950 resultados para Early Gastric Cancer
BACKGROUND Recent data suggest primary resection as the preferable approach in patients with signet ring cell gastric cancer (SRC). The aim of our retrospective exploratory study was to evaluate the influence of SRC on prognosis and response in esophagogastric adenocarcinoma treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. METHODS A total of 723 locally advanced esophagogastric adenocarcinomas (cT3/4 N any) documented in a prospective database from two academic centers were classified according to the WHO definition for SRC (more than 50 % SRC) and analyzed for their association with response and prognosis after neoadjuvant treatment. RESULTS A total of 235 tumors (32.5 %) contained SRC. Median survival of SRC was 26.3 compared with 46.6 months (p < 0.001) for non-SRC. SRC were significantly associated with female gender, gastric localization, advanced ypT and R1/2 categories, and lower risk of surgical complications and anastomotic leakage (each p < 0.001). Clinical (21.1 vs. 33.7 %, p = 0.001) and histopathological response (less than 10 % residual tumor: 16.3 vs. 28.9 %, p < 0.001) were significantly less frequent in SRC. Clinical response (p = 0.003) and complete histopathological response (pCR) (3.4 %) (p = 0.003) were associated with improved prognosis in SRC. Clinical response, surgical complications, ypTN categories, but not SRC were independent prognostic factors in forward Cox regression analysis in R0 resected patients. Risk of peritoneal carcinomatosis was increased (p < 0.001), while local (p = 0.015) and distant metastases (p = 0.02) were less frequent than in non-SRC. CONCLUSIONS Prognosis of SRC is unfavorable. Although response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy is rare in SRC, it is associated with improved outcome. Thus, chemotherapy might not generally be abandoned in SRC. A stratification based on SRC should be included in clinical trials.
BACKGROUND Recently, histopathological tumour regression, prevalence of signet ring cells, and localisation were reported as prognostic factors in neoadjuvantly treated oesophagogastric (junctional and gastric) cancer. This exploratory retrospective study analyses independent prognostic factors within a large patient cohort after preoperative chemotherapy including clinical and histopathological factors. METHODS In all, 850 patients presenting with oesophagogastric cancer staged cT3/4 Nany cM0/x were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by resection in two academic centres. Patient data were documented in a prospective database and retrospectively analysed. RESULTS Of all factors prognostic on univariate analysis, only clinical response, complications, ypTNM stage, and R category were independently prognostic (P<0.01) on multivariate analysis. Tumour localisation and signet ring cells were independently prognostic only when investigator-dependent clinical response evaluation was excluded from the multivariate model. Histopathological tumour regression correlates with tumour grading, Laurén classification, clinical response, ypT, ypN, and R categories but was not identified as an independent prognostic factor. Within R0-resected patients only surgical complications and ypTNM stage were independent prognostic factors. CONCLUSIONS Only established prognostic factors like ypTNM stage, R category, and complications were identified as independent prognostic factors in resected patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In contrast, histopathological tumour regression was not found as an independent prognostic marker.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric carcinomas (GC) represent a distinct and well-recognized subtype of gastric cancer with a prevalence of around 10% of all GC. In contrast, EBV has not been reported to play a major role in esophageal adenocarcinomas (EAC) and adenocarcinomas of the gastro-esophageal junction (GEJ). We report our experiences on EBV in collections of gastro-esophageal adenocarcinomas from two surgical centers and discuss the current state of research in this field. Tumor samples from 465 primary resected gastro-esophageal adenocarcinomas (118 EAC, 73 GEJ, and 274 GC) were investigated. Presence of EBV was determined by EBV-encoded small RNAs (EBER) in situ hybridization. Results were correlated with pathologic parameters (UICC pTNM category, Her2 status, tumor grading) and survival. EBER positivity was observed in 14 cases. None of the EAC were positive for EBER. In contrast, we observed EBER positivity in 2/73 adenocarcinomas of the GEJ (2.7%) and 12/274 GC (4.4%). These were of intestinal type (seven cases) or unclassifiable (six cases), while only one case was of diffuse type according to the Lauren classification. No association between EBV and pT, pN, or tumor grading was found, neither was there a correlation with clinical outcome. None of the EBER positive cases were Her2 positive. In conclusion, EBV does not seem to play a role in the carcinogenesis of EAC. Moreover, adenocarcinomas of the GEJ show lower rates of EBV positivity compared to GC. Our data only partially correlate with previous reports from the literature. This highlights the need for further research on this distinct entity. Recent reports, however, have identified specific epigenetic and genetic alterations in EBV-associated GC, which might lead to a distinct treatment approach for this specific subtype of GC in the future.
BACKGROUND In a phase 3, randomised, non-inferiority trial, accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) for patients with stage 0, I, and IIA breast cancer who underwent breast-conserving treatment was compared with whole-breast irradiation. Here, we present 5-year follow-up results. METHODS We did a phase 3, randomised, non-inferiority trial at 16 hospitals and medical centres in seven European countries. 1184 patients with low-risk invasive and ductal carcinoma in situ treated with breast-conserving surgery were centrally randomised to either whole-breast irradiation or APBI using multicatheter brachytherapy. The primary endpoint was local recurrence. Analysis was done according to treatment received. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00402519. FINDINGS Between April 20, 2004, and July 30, 2009, 551 patients had whole-breast irradiation with tumour-bed boost and 633 patients received APBI using interstitial multicatheter brachytherapy. At 5-year follow-up, nine patients treated with APBI and five patients receiving whole-breast irradiation had a local recurrence; the cumulative incidence of local recurrence was 1·44% (95% CI 0·51-2·38) with APBI and 0·92% (0·12-1·73) with whole-breast irradiation (difference 0·52%, 95% CI -0·72 to 1·75; p=0·42). No grade 4 late side-effects were reported. The 5-year risk of grade 2-3 late side-effects to the skin was 3·2% with APBI versus 5·7% with whole-breast irradiation (p=0·08), and 5-year risk of grade 2-3 subcutaneous tissue late side-effects was 7·6% versus 6·3% (p=0·53). The risk of severe (grade 3) fibrosis at 5 years was 0·2% with whole-breast irradiation and 0% with APBI (p=0·46). INTERPRETATION The difference between treatments was below the relevance margin of 3 percentage points. Therefore, adjuvant APBI using multicatheter brachytherapy after breast-conserving surgery in patients with early breast cancer is not inferior to adjuvant whole-breast irradiation with respect to 5-year local control, disease-free survival, and overall survival. FUNDING German Cancer Aid.
A new method for detecting microcalcifications in regions of interest (ROIs) extracted from digitized mammograms is proposed. The top-hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations and, in this paper, is used to perform contrast enhancement of the mi-crocalcifications. To improve microcalcification detection, a novel image sub-segmentation approach based on the possibilistic fuzzy c-means algorithm is used. From the original ROIs, window-based features, such as the mean and standard deviation, were extracted; these features were used as an input vector in a classifier. The classifier is based on an artificial neural network to identify patterns belonging to microcalcifications and healthy tissue. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative for automatically detecting microcalcifications, because this stage is an important part of early breast cancer detection
This work presents a method to detect Microcalcifications in Regions of Interest from digitized mammograms. The method is based mainly on the combination of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. The Top-Hat transform is a technique based on mathematical morphology operations that, in this work is used to perform contrast enhancement of microcalcifications in the region of interest. In order to find more or less homogeneous regions in the image, we apply a novel image sub-segmentation technique based on Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means clustering algorithm. From the original region of interest we extract two window-based features, Mean and Deviation Standard, which will be used in a classifier based on a Artificial Neural Network in order to identify microcalcifications. Our results show that the proposed method is a good alternative in the stage of microcalcifications detection, because this stage is an important part of the early Breast Cancer detection
Adherence of Helicobacter pylori to cultured gastric epithelial cells is associated with several cellular events, including the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 145-kDa host protein; the reorganization of the host cell actin and associated cellular proteins, like vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, adjacent to the attached bacterial cell; and the subsequent release of the cytokine, interleukin 8 (IL-8). H. pylori isolated from patients with ulcer disease and gastric cancer contain a DNA insertion, the cag pathogenicity island (PAI), that is not present in bacteria isolated from individuals with asymptomatic infection. Mutations in a number of PAI genes abolish tyrosine phosphorylation and IL-8 synthesis but not the cytoskeletal rearrangements. Kinase inhibition studies suggest there are two distinct pathways operative in stimulating IL-8 release from host cells and one of these H. pylori pathways is independent of the tyrosine phosphorylation step.
Helicobacter pylori, present in half of the world’s population, is a very successful pathogen. It can survive for decades in the human stomach with few obvious consequences to the host. However, it is also the cause of gastric diseases ranging from gastritis to ulcers to gastric cancer and has been classified a type 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. We have previously shown that phosphorylation of a 145-kDa protein and activation of signal transduction pathways are associated with the attachment of H. pylori to gastric cells. Here we identify the 145-kDa protein as the H. pylori CagA protein. We also show that CagA is necessary to induce a growth-factor-like phenotype (hummingbird) in host gastric cells similar to that induced by hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Additionally, we identify a second cellular phenotype induced after attachment by H. pylori, which we call SFA (stress fiber associated). SFA is CagA independent and is produced by type I and type II H. pylori.
A remarkable instability at simple repeated sequences characterizes gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator phenotype (MMP). Mutations in the DNA mismatch repair gene family underlie the MMP, a landmark for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. These tumors define a distinctive pathway for carcinogenesis because they display a particular spectrum of mutated cancer genes containing target repeats for mismatch repair deficiency. One such gene is BAX, a proapoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, which plays a key role in programmed cell death. More than half of colon and gastric cancers of the MMP contain BAX frameshifts in a (G)8 mononucleotide tract. However, the functional significance of these mutations in tumor progression has not been established. Here we show that inactivation of the wild-type BAX allele by de novo frameshift mutations confers a strong advantage during tumor clonal evolution. Tumor subclones with only mutant alleles frequently appeared after inoculation into nude mice of single-cell clones of colon tumor cell lines with normal alleles. In contrast, no clones of BAX-expressing cells were found after inoculation of homozygous cell clones without wild-type BAX. These results support the interpretation that BAX inactivation contributes to tumor progression by providing a survival advantage. In this context, survival analyses show that BAX mutations are indicators of poor prognosis for both colon and gastric cancer of the MMP.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
"Revised April 1979."
Background: Improved disease free and overall survivals were seen in curatively resected patients with gastric and gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma treated with the Intergroup 0116 (INT 0116) protocol of postoperative adjuvant chemoradiotherapy compared to surgery alone. This protocol has not been widely adopted in Australian centres because of perceived risks of toxicity. Methods: We reviewed the case records from 45 consecutive patients treated between May 1998 and August 2003 with the INT 0116 protocol and variations at five Australian institutions. The median age was 61.5 years (range 38-79). Twenty-nine patients had gastric and 12 had gastroesophageal junction primaries. All patients had attempted curative resection, however, seven had involved microscopic margins (R1 resection). Thirty-five had regional node involvement and none had evidence of distant metastasis. Results: The overall National Cancer Institute - Common Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) version 2.0 grade 3 and grade 4 toxicity rates for all patients were 37.8% and 4.4%, respectively. There were no treatment related deaths. Gastrointestinal grade 3 toxicity was observed in 20% of patients, while haematologic grade 3 and 4 toxicity was observed in 17.8%. Toxicities experienced led to chemotherapy dose reductions in 22 patients and dose delay in 11 patients. Seven patients had a delay in radiotherapy and two did not proceed with radiotherapy. At a median follow up of 16 months (range 5-35) from surgery, 28 patients have relapsed (six with local recurrence alone) with 22 deaths occurring, all but one caused by cancer. Conclusion: The INT 0116 protocol is a safe and feasible schedule in a multicentre setting with an acceptable rate of toxicity and is an appropriate adjuvant treatment option for high-risk resected gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma.
Background: The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) SNAC trial is a randomized controlled trial of sentinel node biopsy (SNB) versus axillary clearance (AC). It opened in May 2001 and is recruiting rapidly with good acceptance by consumers. Methods: A study of eligibility and treatment choices was conducted between November 2001 and September 2002 for women presenting with early breast cancer to 10 centres participating in the trial. Results: More than half of the 622 women (54%) were ineligible for trial entry because they had large (> 3 cm) or multicentric cancers. Participation was offered to 92% of eligible women and was taken up by 63%. The commonest reason for not participating was the desire to choose treatment rather than have it randomly allocated. Despite this there is a great acceptance of clinical trials because very few women (4% of those eligible) gave 'lack of interest in clinical trials' as the reason for non-participation. Few women who declined trial participation chose to have SNB alone (4.5% of those eligible). Conclusion: Sentinel node biopsy may become the standard of care for managing small breast cancers, but a significant number of patients will still require or choose axillary dissection. Results from large randomized trials are needed to determine the relative benefits and harms of SNB compared with AC. Surgeons must carefully discuss options for management with their patients.
This study was undertaken to increase knowledge of the mechanisms of inter- and intracellular signalling in the gastrointestinal tract. Specific aims were: to use cell lines to elucidate factors affecting growth of gastric cells, to investigate the distribution and aspects of function of isoforms of protein kinase C in a gastric cell line and in the rat gastrointestinal tract and to determine the presence and regulation of nitric oxide synthase in gastrointestinal tissues from the rat and in cell lines. The gastric cancer cell line HGT-1 was used to investigate control of growth. Increases in cell number were found to be dependent on the seeding density of the cells. In cells plated at low density insulin, epidermal growth factor and gastrin all increased cell number. Gastrin produced a bell-shaped dose response curve with a maximum activity at 5nM. No effect of gastrin was apparent in cells plated at high density. α and β isoforms of protein kinase C were found, by immunoblotting procedures, to be widespread in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat, but protein kinase Cε was confined to the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal smooth muscle. HGT-1 cells contained protein kinase C α and ε but β or γ were not detected. Preincubation of HGT-1 cells for 24h with 1μM phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate down-regulated protein kinase C α but not ε. The inhibition by the activator of protein kinase C, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) of the histamine-stimulated increase in cAMP in HGT-1 cells was down regulated by phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate. Inhibition of histamine-stimulation of adenylate cyclase by TPA was Ca2+-dependent and inhibited by the addition of an antibody to protein kinase C α. A role for protein kinase C α in modulating the effect of histamine on adenylate cyclase in HGT-1 cells is suggested. No nitric oxide synthase activity was detected in the gastrointestinal cell lines HGT-l, MKN-45 or CaCo-2. Ca2+-dependent nitric oxide synthase activity was observed in the gastric mucosa and the gastrointestinal smooth muscle from stomach to colon. The gastric: mucosal enzyme was soluble and showed half-maximal activity at 400nM Ca2+. Pretreatment of rats with endotoxin (3mg/kg body weight) induced nitric oxide synthase activity in both jejunal, ileal and colonic mucosa and muscle. A major portion of the induced activity in ileal and colonic mucosa was Ca2+-independent. Nitric oxide synthase activity in a high-density fraction of gastric mucosal cells was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by L-nitroarginine, NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, trifluoperazine and L-canavanine (in descending order of potency). Preincubation with okadaic acid and addition of ATPlMg2+ to the homogenisation buffer inhibited enzyme activity, which implies that phosphorylation inhibits gastric mucosal nitric oxide synthase.
Historically, abdominal complaints have been generally dealt with palliatively. Seldom were underlying causes given consideration. However, in 1982 (Warren & Marshall, 1983), the identification of the bacterial agent Helicobacter pylori (known hereafter in this paper as H. pylori) as a potential link between gastrointestinal complaints such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, Crohn's Disease, and some forms of gastric cancer has given rise for concern. In 1994, the National Institute for Health recommended that patients with complaints of dyspepsia be studied for the occurrence of H. pylori. This study proposes to study the occurrence of H. pylori in patients who complain with dyspepsia with a relatively non invasive screening technique to be done in an office setting. The study findings were considered signifcant if p $\le$.05. This study indicated that 49% of patients with complaints of dyspepsia were postive for H. pylori infection with p =.000. ^