956 resultados para Drinking water.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit nicht in Rechnung stellbaren Wasserverlusten in städtischen Versorgungsnetzen in Entwicklungsländern. Es soll das Wissen über diese Verluste erweitert und aufgezeigt werden, ob diese auf ein ökonomisch vertretbares Maß reduziert werden können. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit untersucht solche unberechneten Wasserverluste und versucht, neben der Quantifizierung von Leckagen auch Entscheidungswerkzeuge für ein verbessertes Management der Versorgungsnetze in Entwicklungsländern zu erarbeiten. Als Fallstudie dient Harare, die Hauptstadt von Simbabwe. Wasserverluste in Verteilungsnetzen sind unvermeidbar, sollten aber auf ein ökonomisch tragbares Niveau reduziert werden, wenn ein nachhaltiger Betrieb erreicht werden soll. Wasserverluste können sowohl durch illegale und ungenehmigte Anschlüsse oder durch Undichtigkeiten im Verteilnetz, als auch durch mangelhafte Mess- und Berechnungssysteme entstehen. Es sind bereits viele Ansätze zur Verringerung von Verlusten in Wasserverteilsystemen bekannt geworden, entsprechend existieren dazu auch zahlreiche Methoden und Werkzeuge. Diese reichen von computergestützten Verfahren über gesetzliche und politische Vorgaben sowie ökonomische Berechnungen bis hin zu Maßnahmen der Modernisierung der Infrastruktur. Der Erfolg dieser Anstrengungen ist abhängig von der Umsetzbarkeit und dem Umfeld, in dem diese Maßnahmen durchgeführt werden. Die Bewertung der Arbeitsgüte einer jeden Wasserversorgungseinheit basiert auf der Effektivität des jeweiligen Verteilungssystems. Leistungs- und Bewertungszahlen sind die meist genutzten Ansätze, um Wasserverteilsysteme und ihre Effizienz einzustufen. Weltweit haben sich zur Bewertung als Indikatoren die finanzielle und die technische Leistungsfähigkeit durchgesetzt. Die eigene Untersuchung zeigt, dass diese Indikatoren in vielen Wasserversorgungssystemen der Entwicklungsländer nicht zur Einführung von Verlust reduzierenden Managementstrategien geführt haben. Viele durchgeführte Studien über die Einführung von Maßnahmen zur Verlustreduzierung beachten nur das gesamte nicht in Rechnung stellbare Wasser, ohne aber den Anteil der Leckagen an der Gesamthöhe zu bestimmen. Damit ist keine Aussage über die tatsächliche Zuordnung der Verluste möglich. Aus diesem Grund ist ein Bewertungsinstrument notwendig, mit dem die Verluste den verschiedenen Ursachen zugeordnet werden können. Ein solches Rechenwerkzeug ist das South African Night Flow Analysis Model (SANFLOW) der südafrikanischen Wasser-Forschungskommission, das Untersuchungen von Wasserdurchfluss und Anlagendruck in einzelnen Verteilbezirken ermöglicht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das SANFLOW-Modell gut zur Bestimmung des Leckageanteiles verwendet werden kann. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass dieses Modell ein geeignetes und gut anpassbares Analysewerkzeug für Entwicklungsländer ist. Solche computergestützte Berechnungsansätze können zur Bestimmung von Leckagen in Wasserverteilungsnetzen eingesetzt werden. Eine weitere Möglichkeit ist der Einsatz von Künstlichen Neuronalen Netzen (Artificial Neural Network – ANN), die trainiert und dann zur Vorhersage der dynamischen Verhältnisse in Wasserversorgungssystemen genutzt werden können. Diese Werte können mit der Wassernachfrage eines definierten Bezirks verglichen werden. Zur Untersuchung wurde ein Mehrschichtiges Künstliches Neuronales Netz mit Fehlerrückführung zur Modellierung des Wasserflusses in einem überwachten Abschnitt eingesetzt. Zur Bestimmung des Wasserbedarfes wurde ein MATLAB Algorithmus entwickelt. Aus der Differenz der aktuellen und des simulierten Wassernachfrage konnte die Leckagerate des Wasserversorgungssystems ermittelt werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit dem angelernten Neuronalen Netzwerk eine Vorhersage des Wasserflusses mit einer Genauigkeit von 99% möglich ist. Daraus lässt sich die Eignung von ANNs als flexibler und wirkungsvoller Ansatz zur Leckagedetektion in der Wasserversorgung ableiten. Die Untersuchung zeigte weiterhin, dass im Versorgungsnetz von Harare 36 % des eingespeisten Wassers verloren geht. Davon wiederum sind 33 % auf Leckagen zurückzuführen. Umgerechnet bedeutet dies einen finanziellen Verlust von monatlich 1 Millionen Dollar, was 20 % der Gesamteinnahmen der Stadt entspricht. Der Stadtverwaltung von Harare wird daher empfohlen, aktiv an der Beseitigung der Leckagen zu arbeiten, da diese hohen Verluste den Versorgungsbetrieb negativ beeinflussen. Abschließend wird in der Arbeit ein integriertes Leckage-Managementsystem vorgeschlagen, das den Wasserversorgern eine Entscheidungshilfe bei zu ergreifenden Maßnahmen zur Instandhaltung des Verteilnetzes geben soll.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Evaluation of the quality of the environment is essential for human wellness as pollutants in trace amounts can cause serious health problem. Nitrosamines are a group of compounds that are considered potential carcinogens and can be found in drinking water (as disinfection byproducts), foods, beverages and cosmetics. To monitor the level of these compounds to minimize daily intakes, fast and reliable analytical techniques are required. As these compounds are relatively highly polar, extraction and enrichment from environmental samples (aqueous) are challenging. Also, the trend of analytical techniques toward the reduction of sample size and minimization of organic solvent use demands new methods of analysis. In light of fulfilling these requirements, a new method of online preconcentration tailored to an electrokinetic chromatography is introduced. In this method, electroosmotic flow (EOF) was suppressed to increase the interaction time between analyte and micellar phase, therefore the only force to mobilize the neutral analytes is the interaction of analyte with moving micelles. In absence of EOF, polarity of applied potential was switched (negative or positive) to force (anionic or cationic) micelles to move toward the detector. To avoid the excessive band broadening due to longer analysis time caused by slow moving micelles, auxiliary pressure was introduced to boost the micelle movement toward the detector using an in house designed and built apparatus. Applying the external auxiliary pressure significantly reduced the analysis times without compromising separation efficiency. Parameters, such as type of surfactants, composition of background electrolyte (BGE), type of capillary, matrix effect, organic modifiers, etc., were evaluated in optimization of the method. The enrichment factors for targeted analytes were impressive, particularly; cationic surfactants were shown to be suitable for analysis of nitrosamines due to their ability to act as hydrogen bond donors. Ammonium perfluorooctanoate (APFO) also showed remarkable results in term of peak shapes and number of theoretical plates. It was shown that the separation results were best when a high conductivity sample was paired with a BGE of lower conductivity. Using higher surfactant concentrations (up to 200 mM SDS) than usual (50 mM SDS) for micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) improved the sweeping. A new method for micro-extraction and enrichment of highly polar neutral analytes (N-Nitrosamines in particular) based on three-phase drop micro-extraction was introduced and its performance studied. In this method, a new device using some easy-to-find components was fabricated and its operation and application demonstrated. Compared to conventional extraction methods (liquid-liquid extraction), consumption of organic solvents and operation times were significantly lower.
Today , Providing drinking water and process water is one of the major problems in most countries ; the surface water often need to be treated to achieve necessary quality, and in this way, technological and also financial difficulties cause great restrictions in operating the treatment units. Although water supply by simple and cheap systems has been one of the important objectives in most scientific and research centers in the world, still a great percent of population in developing countries, especially in rural areas, don't benefit well quality water. One of the big and available sources for providing acceptable water is sea water. There are two ways to treat sea water first evaporation and second reverse osmosis system. Nowadays R.O system has been used for desalination because of low budget price and easily to operate and maintenance. The sea water should be pretreated before R.O plants, because there is some difficulties in raw sea water that can decrease yield point of membranes in R.O system. The subject of this research may be useful in this way, and we hope to be able to achieve complete success in design and construction of useful pretreatment systems for R.O plant. One of the most important units in the sea water pretreatment plant is filtration, the conventional method for filtration is pressurized sand filters, and the subject of this research is about new filtration which is called continuous back wash sand filtration (CBWSF). The CBWSF designed and tested in this research may be used more economically with less difficulty. It consists two main parts first shell body and second central part comprising of airlift pump, raw water feeding pipe, air supply hose, backwash chamber and sand washer as well as inlet and outlet connections. The CBWSF is a continuously operating filter, i.e. the filter does not have to be taken out of operation for backwashing or cleaning. Inlet water is fed through the sand bed while the sand bed is moving downwards. The water gets filtered while the sand becomes dirty. Simultaneously, the dirty sand is cleaned in the sand washer and the suspended solids are discharged in backwash water. We analyze the behavior of CBWSF in pretreatment of sea water instead of pressurized sand filter. There is one important factor which is not suitable for R.O membranes, it is bio-fouling. This factor is defined by Silt Density Index (SDI).measured by SDI. In this research has been focused on decreasing of SDI and NTU. Based on this goal, the prototype of pretreatment had been designed and manufactured to test. The system design was done mainly by using the design fundamentals of CBWSF. The automatic backwash sand filter can be used in small and also big water supply schemes. In big water treatment plants, the units of filters perform the filtration and backwash stages separately, and in small treatment plants, the unit is usually compacted to achieve less energy consumption. The analysis of the system showed that it may be used feasibly for water treating, especially for limited population. The construction is rapid, simple and economic, and its performance is high enough because no mobile mechanical part is used in it, so it may be proposed as an effective method to improve the water quality and consequently the hygiene level in the remote places of the country.
Novel magnetic carbon xerogels consisting of interconnected carbon microspheres with iron and/or cobalt microparticles embedded in their structure were developed by a simple route. As inferred from the characterization data, materials with distinctive properties may be directly obtained upon inclusion of iron and/or cobalt precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing. The unique properties of these magnetic carbon xerogels were explored in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of an antimicrobial agent typically found throughout the urban water cycle – sulfamethoxazole (SMX). A clear synergistic effect arises from the inclusion of cobalt and iron in carbon xerogels (CX/CoFe),the resulting magnetic material revealing a better performance in the CWPO of SMX at the ppb level(500 microg L−1) when compared to that of monometallic carbon xerogels containing only iron or cobalt.This effect was ascribed to the increased accessibility of highly active iron species promoted by the simultaneous incorporation of cobalt.The performance of the CWPO process in the presence of CX/CoFe was also evaluated in environmentally relevant water matrices, namely in drinking water and secondary treated wastewater, considered in addition to ultrapure water. It was found that the performance decreases when applied to more complex water and wastewater samples. Nevertheless, the ability of the CWPO technology for the elimination of SMX in secondary treated wastewater was unequivocally shown, with 96.8% of its initial content being removed after 6 h of reaction in the presence of CX/CoFe, at atmospheric pressure, room temperature(T = 25◦C), pH = 3, [H2O2]0= 500 mg L−1and catalyst load = 80 mg L−1. A similar performance (97.8% SMX removal) is obtained in 30 min when the reaction temperature is slightly increased up to 60◦C in an ultra-pure water matrix. Synthetic water containing humic acid, bicarbonate, sulphate or chloride, was also tested. The results suggest the scavenging effect of the different anions considered, as well as the negative impact of dissolved organic matter typically found in secondary treated wastewater, as simulated by the presence of humic acid.An in-situ magnetic separation procedure was applied for catalyst recovery and re-use during reusability cycles performed to mimic real-scale applications. CWPO runs performed with increased SMX concentration (10 mg L−1), under a water treatment process intensification approach, allowed to evalu-ate the mineralization levels obtained, the antimicrobial activity of the treated water, and to propose adegradation mechanism for the CWPO of SMX.
New bone chars for fluoride adsorption from drinking water have been synthetized via metallic doping using aluminum and iron salts. A detailed statistical analysis of the metal doping process using the signal-to-noise ratios from Taguchi's experimental designs and its impact on the fluoride adsorption properties of modified bone chars have been performed. The best conditions, including the proper metallic salt, for metal doping were identified to improve the fluoride uptakes of modified bone chars. Results showed that the fluoride adsorption properties of bone chars can be enhanced up to 600% using aluminum sulfate for the surface modification. This aluminum-based adsorbent showed an adsorption capacity of 31 mg/g, which outperformed the fluoride uptakes reported for several adsorbents. Surface interactions involved in the defluoridation process were established using FTIR, DRX and XPS analysis. Defluoridation using the metal-doped bone chars occurred via an ion exchange process between fluoride ions and the hydroxyl groups on the adsorbent surface, whereas the Al(OH)xFy, FexFy, and CaF2 interactions could play also an important role in the removal process. These metal-doped adsorbents anticipate a promising behavior in water treatment, especially in developing countries where the efficiency – cost tradeoff is crucial for implementing new defluoridation technologies.
Continuous and reliable monitoring of contaminants in drinking water, which adversely affect human health, is the main goal of the Broward County Well Field Protection Program. In this study the individual monitoring station locations were used in a yearly and quarterly spatiotemporal Ordinary Kriging interpolation to create a raster network of contaminant detections. In the final analysis, the raster spatiotemporal nitrate concentration trends were overlaid with a pollution vulnerability index to determine if the concentrations are influenced by a set of independent variables. The pollution vulnerability factors are depth to water, recharge, aquifer media, soil, impact to vadose zone, and conductivity. The creation of the nitrate raster dataset had an average RMS Standardized error close to 1 at 0.98. The greatest frequency of detections and the highest concentrations are found in the months of April, May, June, July, August, and September. An average of 76.4% of the nitrate intersected with cells of the pollution vulnerability index over 100.
Monitoring of nitrogen and phosphorus in streams and rivers throughout Iowa is an essential element of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (INRS). Sampling and analysis of surface water is necessary to develop periodic estimates of the amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus transported from Iowa. Surface and groundwater monitoring provides the scientific evidence needed to document the effectiveness of nutrient reduction practices and the impact they have on water quality. Lastly, monitoring data informs decisions about where and how best to implement nutrient reduction practices, by both point sources and nonpoint sources, to provide the greatest benefit at the least cost. The impetus for this report comes from the Water Resources Coordination Council (WRCC) which states in its 2014‐15 Annual Report “Efforts are underway to improve understanding of the multiple nutrient monitoring efforts that may be available and can be compared to the nutrient WQ monitoring framework to identify opportunities and potential data gaps to better coordinate and prioritize future nutrient monitoring efforts.” This report is the culmination of those efforts.
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy stream water quality monitoring in Iowa : measuring progress (2016)
The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) is a research- and technology-based approach to assess and reduce nutrients—nitrogen and phosphorus—delivered to Iowa waterways and the Gulf of Mexico by 45 percent. To measure progress, researchers track many different factors, from inputs (e.g. funding) and the human domain (e.g. farmer perspectives) to land management (e.g. on-farm practices) and water quality. Monitoring Iowa streams provides valuable insight into measuring water quality progress and the reduction of surface water nutrient loss. The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) aims to reduce the load, or total amount (e.g. tons), of nutrients lost annually. Researchers calculate the load from water monitoring results, which measure concentration combined with stream flow.
Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid that exerts protective effects on vascular function and structure in several models of cardiovascular diseases through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Early protein malnutrition reprograms the cardiovascular system and is linked to hypertension in adulthood. This study assessed the effects of taurine supplementation in vascular alterations induced by protein restriction in post-weaning rats. Weaned male Wistar rats were fed normal- (12%, NP) or low-protein (6%, LP) diets for 90 days. Half of the NP and LP rats concomitantly received 2.5% taurine supplementation in the drinking water (NPT and LPT, respectively). LP rats showed elevated systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure versus NP rats; taurine supplementation partially prevented this increase. There was a reduced relaxation response to acetylcholine in isolated thoracic aortic rings from the LP group that was reversed by superoxide dismutase (SOD) or apocynin incubation. Protein expression of p47phox NADPH oxidase subunit was enhanced, whereas extracellular (EC)-SOD and endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation at Ser 1177 (p-eNOS) were reduced in aortas from LP rats. Furthermore, ROS production was enhanced while acetylcholine-induced NO release was reduced in aortas from the LP group. Taurine supplementation improved the relaxation response to acetylcholine and eNOS-derived NO production, increased EC-SOD and p-eNOS protein expression, as well as reduced ROS generation and p47phox expression in the aortas from LPT rats. LP rats showed an increased aortic wall/lumen ratio and taurine prevented this remodeling through a reduction in wall media thickness. Our data indicate a protective role of taurine supplementation on the high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling induced by post-weaning protein restriction. The beneficial vascular effect of taurine was associated with restoration of vascular redox homeostasis and improvement of NO bioavailability.
Iranian propolis is a natural product of honeybees that has significant and varied anti-cancer benefits. The present study was designed to investigate the protective effects of Iranian propolis on gastric tissue carcinogenesis in an animal model. Propolis samples were collected from Hamadan and Taleghan districts of Iran, followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. Fifty-five rats were divided into three groups; control, Taleghan propolis and Hamadan propolis. All the animals received N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG, 100 μg/ml) in drinking water ad libitum for 34 weeks. In the treated groups, nutrition with propolis was started two weeks before MNNG administration. At the end of the study, the entire gastrointestinal tract was scrutinized for tumors, and the rest of the body was assessed for metastatic deposits. Results indicated that the incidence and number of tumors were significantly decreased by propolis in comparison with the control group (P < 0.05). The nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, epithelial stratification, nuclear dispolarity, structural abnormality, and Beta-catenin and Bcl-2 proteins expression were significantly reduced in the propolis group compared to the control group (P < 0.05). In addition, Bax protein expression was significantly increased in the propolis group in comparison with the control group (P < 0.05). The present study demonstrated the potential chemoprotective effects of the Iranian propolis against gastric cancer in a typical animal model. The results provide evidence for the hypothesis that Iranian propolis may exert a chemoprotective effect on MNNG-initiated gastric cancer through inhibition of cell proliferation and apoptosis induction.
Endurance exercise training as well as leucine supplementation modulates glucose homeostasis and protein turnover in mammals. Here, we analyze whether leucine supplementation alters the effects of endurance exercise on these parameters in healthy mice. Mice were distributed into sedentary (C) and exercise (T) groups. The exercise group performed a 12-week swimming protocol. Half of the C and T mice, designated as the CL and TL groups, were supplemented with leucine (1.5 % dissolved in the drinking water) throughout the experiment. As well known, endurance exercise training reduced body weight and the retroperitoneal fat pad, increased soleus mass, increased VO2max, decreased muscle proteolysis, and ameliorated peripheral insulin sensitivity. Leucine supplementation had no effect on any of these parameters and worsened glucose tolerance in both CL and TL mice. In the soleus muscle of the T group, AS-160(Thr-642) (AKT substrate of 160 kDa) and AMPK(Thr-172) (AMP-Activated Protein Kinase) phosphorylation was increased by exercise in both basal and insulin-stimulated conditions, but it was reduced in TL mice with insulin stimulation compared with the T group. Akt phosphorylation was not affected by exercise but was lower in the CL group compared with the other groups. Leucine supplementation increased mTOR phosphorylation at basal conditions, whereas exercise reduced it in the presence of insulin, despite no alterations in protein synthesis. In trained groups, the total FoxO3a protein content and the mRNA for the specific isoforms E2 and E3 ligases were reduced. In conclusion, leucine supplementation did not potentiate the effects of endurance training on protein turnover, and it also reduced its positive effects on glucose homeostasis.
Chronic ethanol consumption leads to reproductive damages, since it can act directly in the tissues or indirectly, causing a hormonal imbalance. Prostate is a hormone-dependent gland and, consequently, susceptible to ethanol. The potential of testosterone therapy in the ethanol-related disorders was investigated in the prostate microenvironment. UChB rats aged 90 days were divided into 2 experimental groups (n=20): C: drinking water only and EtOH: drinking 10% (v/v) ethanol at >2 g/kg body weight/day+water. At 150 days old, 10 rats from each group received subcutaneous injections of testosterone cypionate (5 mg/kg body weight) diluted in corn oil every other day for 4 weeks, constituting T and EtOH+T, while the remaining animals received corn oil as vehicle. Animals were euthanized at 180 days old, by decapitation. Blood was collected to obtain hormone concentrations and ventral prostate was dissected and processed for light microscope and molecular analyses. Ventral prostate weight, plasma testosterone and DHT and intraprostatic testosterone concentrations were increased after testosterone treatment. Plasma estradiol level was reduced in the EtOH+T. Inflammatory foci, metaplasia and epithelial atrophy were constantly found in the prostate of EtOH and were not observed after hormonal therapy. No differences were found in the expression of AR, ERβ and DACH-1. Additionally, testosterone treatment down-regulated ERα and increased the e-cadherin and α-actinin immunoreactivities. Testosterone was able to reverse damages caused by ethanol consumption in the prostate microenvironment and becomes a possible target to be investigated to ethanol-related disorders.
INTRODUCTION: Like in humans, lower amounts of glycogen are present in tissues of diabetic rats. However, training or drugs that lower glycemia can improve the metabolic control. Metformin increased glycogen while decreased glycemia in normal rats stressed by exercise. OBJECTIVE: In this work we investigated if regular exercise and metformin effects improve the metabolism of diabetic rats. METHODS: Alloxan diabetic Wistar rats treated with metformin (DTM) or not (DT) were trained. Training consisted of 20 sessions of 30 min, 5 days a week. Sedentary diabetic rats served as control (SD and SDM). Metformin (5.6 µg/g) was given in the drinking water. After 48 h resting, glucose (mg/dl) and insulin (ng/mL) was measured in plasma and glycogen (mg/100 mg of wet tissue) in liver, soleus and gastrocnemius. RESULTS: Glycemia decreased in DM group from 435±15 to 230±20, in DT group to 143±8.1 and in DTM group to 138±19 mg/dl. DM group had proportional increase in the hepatic glycogen from 1.69±0.22 to 3.53±0.24, and the training increased to 3.36 ± 0.16 mg/100 mg. Metformin induced the same proportional increase in the muscles (soleus from 0.21±0.008 to 0.42±0.03 and gastrocnemius from 0.33±0.02 to 0.46±0.03), while the training promoted increase on gastrocnemius to 0,53 ± 0,03, only. A high interaction was observed in liver (glycogen increased to 6.48±0.34). CONCLUSION: Very small oral doses of metformin and/or, partially restored glycemia in diabetic rats and decreased glycogen in tissues. Its association with an exercise program was beneficial, helping lower glycemia further and increase glycogen stores on liver of diabetic rats.
PURPOSE: To compare the 2% ibopamine provocative test with the water drinking test as a provocative test for glaucoma. METHODS: Primary open-angle glaucoma patients and normal individuals were selected from CEROF-Universidade Federal de Goiânia UFG, and underwent the 2% ibopamine provocative test and the water drinking test in a randomized fashion, at least 1 week apart. Intraocular pressure (IOP) before and after both tests, Bland-Altman graph, sensitivity and specificity (as mesured by ROC curves) were obtained for both methods. RESULTS: Forty-seven eyes from 25 patients were included (27 eyes from 15 glaucoma patients and 20 eyes from 10 normal individuals), with a mean age of 54.2 ± 12.7 years. The mean MD of glaucoma patients was -2.8 ± 2.11 dB. There was no statistically difference in the baseline IOP (p=0.8) comparing glaucoma patients, but positive after the provocative tests (p=0.03), and in the IOP variation (4.4 ± 1.3 mmHg for ibopamine and 3.2 ± 2.2 mmHg for water drinking test, p=0.01). There was no difference in all studied parameters for normal individuals. The Bland-Altman graph showed high dispersion comparing both methods. The areas under the ROC curve were 0.987 for the ibopamine provocative test, and 0.807 for the water-drinking test. CONCLUSION: In this selected subgroup of glaucoma patients with early visual field defect, the ibopamine provocative test has shown better sensitivity/specificity than the water drinking test.