the observed DNA minicircles. In the first part of my thesis I describe the optimization of the cryo-EM preparation and the image acquisition processes using plasmid size DNA molecules as a test object. In the second part, I describe how I formed the 94 by DNA minicircles and how I introduced structural modifications like nicks or gaps. In the third part, I describe the cryo-EM analysis of the constructed DNA minicircles. That analysis, supported by biochemical tests, strongly indicates that DNA minicircles as small as 94 by remain within the elastic limits of DNA structure, i.e. the minicircles adopt a regular circular shape where bending is redistributed along the molecules.
Dislocated compound fractures of the proximal humerus are often difficult to treat. The choice of treatment influences the final functional result. From 1984-1991 108 patients with dislocated compound fractures of the proximal humerus were operated with a T-plate osteosynthesis, retrospectively examined and classified according to the Neer-Classification. At an average follow up time of 5 years 72 patients had a clinical and radiological examination. 68% of these patients with 3-fragment fractures and 80% with 4-fragment fractures showed a modest to unsatisfactory result caused by fracture biology, imprecise fracture reduction or poor surgical procedure. Incorrect position of T-plates and inadequate material were distinguishable. The T-plate which was widely used in the late eighties for internal fixation has to be considered a failure for these particular types of fractures and should be limited for Collum chirurgicum fractures.
Reactivity of snails against parasites exhibits a primitive focal reaction, with encapsulation, phagocytosis and destruction of parasite larvae by macrophage-like cells - the hemocytes. This reaction mimics granulomatous inflammation seen in higher animals. However, different from the latter, little is known about the participation of extra-cellular matrix in such snail defense reactions. Normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata of different strains were submitted to cytological, histological, ultrastructural and biochemical methods in order to investigate the behavior of extra-cellular tissues at the site of anti-parasite reactions. In spite of the presence of two cell-types in peripheral hemolymph, only one cell-type was present at the sites of tissue reactions. Although pre-existent collagen and elastic fibers and microfibrils sometimes appeared slightly compressed around focal reactions, no evidences of duplication, synthesis or deposition of connective-tissue extra-cellular components were observed within or around the zones of reactive cell accumulations. Thus, tissue reactions against S. mansoni in the snail B. glabrata appeared exclusively dependent on one specific population of hemocytes.