648 resultados para Crouch, Warren "Gus"
Background:The direct-acting platelet P2Y receptor antagonist ticagrelor can reduce the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events when administered at hospital admission to patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Whether prehospital administration of ticagrelor can improve coronary reperfusion and the clinical outcome is unknown. Methods: We conducted an international, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study involving 1862 patients with ongoing STEMI of less than 6 hours' duration, comparing prehospital (in the ambulance) versus in-hospital (in the catheterization laboratory) treatment with ticagrelor. The coprimary end points were the proportion of patients who did not have a 70% or greater resolution of ST-segment elevation before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and the proportion of patients who did not have Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction flow grade 3 in the infarct-related artery at initial angiography. Secondary end points included the rates of major adverse cardiovascular events and definite stent thrombosis at 30 days. Results: The median time from randomization to angiography was 48 minutes, and the median time difference between the two treatment strategies was 31 minutes. The two coprimary end points did not differ significantly between the prehospital and in-hospital groups. The absence of ST-segment elevation resolution of 70% or greater after PCI (a secondary end point) was reported for 42.5% and 47.5% of the patients, respectively. The rates of major adverse cardiovascular events did not differ significantly between the two study groups. The rates of definite stent thrombosis were lower in the prehospital group than in the in-hospital group (0% vs. 0.8% in the first 24 hours; 0.2% vs. 1.2% at 30 days). Rates of major bleeding events were low and virtually identical in the two groups, regardless of the bleeding definition used
Pesticides can be quite useful in agricultural production, however, some pesticides after application can reach and contaminate the hydric resource. Pesticide monitoring must be careful because it is expensive and lengthy. Thus, in this work, a theoretical prediction was made using the approaches suggested by EPA-USA, the Groundwater Ubiquity Score index (GUS) and the Goss method associated with physicochemical properties of 27 pesticides used in a region in the south of Brazil. The results of this work led to the identification of the pesticides that should be prioritized in the environmental monitoring due to their high potential for contaminating water resources.
São Paulo state (Brazil) has an important area of sugarcane production, mainly for obtaining alcohol and sugar, where there is an intensive use of pesticides. An important recharge zone of Guarani aquifer, with supplies water for the local population, is located at Ribeirão Preto city, so the local behavior of pesticides must be investigated. The GUS index was obtained by using the paramenters Koc and half-life for hezazinone herbicide, determinated in representative soil of this region. This study has demonstrated that there is potential risks of hexazinone leaching to ground water, indicating that this herbicide must be monitored in ground water.
A preliminary analyses of the possible contamination of surface and groundwater by the active ingredients of the pesticide products used in the areas with intensive agricultural activities of Alto Paranaíba region, MG, Brazil, was carried out. The active ingredients and formulated products most used in the region were identified and their characteristics of environmental importance were presented. The EPA screening criteria, the groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) and the criteria proposed by Goss were used to evaluate which pesticides might contaminate the local waters. Among the active ingredients studied, several present risks to the local aquatic environment.
Eucalyptus stands in the setting of worldwide forestry due to its adaptability, rapid growth, production of high-quality and low cost of wood pulp fibers. The eucalyptus convetional breeding is impaired mainlly by the long life cycle making the genetic transformation systems an important tool for this purpose. However, this system requires in vitro eficient protocols for plant induction, regeneration and seletion, that allow to obtain transgenic plants from the transformed cell groups. The aim of this work was to evaluate the callus formation and to optimize the leaves and callus genetic transformation protocol by using the Agrobacterium tumefaciens system. Concerning callus formation, two different culture media were evaluated: MS medium supplemented with auxin, cytokinin (M1) and the MS medium with reduced nitrogen concentration and supplemented with auxin, cytokinin coconut water (M2). To establish the leave genetic transformation, those were exposed to agrobiolistics technique (gene gun), to tissue injury, and A. tumesfasciens EHA 105 contening the vetor pCambia 3301 (35S::GUS::NOS), for gene transference and to establish the callus transformation thoses were exposed only to A. tumefasciens. For both experiments, the influence of different infection periods was evaluated. The M2 medium provided the best values for callus sizea and fresh and dry weight. The leaves genetic transformation using the agrobiolistics technique was effective, the gus gene transient expression could be observed. No significant differences were obtained in the infection periods (4, 6 and 8 minutes). The callus genetic transformation with A. tumefaciens also promotend the gus gene transient expression on the callus co-cultiveted for 15 e 30 minutes. The transformed callus was transfered to a regeneration and selection medium and transformed plants were obtained.
Minimally Invasive Surgery, Telesurgery, Robotics and Virtual Reality represent the technological frontiers that have revolutionized operating practices nowadays. These new technologies aim at improving the quality of assistance offered to patients; thus, they demand from the medical staff more effective measures as far as scientific research, training and expenditure of time and financial resources are concerned. In the past, surgeons have led several medical revolutions, such as the use of antiseptic surgical methods by Semelweiss, the use of anesthesia by Warren, antibiotic therapy, the transplants and the onset of the minimally invasive surgery by Mouret and Perissat. The objective of this article is to present the outreach of this new technology which comprises minimal access, computing, robotics and teletransmission. We have concluded that the new technologies developed in the medical field in the last decades, will offer new options and challenges for the treatment of the surgical patient, leading the scientific knowledge to a new era, the one of the virtual environment.
INTRODUÇÃO: pacientes em amenorréia primária com disgenesia gonadal têm níveis elevados de gonadotrofinas e necessitam de avaliação cromossômica. O estudo citogenético (cariótipo) pode ser realizado na gônada ou no sangue periférico. Nos casos de amenorréia primária sem sinal de virilização, a necessidade de investigação adicional do cariótipo da gônada não está estabelecida. OBJETIVO: revisar os cariótipos de gônadas (ovários) de mulheres com amenorréia primária e compará-los com os resultados do cariótipo no sangue periférico, relacionando-os às características fenotípicas das pacientes. MÉTODOS: foram analisados retrospectivamente os dados clínicos e os cariótipos de doze pacientes atendidas no período de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2003 no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. RESULTADOS: nas pacientes incluídas, quando o motivo da investigação foi amenorréia primária sem sinal de virilização, o cariótipo da gônada foi concordante com o cariótipo do sangue periférico nos oito casos avaliados (sete pacientes com cariótipo 46XX e uma paciente com cariótipo 46XY). A paciente oito foi a única com sinal de virilização (hipertrofia de clitóris) e o único caso de cariótipos discordantes. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo sugere que o cariótipo de gônada não traz informação adicional ao cariótipo do sangue periférico nas pacientes com amenorréia primária sem sinais de virilização. Até o momento todos os trabalhos publicados tiveram número pequeno de pacientes. A análise da relação custo-benefício pode permitir redução de estresse psicológico para paciente e familiares, bem como redução de custos para as instituições.
OBJETIVO: Identificar a etiologia da hidropisia fetal não imune em gestantes diagnosticadas e encaminhadas para acompanhamento pré-natal. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com análise dos casos de hidropisia fetal não imune que foram acompanhados entre março de 1992 e dezembro de 2011. Os casos tiveram confirmação diagnóstica pela presença de edema de subcutâneo fetal (≥5 mm) com derrame em pelo menos uma cavidade serosa por meio da ultrassonografia obstétrica, e a investigação etiológica foi realizada com pesquisa citogenética (cariótipo), infecciosa (sífilis, parvovírus B19, toxoplasmose, rubéola, citomegalovírus, adenovírus e herpes simples), hematológica e metabólica (erros inatos), além de com ecocardiografia fetal. Foram excluídas as gestações gemelares. A análise estatística foi efetuada pelo teste do χ² para aderência (software R 2.11.1). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídas 116 pacientes com hidropisia fetal não imune, sendo que 91 casos (78,5%) tiveram a etiologia elucidada e 25 casos (21,5%) foram classificados como causa idiopática. A etiologia cromossômica foi a que apresentou maior número de casos, totalizando 26 (22,4%), seguida da etiologia linfática com 15 casos (12,9%, sendo 11 casos de higroma cístico), da etiologia cardiovascular e da infecciosa com 14 casos cada (12,1%). Os demais casos tiveram etiologia torácica em 6,9% (oito casos), síndromes malformativas em 4,3% (cinco casos), tumores extratorácicos em 3,4% (quatro casos), metabólica em 1,7% (dois casos), hematológica, gastrintestinal e geniturinária em 0,9% cada (um caso cada). No período pós-natal, foram seguidos 104 casos por até 40 dias de vida, 12 casos tiveram morte fetal intrauterina. A sobrevida desses 104 recém-nascidos foi de 23,1% (24 sobreviveram). CONCLUSÃO: a etiologia da hidropisia diagnosticada na gestação deve tentar ser esclarecida, uma vez que está associada a um amplo espectro de doenças. É especialmente importante para determinar se uma condição potencialmente tratável está presente e para identificar doenças com risco de recorrência em futuras gestações para aconselhamento pré-concepcional adequado.