969 resultados para Contaminated sites


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Part I

The spectrum of dissolved mercury atoms in simple liquids has been shown to be capable of revealing information concerning local structures in these liquids.

Part II

Infrared intensity perturbations in simple solutions have been shown to involve more detailed interaction than just dielectric polarization. No correlation has been found between frequency shifts and intensity enhancements.

Part III

Evidence for perturbed rotation of HCl in rare gas matrices has been found. The magnitude of the barrier to rotation is concluded to be of order of 30 cm^(-1).


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O óleo lubrificante mineral é amplamente utilizado no cenário mundial no funcionamento de máquinas e motores. No entanto, o ciclo de vida deste petro-derivado resulta na geração de um resíduo (óleo lubrificante usado), o qual é nocivo ao meio ambiente quando não descartado adequadamente ou reciclado. No Brasil, apesar das normas que tratam especificamente do armazenamento, recolhimento e destino de óleo lubrificante usado, grande parte do mesmo ainda é despejado diretamente no meio ambiente, sem qualquer tratamento, sendo de grande importância estudos que visem o entendimento dos processos e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse resíduo. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi conduzir estudos de tratabilidade de solo arenoso contaminado experimentalmente com 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante usado, através de duas diferentes estratégias de biorremediação: bioestímulo e bioaumento. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos. No primeiro, foi avaliada a atividade microbiana aeróbia na biodegradação do OLU através do método respirométrico de Bartha. No segundo, foram montados três biorreatores de fase sólida simulando biopilhas estáticas com aeração forçada, cada um contendo 125 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante automotivo usado, os quais receberam como tratamento: bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade (BIOSca); bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto maduro (BIOA1ca) ; e bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto jovem (BIOA2ca). Foram também montados três biorreatores de bancada simulando biopilhas estáticas sem aeração forçada, cada um contendo 3 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1) do mesmo contaminante, sendo que o primeiro continha solo sem contaminação - CONTsa, o segundo, solo contaminado com ajuste de pH BIOSsa e o terceiro, solo contaminado com adição de 0,3% de azida sódica - ABIOsa. Os tratamentos foram avaliados pela remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (HTPs) e após 120 dias de experimento obteve-se remoções de HTPs de 84,75%, 99,99% e 99,99%, com BIOS, BIOA1 e BIOA2, respectivamente, demonstrando que a estratégia de bioestímulo associada ao bioaumento foram promissoras na remediação do solo contaminado pelo óleo lubrificante usado. Os tratamentos que receberam composto (BIOA1 e BIOA2) não apresentaram diferenças quanto à remoção de HTPs, evidenciando que a fase de maturação dos compostos não apresentou influência na eficiência do processo. No entanto, verificou-se uma eficiência nos tratamentos que receberam composto quando comparado ao tratamento sem adição de composto


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G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of proteins within the human genome. They consist of seven transmembrane (TM) helices, with a N-terminal region of varying length and structure on the extracellular side, and a C-terminus on the intracellular side. GPCRs are involved in transmitting extracellular signals to cells, and as such are crucial drug targets. Designing pharmaceuticals to target GPCRs is greatly aided by full-atom structural information of the proteins. In particular, the TM region of GPCRs is where small molecule ligands (much more bioavailable than peptide ligands) typically bind to the receptors. In recent years nearly thirty distinct GPCR TM regions have been crystallized. However, there are more than 1,000 GPCRs, leaving the vast majority of GPCRs with limited structural information. Additionally, GPCRs are known to exist in a myriad of conformational states in the body, rendering the static x-ray crystal structures an incomplete reflection of GPCR structures. In order to obtain an ensemble of GPCR structures, we have developed the GEnSeMBLE procedure to rapidly sample a large number of variations of GPCR helix rotations and tilts. The lowest energy GEnSeMBLE structures are then docked to small molecule ligands and optimized. The GPCR family consists of five subfamilies with little to no sequence homology between them: class A, B1, B2, C, and Frizzled/Taste2. Almost all of the GPCR crystal structures have been of class A GPCRs, and much is known about their conserved interactions and binding sites. In this work we particularly focus on class B1 GPCRs, and aim to understand that family’s interactions and binding sites both to small molecules and their native peptide ligands. Specifically, we predict the full atom structure and peptide binding site of the glucagon-like peptide receptor and the TM region and small molecule binding sites for eight other class B1 GPCRs: CALRL, CRFR1, GIPR, GLR, PACR, PTH1R, VIPR1, and VIPR2. Our class B1 work reveals multiple conserved interactions across the B1 subfamily as well as a consistent small molecule binding site centrally located in the TM bundle. Both the interactions and the binding sites are distinct from those seen in the more well-characterized class A GPCRs, and as such our work provides a strong starting point for drug design targeting class B1 proteins. We also predict the full structure of CXCR4 bound to a small molecule, a class A GPCR that was not closely related to any of the class A GPCRs at the time of the work.


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As transformações sociais advindas da popularização de Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) como a Internet são flagrantes. E a regulamentação destas novas práticas deve ser condizente com as peculiaridades das relações jurídicas desenvolvidas neste âmbito. Este trabalho visa analisar o problema da responsabilidade civil por danos à pessoa humana sofridos no âmbito dos sites de redes sociais pela criação e uso de perfis falsos. Assim, primeiramente, faz-se uma análise introdutória do fenômeno da Internet e das visões sobre as possíveis formas de regulamentação jurídica das condutas praticadas por meio da Rede. Posteriormente, adstringe-se à temática dos danos morais, buscando-se conceituá-los sob a ótica civil constitucional, como danos à pessoa humana. Finalmente, chega-se ao estudo dos perfis falsos, enfrentando-se a problemática dos danos morais sofridos por seu manejo. São desdobradas em três subproblemas: se são ou não capazes civilmente os usuários, chegando-se ao estudo dos perfis de menores de idade; se existem ou não as pessoas representadas nos perfis, subdividindo-se a análise nas hipóteses de perfis criados em roubo de identidade e perfis que representem criações intelectuais e; se estão ou não vivas as pessoas descritas nos perfis, trazendo-se à baila a hipótese dos perfis de pessoas falecidas.


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Two landing sites were chosen in Tanzania for the 4-beaches survey. The former, Ihale, is a large one with an avarage of 120 boats and direct connections to the fish processing factories. The latter, Mwasonge, is one of the smallest landing sites in the Mwanza region with totally different characteristics. This book section aims to analyse the results from these two sites in the context of the co-management potentialities in Tanzania and more generally on the Lake Victoria region.


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This dissertation describes studies on two multinucleating ligand architectures: the first scaffold was designed to support tricopper complexes, while the second platform was developed to support tri- and tetrametallic clusters.

In Chapter 2, the synthesis of yttrium (and lanthanide) complexes supported by a tripodal ligand framework designed to bind three copper centers in close proximity is described. Tricopper complexes were shown to react with dioxygen in a 1:1 [Cu3]/O2 stoichiometry to form intermediates in which the O–O bond was fully cleaved, as characterized via UV-Vis spectroscopy and determination of the reaction stoichiometry. Pre-arrangement of the three Cu centers was pivotal to cooperative O2 activation, as mono-copper complexes reacted differently with dioxgyen. The reactivity of the observed intermediates was studied with various substrates (reductants, O-atom acceptors, H-atom donors, Brønsted acids) to determine their properties. In Chapter 3, the reactivity of the same yttrium-tricopper complex with nitric oxide was explored. Reductive coupling to form a trans-hyponitrite complex (characterized by X-ray crystallography) was observed via cooperative reactivity by an yttrium and a copper center on two distinct tetrametallic units. The hyponitrite complex was observed to release nitrous oxide upon treatment with a Brønsted acid, supporting its viability as an intermediate in nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide.

In Chapter 4, a different multinucleating ligand scaffold was employed to synthesize heterometallic triiron clusters containing one oxide and one hydroxide bridges. The effects of the redox-inactive, Lewis acidic heterometals on redox potential was studied by cyclic voltammetry, unveiling a linear correlation between redox potential and heterometal Lewis acidity. Further studies on these complexes showed that the Lewis acidity of the redox-inactive metals also affected the oxygen-atom transfer reactivity of these clusters. Comparisons of this reactivity with manganese systems, collaborative efforts to reassign the structures of related manganese oxo-hydroxo clusters, and synthetic attempts to access related dioxo clusters are also described.

In Appendix A, ongoing efforts to synthesize new clusters supported by the same multinucleating ligand platform are described. Studies of novel approaches towards ligand exchange in tetrametallic clusters and incorporation of new supporting and bridging ligand motifs in trinuclear complexes are presented.


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Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.


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Sampling was concentrated on the North Moor region and the series of ditches which drained this area to the Bristol Channel. Although most ditches were not deep the mud substratum precluded sampling from within the habitat. All samples were taken with a pond net from the banks. Efforts were made to sample each part of the habitat although in some ditches the macrophyte growth was so intense as to make sampling difficult particularly of the sediments. Organisms were identified on the 10 sampling sites.


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The value of specially designated sites in conserving biodiversity has been a hotly debated issue for many years. The debate has recently been given fresh impetus by the creation of Natural England, the new Government Agency responsible for the protection and enhancement of the natural environment in England, and the challenges facing the management of designated sites resulting from the increasingly tangible effects of climate change. In the freshwater environment, the role of designated sites is very much under the spotlight because of the implementation of the European 'Water Framework' Directive, which aspires to holistic, ecologically-based management of aquatic habitats.This paper explores the underlying premises of, and rationale for, special site designations for wildlife, and provides a frank account of the inevitable clash of management philosophies that designated sites create in the freshwater environment, drawing on experiences of managing designated freshwater sites in England over the past decade. A positive role is outlined for designated sites in freshwater conservation, which addresses these management conflicts in a way that not only meets Government obligations towards these sites but also paves the way for enlightened, progressive management of the wider freshwater resource. As part of this account, attempts are made to clarify the relationship between key biodiversity-related policy drivers in the freshwater environment, and to explain how the spectre of climate change can be addressed within designated site management. The importance of strategic freshwater science, collaboratively designed and funded, in maximising the value of the designated freshwater site network to the wider freshwater habitat resource, is stressed.


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The objective of the work was to develop a non-invasive methodology for image acquisition, processing and nonlinear trajectory analysis of the collective fish response to a stochastic event. Object detection and motion estimation were performed by an optical flow algorithm in order to detect moving fish and simultaneously eliminate background, noise and artifacts. The Entropy and the Fractal Dimension (FD) of the trajectory followed by the centroids of the groups of fish were calculated using Shannon and permutation Entropy and the Katz, Higuchi and Katz-Castiglioni's FD algorithms respectively. The methodology was tested on three case groups of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), two of which were similar (C1 control and C2 tagged fish) and very different from the third (C3, tagged fish submerged in methylmercury contaminated water). The results indicate that Shannon entropy and Katz-Castiglioni were the most sensitive algorithms and proved to be promising tools for the non-invasive identification and quantification of differences in fish responses. In conclusion, we believe that this methodology has the potential to be embedded in online/real time architecture for contaminant monitoring programs in the aquaculture industry.


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Alguns cientistas ambientais prevêem que a poluição dos solos será um dos maiores legados com grandes impactos para as gerações futuras, pois atualmente ainda existe desconhecimento das fontes poluidoras e da sua extensão. O Brasil, devido a sua extensão territorial, suas bacias hidrográficas, número de postos de abastecimentos e controles ambientais ainda ineficazes, está muito exposto a esse tipo de poluição. Atualmente, há no Brasil mais de 34.300 postos de combustíveis, com volume de 65.000.000 m3 de gasolina e diesel consumidos anualmente, conforme dados da Agência Nacional do Petróleo Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis , ANP, em 2008. Sendo assim, a exposição e contaminação dos solos e dos lençóis freáticos com constituintes aromáticos do diesel e gasolina torna-se um sério problema ambiental. Dentro deste grupo, encontram-se o benzeno, tolueno, xileno, conhecido como BTEX e os hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos, conhecido como PAH. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a remediação in-situ de um posto de combustíveis na região do ABC Paulista, no Estado de São Paulo. Aplicando-se a técnica de Processo Oxidativo Avançado via reagente de Fenton (H2O2 + Fe2+ → Fe3+ + OH- + OH . ), o radical hidroxila gerado mineraliza compostos aromáticos, decompondo-os definitivamente. Amostras de água do posto em estudo apresentavam elevados teores de BTEX e PAH, 2,58 mg.L-1 e 0,298 mg.L-1 respectivamente, estando em níveis não tolerados pelo órgão ambiental paulista CETESB sendo necessária a intervenção para tratamento da área. Com os níveis de poluentes e o perfil hidrogeológico identificados, a remediação foi iniciada com injeções no solo de peróxido de hidrogênio a 8%v.v, FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 e solução à base de NPK (nitrogênio, fósforo e nitrogênio) a 100 mg.L-1 como nutrientes para os microorganismos do solo. Estes valores são provenientes de experimentos anteriores e tratamentos já realizados. Foram conduzidas campanhas de injeção trimestrais com 100 litros desta solução completa como reagente , e medições trimestrais de BTEX, PAH e outros parâmetros de controle, que foram indicando o sucesso do tratamento. Após 18 meses o local foi considerado tratado pelo órgão ambiental, onde monitoramentos semestrais estão em continuidade para garantir o resultado do tratamento e das ações corretivas. Assim, o estudo real da remediação de solos contaminados com os poluentes orgânicos via processo de Fenton, com concentração de H2O2 a 8%v/v, e FeSO4 a 0,40 mg.L-1 demonstrou-se uma técnica de sucesso. O entendimento dos resultados da remediação, mesmo sujeitos aos fenômenos naturais, como intempéries e chuvas, é uma experiência grande, pois por mais reais que simulações em laboratório possam ser, é muito difícil incluir nestes sistemas, as variações que um tratamento real está exposto