919 resultados para Drop on Demand


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC


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A fuzzy ruled-based system was developed in this study and resulted in an index indicating the level of uncertainty related to commercial transactions between cassava growers and their dealers. The fuzzy system was developed based on Transaction Cost Economics approach. The fuzzy system was developed from input variables regarding information sharing between grower and dealer onDemand/purchase Forecasting”, “Production Forecasting” and “Production Innovation”. The output variable is the level of uncertainty regarding the transaction between seller and buyer agent, which may serve as a system for detecting inefficiencies. Evidences from 27 cassava growers registered in the Regional Development Offices of Tupa and Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, and 48 of their dealers supported the development of the system. The mathematical model indicated that 55% of the growers present a Very High level of uncertainty, 33% present Medium or High. The others present Low or Very Low level of uncertainty. From the model, simulations of external interferences can be implemented in order to improve the degree of uncertainty and, thus, lower transaction costs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, we evaluated the efficiency of six isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in controlling Colletotrichum acutatum, the causal agent of postbloom fruit drop that occur in pre-harvest citrus. We analyzed the mechanisms of action involved in biological control such as: production of antifungal compounds, nutrient competition, detection of killer activity, and production of hydrolytic enzymes of the isolates of S. cerevisiae on C. acutatum and their efficiency in controlling postbloom fruit drop on detached citrus flowers. Our results showed that all six S. cerevisiae isolates produced antifungal compounds, competed for nutrients, inhibited pathogen germination, and produced killer activity and hydrolytic enzymes when in contact with the fungus wall. The isolates were able to control the disease when detached flowers were artificially inoculated, both preventively and curatively. In this work we identified a novel potential biological control agent for C acutatum during pre-harvest. This is the first report of yeast efficiency for the biocontrol of postbloom fruit drop, which represents an important contribution to the field of biocontrol of diseases affecting citrus populations worldwide. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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O desenvolvimento de um modelo de aplicação interativa para Televisão Digital sobre a plataforma do middleware Ginga, do SBTVD, ainda em processo, é o tema deste artigo. A referida aplicação se traduz em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem, para Educação a Distância, aplicativo destinado a acesso on demand, fora da grade de programação síncrona da emissora, em TV Digital dotada de set top box, ou conversor digital, embarcado com Ginga NCL. A metodologia utilizada na construção deste produto da pesquisa de Mestrado (que também abrange uma monografia na área de Comunicação) integra três metodologias: um modelo de Design Instrucional (ou Educacional) adequado aos recursos da TV Digital; técnicas de Usabilidade e Arquitetura da Informação para a construção de um protótipo interativo; e um modelo de Desenvolvimento de Software de ciclo de vida ágil baseado em Prototipagem Evolutiva, a fim de se gerar um modelo de aplicação interativa para criação de conteúdos instrucionais focados em EaD através da mídia TV Digital.


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O presente trabalho investiga a adequação para a recepção por demanda da estrutura da ficção seriada televisiva, matriz concebida para a veiculação em fluxo dentro da lógica da grade de programação. Centrando no gancho e repetição narrativa, foram realizados estudos de cena em Mckee (2006) e aplicadas as funções das personagens de Propp (1986) no corpus: A Grande Família, Duas Caras e Filhos do Carnaval. Em seguida, simulou-se a sua recepção por demanda e fluxo.


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The repetition should be understood as the property of mass cultural products, originated from the need to minimize the dispersion of the audience in their enjoyment. Based on this assumption, this paper measures the rate of iteration manifested in the scripts of the following serial fictions: Duas Caras, A Grande Família and House of Cards. Established itself as a method of scene analysis proposed by McKee (2008), questioned whether the lack of classical education of the public and rescued the forms assumed by repeating the melodrama, romance-serial and dramaturgy: asides, monologues, confidences and planar scenes. The proposal was applied in two scripts for each of the aforementioned productions. Considering the data collected, it appears that there was reduction in repeat products offered on demand thanks to the possibility of handling the flow and the attention given receptor.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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"How large a sample is needed to survey the bird damage to corn in a county in Ohio or New Jersey or South Dakota?" Like those in the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the U.S.D.A. who have been faced with a question of this sort we found only meager information on which to base an answer, whether the problem related to a county in Ohio or to one in New Jersey, or elsewhere. Many sampling methods and rates of sampling did yield reliable estimates but the judgment was often intuitive or based on the reasonableness of the resulting data. Later, when planning the next study or survey, little additional information was available on whether 40 samples of 5 ears each or 5 samples of 200 ears should be examined, i.e., examination of a large number of small samples or a small number of large samples. What information is needed to make a reliable decision? Those of us involved with the Agricultural Experiment Station regional project concerned with the problems of bird damage to crops, known as NE-49, thought we might supply an ans¬wer if we had a corn field in which all the damage was measured. If all the damage were known, we could then sample this field in various ways and see how the estimates from these samplings compared to the actual damage and pin-point the best and most accurate sampling procedure. Eventually the investigators in four states became involved in this work1 and instead of one field we were able to broaden the geographical base by examining all the corn ears in 2 half-acre sections of fields in each state, 8 sections in all. When the corn had matured well past the dough stage, damage on each corn ear was assessed, without removing the ear from the stalk, by visually estimating the percent of the kernel surface which had been destroyed and rating it in one of 5 damage categories. Measurements (by row-centimeters) of the rows of kernels pecked by birds also were made on selected ears representing all categories and all parts of each field section. These measurements provided conversion factors that, when fed into a computer, were applied to the more than 72,000 visually assessed ears. The machine now had in its memory and could supply on demand a map showing each ear, its location and the intensity of the damage.


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Nanoplasmonics and metamaterials sciences are rapidly growing due to their contributions to photonic devices fabrication with applications ranging from biomedicine to photovoltaic cells. Noble metal nanoparticles incorporated into polymer matrix have great potential for such applications due to their distinctive optical properties. However, methods to indirectly incorporate metal nanoparticles into polymeric microstructures are still on demand. Here we report on the fabrication of two-photon polymerized microstructures doped with gold nanoparticles through an indirect doping process, so they do not interfere in the two-photon polymerization (2PP) process. Such microstructures present a strong emission, arising from gold nanoparticles fluorescence. The microstructures produced are potential candidates for nanoplasmonics and metamaterials devices applications and the nanoparticles production method can be applied in many samples, heated simultaneously, opening the possibility for large scale processes. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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OBJECTIVE To assess the efficacy of group psychotherapy (GTP) and/or sildenafil for psychogenic erectile dysfunction (ED). PATIENTS AND METHODS A randomized controlled single-blind trial was performed at the Institute of Psychiatry of the Medical School of at Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. In all, 30 men with mild and moderate psychogenic ED were randomized to receive for 6 months: GPT plus 50 mg sildenafil on-demand, or 50 mg sildenafil on-demand exclusively, or GPT exclusively. Changes in score from baseline for three questions of the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) were evaluated at endpoint and after 3-months follow-up. RESULTS Satisfaction with the treatment, confidence and 'naturalness' increased in the GPT plus sildenafil and GPT exclusively groups (P = 0.001) from baseline to endpoint. The treatment-by-time comparison was not significant at endpoint vs the 3-month follow-up, in the three groups. There was no difference in the sildenafil group in the three study periods (P > 0.05) CONCLUSION Men with mild and moderate psychogenic ED had higher treatment satisfaction, confidence and naturalness in engaging in sexual activity when receiving GPT plus sildenafil or GP exclusively, when compared with sildenafil exclusively, as assessed by these three EDITS questions after 6-months treatment.


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In questa tesi ci focalizzeremo sul connubio TV ed internet che rivoluzionerà l’erogazione dei servizi verso i telespettatori e di conseguenza il marketing pubblicitario in questo contesto. Partiremo dalla storia della televisione in Italia e dei dispositivi TV per poi analizzare i primi fenomeni di utilizzo televisivo del canale web e la conseguente nascita dei primi social media e servizi di video on demand. La seconda parte di questa tesi farà una larga panoramica sul marketing televisivo ed il web marketing, fino ad arrivare al punto di massima prossimità tra i due canali, ovvero l’advertising correlato ai contenuti video presenti sul web. Nella terza ed ultima parte analizzeremo le prime piattaforme di WebTV e servizi di internet television, per poi focalizzarci sui probabili risvolti e prospettive future sia a livello di fruizione dei contenuti che pubblicitario. Questo fenomeno avrà una netta influenza nel Marketing considerando che dal 1984 la TV è il mezzo che raccoglie la maggior parte degli investimenti pubblicitari ed il web è il media in maggiore ascesa a livello di penetrazione e popolarità negli ultimi anni.


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La tesi si colloca nell'ambito del Cloud Computing, un modello in grado di abilitare l’accesso in rete in maniera condivisa, pratica e on-demand, di diverse risorse computazionali, come potenza di calcolo o memoria di massa. Questo lavoro ha come scopo la realizzazione di una Cloud privata, per la fornitura di servizi, basata su un’architettura P2P. L’elaborato vuole studiare il caso di un sistema P2P di livello infrastruttura (IaaS) e propone la realizzazione di un prototipo capace di sostenere un insime basilare di API. Verranno utilizzati protocolli di gossip per la costruzione dei servizi fondamentali.