895 resultados para Decision to Emigrate


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OBJECTIVE: Despite dramatic advances in all medical era, cerebral vasospasm is still the major complication in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of intraarterial (IA) nimodipine in the treatment of symptomatic vasospasm and in preventing neurological disabilities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 10 patients of SAH who received IA nimodipine in 15 procedures. The decision to perform angiography and endovascular treatment was based on the neurological examination, brain computed tomography (CT) and CT-angiography. The procedure reports, anesthesia records, neurological examination before and after the procedure, brain imaging and short- and long-term outcome were studied. RESULTS: The average dose of nimodipine was 2 mg. The median change in mean arterial pressure at 10 min was -10 mmHg. No significant change of heart rate was observed at 10 min. There was radiological improvement in 80% of the procedures. Neurological improvement was noted after eight out of 12 procedures when nimodipine was used as the sole treatment and after 10 out of 15, overall. Six patients clinically improved after the treatment and had good outcome. In one patient, an embolus caused fatal anterior and middle cerebral arteries infarction. There was no other neurological deficit or radiological abnormality due to the nimodipine treatment itself. CONCLUSION: Low-dose IA nimodipine is a valid adjunct for the endovascular treatment of cerebral vasospasm. Beneficial effects are achieved in some patients, prompting a prospective control study.


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INTRODUCTION: Patients with arterial disease receiving antiplatelet agents may develop venous thromboembolism (VTE) and need anticoagulant therapy, although concomitant use of these drugs may increase bleeding risk. We analyzed RIETE data and compared clinical outcomes depending on decision to discontinue or maintain antiplatelet therapy at VTE diagnosis. METHODS: Consecutive patients with acute VTE were enrolled in RIETE. Only patients receiving antiplatelet therapy at baseline were included in this analysis. Primary outcomes were: rate of subsequent ischemic events, major bleeding or death during anticoagulation course. RESULTS: 1178 patients who received antiplatelet drugs at VTE diagnosis were included. Antiplatelet therapy was discontinued in 62% of patients. During anticoagulation course, patients also receiving antiplatelet therapy had higher rates of lower limb amputations (2.28 vs. 0.21 events per 100 patients-years; p<0.01), any ischemic events (5.7 vs. 2.28 events per 100 patients-years; p<0.05) or death (23.6 vs. 13.9 deaths per 100 patients-years; p<0.01). No differences in the rate of major bleeding or recurrent VTE were revealed. In matched analysis, patients on antiplatelet therapy were found to have a significantly higher rate of limb amputations (odds ratio: 15.3; 95% CI: 1.02-229) and an increased number of composite outcomes including all-cause deaths, arterial and VTE events (odds ratio: 1.46; CI: 1.03-2.06), with no differences in major bleeding rate. CONCLUSION: Concomitant anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy in patients with VTE and arterial disease is not associated with increased risk for bleeding, recurrent VTE or death. The worse outcome observed in patients who continued antiplatelet therapy requires further investigations.


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Providing or withholding nutrition in severely disabled elderly persons is a challenging dilemma for families, health professionals, and institutions. Despite limited evidence that nutrition support improves functional status in vulnerable older persons, especially those suffering from dementia, the issue of nutrition support in this population is strongly debated. Nutrition might be considered a basic need that not only sustains life but provides comfort as well by patients and their families. Consequently, the decision to provide or withhold nutrition support during medical care is often complex and involves clinical, legal, and ethical considerations. This article proposes a guide for health professionals to appraise ethical issues related to nutrition support in severely disabled older persons. This guide is based on an 8-step process to identify the components of a situation, analyze conflicting values that result in the ethical dilemma, and eventually reach a consensus for the most relevant plan of care to implement in a specific clinical situation. A vignette is presented to illustrate the use of this guide when analyzing a clinical situation.


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Little is known of the relations between psychosis, religion and suicide. One hundred and fifteen outpatients with schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and 30 inpatients without psychotic symptoms were studied using a semi-structured interview assessing religiousness/spirituality. Their past suicide attempts were examined. Additionally, they were asked about the role (protective or incentive) of religion in their decision to commit suicide. Forty-three percent of the patients with psychosis had previously attempted suicide. Religiousness was not associated with the rate of patients who attempted suicide. Twenty-five percent of all subjects acknowledged a protective role of religion, mostly through ethical condemnation of suicide and religious coping. One out of ten patients reported an incentive role of religion, not only due to negatively connotated issues but also to the hope for something better after death. There were no differences between groups (i.e. psychotic vs. non-psychotic patients). Religion may play a specific role in the decisions patients make about suicide, both in psychotic and non-psychotic patients. This role may be protective, a finding particularly important for patients with psychosis who are known to be at high risk of severe suicide attempts. Interventions aiming to lower the number of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia should take these data into account.


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When hypothermic patients appear to be dead, the decision to resuscitate may be difficult due to lack of reliable criteria of death. To discover useful prognostic indicators, we reviewed the hospital charts of nine hypothermic victims of snow avalanches (group A: median value of rectal temperature, 29.6 degrees C; range, less than 12 degrees C to 34 degrees C) and of 15 patients with hypothermia following acute drug intoxication and/or cold exposure (group B: 28.8 degrees C; range, 25.5 degrees C to 32 degrees C. In group A, plasma potassium level on admission was extremely high (14.5 mmol/L; range, 6.8 to 24.5 mmol/L) compared with that obtained in group B (3.5 mmol/L; range, 2.7 to 5.3 mmol/L). All patients in group A were in cardiorespiratory arrest. None could be successfully resuscitated despite effective rewarming by cardiopulmonary bypass or peritoneal lavage. In contrast, all of the patients in group B recovered from hypothermia, including two in cardiorespiratory arrest. Thus, extreme hyperkalemia during acute hypothermia appears to be a reliable marker of death. It might be used to select those patients in whom heroic resuscitation efforts can be useful.


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There is increasing evidence that modular neck stems are prone to corrosion-related complications. Recent studies showed elevated metal ions levels and occasional pseudotumor formation in patients with such implants. The purpose of this study was to compare systemic metal-ion levels in patients after primary THA with modular neck stems to those of patients after non-modular implants. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort study including a control group, THA without CoCr heads and dry-assembled neck-stem connections. Methods: 50 patients after THA at a minimum follow-up of 1 year have been selected for the study. Patients with multiple prosthesis or other implants have been deselected. All received a cementless SPS stem from Symbios (Ti6Al4V). 40 patients have the modular neck (CoCr) version and 10 a monobloc version. All bearings were either ceramic-ceramic or ceramic-polyethylene to minimize other sources of CoCr ion release. In the modular group, the neck was chosen pre-operatively based on a 3D planning, allowing for a dry assembly of the stem and neck on the back table before implantation. A plasma system coupled to mass spectrometry was used for a complete elementary quantification in blood and serum separately. Clinical outcome was measured using the Oxford Hip Score. Results : Complete data sets of 29 patients (24 in the modular neck-group (10male, mean age 63y, 35-84y) and 5 in the monobloc-group (3 male, 69 y, 51-83y) are available to date. Mean Co blood levels were .95 ug/L (.14-12.4) in the modular group vs .27 ug/L (.10-.73) in the monobloc group (p=.2). Respective values for Cr were significantly higher in the modular group (.99 g/L; range .75-1.21) compared to those in the monobloc group (.74 g/L ;.62-.86; p=.001). No significant difference was found when comparing serum levels. 5/24 patients had Co levels above 1 g/L (12/24 for Cr), which is by some considered as a relevant elevation. The maximum Co level was measured in an asymptomatic patient. The Oxford Hip Scores were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Cr levels were significantly elevated in the modular neck group compared to those in the monobloc group. 1/24 patients with a modular prosthesis exhibited Co levels, which are beyond the threshold accepted even for metal-on-metal bearing couples. These results have contributed to our decision to abandon the use of modular neck stems. Routine follow-up including annual measurements of systemic CoCr concentrations should be considered.


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BACKGROUND: Home hospital is advocated in many western countries in spite of limited evidence of its economic advantage over usual hospital care. Heart failure and community-acquired pneumonia are two medical conditions which are frequently targeted by home hospital programs. While recent trials were devoted to comparisons of safety and costs, the acceptance of home hospital for patients with these conditions remains poorly described. OBJECTIVE: To document the medical eligibility and final transfer decision to home hospital for patients hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of heart failure or community-acquired pneumonia. DESIGN: Longitudinal study of patients admitted to the medical ward of acute care hospitals, up to the final decision concerning their transfer. SETTING: Medical departments of one university hospital and two regional teaching Swiss hospitals. PATIENTS: All patients admitted over a 9 month period to the three settings with a primary diagnosis of heart failure (n= 301) or pneumonia (n=441). MEASUREMENTS: Presence of permanent exclusion criteria on admission; final decision of (in)eligibility based on medical criteria; final decision regarding the transfer, taking into account the opinions of the family physician, the patient and informal caregivers. RESULTS: While 27.9% of heart failure and 37.6% of pneumonia patients were considered to be eligible from a medical point of view, the program acceptance by family physicians, patients and informal caregivers was low and a transfer to home hospital was ultimately chosen for just 3.8% of heart failure and 9.6% of pneumonia patients. There were no major differences between the three settings. CONCLUSIONS: In the case of these two conditions, the potential economic advantage of home hospital over usual inpatient care is compromised by the low proportion of patients ultimately transferred.


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Summary Background: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is an effective and minimally invasive treatment for angina pectoris, but its impact on patient's quality of life has not been extensively studied with specific questionnaires. Methods: Over a 6 month period, ail patients suffering from angina, planned for elective PTCA, and available for a 6 months follow-up, were included in the study. The specific "Seattle Angina Questionnaire" (SAQ) was administered the day before and 6 months after PTCA. The decision to implant a coronary stent was left to the cardiologist in charge of the procedure. Results: 112 patients were initially included (39 PTCA and 62 PTCA with stent im-plantation). There was no difference in gender, age, angina severity and type of coronary lesion between the two groups. Follow-up at 6 months was available for 101 patients (90%). Quality of life was dramatically improved in 4 of 5 SAQ dimensions (physical limitation, angina stability, angina frequency, disease perception, p <0.001). Only treatment satisfaction was worse at follow-up then before the procedure (p = 0.03), in particular satisfaction with received explanations, belief that everything possible was donc to treat angina, and global satisfaction. A stent implantation had no impact on these results. Conclusions: PTCA for ischaemic cardiac disease improved not only physical abilities, but also quality of life dramatically. Dissatisfaction with treatment could be corrected with better information during follow-up. SAQ is easy to use and could be selected as a monitoring instrument. Résumé Contexte: Le traitement de l'angine de poitrine par angioplastie coronaire transluminale per-cutanée (PTCA) est efficace et peu invasif, mais son impact sur la qualité de vie des patients a été relativement peu étudié avec des questionnaires spécifiques. Méthode: Durant 6 mois, tous les patients souffrant d'une angine de poitrine pour qui une PTCA élective était envisagée, et qui étaient disponibles pour un suivi à 6 mois ont été inclus dans l'étude. Le questionnaire spécifique «Seattle Angina Questionnaire» (SAQ) a été utilisé le jour avant et 6 mois après la procédure. La décision d'implanter un stent était laissée au cardiologue au moment de la procédure. Résultats: 112 patients ont été initialement inclus. Trente-neuf d'entre eux ont été traités avec une PTCA, et 62 avec une PTCA et l'implantation de stent. Il n'y avait pas de différence de sexe, d'âge, de sévérité de l'angine de poitrine, et de type de lésion coronaire entre les deux groupes. Un suivi à 6 mois a été possible pour 101 patients (90% de la cohorte initiale). La qualité de vie a été améliorée de façon spectaculaire dans 4 des 5 dimensions du SAQ (limites physiques, stabilité de l'angor, fréquence de l'angor, perception de l'angor, p <0,001). Seule, la satisfaction avec le traitement était pire lors du suivi qu'avant l'intervention (p = 0,03), en particulier la satisfaction avec les explications reçues, la conviction que tous les moyens avaient été utilisés pour le traitement, et la satisfaction globale. L'implantation d'un stent n'a eu aucun impact sur ces résultats.


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This article aims to analyze the different impact that some factors may exert on the probability that a small young firm invests intensively in R&D. Recently, an increasing amount of the literature makes reference to the vital role played by a small number of young firms in generating jobs and increasing efficiency levels. However, not all new firms invest in R&D. Departing from the definition of YICs (firms younger than 6 years old, fewer than 250 employees and with more than 15% of their revenues invested in R&D activities), and with an extensive sample of the Spanish Community Innovation Survey between 2004- 2010, we try to determine: i) those factors that cause firms to become YICs (innovative young small firms) or YNICs (moderately innovative young small firms); ii) what is the difference in the impact of those factors between YICs and YNICs. Our results show that factors such as initial innovation capacity and cooperation in R&D projects enhance the probability of becoming a YIC. Nevertheless, factors such as export potential and market uncertainty may influence the decision to invest moderately and become a YNIC. Keywords: Innovation, Policy, YICs. JEL Classifications: O31, D21


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BACKGROUND: Guidelines surrounding maternal contact with the stillborn infant have been contradictory over the past thirty years. Most studies have reported that seeing and holding the stillborn baby is associated with fewer anxiety and depressive symptoms among mothers of stillborn babies than not doing so. In contrast, others studies suggest that contact with the stillborn infant can lead to poorer maternal mental health outcomes. There is a lack of research focusing on the maternal experience of this contact. The present study aimed to investigate how mothers describe their experience of spending time with their stillborn baby and how they felt retrospectively about the decision they made to see and hold their baby or not. METHOD: In depth interviews were conducted with twenty-one mothers three months after stillbirth. All mothers had decided to see and the majority to hold their baby. Qualitative analysis of the interview data was performed using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. RESULTS: Six superordinate themes were identified: Characteristics of Contact, Physicality; Emotional Experience; Surreal Experience; Finality; and Decision. Having contact with their stillborn infant provided mothers with time to process what had happened, to build memories, and to 'say goodbye', often sharing the experience with partners and other family members. The majority of mothers felt satisfied with their decision to spend time with their stillborn baby. Several mothers talked about their fear of seeing a damaged or dead body. Some mothers experienced strong disbelief and dissociation during the contact. CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that preparation before contact with the baby, professional support during the contact, and professional follow-up are crucial in order to prevent the development of maternal mental health problems. Fears of seeing a damaged or dead body should be sensitively explored and ways of coping discussed. Even in cases where mothers experienced intense distress during the contact with their stillborn baby, they still described that having had this contact was important and that they had taken the right decision. This indicates a need for giving parents an informed choice by engaging in discussions about the possible benefits and risks of seeing their stillborn baby.


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Some faculty members from different universities around the world have begun to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool in recent years. These experiences show, in most cases, very satisfactory results and a substantial improvement in various basic skills, as well as a positive influence on the students' motivation. Nevertheless and despite the growing importance of e-learning methodologies based on the use of the Internet for higher education, the use of Wikipedia as a teaching resource remains scarce among university faculty.Our investigation tries to identify which are the main factors that determine acceptance or resistance to that use. We approach the decision to use Wikipedia as a teaching tool by analyzing both the individual attributes of faculty members and the characteristics of the environment where they develop their teaching activity. From a specific survey sent to all faculty of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), pioneer and leader in online education in Spain, we have tried to infer the influence of these internal and external elements. The questionnaire was designed to measure different constructs: perceived quality of Wikipedia, teaching practices involving Wikipedia, use experience, perceived usefulness and use of 2.0 tools. Control items were also included for gathering information on gender, age, teaching experience, academic rank, and area of expertise.Our results reveal that academic rank, teaching experience, age or gender, are not decisive factors in explaining the educational use of Wikipedia. Instead, the decision to use it is closely linked to the perception of Wikipedia's quality, the use of other collaborative learning tools, an active attitude towards web 2.0 applications, and connections with the professional non-academic world. Situational context is also very important, since the use is higher when faculty members have got reference models in their close environment and when they perceive it is positively valued by their colleagues. As far as these attitudes, practices and cultural norms diverge in different scientific disciplines, we have also detected clear differences in the use of Wikipedia among areas of academic expertise. As a consequence, a greater application of Wikipedia both as a teaching resource and as a driver for teaching innovation would require much more active institutional policies and some changes in the dominant academic culture among faculty members.


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AIM: To investigate the baseline and follow-up characteristics of a group of alcohol-dependent patients being treated under civil commitment. METHODS: This study involved a cross-sectional comparative analysis of baseline characteristics and a follow-up survey of a group of committed alcoholic patients. The study was undertaken in the Alcohol Unit of a 1,000-bed general and university hospital. The study included 17 consecutive cases of civil commitment (representing 15 patients, of whom 2 were committed twice) and a comparative group of 34 randomly selected age- and sex-matched patients. Baseline characteristics of the cases (at the time of commitment) and of patients from the comparative group were collected from medical records, including sociodemographic data, medical condition, patterns of drinking and number and dates of previous treatments for alcohol-related problems. A structured follow-up interview of the cases provided information on their medical condition, social status, patterns of alcohol use, type and duration of residential treatment as well as their perceptions of commitment. RESULTS: During a 4-year period, our Unit referred 23 cases of alcohol-dependent patients (out of 367) to the Guardianship Authority, requesting civil commitment. On 17 occasions, patients were committed to residential treatment, including 2 patients who underwent commitment on two separate occasions, thus representing a total of 15 different patients. In comparison with age- and sex-matched patients seen at the Unit, the cases were characterized by multiple medical, social and psychological alcohol-related impairments. At the time of follow-up, 14 out of 15 patients were alive, among whom 10 agreed to be interviewed. Eight of these reported complete abstinence, whereas 9 considered their alcohol problem as less severe than before. The average duration of commitment was 29 weeks. The majority of patients retrospectively considered the measure as having been justified and useful. The patients' satisfaction with the decision to commit was higher among women than among men. Health-related quality of life at the time of follow-up, as assessed by the MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire, was good on average and better than that usually reported by other cohorts of alcoholics undergoing treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The usefulness of residential civil commitment of certain severely impaired alcohol-dependent patients is underscored. This study suggests that civil commitment not only may save the lives of endangered patients but could also be a health-promoting measure that may sometimes allow for recovery from dependence. Unexpectedly, this measure was retrospectively well accepted by many patients, who considered the commitment decision as having been justified and useful.


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Pienen ohjelmistoyrityksen kansainvälistyminen on haasteellista niukkojen resurssien ja dynaamisen liiketoimintaympäristön paineessa. Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää sitä, millaisin perustein pieni tai keskisuuri ohjelmistotekniikan yritys tekee päätöksen kansainvälisille markkinoille siirtymisestä ja millaisen toimintamuodon yritys valitsee uudella markkinalla. Työn teoreettinen osa käsittelee päätöksenteon taustalla olevia vaikuttavia tekijöitä liiketoimintaympäristön, yritysjohdon ja yrityksen erityispiirteiden näkökulmista. Empiirinen osa on toteutettu kanden laajan ja neljän suppean yrityshaastat- telun muodossa. Karkeasti jaoteltuna yrityksen kansainvälistymiseen käyttämä polku voi olla joko orgaaniseen kasvuunperustuva tai Born Global-tyyppinen. Tutkimus nosti esille kansainvälistymispolun valintaan vaikuttavina tekijöinä yrittäjien riskinottohalukkuuden ja kansainvälisen kokemuksen, tuotteen palveluintensiivisyyden asteen sekä toimintakon- septin markkina- tai tuoteorientaation. Yleisellä tasolla korkea riskinottohalu, vähäinen kansainvälinen kokemus, standardinomainen tuote ja markkinaorientoitunut toimintatapa kannustivat yritystä valitsemaan Born Global-tyyppisen kansainvälistymispolun. Vastaavasti pieni riskinottohalu, runsaampi kansainvälinen kokemus, palveluintensiivinen tuote ja tuoteorientoitunut toimintatapa olivat kannustimia orgaaniselle kasvulle kansainvälisesti.


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Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension are essential in order to reduce the mortality and the morbidity associated with this condition. The decision to treat hypertension is often based on serial office blood pressure measurements, but new non-invasive measurements such as pulse wave velocity or central blood pressure measurement using pulse wave analysis can be useful to assess the cardiovascular risk with more precision. Indeed, pulse vawe velocity, which is a marker of arterial stiffness, is an independent risk factor for future cardiovascular events. Non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies can affect both pulse wave velocity and central pressure. However, more studies are needed in order to determine if these measurements can be use as surrogate marker of cardiovascular disease.


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There are suggestions that some first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients can have favourable outcome without antipsychotic medication. However, there is very limited data regarding patients' characteristics on which the decision to propose medication free treatment could be based. FEPOS is a fi le-based study of an epidemiological sample of 704 FEP patients treated at EPPIC, Melbourne, between 1998 and 2000. Among the 661 patients where data was available, 108 consistently refused medication during the entire duration of their treatment at EPPIC. In this paper we compared, within this sub-group, patients who had a favourable outcome with those who did not. Patients were aged between 15 and 29 years (M = 21.9, SD = 3.40) and the majority were male (70.4%, n = 76). Symptomatic remission data was available on 105 patients; of these patients 41.0% (n = 41) had achieved remission. Functional remission data was available on 100 patients; of these patients 33.0% (n = 33) had achieved functional remission. Combined remission was evident in 23.0% (n = 23) of patients. Three factors were associated with symptomatic remission: better premorbid functioning (based on GAF, OR = 1.07, p = 0.006), higher number of years of education (OR = 1.43, p = 0.020), and being employed or studying at service entry (OR = 2.59, p = 0.034). Three factors were associated with functional remission: shorter duration of prodrome (OR = 0.50, p = 0.043), severity of psychopathology (CGI-S, OR = 0.51, p = 0.024), and vocational status at service entry (OR = 4.29, p = 0.003). While various aspects of pre-morbid functioning seem to correlate with the possibility of a favourable outcome in FEP patients who refuse medication, various limitations need to be taken into account in this study.