998 resultados para Direito e desenvolvimento econômico - Brasil


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The book-report Human Development: the reality beyond the numbers addresses issues related to the Development Index (IDH), of Brazil, in a general context, and the city of Bauru, in the local context. The “IDH” is a number that serves as a comparison between countries, in order to measure the degree of economic development and the quality of life offered to the population. The classification, if high, can be readily used as a means of aggrandizement national and if low, can be used to highlight the weaknesses national. Understanding the role of media as an agent capable of promoting social debates of great importance, this book-report aims to discuss the concept of human development beyond the numbers commonly reported, prompting debates on the issue of human development: whether in relation to social issues, public policy or the role of the media in the process of contributing to the formation of public opinion. The methodology used was the data collection and the research literature, besides journalistic techniques, such as interview, report and profile


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Este presente trabalho pretende compreender o papel dos bancos públicos brasileiros durante os anos 2000 a 2012 e sua relação com o desenvolvimento socioeconômico nacional. Adota-se a importância de estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento, visando à atuação do Estado na economia para garantir o progresso econômico e social de toda a nação igualitariamente. Torna-se necessário separar o estudo em dois períodos, pré e pós crise econômica de 2008, a fim de observar a existência ou não da ação anticíclica dos bancos públicos no mercado de crédito brasileiro


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The work consists of the historical city of Guaratinguetá, as well as data on their quality of life, economic development and population, transportation in Brazil and the transportation system of the city serving as a basis to support the development of the urban network. The urban fabric of the city was raised with plants of the city in different years, documents obtained by the Museum and Hall of Frei Galvão Guaratinguetá well to check the form of land use and growth drivers of the city over time. We studied also the main access roads to the city by focusing on an approach that has been the subject of a proposed urban intervention. A direct interview was performed and recorded with one of those responsible for planning the urban fabric of the city in order to gather information on the historical development, the future possibilities of interventions in the urban as well as problems encountered and other curiosities. Through the study it was observed that the urban grid Guaratinguetá developing a planned since 1970 and that the highlights of most cities in the Paraíba Valley. The work is grounded in concepts of sustainable city and also in quantitative and qualitative data from sectors responsible


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This article conducted an analysis of Portal Brazil, specifically in the areas of “Education” and “Economy and Employment”, by according to the principles of e-engagement defined by the Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development (OECD). For understanding of this work, were elucidated concepts such as public communication - trajectory, principles and relations -, digital democracy, e-government and engagement and civic participation. Through this analysis was realized the importance of public communication in the processes of opinion formation and stimulus to citizen participation, as well as the performance of the internet as a facilitator instrument in the processes of relationship between State and Society


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How companies can sell their surplus production capacity of electric power in Brazil? This work was developed from the question presented and focusing on clarification of procedures to enter the Brazilian electricity market by providing basic guidelines based on resolutions by National Agency of Electric Energy, National System Operator procedures and rules of the Assembly of Electric Energy Commercialization. It features subsidy to companies that fit this profile to evaluate the possibility to sell their surplus electricity. The general aim was to analyze the procedures and the necessary steps to make this sale happen. Was developed through a literature review where an overview of the Brazilian electric sector and a case study of a company that has excess capacity of electricity, but doesn’t make its marketing. Resulted in the expected clarification as well as the incentive for companies through the information presented, the entry in this trade since power is still crucial to the country's economic growth and ensure its availability in quantity demanded is a challenge of the utmost importance for satisfactory results are achieved economic development contributing to the progress of our society


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A teoria em finanças tem evoluído cada vez mais aproximando a teoria financeira às práticas reais adotadas nas empresas e nos mercados financeiros. A partir de Modigliani e Miller, que contribuíram para o ramo das finanças com a teoria da Irrelevância Financeira, o caminho se abriu para uma série de debates a cerca da importância das variáveis financeiras na determinação do valor da empresa. Foram levantados questionamentos a respeito da perfeição dos mercados e apresentado argumentos como a assimetria de informações, os custos de agência, a restrição financeira e outras implicações à teoria do investimento. Atualmente o que se sabe é que o fator investimento está altamente ligado às finanças e, portanto, relaciona-se com os meios de financiamento presentes no mercado e com a organização interna e financeira das firmas, esse ramo de estudo recebe o nome de Finanças Corporativas. Diante da teoria financeira, o objetivo é analisar a indústria siderúrgica de duas economias atualmente em destaque, Brasil e China através da análise econômico-financeira de quatro empresas de capital aberto do setor: Gerdau, Usiminas, Baosteel e Masteel. Cabe destacar que a indústria siderúrgica é base para outras indústrias, como construção civil, automóveis, máquinas, entre outros e, por isso, é tida como sinalizadora do desenvolvimento econômico de um país, assim também, o Brasil e a China são caracterizados como grandes potenciais emergentes e fontes de atração de investimentos internacionais


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The objective of this research is a production of a reporting-book broaching different aspects of the brazilian economic growing, more specifically on the last ten years. These visages surround topics so much discussed by the brazilian and international media. As these medias searched answers for the success of the Brazil's Economy in the 21st century, specially with the good results of the GDP in 2010, the reporting-book also was produced in order to explain better the brazilian scene on the crest of the greatest economic crisis of recent years which has led developed countries to its political and economic degradation


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The demographic census is the largest and most important socioeconomic research of the country since it portrays the situation closer to the reality of the population. Their result allows public policy making aimed at improving the quality of life, socioeconomic development and provides information for decision making on public and private sector. Due to the large amount of data collected, the processing of such information requires increasingly use information technology to facilitate processing. Therefore, the increasingly common use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) in various fields of knowledge contributes to the job achievement given its ability to collect, store, retrieve and view data. Following this trend, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statics (IBGE) also used this tool in the development of cartographic inputs, wich plays a key role for the data collection range nationwide


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O prestígio da ciência e da tecnologia, reforçada pela visão racionalista e cientificista – inaugurada com Revolução Científica e posteriormente corroborada no século XVII pela geração Iluminista de filósofos e cientistas – é hoje um dos fatores determinantes do desenvolvimento econômico de uma nação. Estando os resultados desse progresso científico-tecnológico presentes atualmente no cotidiano mais íntimo da população, são também determinantes do perfil social e cultural da mesma. A mídia, responsável pela disseminação de informações em geral, deve atuar diretamente na proliferação da informação científica para a população não acadêmica não apenas informando, mas incitando à critica e colaborando para a crescente democratização da atividade científica. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar o perfil histórico da presença da Ciência na Mídia impressa brasileira, através de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto. Para isso, fez-se um apanhado geral do estabelecimento das atividades jornalística e científica no país – inicialmente separadas e posteriormente atreladas – contextualizando-as no panorama mundial e comparando especificamente a atividade do Jornalismo Científico com outras iniciativas internacionais semelhantes


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In the decade of 1950, the economic policies almost in their entirety, are aimed at promoting domestic industry, culminating finally in the most consistent action planned in favor of industrialization in the economic history of Brazil: the Plano de Metas (Goal’s Plan). This study aims to analyze the Brazilian planning at this moment studying the proposals in the economic thought of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Roberto de Oliveira Campos, divergent, but both connected to important reports of the Brazilian economy developed in the period, which served as the basis for policies at the period and even Goal’s Plan, and with enormous influence on the decisions of the 50s. The first one was the most important school of thought in the Third World. Campos was one of the most important thinkers of the economy in the period, one of the most consistent critics of ECLAC, and their proposals were very close to what was actually executed. The paper concludes that, despite the importance of ECLAC thought, this encountered difficulties applying workable solutions to economic growth. The eclectic tone of Roberto Campos brought clarity to his proposals, and these, when applied, have led to growth


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O presente trabalho visa analisar os reais impactos políticos, econômicos e sociais ocorridos na África do Sul decorrentes do fato de ter sediado a Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2010 além de procurar analisar os eventuais impactos que o Brasil eventualmente sofrerá como sede da Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2014. Por meio da leitura de artigos, trabalhos científicos, livros e websites procurei demonstrar as conseqüências para a África do Sul bem como as expectativas para o Brasil em relação ao evento. Além da análise dos resultados socioeconômicos obtidos na África do Sul em 2010 e procurar mensurar os impactos que o Brasil há de sofrer em 2014 por sediar a Copa, esta monografia ainda apresenta a característica que este megaevento esportivo tem de alterar a economia dos países-sede e movimentar quantias consideráveis de dinheiro. Como resultado da pesquisa, podemos dizer que a primeira Copa sediada no continente africano foi bem sucedida em termos político-sociais, pois, apesar das dificuldades, conseguiram passar uma boa imagem do país para o mundo mostrando ser um povo hospitaleiro, alegre e simpático. Para o caso do Brasil, sabe-se que incentivará o problema da corrupção, da violência urbana e da diferencia entre as classes sociais, porém é uma grande oportunidade para o desenvolvimento econômico do país e de conquistar lugares no cenário político mundial jamais antes conseguidos


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The games are a worldwide fever, since 80's is becoming more popular and featured in the media, in the culture and economy. The sector fits in creative economy, a sector of economy that is growing gaining prominence for being a driver for economic, cultural and environmental development. The producing process, competition and logic of cultural games industry differ from traditional economy. The article seeks to show what is necessary to the game industry be able to establish and remain on the market, and what is the obstacles that this industry will face in Brazil, a potential creative economy country