424 resultados para Eigenvalues.
In the present thesis, we discuss the main notions of an axiomatic approach for an invariant Harnack inequality. This procedure, originated from techniques for fully nonlinear elliptic operators, has been developed by Di Fazio, Gutiérrez, and Lanconelli in the general settings of doubling Hölder quasi-metric spaces. The main tools of the approach are the so-called double ball property and critical density property: the validity of these properties implies an invariant Harnack inequality. We are mainly interested in the horizontally elliptic operators, i.e. some second order linear degenerate-elliptic operators which are elliptic with respect to the horizontal directions of a Carnot group. An invariant Harnack inequality of Krylov-Safonov type is still an open problem in this context. In the thesis we show how the double ball property is related to the solvability of a kind of exterior Dirichlet problem for these operators. More precisely, it is a consequence of the existence of some suitable interior barrier functions of Bouligand-type. By following these ideas, we prove the double ball property for a generic step two Carnot group. Regarding the critical density, we generalize to the setting of H-type groups some arguments by Gutiérrez and Tournier for the Heisenberg group. We recognize that the critical density holds true in these peculiar contexts by assuming a Cordes-Landis type condition for the coefficient matrix of the operator. By the axiomatic approach, we thus prove an invariant Harnack inequality in H-type groups which is uniform in the class of the coefficient matrices with prescribed bounds for the eigenvalues and satisfying such a Cordes-Landis condition.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Spektraltheorie von Differentialoperatoren auf metrischen Graphen und von indefiniten Differentialoperatoren auf beschränkten Gebieten. Sie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im Ersten werden endliche, nicht notwendigerweise kompakte, metrische Graphen und die Hilberträume von quadratintegrierbaren Funktionen auf diesen betrachtet. Alle quasi-m-akkretiven Laplaceoperatoren auf solchen Graphen werden charakterisiert, und Abschätzungen an die negativen Eigenwerte selbstadjungierter Laplaceoperatoren werden hergeleitet. Weiterhin wird die Wohlgestelltheit eines gemischten Diffusions- und Transportproblems auf kompakten Graphen durch die Anwendung von Halbgruppenmethoden untersucht. Eine Verallgemeinerung des indefiniten Operators $-tfrac{d}{dx}sgn(x)tfrac{d}{dx}$ von Intervallen auf metrische Graphen wird eingeführt. Die Spektral- und Streutheorie der selbstadjungierten Realisierungen wird detailliert besprochen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Operatoren untersucht, die mit indefiniten Formen der Art $langlegrad v, A(cdot)grad urangle$ mit $u,vin H_0^1(Omega)subset L^2(Omega)$ und $OmegasubsetR^d$ beschränkt, assoziiert sind. Das Eigenwertverhalten entspricht in Dimension $d=1$ einer verallgemeinerten Weylschen Asymptotik und für $dgeq 2$ werden Abschätzungen an die Eigenwerte bewiesen. Die Frage, wann indefinite Formmethoden für Dimensionen $dgeq 2$ anwendbar sind, bleibt offen und wird diskutiert.
Statistical shape models (SSMs) have been used widely as a basis for segmenting and interpreting complex anatomical structures. The robustness of these models are sensitive to the registration procedures, i.e., establishment of a dense correspondence across a training data set. In this work, two SSMs based on the same training data set of scoliotic vertebrae, and registration procedures were compared. The first model was constructed based on the original binary masks without applying any image pre- and post-processing, and the second was obtained by means of a feature preserving smoothing method applied to the original training data set, followed by a standard rasterization algorithm. The accuracies of the correspondences were assessed quantitatively by means of the maximum of the mean minimum distance (MMMD) and Hausdorf distance (H(D)). Anatomical validity of the models were quantified by means of three different criteria, i.e., compactness, specificity, and model generalization ability. The objective of this study was to compare quasi-identical models based on standard metrics. Preliminary results suggest that the MMMD distance and eigenvalues are not sensitive metrics for evaluating the performance and robustness of SSMs.
In 1983, M. van den Berg made his Fundamental Gap Conjecture about the difference between the first two Dirichlet eigenvalues (the fundamental gap) of any convex domain in the Euclidean plane. Recently, progress has been made in the case where the domains are polygons and, in particular, triangles. We examine the conjecture for triangles in hyperbolic geometry, though we seek an for an upper bound for the fundamental gap rather than a lower bound.
A conjecture by Harder shows a surprising congruence between the coefficients of “classical” modular forms and the Hecke eigenvalues of corresponding Siegel modular forms, contigent upon “large primes” dividing the critical values of the given classical modular form. Harder’s Conjecture has already been verified for one-dimensional spaces of classical and Siegel modular forms (along with some two-dimensional cases), and for primes p 37. We verify the conjecture for higher-dimensional spaces, and up to a comparable prime p.
This study presents a new inventory to assess thought-action fusion (TAF). 160 college students ages 18 to 22 (M = 19.17, SD = 1.11) completed the new Modified Thought Action Scale (MTAFS). Results indicated high internal consistency in the MTAFS (Cronbach’s α = .95). A principal component analysis suggested a three factor solution of TAF-Moral (TAFM), TAFLikelihood (TAFL), and TAF-Harm avoidance-Positive (TAFHP) all with eigenvalues above 1, and factor loadings above .4. A second study examined the association between TAF, obsessivecompulsive and anxiety tendencies after the activation of TAF-like thought processes in a nonclinical sample (n=76). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups intended to provoke TAFL-self, TAFL-other, and TAF moral thought processes. Stepwise regression analyses revealed: 1) the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory subscales Neutralizing and Ordering significantly predicted instructed neutralization behavior (INB) in non-clinical participants; 2) TAF-Likelihood contributed significant unique variance in INB. These findings suggest that the provocation of neutralization behavior may be mediated by specific subsets of TAF and obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
The analysis of short segments of noise-contaminated, multivariate real world data constitutes a challenge. In this paper we compare several techniques of analysis, which are supposed to correctly extract the amount of genuine cross-correlations from a multivariate data set. In order to test for the quality of their performance we derive time series from a linear test model, which allows the analytical derivation of genuine correlations. We compare the numerical estimates of the four measures with the analytical results for different correlation pattern. In the bivariate case all but one measure performs similarly well. However, in the multivariate case measures based on the eigenvalues of the equal-time cross-correlation matrix do not extract exclusively information about the amount of genuine correlations, but they rather reflect the spatial organization of the correlation pattern. This may lead to failures when interpreting the numerical results as illustrated by an application to three electroencephalographic recordings of three patients suffering from pharmacoresistent epilepsy.
Theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation (TBS) may induce behavioural changes that outlast the stimulation period. The neurophysiological basis of these behavioural changes are currently under investigation. Given the evidence that cortical information processing relies on transient synchronization and desynchronization of neuronal assemblies, we set out to test whether TBS is associated with changes of neuronal synchronization as assessed by surface EEG. In four healthy subjects one TBS train of 600 pulses (200 bursts, each burst consisting of 3 pulses at 30 Hz, repeated at intervals of 100 ms) was applied over the right frontal eye field and EEG synchronization was assessed in a time-resolved manner over 60 min by using a non-overlapping moving window. For each time step the linear cross-correlation matrix for six EEG channels of the right and for the six homotopic EEG channels of the left hemisphere were computed and their largest eigenvalues used to assess changes of synchronization. Synchronization was computed for broadband EEG and for the delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands. In all subjects EEG synchronization of the stimulated hemisphere was significantly and persistently increased relative to EEG synchronization of the unstimulated hemisphere. This effect occurred immediately after TBS for the theta, alpha, beta and gamma frequency bands and 10-20 min after TBS for broadband and delta frequency band EEG. Our results demonstrate that TBS is associated with increased neuronal synchronization of the cerebral hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulation site relative to the unstimulated hemisphere. We speculate that enhanced synchronization interferes with cortical information processing and thus may be a neurophysiological correlate of the impaired behavioural performance detected previously.
In 1970 Clark Benson published a theorem in the Journal of Algebra stating a congruence for generalized quadrangles. Since then this theorem has been expanded to other specific geometries. In this thesis the theorem for partial geometries is extended to develop new divisibility conditions for the existence of a partial geometry in Chapter 2. Then in Chapter 3 the theorem is applied to higher dimensional arcs resulting in parameter restrictions on geometries derived from these structures. In Chapter 4 we look at extending previous work with partial geometries with α = 2 to uncover potential partial geometries with higher values of α. Finally the theorem is extended to strongly regular graphs in Chapter 5. In addition we obtain expressions for the multiplicities of the eigenvalues of matrices related to the adjacency matrices of these graphs. Finally, a four lesson high school level enrichment unit is included to provide students at this level with an introduction to partial geometries, strongly regular graphs, and an opportunity to develop proof skills in this new context.
FEAST is a recently developed eigenvalue algorithm which computes selected interior eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices. It uses contour integral resolvent based projections. A weakness is that the existing algorithm relies on accurate reasoned estimates of the number of eigenvalues within the contour. Examining the singular values of the projections on moderately-sized, randomly-generated test problems motivates orthogonalization-based improvements to the algorithm. The singular value distributions provide experimentally robust estimates of the number of eigenvalues within the contour. The algorithm is modified to handle both Hermitian and general complex matrices. The original algorithm (based on circular contours and Gauss-Legendre quadrature) is extended to contours and quadrature schemes that are recursively subdividable. A general complex recursive algorithm is implemented on rectangular and diamond contours. The accuracy of different quadrature schemes for various contours is investigated.
The antimycobacterial activity of nitro/ acetamido alkenol derivatives and chloro/ amino alkenol derivatives has been analyzed through combinatorial protocol in multiple linear regression (CP-MLR) using different topological descriptors obtained from Dragon software. Among the topological descriptor classes considered in the study, the activity is correlated with simple topological descriptors (TOPO) and more complex 2D autocorrelation descriptors (2DAUTO). In model building the descriptors from other classes, that is, empirical, constitutional, molecular walk counts, modified Burden eigenvalues and Galvez topological charge indices have made secondary contribution in association with TOPO and / or 2DAUTO classes. The structure-activity correlations obtained with the TOPO descriptors suggest that less branched and saturated structural templates would be better for the activity. For both the series of compounds, in 2DAUTO the activity has been correlated to the descriptors having mass, volume and/ or polarizability as weighting component. In these two series of compounds, however, the regression coefficients of the descriptors have opposite arithmetic signs with respect to one another. Outwardly these two series of compounds appear very similar. But in terms of activity they belong to different segments of descriptor-activity profiles. This difference in the activity of these two series of compounds may be mainly due to the spacing difference between the C1 (also C6) substituents and rest of the functional groups in them.
Objective: Cognitive problems and biases play an important role in the development and continuation of psychosis. A self-report measure of these deficits and processes was developed (Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases Scale: DACOBS) and is evaluated in this study. Methods: An item pool made by international experts was used to develop a self-report scale on a sample of 138 schizophrenia spectrum patients. Another sample of 71 patients was recruited to validate the subscales. A group of 186 normal control subjects was recruited to establish norms and examine discriminative validity. Results: Factor analyses resulted in seven factors, each with six items (jumping to conclusions, belief inflexibility bias, attention for threat bias, external attribution bias, social cognition problems, subjective cognitive problems and safety behavior). All factors independently explained the variance (eigenvalues > 2) and total explained variance was 45%. Reliability was good (Cronbach's alpha = .90; split-half reliability = .92; test–retest reliability = .86). The DACOBS discriminates between schizophrenia spectrum patients and normal control subjects. Validity was affirmed for five of seven subscales. The scale ‘Subjective Cognitive problems’ was not associated with objective cognitive functioning and ‘Social cognition problems’ was not associated with the Hinting task, but with the scale measuring ideas of social reference. Conclusions: The DACOBS scale, with seven independent subscales, is reliable and valid for use in clinical practice and research.
The aim of this study was to develop a GST-based methodology for accurately measuring the degree of transverse isotropy in trabecular bone. Using femoral sub-regions scanned in high-resolution peripheral QCT (HR-pQCT) and clinical-level-resolution QCT, trabecular orientation was evaluated using the mean intercept length (MIL) and the gradient structure tensor (GST) on the HR-pQCT and QCT data, respectively. The influence of local degree of transverse isotropy (DTI) and bone mineral density (BMD) was incorporated into the investigation. In addition, a power based model was derived, rendering a 1:1 relationship between GST and MIL eigenvalues. A specific DTI threshold (DTI thres) was found for each investigated size of region of interest (ROI), above which the estimate of major trabecular direction of the GST deviated no more than 30° from the gold standard MIL in 95% of the remaining ROIs (mean error: 16°). An inverse relationship between ROI size and DTI thres was found for discrete ranges of BMD. A novel methodology has been developed, where transversal isotropic measures of trabecular bone can be obtained from clinical QCT images for a given ROI size, DTI thres and power coefficient. Including DTI may improve future clinical QCT finite-element predictions of bone strength and diagnoses of bone disease.
We show that the non-embedded eigenvalues of the Dirac operator on the real line with complex mass and non-Hermitian potential V lie in the disjoint union of two disks, provided that the L1-norm of V is bounded from above by the speed of light times the reduced Planck constant. The result is sharp; moreover, the analogous sharp result for the Schrödinger operator, originally proved by Abramov, Aslanyan and Davies, emerges in the nonrelativistic limit. For massless Dirac operators, the condition on V implies the absence of non-real eigenvalues. Our results are further generalized to potentials with slower decay at infinity. As an application, we determine bounds on resonances and embedded eigenvalues of Dirac operators with Hermitian dilation-analytic potentials.
We study the spectral properties of the two-dimensional Dirac operator on bounded domains together with the appropriate boundary conditions which provide a (continuous) model for graphene nanoribbons. These are of two types, namely, the so-called armchair and zigzag boundary conditions, depending on the line along which the material was cut. In the former case, we show that the spectrum behaves in what might be called a classical way; while in the latter, we prove the existence of a sequence of finite multiplicity eigenvalues converging to zero and which correspond to edge states.