1000 resultados para Curso de Pedagogia


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo documental concernente s relaes existentes entre Arte a Educao; partimos da hiptese de que a primeira consagra-se enquanto objeto de pesquisa concomitantemente a sua legitimao enquanto fonte meritria de conhecimento, principalmente no que se refere produo material da existncia humana e as intrnsecas relaes poltico-sociais engendradas por princpios e valores econmicos. Logo, este ensaio foi edificado sobre o alicerce do legado literrio de um dos maiores intelectuais do sculo XX reconhecido na contemporaneidade: o dramaturgo alemo Bertolt Brecht cuja significncia da produo artstica se manifesta no exerccio da compreenso e anlise crtico-reflexiva da funo social e educacional da Arte no mago da sociedade de classes.


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There is realized in the last years a growing increase of the field of the goods turned to the childlike public. This world of objects is accompanied by an ideological world of fantasy allied to the act of consumption. The present inquiry consists of a work of reflection about the pertaining values to this ideology of the society of consumption propagated in the plot of childlike contemporary movies, in a sense of be positioning critically in front of the social and moral questions.


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As questes dessa pesquisa se delinearam a partir de uma outra, sobre a construo do Projeto Pedaggico (Dias e Tuppy, 2010), cujo levantamento preliminar aponta para os temas acima apontados, quais sejam: trabalho coletivo, relaes de poder e mecanismos de valorizao profissional no mbito da instituio escolar, a que chamaremos de categorias de anlise. O trabalho coletivo o mecanismo vital para o xito da vida escolar, e v-se a necessidade de olhar quais os mecanismos dessa prtica. As relaes de poder na escola podem ser vistas de diversos ngulos, e ser outro componente da pesquisa. A desvalorizao e valorizao docente que se vincula a ideologias, a vises da sociedade, e at as questes de gnero. No trabalho preliminar realizado no mbito daquela pesquisa, por 10 pesquisadores, em 53 escolas de uma Rede Municipal de Ensino, tais categorias aparecem de forma recorrente nas discusses realizadas com os profissionais das diferentes escolas, apontando para o fato de que tais temas tem prevalncia no cotidiano escolar, implicando a necessidade de um estudo mais acurado sobre eles. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa, buscar elementos que forneam aporte terico parte das discusses que sero encaminhadas por aquele estudo. Recorreremos, assim, ao levantamento de trabalhos, cuja temtica estabelea relao com as categorias de anlise aqui definidas. Com os objetivos de buscar aporte terico para discusso do cotidiano escolar, levantar trabalhos cientficos que tratem das seguintes temticas: trabalho coletivo, relaes de poder e mecanismos de valorizao profissional no mbito da instituio. Para elaborao deste trabalho ser realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, atravs de levantamento e anlise bibliogrfica, a fim de mapear e analisar a produo cientfica sobre os temas propostos. Tendo j delimitado o tema, faz-se necessrio a busca por bibliografia


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Este estudo teve por objetivo pesquisar a afetividade no universo escolar e mais especificamente na educao infantil. A proposta pretende focar nas manifestaes infantis e nos modos de produo do vnculo da criana com o outro. Neste sentido uma pesquisa de carter bibliogrfico tendo como foco estudos desenvolvidos na rea. Tomo como ponto de partida desta reflexo, olhares para os filmes, O garoto da bicicleta, dos diretores Jean-Pierre e Luc- Dardenne, A central do Brasil, do diretor Walter Salles e o filme Ser e Ter, de Nicolas Philbert. E como ponte de partida aborda a questo da afetividade em autores que discutem a infncia no campo da psicologia do desenvolvimento como Henri Wallon


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Here we present the introduction of a range of sciences experimental activities, designed and developed with a focus on the investigative methodology in an interdisciplinary context. The activities have as main theme water and covers topics of heat and temperature, density and states of matter. The relevance of this project is to promote the first contacts of children with Science in an attractive way, and correctly of the scientific point of view, respecting the cognitive level of each child, trying to stimulate the development of hypotheses, creativity and critical thinking, as well as the development of the narrative, descriptive language and drawing. We developed seven lesson plans that were applied in the year of 2012, during three weeks in a school for early childhood education in the city of Bauru. The activities were conducted with fifteen children aged four to six years old together with the teacher responsible for the group. As main contributions in the teaching learning process we cite: acquiring of new vocabulary, progress in the development of hypotheses, development of collective work, evolution of knowledge of the topics covered, and use of the acquired knowledge to new problems and situations


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The goal of this research is to identify and describe the recreational objects, or toys, childrens play and games offered by teachers from a public municipal school of early childhood education in Pederneiras, a city located inland So Paulo State. The research has started with a retrospective look of the childhood concept and of the recreational objects with in the classical era till the modernity, what has allowed to identify how to play was in history and what is its relation with education. In order to understand how the recreational objects have been seen at school we have made a survey of the oficial Brazilian documents related to the childhood education. The benchmark survey has allowed the organization of a half structured questionnaire and the Kobayashi studies (2009, 2011), was the mean used to identify and classify the recreational objects found at school. The data collected in the benchmark survey in the field remark and by the questionnaire have permitted to identify here recreational objects available by teachers in early childhood education of 3 to 5 years old children at the school mentioned and what they think about the theme, on the other hand the studies performed have allowed us to analyse the adaptation and validity of the recreational objects already found


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We know that play is directly linked to the development and growth of the child. Thinking in this context, were created recreational spaces, more known as playrooms or toy libraries. This research seeks to understand the playful objects used in more visits with children, realized CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru. Therefore, it was necessary to identify the objects necessary to the demands of users of CPA, they were psychology trainees, fellows extension projects, graduate students, teachers and the subjects treated population served. Composed over 1000 objects, the collection must be appropriate to the needs of the CPA. The research in question is characterized as a case study, is related to our shares a scholarship project Playing in the Center for Applied Psychology - CPA, held in the collection playful and Toy CPA, FC UNESP - Bauru, used, in this case, as a field for this research. Watching the playful collection, daily, some questions have arisen about this space became in this study. The data collection period was from September 2011 to September 2012. As an instrument for data collection was mounted a notebook control in order to check the movement of the objects of the collection, also applied a questionnaire to teachers and trainees working in the CPA. At the end of the study we can say that the symbolic games and rules are the objects that are related to care provided in the CPA because of its capabilities to assist in various aspects of the development of children, with the most frequently used symbolic games with children aged 2 to 7 years and the games rules with children aged 7-12 years or more


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Neste estudo desenvolvemos uma anlise das relaes entre a ideologia e as polticas de subjetivao na sociedade moderna atravs do rastreamento de marcas discursivas em peas publicitrias prprias das prticas de governo vinculadas ao autoritarismo. O corpus da pesquisa se delimita no dilogo com os registros que chegaram at ns por meio dos esforos de Victor Klempere, em seu livro A linguagem do terceiro Reich. Este autor nos coloca em contato com propagandas utilizadas na imprensa escrita e falada. Por meio da Anlise do Discurso discutimos o sentido de convencer, enquanto recurso de argumentao e cartografamos os recursos simblicos utilizados nas estratgias de vencer sobre o pblico alvo das propagandas polticas. Queremos observar as marcas dos processos de subjetivao que acompanham os deslizamentos das prticas polticas de convencimento para o exerccio da violncia concentrada nos termos daquilo que se expressou como um ato de vencer pela fora fsica. Que processos de subjetivao se consolidam sob o jugo da fora colocada em exerccio por formas autoritrias de governos sobre os cidados? Como estas marcas reverberam em nossos corpos e limitam as possibilidades de expresso da vida? Estas so as nossas perguntas que nos acompanharam nas leituras, no trabalho do pensamento e da escrita.


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This project was grounded in public policy for inclusive education in the city of Bauru / Brazil. Its objective was to examine the struture of these public policies aimed at inclusive education, which are in place and their effectiveness from the viewpoint of specialist teachers in municipal schools in Bauru/ Brazil. Subjects were 20 teachers of special education specialists who work with students from kindergarten and elementary school in the city of Bauru. To collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical studies carried out showed that the legislation today was the result of many years of changes in structure and design on the figure of people with disabilities and their integration into society. As a result it was possible to draw a profile of specialist teachers, their training, and that has knowledge about the specific legislation. As the profile of the specialist teacher noticed that they have good training, but this should be a continuous process, during his performance.Public policy for Special Education but there are geared towards a macro-structure, which makes them often decontextualized from everyday classroom, and often not enforced because of lack of policies in other areas of basic needs that are constitutional law as well as education


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In regards to the context of the schooling for less the most favored, the school did not appear as intellectual instrument, and yes as prerequisite to take care of to the new requirements of the work market that if modernized the great social changes together with. The school, in turn, if puts in charge them to know scientific, and, for times, them norms of effective behavior in the society and the familiar group, them feelings and moral values, in a transposition of the cultural capital and it capital stock that passed by generations. This work, therefore, had as objective to study the expectations of schooling of the child in pertaining to school age, in the universes of the family and the school, from the speech of the agents of this process (parents, responsible, professors and the children) and of some practical educative referring to the schooling of the child, leaving of estimated of that the school is a democratic space, with equality of rights and the duties. Mediated for cultural a historical boarding, one searched to interpret the pertaining to school and familiar context of the participants, by means of a counterpoint with the studied bibliography, being this presented throughout the work. The research was of qualitative character, the data had been collected by means of comment in two classrooms, one of the third and one of the room year. Half-structuralized interviews had been made, that had been recorded e, later, transcribing. The environment of the research was a public school of the basic education of a city of the interior of the State of So Paulo, that received children proceeding from families of the urban popular classrooms. The results of the analysis of the data point that the professors present a vision of ideal model of family and pupil that does not correspond to the reality of the context of these and of the new nomenclatures of the familiar order... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O estudo proposto focaliza o modo como os professores recebem, consomem e se apropriam de projetos educativos que so implementados nas escolas de ensino fundamental. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que focaliza a implementao, iniciada em 2008, do Projeto Lego Education em escolas de uma rede municipal de ensino no interior paulista. A implementao do referido projeto insere-se em um contexto mais amplo marcado pelo crescimento de um rentvel mercado formativo (Nvoa, 1999) entre ns atualmente. Diante desse contexto, surge uma questo: Como foi, para os professores daquela rede de ensino, a insero do Projeto Lego Education em seu trabalho docente e como os mesmos lidam com o projeto atualmente? Para tentar responder a essa questo o presente estudo foi realizado com os professores que foram capacitados e atuaram na implementao do projeto, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observaes. Objetivou-se investigar como o referido projeto foi apropriado (de Certeau, 1994) pelos professores na sua implementao e como os mesmos percebem o projeto atualmente. Pretendeu-se identificar, assim, maneiras pelas quais os professores relacionam-se com materiais didticos, livros/guias do professor e cursos de capacitao docente ligados ao Projeto Lego Education, procurando caracterizar as maneiras como os mesmos se apropriam e consomem (de Certeau, 1994) tais produtos que lhes so dirigidos. Nesse estudo foi realizada tambm a anlise de documentos relacionados ao Projeto Lego Education (sites das empresas envolvidas, manuais e revistas, entre outros materiais), focando em como esses materiais se referem ao professor e sua prtica em sala de aula. A insero nas escolas pblicas de projetos que, como o LEGO, so provenientes de empresas privadas, aponta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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Este trabalho, financiado pela Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (Fapesp), identifica, caracteriza e analisa, no conjunto dos municpios paulistas de 100.000 a 500.000 habitantes, os diferentes arranjos institucionais firmados entre o Poder Pblico Municipal e instituies privadas para a oferta educacional em creches, bem como verificar as implicaes do FUNDEB - Fundo de Manuteno e Desenvolvimento da Educao Bsica e de Valorizao dos Profissionais da Educao - na performance das matrculas na educao infantil da rede pblica e privada. O perodo considerado para o presente estudo foi entre 2000 e 2009. O incio do perodo em 2000 se justifica pelo prazo final estabelecido pela LDB 9394/96 para integrao das creches aos respectivos sistemas de ensino ser dezembro de 1999. J o trmino do perodo em 2009 possibilita identificar alteraes nas matrculas em creches aps a instituio do FUNDEB. Desta forma utilizamos como procedimento terico-metodolgico o levantamento e anlise bibliogrfica, contatos telefnicos diretos com os gestores municipais para coletar informaes sobre as parcerias, dados disponibilizados no Banco de Dados do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Poltica Educacional (GREPPE), sites oficiais dos municpios e sites governamentais. Constitui-se este trabalho como parte integrante da pesquisa Oferta Educacional nas creches: Arranjos Institucionais entre o Pblico e o Privado financiada pelo CNPq e coordenada pela Prof Dr Raquel Fontes Borghi. O estudo realizado nos permitiu observar diferentes arranjos institucionais entre o Poder Pblico Municipal com instituies privadas, sendo visvel a expanso de parcerias com instituies privadas com fins lucrativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrnico abaixo)


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The discussions waged by several authors in the field of philosophy of science about scientificity and scientific work often fall to the shock of Sciences, who had long substantiate their studies from the perspective of Natural Sciences. Fact that the man away from research, transforming it into a simple object of study. Among these questions, it is necessary to think in a very scientificity of the humanities, which considers the various types of knowledge that makes up the formation of the individual. In this way, approaching the experience, treated by Agambem Benjamin Larrosa and the educational research with children presents itself as a chance to rethink the current paradigm of Sciences. This gives rise to the objective of this work reflect, based on a research conducted with children and imagetic production, the idea of 'research and its relation to the concept of experience'. We will take as its starting point the elaborations on this concept as presented by Giorgio Agamben. We are assuming that the images of that research, are configured as research papers or research and, in this sense, the research is defined as a documentary research


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Violence and school organization are always current issues. And to investigate these two issues, the present study was carried within a public school in the city for being considered a model of educative institution. The analysis focused on finding out why some institutions are considered good and others not and also to explain how these good relations within the school studied. Therefore, we first observed the school in its stages: entry and exit of students, breaks and classroom activities. Then consult the official documents, such as the Management Plan, Rules, Standards, among others. And finally we interviewed staff, targeting participants in the educational process (principal, teacher, staff, students). Facing this data we verified that a good relationship is needed on the beliefs and the search for a favorable environment is the aim for everyone, especially regarding to teaching-learning processes of a student, that is: teamwork. And as every institution has its flaws, we nee greater participation, especially of what we call school community (parents and relatives).


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This conclusion of course work aims to investigate the city of Limerick / SP, in order to question whether there are and what public policies developed by local, if there are training places for young people and targeting the job market or even partnerships between the city and local businesses seeking to supply the concrete conditions of preparation and targeting young people for the labor market. All changes in education accompanied the need to provide skilled labor to contribute to the country's economic development. The work is divided into several chapters. The first chapter is about the whole historical development of professional education in Brazil and new challenges. The second chapter discusses the reality of the world of work changes and their consequences, and the issue of working children and adolescents. The third chapter is about the difficulty of insertion of the poor youth in the current job market. The fourth chapter presents the city of Limerick to the needs of professional schools to meet the large number of trades and industries, which are currently listed by the educational institutions of the city and programs signed between the Municipal bodies and institutions such as SENAC (National Service of Commercial Learning) and Senai (National Service of Industrial Learning). The fifth chapter presents an interview with the CAMPL the city of Limerick, whose goal and give professional training to teens to get the first employee. Readings were taken from several authors who treat on the subject